
597 строки
22 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using CoreGraphics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Foundation;
using UIKit;
using ObjCRuntime;
using CoreText;
namespace SimpleTextInput
[Adopts ("UITextInput")]
[Adopts ("UIKeyInput")]
[Adopts ("UITextInputTraits")]
[Register ("EditableCoreTextView")]
public class EditableCoreTextView : UIView
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ();
IUITextInputTokenizer tokenizer;
SimpleCoreTextView textView;
NSDictionary markedTextStyle;
IUITextInputDelegate inputDelegate;
public delegate void ViewWillEditDelegate (EditableCoreTextView editableCoreTextView);
public event ViewWillEditDelegate ViewWillEdit;
public EditableCoreTextView (CGRect frame)
: base (frame)
// Add tap gesture recognizer to let the user enter editing mode
UITapGestureRecognizer tap = new UITapGestureRecognizer (Tap) {
ShouldReceiveTouch = delegate(UIGestureRecognizer recognizer, UITouch touch) {
// If gesture touch occurs in our view, we want to handle it
return touch.View == this;
AddGestureRecognizer (tap);
// Create our tokenizer and text storage
tokenizer = new UITextInputStringTokenizer ();
// Create and set up our SimpleCoreTextView that will do the drawing
textView = new SimpleCoreTextView (Bounds.Inset (5, 5));
textView.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight;
UserInteractionEnabled = true;
AutosizesSubviews = true;
AddSubview (textView);
textView.Text = string.Empty;
textView.UserInteractionEnabled = false;
protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
markedTextStyle = null;
tokenizer = null;
text = null;
textView = null;
base.Dispose (disposing);
#region Custom user interaction
// UIResponder protocol override - our view can become first responder to
// receive user text input
public override bool CanBecomeFirstResponder {
get {
return true;
// UIResponder protocol override - called when our view is being asked to resign
// first responder state (in this sample by using the "Done" button)
public override bool ResignFirstResponder ()
textView.IsEditing = false;
return base.ResignFirstResponder ();
// Our tap gesture recognizer selector that enters editing mode, or if already
// in editing mode, updates the text insertion point
[Export ("Tap:")]
public void Tap (UITapGestureRecognizer tap)
if (!IsFirstResponder) {
// Inform controller that we're about to enter editing mode
if (ViewWillEdit != null)
ViewWillEdit (this);
// Flag that underlying SimpleCoreTextView is now in edit mode
textView.IsEditing = true;
// Become first responder state (which shows software keyboard, if applicable)
BecomeFirstResponder ();
} else {
// Already in editing mode, set insertion point (via selectedTextRange)
// Find and update insertion point in underlying SimpleCoreTextView
int index = textView.ClosestIndex (tap.LocationInView (textView));
textView.MarkedTextRange = new NSRange (NSRange.NotFound, 0);
textView.SelectedTextRange = new NSRange (index, 0);
#region UITextInput methods
[Export ("inputDelegate")]
public IUITextInputDelegate InputDelegate {
get {
return inputDelegate;
set {
inputDelegate = value;
[Export ("markedTextStyle")]
public NSDictionary MarkedTextStyle {
get {
return markedTextStyle;
set {
markedTextStyle = value;
#region UITextInput - Replacing and Returning Text
// UITextInput required method - called by text system to get the string for
// a given range in the text storage
[Export ("textInRange:")]
string TextInRange (UITextRange range)
IndexedRange r = (IndexedRange) range;
return text.ToString ().Substring ((int)r.Range.Location, (int)r.Range.Length);
// UITextInput required method - called by text system to replace the given
// text storage range with new text
[Export ("replaceRange:withText:")]
void ReplaceRange (UITextRange range, string text)
IndexedRange r = (IndexedRange) range;
NSRange selectedNSRange = textView.SelectedTextRange;
// Determine if replaced range intersects current selection range
// and update selection range if so.
if (r.Range.Location + r.Range.Length <= selectedNSRange.Location) {
// This is the easy case.
selectedNSRange.Location -= (r.Range.Length - text.Length);
} else {
// Need to also deal with overlapping ranges. Not addressed
// in this simplified sample.
// Now replace characters in text storage
this.text.Remove ((int)r.Range.Location, (int)r.Range.Length);
this.text.Insert ((int)r.Range.Location, text);
// Update underlying SimpleCoreTextView
textView.Text = this.text.ToString ();
textView.SelectedTextRange = selectedNSRange;
#region UITextInput - Working with Marked and Selected Text
// UITextInput selectedTextRange property accessor overrides
// (access/update underlaying SimpleCoreTextView)
[Export ("selectedTextRange")]
IndexedRange SelectedTextRange {
get {
return IndexedRange.GetRange (textView.SelectedTextRange);
set {
textView.SelectedTextRange = value.Range;
// UITextInput markedTextRange property accessor overrides
// (access/update underlaying SimpleCoreTextView)
[Export ("markedTextRange")]
IndexedRange MarkedTextRange {
get {
return IndexedRange.GetRange (textView.MarkedTextRange);
// UITextInput required method - Insert the provided text and marks it to indicate
// that it is part of an active input session.
[Export ("setMarkedText:selectedRange:")]
void SetMarkedText (string markedText, NSRange selectedRange)
NSRange selectedNSRange = textView.SelectedTextRange;
NSRange markedTextRange = textView.MarkedTextRange;
if (markedText == null)
markedText = string.Empty;
if (markedTextRange.Location != NSRange.NotFound) {
// Replace characters in text storage and update markedText range length
text.Remove ((int)markedTextRange.Location, (int)markedTextRange.Length);
text.Insert ((int)markedTextRange.Location, markedText);
markedTextRange.Length = markedText.Length;
} else if (selectedNSRange.Length > 0) {
// There currently isn't a marked text range, but there is a selected range,
// so replace text storage at selected range and update markedTextRange.
text.Remove ((int)selectedNSRange.Location, (int)selectedNSRange.Length);
text.Insert ((int)selectedNSRange.Location, markedText);
markedTextRange.Location = selectedNSRange.Location;
markedTextRange.Length = markedText.Length;
} else {
// There currently isn't marked or selected text ranges, so just insert
// given text into storage and update markedTextRange.
text.Insert ((int)selectedNSRange.Location, markedText);
markedTextRange.Location = selectedNSRange.Location;
markedTextRange.Length = markedText.Length;
// Updated selected text range and underlying SimpleCoreTextView
selectedNSRange = new NSRange (selectedRange.Location + markedTextRange.Location, selectedRange.Length);
textView.Text = text.ToString ();
textView.MarkedTextRange = markedTextRange;
textView.SelectedTextRange = selectedNSRange;
// UITextInput required method - Unmark the currently marked text.
[Export ("unmarkText")]
void UnmarkText ()
NSRange markedTextRange = textView.MarkedTextRange;
if (markedTextRange.Location == NSRange.NotFound)
// unmark the underlying SimpleCoreTextView.markedTextRange
markedTextRange.Location = NSRange.NotFound;
textView.MarkedTextRange = markedTextRange;
#region UITextInput - Computing Text Ranges and Text Positions
// UITextInput beginningOfDocument property accessor override
[Export ("beginningOfDocument")]
IndexedPosition BeginningOfDocument {
get {
// For this sample, the document always starts at index 0 and is the full
// length of the text storage
return IndexedPosition.GetPosition (0);
// UITextInput endOfDocument property accessor override
[Export ("endOfDocument")]
IndexedPosition EndOfDocument {
get {
// For this sample, the document always starts at index 0 and is the full
// length of the text storage
return IndexedPosition.GetPosition (text.Length);
// UITextInput protocol required method - Return the range between two text positions
// using our implementation of UITextRange
[Export ("textRangeFromPosition:toPosition:")]
IndexedRange GetTextRange (UITextPosition fromPosition, UITextPosition toPosition)
// Generate IndexedPosition instances that wrap the to and from ranges
IndexedPosition @from = (IndexedPosition) fromPosition;
IndexedPosition @to = (IndexedPosition) toPosition;
NSRange range = new NSRange (Math.Min (@from.Index, @to.Index), Math.Abs (to.Index - @from.Index));
return IndexedRange.GetRange (range);
// UITextInput protocol required method - Returns the text position at a given offset
// from another text position using our implementation of UITextPosition
[Export ("positionFromPosition:offset:")]
IndexedPosition GetPosition (UITextPosition position, int offset)
// Generate IndexedPosition instance, and increment index by offset
IndexedPosition pos = (IndexedPosition) position;
int end = pos.Index + offset;
// Verify position is valid in document
if (end > text.Length || end < 0)
return null;
return IndexedPosition.GetPosition (end);
// UITextInput protocol required method - Returns the text position at a given offset
// in a specified direction from another text position using our implementation of
// UITextPosition.
[Export ("positionFromPosition:inDirection:offset:")]
IndexedPosition GetPosition (UITextPosition position, UITextLayoutDirection direction, int offset)
// Note that this sample assumes LTR text direction
IndexedPosition pos = (IndexedPosition) position;
int newPos = pos.Index;
switch (direction) {
case UITextLayoutDirection.Right:
newPos += offset;
case UITextLayoutDirection.Left:
newPos -= offset;
case UITextLayoutDirection.Up:
case UITextLayoutDirection.Down:
// This sample does not support vertical text directions
// Verify new position valid in document
if (newPos < 0)
newPos = 0;
if (newPos > text.Length)
newPos = text.Length;
return IndexedPosition.GetPosition (newPos);
#region UITextInput - Evaluating Text Positions
// UITextInput protocol required method - Return how one text position compares to another
// text position.
[Export ("comparePosition:toPosition:")]
NSComparisonResult ComparePosition (UITextPosition position, UITextPosition other)
IndexedPosition pos = (IndexedPosition) position;
IndexedPosition o = (IndexedPosition) other;
// For this sample, we simply compare position index values
if (pos.Index == o.Index) {
return NSComparisonResult.Same;
} else if (pos.Index < o.Index) {
return NSComparisonResult.Ascending;
} else {
return NSComparisonResult.Descending;
// UITextInput protocol required method - Return the number of visible characters
// between one text position and another text position.
[Export ("offsetFromPosition:toPosition:")]
int GetOffset (IndexedPosition @from, IndexedPosition toPosition)
return @from.Index - toPosition.Index;
#region UITextInput - Text Input Delegate and Text Input Tokenizer
// UITextInput tokenizer property accessor override
// An input tokenizer is an object that provides information about the granularity
// of text units by implementing the UITextInputTokenizer protocol. Standard units
// of granularity include characters, words, lines, and paragraphs. In most cases,
// you may lazily create and assign an instance of a subclass of
// UITextInputStringTokenizer for this purpose, as this sample does. If you require
// different behavior than this system-provided tokenizer, you can create a custom
// tokenizer that adopts the UITextInputTokenizer protocol.
[Export ("tokenizer")]
IUITextInputTokenizer Tokenizer {
get {
return tokenizer;
#region UITextInput - Text Layout, writing direction and position related methods
// UITextInput protocol method - Return the text position that is at the farthest
// extent in a given layout direction within a range of text.
[Export ("positionWithinRange:farthestInDirection:")]
IndexedPosition GetPosition (UITextRange range, UITextLayoutDirection direction)
// Note that this sample assumes LTR text direction
IndexedRange r = (IndexedRange) range;
int pos = (int)r.Range.Location;
// For this sample, we just return the extent of the given range if the
// given direction is "forward" in a LTR context (UITextLayoutDirectionRight
// or UITextLayoutDirectionDown), otherwise we return just the range position
switch (direction) {
case UITextLayoutDirection.Up:
case UITextLayoutDirection.Left:
pos = (int)r.Range.Location;
case UITextLayoutDirection.Right:
case UITextLayoutDirection.Down:
pos = (int)(r.Range.Location + r.Range.Length);
// Return text position using our UITextPosition implementation.
// Note that position is not currently checked against document range.
return IndexedPosition.GetPosition (pos);
// UITextInput protocol required method - Return a text range from a given text position
// to its farthest extent in a certain direction of layout.
[Export ("characterRangeByExtendingPosition:inDirection:")]
IndexedRange GetCharacterRange (UITextPosition position, UITextLayoutDirection direction)
// Note that this sample assumes LTR text direction
IndexedPosition pos = (IndexedPosition) position;
NSRange result = new NSRange (pos.Index, 1);
switch (direction) {
case UITextLayoutDirection.Up:
case UITextLayoutDirection.Left:
result = new NSRange (pos.Index - 1, 1);
case UITextLayoutDirection.Right:
case UITextLayoutDirection.Down:
result = new NSRange (pos.Index, 1);
// Return range using our UITextRange implementation
// Note that range is not currently checked against document range.
return IndexedRange.GetRange (result);
// UITextInput protocol required method - Return the base writing direction for
// a position in the text going in a specified text direction.
[Export ("baseWritingDirectionForPosition:inDirection:")]
UITextWritingDirection GetBaseWritingDirection (UITextPosition position, UITextStorageDirection direction)
return UITextWritingDirection.LeftToRight;
// UITextInput protocol required method - Set the base writing direction for a
// given range of text in a document.
[Export ("setBaseWritingDirection:forRange:")]
void SetBaseWritingDirection (UITextWritingDirection writingDirection, UITextRange range)
// This sample assumes LTR text direction and does not currently support BiDi or RTL.
#region UITextInput - Geometry methods
// UITextInput protocol required method - Return the first rectangle that encloses
// a range of text in a document.
[Export ("firstRectForRange:")]
CGRect FirstRect (UITextRange range)
// FIXME: the Objective-C code doesn't get a null range
// This is the reason why we don't get the autocorrection suggestions
// (it'll just autocorrect without showing any suggestions).
// Possibly due to
IndexedRange r = (IndexedRange) (range ?? IndexedRange.GetRange (new NSRange (0, 1)));
// Use underlying SimpleCoreTextView to get rect for range
CGRect rect = textView.FirstRect (r.Range);
// Convert rect to our view coordinates
return ConvertRectFromView (rect, textView);
// UITextInput protocol required method - Return a rectangle used to draw the caret
// at a given insertion point.
[Export ("caretRectForPosition:")]
CGRect CaretRect (UITextPosition position)
// FIXME: the Objective-C code doesn't get a null position
// This is the reason why we don't get the autocorrection suggestions
// (it'll just autocorrect without showing any suggestions).
// Possibly due to
IndexedPosition pos = (IndexedPosition) (position ?? IndexedPosition.GetPosition (0));
// Get caret rect from underlying SimpleCoreTextView
CGRect rect = textView.CaretRect (pos.Index);
// Convert rect to our view coordinates
return ConvertRectFromView (rect, textView);
#region UITextInput - Hit testing
// Note that for this sample hit testing methods are not implemented, as there
// is no implemented mechanic for letting user select text via touches. There
// is a wide variety of approaches for this (gestures, drag rects, etc) and
// any approach chosen will depend greatly on the design of the application.
// UITextInput protocol required method - Return the position in a document that
// is closest to a specified point.
[Export ("closestPositionToPoint:")]
UITextPosition ClosestPosition (CGPoint point)
// Not implemented in this sample. Could utilize underlying
// SimpleCoreTextView:closestIndexToPoint:point
return null;
// UITextInput protocol required method - Return the position in a document that
// is closest to a specified point in a given range.
[Export ("closestPositionToPoint:withinRange:")]
UITextPosition ClosestPosition (CGPoint point, UITextRange range)
// Not implemented in this sample. Could utilize underlying
// SimpleCoreTextView:closestIndexToPoint:point
return null;
// UITextInput protocol required method - Return the character or range of
// characters that is at a given point in a document.
[Export ("characterRangeAtPoint:")]
UITextRange CharacterRange (CGPoint point)
// Not implemented in this sample. Could utilize underlying
// SimpleCoreTextView:closestIndexToPoint:point
return null;
#region UITextInput - Returning Text Styling Information
// UITextInput protocol method - Return a dictionary with properties that specify
// how text is to be style at a certain location in a document.
[Export ("textStylingAtPosition:inDirection:")]
NSDictionary TextStyling (UITextPosition position, UITextStorageDirection direction)
// This sample assumes all text is single-styled, so this is easy.
return new NSDictionary (CTStringAttributeKey.Font, textView.Font);
#region UIKeyInput methods
// UIKeyInput required method - A Boolean value that indicates whether the text-entry
// objects have any text.
[Export ("hasText")]
bool HasText {
get { return text.Length > 0; }
// UIKeyInput required method - Insert a character into the displayed text.
// Called by the text system when the user has entered simple text
[Export ("insertText:")]
void InsertText (string text)
NSRange selectedNSRange = textView.SelectedTextRange;
NSRange markedTextRange = textView.MarkedTextRange;
// Note: While this sample does not provide a way for the user to
// create marked or selected text, the following code still checks for
// these ranges and acts accordingly.
if (markedTextRange.Location != NSRange.NotFound) {
// There is marked text -- replace marked text with user-entered text
this.text.Remove ((int)markedTextRange.Location, (int)markedTextRange.Length);
this.text.Insert ((int)markedTextRange.Location, text);
selectedNSRange.Location = markedTextRange.Location + text.Length;
selectedNSRange.Length = 0;
markedTextRange = new NSRange (NSRange.NotFound, 0);
} else if (selectedNSRange.Length > 0) {
// Replace selected text with user-entered text
this.text.Remove ((int)selectedNSRange.Location, (int)selectedNSRange.Length);
this.text.Insert ((int)selectedNSRange.Location, text);
selectedNSRange.Length = 0;
selectedNSRange.Location += text.Length;
} else {
// Insert user-entered text at current insertion point
this.text.Insert ((int)selectedNSRange.Location, text);
selectedNSRange.Location += text.Length;
// Update underlying SimpleCoreTextView
textView.Text = this.text.ToString ();
textView.MarkedTextRange = markedTextRange;
textView.SelectedTextRange = selectedNSRange;
// UIKeyInput required method - Delete a character from the displayed text.
// Called by the text system when the user is invoking a delete (e.g. pressing
// the delete software keyboard key)
[Export ("deleteBackward")]
void DeleteBackward ()
NSRange selectedNSRange = textView.SelectedTextRange;
NSRange markedTextRange = textView.MarkedTextRange;
// Note: While this sample does not provide a way for the user to
// create marked or selected text, the following code still checks for
// these ranges and acts accordingly.
if (markedTextRange.Location != NSRange.NotFound) {
// There is marked text, so delete it
text.Remove ((int)markedTextRange.Location, (int)markedTextRange.Length);
selectedNSRange.Location = markedTextRange.Location;
selectedNSRange.Length = 0;
markedTextRange = new NSRange (NSRange.NotFound, 0);
} else if (selectedNSRange.Length > 0) {
// Delete the selected text
text.Remove ((int)selectedNSRange.Location, (int)selectedNSRange.Length);
selectedNSRange.Length = 0;
} else if (selectedNSRange.Location > 0) {
// Delete one char of text at the current insertion point
selectedNSRange.Length = 1;
text.Remove ((int)selectedNSRange.Location, (int)selectedNSRange.Length);
selectedNSRange.Length = 0;
// Update underlying SimpleCoreTextView
textView.Text = text.ToString ();
textView.MarkedTextRange = markedTextRange;
textView.SelectedTextRange = selectedNSRange;