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using System;
using UIKit;
using Foundation;
using CoreGraphics;
using QuartzSample;
public class LineDrawingView : QuartzView
public override void DrawInContext (CGContext context)
// Draw lines with a white stroke color
context.SetStrokeColor (1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
// Draw them with a 2.0 stroke width so they are more visible
context.SetLineWidth (2);
context.MoveTo (10, 30);
context.AddLineToPoint (310, 30);
context.StrokePath ();
// Draw connected sequence of lines
var points = new CGPoint [] {
new CGPoint (10, 90),
new CGPoint (70, 60),
new CGPoint (130, 90),
new CGPoint (190, 60),
new CGPoint (250, 90),
new CGPoint (310, 60)
context.AddLines (points);
context.StrokePath ();
var segments = new CGPoint [] {
new CGPoint (10, 150),
new CGPoint (70, 120),
new CGPoint (130, 150),
new CGPoint (190, 120),
new CGPoint (250, 150),
new CGPoint (310, 120),
// Bulk call to stroke a sequence of line segments
context.StrokeLineSegments (segments);
public class LineWidthDrawingView : QuartzView
public override void DrawInContext (CGContext context)
context.SetStrokeColor (1, 1, 1, 1f);
// Draw lines with a stroke width from 1-10
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) {
context.SetLineWidth (i);
context.MoveTo (10, (float)i * 20.5f);
context.AddLineToPoint (310, (float)i * 20.5f);
context.StrokePath ();
// Demonstration that stroke is even on both sides of the line
context.SetLineWidth (15);
context.MoveTo (10, 245.5f);
context.AddLineToPoint (310, 245.5f);
context.StrokePath ();
context.SetStrokeColor (1, 0, 0, 1);
context.SetLineWidth (3);
context.MoveTo (10, 245.5f);
context.AddLineToPoint (310, 245.5f);
context.StrokePath ();
public class LineCapJoinDrawingView : QuartzView
public override void DrawInContext (CGContext context)
// Drawing lines with a white stroke color
context.SetStrokeColor (1, 1, 1, 1);
// Preserve the current drawing state
context.SaveState ();
// Set the line width so that the cap is visible
context.SetLineWidth (20);
// Line caps demonstration
// Line cap butt, default.
context.SetLineCap (CGLineCap.Butt);
context.MoveTo (40, 30);
context.AddLineToPoint (280, 30);
context.StrokePath ();
// Line cap round
context.SetLineCap (CGLineCap.Round);
context.MoveTo (40, 65);
context.AddLineToPoint (280, 65);
context.StrokePath ();
// Line cap square
context.SetLineCap (CGLineCap.Square);
context.MoveTo (40, 100);
context.AddLineToPoint (280, 100);
context.StrokePath ();
// Restore the previous drawing state, and save it again.
context.RestoreState ();
context.SaveState ();
// Set the line width so that the join is visible
context.SetLineWidth (20);
// Line join miter, default
context.SetLineJoin (CGLineJoin.Miter);
context.MoveTo (40, 260);
context.AddLineToPoint (160, 140);
context.AddLineToPoint (280, 260);
context.StrokePath ();
// Line join round
context.SetLineJoin (CGLineJoin.Round);
context.MoveTo (40, 320);
context.AddLineToPoint (160, 200);
context.AddLineToPoint (280, 320);
context.StrokePath ();
// Line join bevel
context.SetLineJoin (CGLineJoin.Bevel);
context.MoveTo (40, 380);
context.AddLineToPoint (160, 260);
context.AddLineToPoint (280, 380);
context.StrokePath ();
// Restore the previous drawing state.
context.RestoreState ();
// Demonstrate where the path that generated each line is
context.SetStrokeColor (1, 0, 0, 1);
context.SetLineWidth (3);
context.MoveTo (40, 30);
context.AddLineToPoint (280, 30);
context.MoveTo (40, 65);
context.AddLineToPoint (280, 65);
context.MoveTo (40, 100);
context.AddLineToPoint (280, 100);
context.MoveTo (40, 260);
context.AddLineToPoint (160, 140);
context.AddLineToPoint (280, 260);
context.MoveTo (40, 320);
context.AddLineToPoint (160, 200);
context.AddLineToPoint (280, 320);
context.MoveTo (40, 380);
context.AddLineToPoint (160, 260);
context.AddLineToPoint (280, 380);
context.StrokePath ();
public class LineDashDrawingView : QuartzView
public override void DrawInContext (CGContext context)
// Drawing lines with a white stroke color
context.SetStrokeColor (1, 1, 1, 1);
// Draw them with a 2 stroke width so they are a bit more visible.
context.SetLineWidth (2);
// Each dash entry is a run-length in the current coordinate system.
// For dash1 we demonstrate the effect of the number of entries in the dash array
// when count==2, we get length 10 drawn, length 10 skipped, etc
// when count==3, we get 10 drawn, 10 skipped, 20 draw, 10 skipped, 10 drawn, 20 skipped, etc
// and so on
var dash1 = new nfloat [] { 10, 10, 20, 30, 50 };
// Different dash lengths
for (int i = 2; i <= 5; ++i) {
context.SetLineDash (0, dash1, i);
context.MoveTo (10, (i - 1) * 20);
context.AddLineToPoint (310, (i - 1) * 20);
context.StrokePath ();
// For dash2 we always use count 4, but use it to demonstrate the phase
// phase=0 starts us 0 points into the dash, so we draw 10, skip 10, draw 20, skip 20, etc.
// phase=6 starts 6 points in, so we draw 4, skip 10, draw 20, skip 20, draw 10, skip 10, etc.
// phase=12 stats us 12 points in, so we skip 8, draw 20, skip 20, draw 10, skip 10, etc.
// and so on.
nfloat[] dash2 = { 10, 10, 20, 20 };
// Different dash phases
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
context.SetLineDash (i * 6, dash2, 4);
context.MoveTo (10, (float)(i + 6) * 20);
context.AddLineToPoint (310, (float)(i + 6) * 20);
context.StrokePath ();