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using System;
using UIKit;
using OpenTK.Platform.iPhoneOS;
using OpenTK.Graphics.ES11;
using CoreGraphics;
using ObjCRuntime;
using CoreAnimation;
using OpenTK.Graphics;
using Foundation;
using OpenGLES;
namespace LowLevelGLPaint
public class EAGLView : UIView {
All _depthFormat;
bool _autoResize;
iPhoneOSGraphicsContext _context;
uint _framebuffer;
uint _renderbuffer;
uint _depthbuffer;
CGSize _size;
bool _hasBeenCurrent;
[Export ("layerClass")]
public static Class LayerClass ()
return new Class (typeof (CAEAGLLayer));
public EAGLView (CGRect frame)
: this (frame, All.Rgb565Oes, 0, false)
public EAGLView (CGRect frame, All format)
: this (frame, format, 0, false)
public EAGLView (CGRect frame, All format, All depth, bool retained) : base (frame)
CAEAGLLayer eaglLayer = (CAEAGLLayer) Layer;
eaglLayer.DrawableProperties = new NSDictionary (
EAGLDrawableProperty.RetainedBacking, true,
EAGLDrawableProperty.ColorFormat, EAGLColorFormat.RGBA8
_depthFormat = depth;
_context = (iPhoneOSGraphicsContext) ((IGraphicsContextInternal) GraphicsContext.CurrentContext).Implementation;
CreateSurface ();
protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
DestroySurface ();
_context = null;
void CreateSurface ()
CAEAGLLayer eaglLayer = (CAEAGLLayer) Layer;
if (!_context.IsCurrent)
var newSize = eaglLayer.Bounds.Size;
newSize.Width = (float) Math.Round (newSize.Width);
newSize.Height = (float) Math.Round (newSize.Height);
int oldRenderbuffer = 0, oldFramebuffer = 0;
GL.GetInteger (All.RenderbufferBindingOes, out oldRenderbuffer);
GL.GetInteger (All.FramebufferBindingOes, out oldFramebuffer);
GL.Oes.GenRenderbuffers (1,out _renderbuffer);
GL.Oes.BindRenderbuffer (All.RenderbufferOes, _renderbuffer);
if (!_context.EAGLContext.RenderBufferStorage ((uint) All.RenderbufferOes, eaglLayer)) {
GL.Oes.DeleteRenderbuffers (1, ref _renderbuffer);
GL.Oes.BindRenderbuffer (All.RenderbufferBindingOes, (uint) oldRenderbuffer);
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Error with RenderbufferStorage()!");
GL.Oes.GenFramebuffers (1, out _framebuffer);
GL.Oes.BindFramebuffer (All.FramebufferOes, _framebuffer);
GL.Oes.FramebufferRenderbuffer (All.FramebufferOes, All.ColorAttachment0Oes, All.RenderbufferOes, _renderbuffer);
if (_depthFormat != 0) {
GL.Oes.GenRenderbuffers (1, out _depthbuffer);
GL.Oes.BindFramebuffer (All.RenderbufferOes, _depthbuffer);
GL.Oes.RenderbufferStorage (All.RenderbufferOes, _depthFormat, (int) newSize.Width, (int) newSize.Height);
GL.Oes.FramebufferRenderbuffer (All.FramebufferOes, All.DepthAttachmentOes, All.RenderbufferOes, _depthbuffer);
_size = newSize;
if (!_hasBeenCurrent) {
GL.Viewport (0, 0, (int) newSize.Width, (int) newSize.Height);
GL.Scissor (0, 0, (int) newSize.Width, (int) newSize.Height);
_hasBeenCurrent = true;
GL.Oes.BindFramebuffer (All.FramebufferOes, (uint) oldFramebuffer);
GL.Oes.BindRenderbuffer (All.RenderbufferOes, (uint) oldRenderbuffer);
Action<EAGLView> a = OnResized;
if (a != null)
a (this);
void DestroySurface ()
EAGLContext oldContext = EAGLContext.CurrentContext;
if (!_context.IsCurrent)
if (_depthFormat != 0) {
GL.Oes.DeleteRenderbuffers (1, ref _depthbuffer);
_depthbuffer = 0;
GL.Oes.DeleteRenderbuffers (1, ref _renderbuffer);
_renderbuffer = 0;
GL.Oes.DeleteFramebuffers (1, ref _framebuffer);
_framebuffer = 0;
EAGLContext.SetCurrentContext (oldContext);
public override void LayoutSubviews ()
var bounds = Bounds;
if (_autoResize && ((float) Math.Round (bounds.Width) != _size.Width) ||
((float) Math.Round (bounds.Height) != _size.Height)) {
DestroySurface ();
CreateSurface ();
void SetAutoResizesEaglSurface (bool resize)
_autoResize = resize;
if (_autoResize)
LayoutSubviews ();
public void SetCurrentContext ()
public bool IsCurrentContext {
get {return _context.IsCurrent;}
public void ClearCurrentContext ()
if (!EAGLContext.SetCurrentContext (null))
Console.WriteLine ("Failed to clear current context!");
public void SwapBuffers ()
EAGLContext oldContext = EAGLContext.CurrentContext;
if (!_context.IsCurrent)
int oldRenderbuffer = 0;
GL.GetInteger (All.RenderbufferBindingOes, out oldRenderbuffer);
GL.Oes.BindRenderbuffer (All.RenderbufferOes, _renderbuffer);
if (!_context.EAGLContext.PresentRenderBuffer ((uint) All.RenderbufferOes))
Console.WriteLine ("Failed to swap renderbuffer!");
EAGLContext.SetCurrentContext (oldContext);
public CGPoint ConvertPointFromViewToSurface (CGPoint point)
var bounds = Bounds;
return new CGPoint ((point.X - bounds.X) / bounds.Width * _size.Width,
(point.Y - bounds.Y) / bounds.Height * _size.Height);
public CGRect ConvertRectFromViewToSurface (CGRect rect)
var bounds = Bounds;
return new CGRect (
(rect.X - bounds.X) / bounds.Width * _size.Width,
(rect.Y - bounds.Y) / bounds.Height * _size.Height,
rect.Width / bounds.Width * _size.Width,
rect.Height / bounds.Height * _size.Height);
public event Action<EAGLView> OnResized;