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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using CoreGraphics;
using Foundation;
using AppKit;
using OpenGL;
namespace MonoMacGameView
public partial class MonoMacGameWindowController : AppKit.NSWindowController
bool isInFullScreenMode;
// full-screen mode
NSWindow fullScreenWindow;
MyOpenGLView fullScreenView;
bool isAnimating;
double updatesPerSecond = 0;
// Call to load from the XIB/NIB file
public MonoMacGameWindowController () : base ("MonoMacGameWindow")
//strongly typed window accessor
public new MonoMacGameWindow Window {
get {
return (MonoMacGameWindow)base.Window;
public override void AwakeFromNib ()
openGLView.WindowStateChanged += delegate {
if (openGLView.WindowState == WindowState.Fullscreen)
FullScreen = true;
FullScreen = false;
openGLView.Run (updatesPerSecond);
isAnimating = true;
public bool FullScreen {
get { return isInFullScreenMode; }
set {
if (isInFullScreenMode != value) {
isInFullScreenMode = value;
if (isInFullScreenMode)
GoFullScreenMode ();
GoWindowMode ();
private void StartAnimation ()
if (isAnimating)
if (!isInFullScreenMode)
openGLView.Run (updatesPerSecond);
fullScreenView.Run (updatesPerSecond);
isAnimating = true;
private void StopAnimation ()
if (!isAnimating)
if (!isInFullScreenMode)
openGLView.Stop ();
fullScreenView.Stop ();
isAnimating = false;
private void GoFullScreenMode ()
isInFullScreenMode = true;
// Pause the non-fullscreen view
openGLView.Stop ();
CGRect mainDisplayRect;
CGRect viewRect;
// Create a screen-sized window on the display you want to take over
// Note, mainDisplayRect has a non-zero origin if the key window is on a secondary display
mainDisplayRect = NSScreen.MainScreen.Frame;
fullScreenWindow = new NSWindow (mainDisplayRect, NSWindowStyle.Borderless, NSBackingStore.Buffered, true);
// Set the window level to be above the menu bar
fullScreenWindow.Level = NSWindowLevel.MainMenu + 1;
// Perform any other window configuration you desire
fullScreenWindow.IsOpaque = true;
fullScreenWindow.HidesOnDeactivate = true;
// Create a view with a double-buffered OpenGL context and attach it to the window
// By specifying the non-fullscreen context as the shareContext, we automatically inherit the
// OpenGL objects (textures, etc) it has defined
viewRect = new CGRect (0, 0, mainDisplayRect.Size.Width, mainDisplayRect.Size.Height);
fullScreenView = new MyOpenGLView (viewRect, openGLView.OpenGLContext);
fullScreenWindow.ContentView = fullScreenView;
// Show the window
fullScreenWindow.MakeKeyAndOrderFront (this);
if (!isAnimating) {
// Mark the view as needing drawing to initalize its contents
fullScreenView.NeedsDisplay = true;
} else {
// Start playing the animation
fullScreenView.Run (updatesPerSecond);
private void GoWindowMode ()
isInFullScreenMode = false;
// use OrderOut here instead of Close or nasty things will happen with Garbage Collection and a double free
fullScreenWindow.OrderOut (this);
fullScreenWindow.Dispose ();
fullScreenWindow = null;
// Switch to the non-fullscreen context
openGLView.MakeCurrent ();
if (!isAnimating) {
// Mark the view as needing drawing
// The animation has advanced while we were in full-screen mode, so its current contents are stale
openGLView.NeedsDisplay = true;
} else {
// continue playing the animation
openGLView.Run (updatesPerSecond);