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[build] use a repository-wide NuGet.config (#2903) Context: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/consume-packages/configuring-nuget-behavior Context: http://build.devdiv.io/2500191 Context: https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-android/pull/2859#issuecomment-476691256 Context: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/msbuild/exec-task We are randomly getting failures during Windows builds such as: NuGet.targets(114,5): Unable to load the service index for source https://someurl.visualstudio.com/_packaging/Dev/nuget/v3/index.json. Response status code does not indicate success: 401 (Unauthorized). It appears that some of our build machines on Azure DevOps have a global (or user-level) `NuGet.Config` file that points to a NuGet feed we don't have access to. The way we can workaround this, is to provide our own `NuGet.config` file that *only* uses the official nuget.org feed. * We can put a top-level `NuGet.config` next to our SLN files. * We also need to use this file during MSBuild tests. I also made sure any calls to `nuget restore` are giving us the highest log information via `-Verbosity Detailed`. This will tell us what `NuGet.config` files and feeds are used. Also in `PrepareWindows.targets`, any `<Exec/>` calls that run `NuGet.exe` need `IgnoreStandardErrorWarningFormat` set. Otherwise MSBuild treats certain output as errors. Finally, fix the `AndroidUpdateResourcesTest.CheckXmlResourcesFilesAreProcessed()` test so that `b.Build (proj, doNotCleanupOnUpdate: true)` is used. Otherwise, `$(ProjectLockFile)` is deleted on the second build, which [causes the test to fail][0]: Target _GenerateJavaStubs should have been skipped Expected: True But was: False [0]: https://jenkins.mono-project.com/job/xamarin-android-pr-pipeline-release/386/testReport/junit/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tests.AndroidUpdateResourcesTest/CheckXmlResourcesFilesAreProcessed/_False____Release/
2019-04-01 23:07:22 +03:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<clear />
<!-- ensure only the sources defined below are used -->
Bump to xamarin/Java.Interop/main@b46598a2; packageSources (#5608) Context: https://medium.com/@alex.birsan/dependency-confusion-4a5d60fec610 Context: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/resources/3-ways-to-mitigate-risk-using-private-package-feeds/ Context: https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/DevDiv/_wiki/wikis/DevDiv.wiki/12676/ncident-help-for-Substitution-attack-risk-from-multiple-package-feeds Changes: https://github.com/xamarin/Java.Interop/compare/ee7b6bbe382bf408cc1a991e6149819889ad8c6c...b46598a254c20060b107312564e0ec0aee9e33d6 * xamarin/Java.Interop@b46598a2: Bump to xamarin/xamarin-android-tools/main@479931ce; packageSources (#796) There is a Package Substitution Attack inherent in NuGet, whereby if multiple package sources provide packages with the same name, it is *indeterminate* which package source will provide the package. For example, consider the [`XliffTasks` package][0], currently provided from the [`dotnet-eng`][1] feed, and *not* present in the NuGet.org feed. If a "hostile attacker" submits an `XliffTasks` package to NuGet.org, then we don't know, and cannot control, whether the build will use the "hostile" `XliffTasks` package from NuGet.org or the "desired" package from `dotnet-eng`. There are two ways to prevent this attack: 1. Use `//packageSources/clear` and have *only one* `//packageSources/add` entry in `NuGet.config` 2. Use `//packageSources/clear` and *fully trust* every `//packageSources/add` entry in `NuGet.config`. `NuGet.org` *cannot* be a trusted source, nor can any feed location which allows "anyone" to add new packages, nor can a feed which itself contains [upstream sources][2]. As the `XliffTasks` package is *not* in `NuGet.org`, option (1) isn't an option. Go with option (2), using the existing `dotnet-eng` source and the new *trusted* [`dotnet-public`][3] package source. Update `azure-pipelines.yaml` to call [`NuGetAuthenticate@0`][4] with `forceReinstallCredentialProvider: true`. This is needed so that our commercial builds are able to authenticate with VSTS to access internal package feeds. [0]: https://github.com/dotnet/xliff-tasks [1]: https://dev.azure.com/dnceng/public/_packaging?_a=feed&feed=dotnet-eng [2]: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/artifacts/concepts/upstream-sources?view=azure-devops [3]: https://dev.azure.com/dnceng/public/_packaging?_a=feed&feed=dotnet-public [4]: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/tasks/package/nuget-authenticate?view=azure-devops
2021-02-11 00:40:02 +03:00
<add key="dotnet-public" value="https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/dnceng/public/_packaging/dotnet-public/nuget/v3/index.json" protocolVersion="3" />
[Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] Move XA4214 warning text into .resx file (#3900) Context: https://dev.azure.com/devdiv/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1009374/ This is a first step toward localizing the MSBuild error and warning messages produced by `Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks.dll`. We will be following the [.NET Resource Localization pattern][0] and generating satellite assemblies using [`.resx` files][1], in particular `src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/Resources.resx`. `Resources.resx` is an XML file, and will contain `/root/data` elements in which `//data/@name` will start with the Xamarin.Android error or warning code, and `//data/value` will be the error or warning message: <root> <data name="XA4214" xml:space="preserve"> <value>The managed type `{0}` exists in multiple assemblies: {1}. Please refactor the managed type names in these assemblies so that they are not identical.</value> </data> </root> An optional `//data/comment` element may be provided to describe the meaning within the `//data/value` element to translators: <data name="XA4214" xml:space="preserve"> <value>The managed type `{0}` exists in multiple assemblies: {1}. Please refactor the managed type names in these assemblies so that they are not identical.</value> <comment> {0} - The managed type name {1} - Comma-separated list of all the assemblies where the managed type exists </comment> </data> During the build, `Resources.resx` will be translated into a `Resources.Designer.cs` file: namespace Xamarin.Android.Tasks.Properties { internal partial class Resources { internal static string XA4214 { get => ... } } } The `Resources` members should be used to obtain all strings for use in `LogCodedError()` and `LogCodedWarning()` calls: Log.LogCodedWarning ("XA4214", Properties.Resources.XA4214, kvp.Key, string.Join (", ", kvp.Value)); When an MSBuild error or warning code is used with more than one output string, then a semantically meaningful suffix should be used to distinguish between the two: <data name="XA4214_Result" xml:space="preserve"> <value>References to the type `{0}` will refer to `{0}, {1}`.</value> </data> Note that this infrastructure does not interoperate with C#6 string interpolation. Any error or warning messages currently using C#6 string interpolation will need to use .NET 1.0-style format strings. Our translation team doesn't work directly with `.resx` files. Instead, the translation team works with [XLIFF files][2]. `Resources.resx` is converted into a set of `src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/xlf/Resources.*.xlf` files via `XliffTasks.targets` from the [dotnet/xliff-tasks][3] repo. The `Resources.*.xlf` files should be automatically updated whenever `Resources.resx` is updated. Other: * This approach leaves the error code `XA4214` as a string literal for now. This differs from what dotnet/sdk and microsoft/msbuild do; they instead include the message code as part of the string resource in the `.resx` file. That might sometimes provide useful additional context for the translation team, but it also requires using a different set of logging methods from `Microsoft.Build.Utilities.TaskLoggingHelper`. * Fix the Test MSBuild Azure Pipelines build Specify the `feedsToUse` and `nugetConfigPath` inputs for the [`NuGetCommand@2`][6] Azure Pipelines task so that the NuGet restore step will be able to restore XliffTasks successfully from the dotnet-eng Azure DevOps NuGet package feed. This resolves the following error: The nuget command failed with exit code(1) and error(Errors in packages.config projects Unable to find version '1.0.0-beta.19252.1' of package 'XliffTasks'. C:\Users\dlab14\.nuget\packages\: Package 'XliffTasks.1.0.0-beta.19252.1' is not found on source 'C:\Users\dlab14\.nuget\packages\'. https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json: Package 'XliffTasks.1.0.0-beta.19252.1' is not found on source 'https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json'.) TODO: * When `Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks.csproj` is converted into a [short-form project][4], add a dependency on dotnet/arcade and switch to using the [`GenerateResxSource` mechanism][5] instead of using `%(EmbeddedResource.Generator)`=ResXFileCodeGenerator and set `$(UsingToolXliff)`=True. This would match dotnet/sdk. [0]: https://docs.microsoft.com/dotnet/framework/resources/index [1]: https://docs.microsoft.com/dotnet/framework/resources/creating-resource-files-for-desktop-apps#resources-in-resx-files [2]: http://docs.oasis-open.org/xliff/v1.2/os/xliff-core.html [3]: https://github.com/dotnet/xliff-tasks [4]: https://docs.microsoft.com/visualstudio/msbuild/how-to-use-project-sdk [5]: https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/blob/e67d9f098029ebecedf11012a749b532d68ad2a9/Documentation/ArcadeSdk.md#generateresxsource-bool [6]: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/devops/pipelines/tasks/package/nuget
2019-12-07 21:58:58 +03:00
<add key="dotnet-eng" value="https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/dnceng/public/_packaging/dotnet-eng/nuget/v3/index.json" protocolVersion="3" />
<add key="dotnet7" value="https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/dnceng/public/_packaging/dotnet7/nuget/v3/index.json" />
Bump to dotnet/installer/main@d5520378 8.0.200-alpha.1.22511.1 (#7451) Changes: https://github.com/dotnet/installer/compare/11f6b8f7129e34d5317f47ccbc110b2b11c05749...d552037815b75e01be05b6e8d269d54413363e7f Changes: https://github.com/dotnet/linker/compare/5f9bfd94d9c687207872ae03f751ea19704381c0...493ce626f3278b2d0fd883330bf11a64254981bb Changes: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/compare/6d10e4c8bcd9f96ccd73748ff827561afa09af57...b8d49801fe03b96d2fead3d97a11dce1e723dd17 Context: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/77273 Context: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/commit/e46523032d72c8b0d2b14ce4b14229a8c268a6e5 Context: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/77385 Build and run under .NET 8! .NET 8 is used by default for the default build. Running unit tests also requires installing .NET 6 and .NET 7 as well. Configure dotnet6 + dotnet7 + dotnet8 NuGet feeds. Run `darc update-dependencies --id 152596` to update the dotnet/installer version in `eng/Version.Details.xml`. (ID values come from [Maestro][0].) Update `AutoImport.props` to only evaluate default android items in .NET 8. Update `$(DotNetTargetFrameworkVersion)` to 8.0, and `$(DotNetStableTargetFramework)` to `net7.0`. (Technically .NET 7 isn't stable *yet*, but it will be soon enough…) Update `*.apkdesc` files so that unit tests pass. Update `PackagingTest.CheckIncludedAssemblies()` test to remove assemblies which are no longer included in .NET 8-based apps. Update `use-dot-net.yaml` to take a new `quality` parameter, and install .NET Core 3.1 quality=GA, not 3.1.417 specifically. Avoids the error: dotnet-install: Failed to locate the latest version in the channel '3.1.417' with 'preview' quality for 'dotnet-sdk', os: 'win', architecture: 'x64'. Update `src/Mono.Android.Export` to pass `MethodAttributes.Static | MethodAttributes.Public` to the `DynamicMethod` constructor, not just `MethodAttributes.Static`. This avoids a `NotSupportedException` under .NET 8; see also dotnet/runtime@e4652303 and dotnet/runtime#77273: System.NotSupportedException: Wrong MethodAttributes or CallingConventions for DynamicMethod. Only public, static, standard supported at System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod.CheckConsistency(MethodAttributes attributes, CallingConventions callingConvention) at System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod.Init(String name, MethodAttributes attributes, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type returnType, Type[] signature, Type owner, Module m, Boolean skipVisibility, Boolean transparentMethod) at System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod..ctor(String name, MethodAttributes attributes, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes, Module m, Boolean skipVisibility) at Java.Interop.DynamicCallbackCodeGenerator.GenerateNativeCallbackDelegate() at Java.Interop.DynamicCallbackCodeGenerator.GetCallback() at Java.Interop.DynamicCallbackCodeGenerator.Create(MethodInfo method) at System.Reflection.MethodInvoker.InterpretedInvoke(Object obj, Span`1 args, BindingFlags invokeAttr) Update `XASdkTests.DotNetPublish()` for .NET 8. With 745214deb0 we asserted that builds using the *non-* latest target framework would use a `Mono.Android.dll` reference assembly *from the build*, not from an existing published/NuGet-provided `Microsoft.Android.Ref` package. This started failing because `$(TargetFramework)`=net7.0-android is no longer the latest framework and thus *should* be using published packages, not in-tree bits: Build should be using C:\a_work\1\s\xamarin-android\bin\Release\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.Android.Ref.33\34.0.0-ci.pr.gh7451.52\ref\net7.0\Mono.Android.dll Expected: True But was: False Update the test to instead make this assertion only for the latest target framework (`net8.0-android`), skipping .NET 7. Remove an assertion of no build warnings under `net7.0`; this isn't currently possible, due to dotnet/runtime#77385. Update the `Microsoft.NETCore.App.Runtime.AOT.Cross` SDK package names when `$(AotAssemblies)`=True; the names do not (yet?) include the .NET version in the package names. When installing multiple .NET SDKs into a single folder with the `dotnet-install.{.sh,ps1}` script -- needed to run the unit tests -- you can hit an issue where `dotnet` no longer runs: dotnet --info Exited with code: 137 The problem is that the `dotnet` binary can get overwritten by an older .NET, and be completely broken. The solution is: 1. Install the newest .NET first, followed by any older versions 2. Use `dotnet-install.ps1 -SkipNonVersionedFiles` or `dotnet-install.sh --skip-non-versioned-files` so the `dotnet` binary isn't overwritten This results in the newest .NET SDK, with side-by-side older .NET SDKs installed as well. Rename `tests/api-compatibility/acceptable-breakages-vReference-net7.0.txt` to use `-net8.0`, as the default `$(TargetFramework)` for `Mono.Android.dll` changed. [0]: https://maestro-prod.westus2.cloudapp.azure.com/3074/https:%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fdotnet%2Finstaller/latest/graph
2022-10-26 22:17:44 +03:00
<add key="dotnet8" value="https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/dnceng/public/_packaging/dotnet8/nuget/v3/index.json" />
<add key="dotnet8-transport" value="https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/dnceng/public/_packaging/dotnet8-transport/nuget/v3/index.json" />
[build] Use dotnet/arcade dependency management tooling (#5731) Context: https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/blob/ea609b8e036359934332480de9336d98fcbb3f91/Documentation/Darc.md The dotnet core engineering group has some dependency management tooling known as `darc` that we'd like to adopt. Integrating this tooling into the build system will make it easier to stay up to date with the latest .NET 6 SDK changes. Many dotnet repos use a [publishing workflow][0] that will push build artifact data to a central location known as the "Build Asset Registry". This data includes a "[Channel][1]" association, which is the key to dependency updating. Local updates and automatic update "Subscriptions" compare the version files in a given repo against the product versions available in the channel that you are interested in. We hope to be able to publish Xamarin SDK build information to this central registry in the near future, so that other products can take a dependency on us as needed (dotnet/maui for instance). The `darc` tool looks for four different files in a repo when adding a dependency or when checking for an update: * `eng/Version.Details.xml` * `eng/Versions.props` * `global.json` * `nuget.config` Both of the `Version*` files present in the `eng` folder are updated when a new dependency is available. To work with `darc` locally you will need to [install][2] the `darc` global tool, join the `arcade-contrib` GitHub team, and configure your auth settings. To add a new dependency, use the [`darc add-dependency`][3] command: darc add-dependency -n Microsoft.NetCore.App.Runtime.android-arm64 -t product -v 6.0.0-preview.2.21154.6 -r https://github.com/dotnet/runtime To update all dependencies, use the [`darc update-dependencies`][4] command: darc update-dependencies --channel ".NET 6" To configure automatic updates, use the [`darc add-subscription`][5] command to enroll a target repo/branch into updates from a particular channel: darc add-subscription --channel ".NET 6" --source-repo https://github.com/dotnet/installer --target-repo https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-android --target-branch main --update-frequency everyWeek --standard-automerge Once a subscription is configured, [a pull request][6] will be created automatically by the dotnet Maestro bot when dependency updates are available. ~~~ This PR also contains a bump to .NET 6.0.100-preview.3.21168.18. Changes: https://github.com/dotnet/installer/compare/19e22a76...823c1dfce The .NET 6 `.apkdesc` files have been updated accordingly. It seems that `System.Private.CoreLib.dll` grew in size, however reductions in native libraries/etc. results in an overall smaller package sizes. Simple XA: -"PackageSize": 2889606 +"PackageSize": 2877318 XF/XA: -"PackageSize": 8746124 +"PackageSize": 8733836 [0]: https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/blob/681511f2f63a3563494f1f27904b2842abef6b35/Documentation/CorePackages/Publishing.md#what-is-v3-publishing-how-is-it-different-from-v2 [1]: https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/blob/main/Documentation/BranchesChannelsAndSubscriptions.md#branches-channels-and-subscriptions-explained [2]: https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/blob/ea609b8e036359934332480de9336d98fcbb3f91/Documentation/Darc.md#setting-up-your-darc-client [3]: https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/blob/ea609b8e036359934332480de9336d98fcbb3f91/Documentation/Darc.md#add-dependency [4]: https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/blob/ea609b8e036359934332480de9336d98fcbb3f91/Documentation/Darc.md#update-dependencies [5]: https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/blob/ea609b8e036359934332480de9336d98fcbb3f91/Documentation/Darc.md#add-subscription [6]: https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-android/pull/5744
2021-03-22 22:57:32 +03:00
<!-- This is needed (currently) for the Xamarin.Android.Deploy.Installer dependency, getting the installer -->
<!-- Android binary, to support delta APK install -->
<add key="xamarin.android util" value="https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/xamarin/public/_packaging/Xamarin.Android/nuget/v3/index.json" />
Bump to dotnet/installer/main@d5520378 8.0.200-alpha.1.22511.1 (#7451) Changes: https://github.com/dotnet/installer/compare/11f6b8f7129e34d5317f47ccbc110b2b11c05749...d552037815b75e01be05b6e8d269d54413363e7f Changes: https://github.com/dotnet/linker/compare/5f9bfd94d9c687207872ae03f751ea19704381c0...493ce626f3278b2d0fd883330bf11a64254981bb Changes: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/compare/6d10e4c8bcd9f96ccd73748ff827561afa09af57...b8d49801fe03b96d2fead3d97a11dce1e723dd17 Context: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/77273 Context: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/commit/e46523032d72c8b0d2b14ce4b14229a8c268a6e5 Context: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/77385 Build and run under .NET 8! .NET 8 is used by default for the default build. Running unit tests also requires installing .NET 6 and .NET 7 as well. Configure dotnet6 + dotnet7 + dotnet8 NuGet feeds. Run `darc update-dependencies --id 152596` to update the dotnet/installer version in `eng/Version.Details.xml`. (ID values come from [Maestro][0].) Update `AutoImport.props` to only evaluate default android items in .NET 8. Update `$(DotNetTargetFrameworkVersion)` to 8.0, and `$(DotNetStableTargetFramework)` to `net7.0`. (Technically .NET 7 isn't stable *yet*, but it will be soon enough…) Update `*.apkdesc` files so that unit tests pass. Update `PackagingTest.CheckIncludedAssemblies()` test to remove assemblies which are no longer included in .NET 8-based apps. Update `use-dot-net.yaml` to take a new `quality` parameter, and install .NET Core 3.1 quality=GA, not 3.1.417 specifically. Avoids the error: dotnet-install: Failed to locate the latest version in the channel '3.1.417' with 'preview' quality for 'dotnet-sdk', os: 'win', architecture: 'x64'. Update `src/Mono.Android.Export` to pass `MethodAttributes.Static | MethodAttributes.Public` to the `DynamicMethod` constructor, not just `MethodAttributes.Static`. This avoids a `NotSupportedException` under .NET 8; see also dotnet/runtime@e4652303 and dotnet/runtime#77273: System.NotSupportedException: Wrong MethodAttributes or CallingConventions for DynamicMethod. Only public, static, standard supported at System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod.CheckConsistency(MethodAttributes attributes, CallingConventions callingConvention) at System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod.Init(String name, MethodAttributes attributes, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type returnType, Type[] signature, Type owner, Module m, Boolean skipVisibility, Boolean transparentMethod) at System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod..ctor(String name, MethodAttributes attributes, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes, Module m, Boolean skipVisibility) at Java.Interop.DynamicCallbackCodeGenerator.GenerateNativeCallbackDelegate() at Java.Interop.DynamicCallbackCodeGenerator.GetCallback() at Java.Interop.DynamicCallbackCodeGenerator.Create(MethodInfo method) at System.Reflection.MethodInvoker.InterpretedInvoke(Object obj, Span`1 args, BindingFlags invokeAttr) Update `XASdkTests.DotNetPublish()` for .NET 8. With 745214deb0 we asserted that builds using the *non-* latest target framework would use a `Mono.Android.dll` reference assembly *from the build*, not from an existing published/NuGet-provided `Microsoft.Android.Ref` package. This started failing because `$(TargetFramework)`=net7.0-android is no longer the latest framework and thus *should* be using published packages, not in-tree bits: Build should be using C:\a_work\1\s\xamarin-android\bin\Release\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.Android.Ref.33\34.0.0-ci.pr.gh7451.52\ref\net7.0\Mono.Android.dll Expected: True But was: False Update the test to instead make this assertion only for the latest target framework (`net8.0-android`), skipping .NET 7. Remove an assertion of no build warnings under `net7.0`; this isn't currently possible, due to dotnet/runtime#77385. Update the `Microsoft.NETCore.App.Runtime.AOT.Cross` SDK package names when `$(AotAssemblies)`=True; the names do not (yet?) include the .NET version in the package names. When installing multiple .NET SDKs into a single folder with the `dotnet-install.{.sh,ps1}` script -- needed to run the unit tests -- you can hit an issue where `dotnet` no longer runs: dotnet --info Exited with code: 137 The problem is that the `dotnet` binary can get overwritten by an older .NET, and be completely broken. The solution is: 1. Install the newest .NET first, followed by any older versions 2. Use `dotnet-install.ps1 -SkipNonVersionedFiles` or `dotnet-install.sh --skip-non-versioned-files` so the `dotnet` binary isn't overwritten This results in the newest .NET SDK, with side-by-side older .NET SDKs installed as well. Rename `tests/api-compatibility/acceptable-breakages-vReference-net7.0.txt` to use `-net8.0`, as the default `$(TargetFramework)` for `Mono.Android.dll` changed. [0]: https://maestro-prod.westus2.cloudapp.azure.com/3074/https:%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fdotnet%2Finstaller/latest/graph
2022-10-26 22:17:44 +03:00
<!-- Added manually for dotnet/runtime 6.0.11 -->
<add key="darc-pub-dotnet-emsdk-c3fc739" value="https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/dnceng/public/_packaging/darc-pub-dotnet-emsdk-c3fc739c/nuget/v3/index.json" />
<add key="darc-pub-dotnet-runtime-1e1f688" value="https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/dnceng/public/_packaging/darc-pub-dotnet-runtime-1e1f688d/nuget/v3/index.json" />
[build] use a repository-wide NuGet.config (#2903) Context: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/consume-packages/configuring-nuget-behavior Context: http://build.devdiv.io/2500191 Context: https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-android/pull/2859#issuecomment-476691256 Context: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/msbuild/exec-task We are randomly getting failures during Windows builds such as: NuGet.targets(114,5): Unable to load the service index for source https://someurl.visualstudio.com/_packaging/Dev/nuget/v3/index.json. Response status code does not indicate success: 401 (Unauthorized). It appears that some of our build machines on Azure DevOps have a global (or user-level) `NuGet.Config` file that points to a NuGet feed we don't have access to. The way we can workaround this, is to provide our own `NuGet.config` file that *only* uses the official nuget.org feed. * We can put a top-level `NuGet.config` next to our SLN files. * We also need to use this file during MSBuild tests. I also made sure any calls to `nuget restore` are giving us the highest log information via `-Verbosity Detailed`. This will tell us what `NuGet.config` files and feeds are used. Also in `PrepareWindows.targets`, any `<Exec/>` calls that run `NuGet.exe` need `IgnoreStandardErrorWarningFormat` set. Otherwise MSBuild treats certain output as errors. Finally, fix the `AndroidUpdateResourcesTest.CheckXmlResourcesFilesAreProcessed()` test so that `b.Build (proj, doNotCleanupOnUpdate: true)` is used. Otherwise, `$(ProjectLockFile)` is deleted on the second build, which [causes the test to fail][0]: Target _GenerateJavaStubs should have been skipped Expected: True But was: False [0]: https://jenkins.mono-project.com/job/xamarin-android-pr-pipeline-release/386/testReport/junit/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tests.AndroidUpdateResourcesTest/CheckXmlResourcesFilesAreProcessed/_False____Release/
2019-04-01 23:07:22 +03:00
[build] Use dotnet/arcade dependency management tooling (#5731) Context: https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/blob/ea609b8e036359934332480de9336d98fcbb3f91/Documentation/Darc.md The dotnet core engineering group has some dependency management tooling known as `darc` that we'd like to adopt. Integrating this tooling into the build system will make it easier to stay up to date with the latest .NET 6 SDK changes. Many dotnet repos use a [publishing workflow][0] that will push build artifact data to a central location known as the "Build Asset Registry". This data includes a "[Channel][1]" association, which is the key to dependency updating. Local updates and automatic update "Subscriptions" compare the version files in a given repo against the product versions available in the channel that you are interested in. We hope to be able to publish Xamarin SDK build information to this central registry in the near future, so that other products can take a dependency on us as needed (dotnet/maui for instance). The `darc` tool looks for four different files in a repo when adding a dependency or when checking for an update: * `eng/Version.Details.xml` * `eng/Versions.props` * `global.json` * `nuget.config` Both of the `Version*` files present in the `eng` folder are updated when a new dependency is available. To work with `darc` locally you will need to [install][2] the `darc` global tool, join the `arcade-contrib` GitHub team, and configure your auth settings. To add a new dependency, use the [`darc add-dependency`][3] command: darc add-dependency -n Microsoft.NetCore.App.Runtime.android-arm64 -t product -v 6.0.0-preview.2.21154.6 -r https://github.com/dotnet/runtime To update all dependencies, use the [`darc update-dependencies`][4] command: darc update-dependencies --channel ".NET 6" To configure automatic updates, use the [`darc add-subscription`][5] command to enroll a target repo/branch into updates from a particular channel: darc add-subscription --channel ".NET 6" --source-repo https://github.com/dotnet/installer --target-repo https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-android --target-branch main --update-frequency everyWeek --standard-automerge Once a subscription is configured, [a pull request][6] will be created automatically by the dotnet Maestro bot when dependency updates are available. ~~~ This PR also contains a bump to .NET 6.0.100-preview.3.21168.18. Changes: https://github.com/dotnet/installer/compare/19e22a76...823c1dfce The .NET 6 `.apkdesc` files have been updated accordingly. It seems that `System.Private.CoreLib.dll` grew in size, however reductions in native libraries/etc. results in an overall smaller package sizes. Simple XA: -"PackageSize": 2889606 +"PackageSize": 2877318 XF/XA: -"PackageSize": 8746124 +"PackageSize": 8733836 [0]: https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/blob/681511f2f63a3563494f1f27904b2842abef6b35/Documentation/CorePackages/Publishing.md#what-is-v3-publishing-how-is-it-different-from-v2 [1]: https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/blob/main/Documentation/BranchesChannelsAndSubscriptions.md#branches-channels-and-subscriptions-explained [2]: https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/blob/ea609b8e036359934332480de9336d98fcbb3f91/Documentation/Darc.md#setting-up-your-darc-client [3]: https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/blob/ea609b8e036359934332480de9336d98fcbb3f91/Documentation/Darc.md#add-dependency [4]: https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/blob/ea609b8e036359934332480de9336d98fcbb3f91/Documentation/Darc.md#update-dependencies [5]: https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/blob/ea609b8e036359934332480de9336d98fcbb3f91/Documentation/Darc.md#add-subscription [6]: https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-android/pull/5744
2021-03-22 22:57:32 +03:00
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