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using System;
using CoreGraphics;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using ObjCRuntime;
using Foundation;
using AppKit;
namespace SamplesButtonMadness
public partial class TestWindowController : AppKit.NSWindowController
#region members
NSPopUpButton codeBasedPopUpDown;
NSPopUpButton codeBasedPopUpRight;
NSButton codeBasedButtonRound;
NSButton codeBasedButtonSquare;
NSSegmentedControl codeBasedSegmentControl;
NSLevelIndicator codeBasedIndicator;
#region Constructors
// Called when created from unmanaged code
public TestWindowController (IntPtr handle) : base(handle)
// Called when created directly from a XIB file
public TestWindowController (NSCoder coder) : base(coder)
// Call to load from the XIB/NIB file
public TestWindowController () : base("TestWindow")
//strongly typed window accessor
public new TestWindow Window {
get { return (TestWindow)base.Window; }
#region implementation
public override void AwakeFromNib ()
base.AwakeFromNib ();
#region first two buttons
// add the image menu item back to the first menu item
NSMenuItem menuItem = new NSMenuItem ("", new Selector (""), "");
menuItem.Image = NSImage.ImageNamed ("moof.png");
buttonMenu.InsertItem (menuItem, 0);
nibBasedPopUpDown.Menu = buttonMenu;
nibBasedPopUpRight.Menu = buttonMenu;
// create the pull down button pointing DOWN
CGRect buttonFrame = placeHolder1.Frame;
codeBasedPopUpDown = new NSPopUpButton (buttonFrame, true);
((NSPopUpButtonCell)codeBasedPopUpDown.Cell).ArrowPosition = NSPopUpArrowPosition.Bottom;
((NSPopUpButtonCell)codeBasedPopUpDown.Cell).BezelStyle = NSBezelStyle.ThickSquare;
codeBasedPopUpDown.Menu = buttonMenu;
popupBox.AddSubview (codeBasedPopUpDown);
placeHolder1.RemoveFromSuperview ();
// create the pull down button pointing RIGHT
buttonFrame = placeHolder2.Frame;
codeBasedPopUpRight = new NSPopUpButton (buttonFrame, true);
((NSPopUpButtonCell)codeBasedPopUpRight.Cell).ArrowPosition = NSPopUpArrowPosition.Bottom;
((NSPopUpButtonCell)codeBasedPopUpRight.Cell).PreferredEdge = NSRectEdge.MaxXEdge;
((NSPopUpButtonCell)codeBasedPopUpRight.Cell).BezelStyle = NSBezelStyle.Circular;
codeBasedPopUpRight.Menu = buttonMenu;
((NSPopUpButtonCell)codeBasedPopUpRight.Cell).HighlightsBy = (nint)(int)NSCellStyleMask.ChangeGrayCell;
popupBox.AddSubview (codeBasedPopUpRight);
placeHolder2.RemoveFromSuperview ();
#region second two buttons
// create the rounded button
buttonFrame = placeHolder3.Frame;
// note: this button we want alternate title and image, so we need to call this:
codeBasedButtonRound = new NSButton (buttonFrame) {
Title = "NSButton",
AlternateTitle = "(pressed)",
Image = NSImage.ImageNamed ("moof.png"),
AlternateImage = NSImage.ImageNamed ("moof2.png"),
BezelStyle = NSBezelStyle.RegularSquare,
ImagePosition = NSCellImagePosition.ImageLeft,
Font = NSFont.SystemFontOfSize (NSFont.SmallSystemFontSize),
Sound = NSSound.FromName ("Pop"),
// Two choices, either use the .NET event system:
// foo.Activated += delegate {..} or += SomeMethod
// Or you can use the Target = this Action = new Selector ("buttonAction:")
// pattern
codeBasedButtonRound.Activated += delegate {
buttonAction (null);
codeBasedButtonRound.SetButtonType (NSButtonType.MomentaryChange);
codeBasedButtonRound.Cell.Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Left;
buttonBox.AddSubview (codeBasedButtonRound);
placeHolder3.RemoveFromSuperview (); // we are done with the place holder, remove it from the window
// create the square button
buttonFrame = placeHolder4.Frame;
codeBasedButtonSquare = new NSButton (buttonFrame){
Title = "NSButton",
BezelStyle = NSBezelStyle.ShadowlessSquare,
ImagePosition = NSCellImagePosition.ImageLeft,
Image = NSImage.ImageNamed ("moof.png"),
Font = NSFont.SystemFontOfSize (NSFont.SmallSystemFontSize),
Sound = NSSound.FromName ("Pop"),
codeBasedButtonSquare.Activated += delegate { buttonAction (null); };
codeBasedButtonSquare.Cell.Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Left;
buttonBox.AddSubview (codeBasedButtonSquare);
placeHolder4.RemoveFromSuperview (); // we are done with the place holder, remove it from the window
#region segmented control
buttonFrame = placeHolder5.Frame;
codeBasedSegmentControl = new NSSegmentedControl(buttonFrame) {
SegmentCount = 3,
Target = this,
Action = new Selector("segmentAction:")
codeBasedSegmentControl.SetWidth (nibBasedSegControl.GetWidth(0), 0);
codeBasedSegmentControl.SetWidth (nibBasedSegControl.GetWidth (1), 1);
codeBasedSegmentControl.SetWidth (nibBasedSegControl.GetWidth (2), 2);
codeBasedSegmentControl.SetLabel ("One", 0);
codeBasedSegmentControl.SetLabel ("Two", 1);
codeBasedSegmentControl.SetLabel ("Three", 2);
segmentBox.AddSubview (codeBasedSegmentControl);
placeHolder5.RemoveFromSuperview ();
// use a menu to the first segment (applied to both nib-based and code-based)
codeBasedSegmentControl.SetMenu (buttonMenu, 0);
nibBasedSegControl.SetMenu (buttonMenu, 0);
// add icons to each segment (applied to both nib-based and code-based)
NSImage segmentIcon1 = NSWorkspace.SharedWorkspace.IconForFileType (HfsTypeCode.ComputerIcon);
segmentIcon1.Size = new CGSize(16, 16);
nibBasedSegControl.SetImage (segmentIcon1, 0);
codeBasedSegmentControl.SetImage (segmentIcon1, 0);
NSImage segmentIcon2 = NSWorkspace.SharedWorkspace.IconForFileType (HfsTypeCode.DesktopIcon);
segmentIcon2.Size = new CGSize (16, 16);
nibBasedSegControl.SetImage (segmentIcon2, 1);
codeBasedSegmentControl.SetImage (segmentIcon2, 1);
NSImage segmentIcon3 = NSWorkspace.SharedWorkspace.IconForFileType (HfsTypeCode.FinderIcon);
segmentIcon3.Size = new CGSize (16, 16);
nibBasedSegControl.SetImage (segmentIcon3, 2);
codeBasedSegmentControl.SetImage (segmentIcon3, 2);
#region level indicator
buttonFrame = placeHolder8.Frame;
codeBasedIndicator = new NSLevelIndicator(buttonFrame) {
MaxValue = 10,
MajorTickMarkCount = 4,
TickMarkCount = 7,
WarningValue = 5,
CriticalValue = 8,
Action = new Selector("levelAction:")
codeBasedIndicator.Cell.LevelIndicatorStyle = NSLevelIndicatorStyle.DiscreteCapacity;
#region event handlers
partial void dropDownAction (NSObject sender)
Console.WriteLine ("Drop down button clicked");
partial void buttonAction (NSObject sender)
Console.WriteLine ("Button clicked");
partial void segmentAction (NSObject sender)
Console.WriteLine ("Segment button clicked");
partial void levelAction (NSObject sender)
Console.WriteLine ("Level action clicked");
partial void unselectAction (NSObject sender)
partial void levelAdjustAction (NSObject sender)
NSStepper stepper = sender as NSStepper;
Console.WriteLine ("Change level: {0}", stepper.IntValue);
nibBasedIndicator.IntValue = stepper.IntValue;
codeBasedIndicator.IntValue = stepper.IntValue;