2016-07-06 18:09:45 +03:00
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio 2012
Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "Build-Tools", "Build-Tools", "{E351F97D-EA4F-4E7F-AAA0-8EBB1F2A4A62}"
Project("{9344BDBB-3E7F-41FC-A0DD-8665D75EE146}") = "android-toolchain", "build-tools\android-toolchain\android-toolchain.mdproj", "{8FF78EB6-6FC8-46A7-8A15-EBBA9045C5FA}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Xamarin.Android.Tools.BootstrapTasks", "src\Xamarin.Android.Tools.BootstrapTasks\Xamarin.Android.Tools.BootstrapTasks.csproj", "{E8492EFB-D14A-4F32-AA28-88848322ECEA}"
Project("{9344BDBB-3E7F-41FC-A0DD-8665D75EE146}") = "mono-runtimes", "build-tools\mono-runtimes\mono-runtimes.mdproj", "{C03E6CF1-7460-4CDC-A4AB-292BBC0F61F2}"
Project("{9344BDBB-3E7F-41FC-A0DD-8665D75EE146}") = "libzip", "build-tools\libzip\libzip.mdproj", "{900A0F71-BAAD-417A-8D1A-8D330297CDD0}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "jnienv-gen", "build-tools\jnienv-gen\jnienv-gen.csproj", "{AFB8F6D1-6EA9-42C3-950B-98F34C669AD2}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "api-merge", "build-tools\api-merge\api-merge.csproj", "{3FC3E78B-F7D4-42EA-BBE8-4535DF42BFF8}"
Import remap-assembly-ref tool from monodroid/9c345513 (#348)
Context: https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-android/pull/341
`remap-assembly-ref` is utility which changes assembly references.
For example, consider `mdoc.exe`:
$ monodis --assemblyref bin/Debug/lib/mandroid-internal/mdoc.exe
AssemblyRef Table
4: Version=
Public Key:
By policy, we *don't* want to reference `Mono.Cecil.dll`, because in
times past all IDE add-ins would be loaded into the same process, and
if an assembly wasn't strong-named -- `Mono.Cecil.dll` isn't --
then all references to `Mono.Cecil.dll` would resolve to the same
file, even if used from different add-ins which expected different
Cecil versions, and things would break in horrific ways.
Lots of hair-pulling ensued, and our response was to "vendorize"
Cecil into [`Xamarin.Android.Cecil`][0], which is just Mono.Cecil
with a different assembly name.
However, we didn't want to have to rebuild everything from source
"just because" the assembly name changed, and `mdoc.exe` is such an
assembly. It's built as part of mono, references `Mono.Cecil.dll`,
and we need it to instead reference `Xamarin.Android.Cecil.dll`.
Enter `remap-assembly-ref.exe`:
$ mono bin/BuildDebug/remap-assembly-ref.exe
Usage: <input assembly filename> <output assembly filename> <source assembly ref> <target assembly>
`remap-assembly-ref.exe` will read `<input assembly filename>`, alter
all references to `<source assembly ref>` to the name and version
information contained in `<target assembly>`, and write the modified
assembly to `<output assembly filename>`:
$ mono bin/BuildDebug/remap-assembly-ref.exe \
bin/Debug/lib/mandroid-internal/mdoc.exe \
bin/Debug/lib/mandroid/mdoc.exe \
"Mono.Cecil" \
# Behold, altered assembly name reference!
$ monodis --assemblyref bin/Debug/lib/mandroid/mdoc.exe
4: Version=
Public Key:
0x00000000: 00 24 00 00 04 80 00 00 94 00 00 00 06 02 00 00
*Note*: `remap-assembly-ref.exe` is *brittle*. It does no validation
that the types and members referenced from `<source assembly ref>`
actually exist in `<target assembly>`, so it's entirely possible
that the resulting assembly *will not work*.
[0]: https://github.com/xamarin/java.interop/tree/master/src/Xamarin.Android.Cecil
2017-01-04 20:45:58 +03:00
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "remap-assembly-ref", "build-tools\remap-assembly-ref\remap-assembly-ref.csproj", "{C876DA71-8573-4CEF-9149-716D72455ED4}"
2016-07-06 18:09:45 +03:00
Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "Core", "Core", "{04E3E11E-B47D-4599-8AFC-50515A95E715}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Java.Interop", "external\Java.Interop\src\Java.Interop\Java.Interop.csproj", "{94BD81F7-B06F-4295-9636-F8A3B6BDC762}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "generator", "external\Java.Interop\tools\generator\generator.csproj", "{D14A1B5C-2060-4930-92BE-F7190256C735}"
2016-08-08 17:50:37 +03:00
Project("{D954291E-2A0B-460D-934E-DC6B0785DB48}") = "Java.Interop.NamingCustomAttributes", "external\Java.Interop\src\Java.Interop.NamingCustomAttributes\Java.Interop.NamingCustomAttributes.shproj", "{FE789F04-5E95-42C5-AEF1-E33F8DF06B3F}"
Project("{D954291E-2A0B-460D-934E-DC6B0785DB48}") = "Xamarin.Android.NamingCustomAttributes", "src\Xamarin.Android.NamingCustomAttributes\Xamarin.Android.NamingCustomAttributes.shproj", "{74598F5C-B8CC-4CE6-8EE2-AB9CA1400076}"
2016-07-06 18:09:45 +03:00
Project("{D954291E-2A0B-460D-934E-DC6B0785DB48}") = "Java.Interop.Tools.TypeNameMappings", "external\Java.Interop\src\Java.Interop.Tools.TypeNameMappings\Java.Interop.Tools.TypeNameMappings.shproj", "{E706B6F2-5562-4765-8F07-8CF84A797B30}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Mono.Android", "src\Mono.Android\Mono.Android.csproj", "{66CF299A-CE95-4131-BCD8-DB66E30C4BF7}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Mono.Android.Export", "src\Mono.Android.Export\Mono.Android.Export.csproj", "{B8105878-D423-4159-A3E7-028298281EC6}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Xamarin.Android.Tools.Aidl", "src\Xamarin.Android.Tools.Aidl\Xamarin.Android.Tools.Aidl.csproj", "{D27AD8F7-7710-40BE-B03B-55EFBEC13C44}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks", "src\Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks\Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks.csproj", "{3F1F2F50-AF1A-4A5A-BEDB-193372F068D7}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Xamarin.Android.Build.Utilities", "src\Xamarin.Android.Build.Utilities\Xamarin.Android.Build.Utilities.csproj", "{91713046-C358-4647-B162-ED4E1442F3D8}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Xamarin.Android.Tools.Bytecode", "external\Java.Interop\src\Xamarin.Android.Tools.Bytecode\Xamarin.Android.Tools.Bytecode.csproj", "{B17475BC-45A2-47A3-B8FC-62F3A0959EE0}"
Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "Tools", "Tools", "{864062D3-A415-4A6F-9324-5820237BA058}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "jcw-gen", "external\Java.Interop\tools\jcw-gen\jcw-gen.csproj", "{52C7D9B6-E8C8-47D0-9471-652D278D7D77}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Java.Interop.Tools.JavaCallableWrappers", "external\Java.Interop\src\Java.Interop.Tools.JavaCallableWrappers\Java.Interop.Tools.JavaCallableWrappers.csproj", "{D18FCF91-8876-48A0-A693-2DC1E7D3D80A}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Xamarin.Android.Tools.ApiXmlAdjuster", "external\Java.Interop\src\Xamarin.Android.Tools.ApiXmlAdjuster\Xamarin.Android.Tools.ApiXmlAdjuster.csproj", "{1268EADF-8344-431C-81F6-FCB7CBC99F49}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Xamarin.Android.Tools.AnnotationSupport", "external\Java.Interop\src\Xamarin.Android.Tools.AnnotationSupport\Xamarin.Android.Tools.AnnotationSupport.csproj", "{07BC4495-1267-4B78-9EA6-B76FEEA2A64A}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Java.Interop.Tools.Diagnostics", "external\Java.Interop\src\Java.Interop.Tools.Diagnostics\Java.Interop.Tools.Diagnostics.csproj", "{64CC4E44-CE3A-4319-BF3F-6CF8BD513870}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Java.Interop.Tools.Cecil", "external\Java.Interop\src\Java.Interop.Tools.Cecil\Java.Interop.Tools.Cecil.csproj", "{D48EE8D0-0A0A-4493-AEF5-DAF5F8CF86AD}"
Project("{9344BDBB-3E7F-41FC-A0DD-8665D75EE146}") = "monodroid", "src\monodroid\monodroid.mdproj", "{53EE4C57-1C03-405A-8243-8DA539546C88}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Xamarin.Android.NUnitLite", "src\Xamarin.Android.NUnitLite\Xamarin.Android.NUnitLite.csproj", "{4D603AA3-3BFD-43C8-8050-0CD6C2601126}"
Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "Tests", "Tests", "{CAB438D8-B0F5-4AF0-BEBD-9E2ADBD7B483}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Xamarin.ProjectTools", "src\Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks\Tests\Xamarin.ProjectTools\Xamarin.ProjectTools.csproj", "{2DD1EE75-6D8D-4653-A800-0A24367F7F38}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Xamarin.Android.Build.Tests", "src\Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks\Tests\Xamarin.Android.Build.Tests\Xamarin.Android.Build.Tests.csproj", "{53E4ABF0-1085-45F9-B964-DCAE4B819998}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "System.EnterpriseServices", "src\System.EnterpriseServices\System.EnterpriseServices.csproj", "{2868FC32-A4E7-4008-87C8-2C7879CACB58}"
Project("{9344BDBB-3E7F-41FC-A0DD-8665D75EE146}") = "unix-distribution-setup", "build-tools\unix-distribution-setup\unix-distribution-setup.mdproj", "{2CF172E5-BDAE-4ABA-8BC8-08040ED3E77A}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Mono.Posix", "src\Mono.Posix\Mono.Posix.csproj", "{1A4B041A-842F-40B3-A50D-49E01D30BD18}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "class-parse", "external\Java.Interop\tools\class-parse\class-parse.csproj", "{38C762AB-8FD1-44DE-9855-26AAE7129DC3}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "logcat-parse", "external\Java.Interop\tools\logcat-parse\logcat-parse.csproj", "{7387E151-48E3-4885-B2CA-A74434A34045}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Mono.Data.Sqlite", "src\Mono.Data.Sqlite\Mono.Data.Sqlite.csproj", "{26781D3A-FF20-4F55-9824-C8A06AA9E484}"
Project("{9344BDBB-3E7F-41FC-A0DD-8665D75EE146}") = "sqlite-xamarin", "src\sqlite-xamarin\sqlite-xamarin.mdproj", "{B8F799C5-D7CE-4E09-9CE6-BAA4173E7EC8}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "OpenTK", "src\OpenTK-1.0\OpenTK.csproj", "{5EB9E888-E357-417E-9F39-DDEC195CE47F}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "libZipSharp", "external\LibZipSharp\libZipSharp.csproj", "{E248B2CA-303B-4645-ADDC-9D4459D550FD}"
2017-04-21 23:06:08 +03:00
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "System.Drawing.Primitives", "src\System.Drawing.Primitives\System.Drawing.Primitives.mdproj", "{C9FF2E4D-D927-479E-838B-647C16763F64}"
2016-07-15 23:42:03 +03:00
[bundle] Add `CreateBundle` target. (#140)
Building Mono on Windows is a PITA, and commit 0c073f67 added support
to cross-compile Mono for Windows so that Mono could be built from
macOS or Linux.
The unstated goal of that work was to -- eventually -- build the Mono
runtimes *for Windows* on e.g. macOS, *bundle* those runtimes, and
then we could update the build process to *download* a pre-built
bundle of mono runtimes so that we can ~sanely build xamarin-android
on Windows without building *Mono* on Windows.
Part Two of this cunning plan involves creating the bundle of built
mono runtimes. This in turn got rather complicated because instead of
doing the *simple* thing of invoking **zip**(1), I instead wanted to
create and use a `<Zip/>` MSBuild task, as this would allow us to
specify in one place -- `mono-runtimes.targets` -- which files should
be bundled, instead of bundling e.g. everything in `bin/Debug`, which
would grab considerably more than just the mono bits.
Adding a `<Zip/>` task in turn involves determining which Zip
implementation to use, and what assembly to put it in; the obvious
answer is to use `libzip`/`libZipSharp.dll` and place it into
`Xamarin.Android.Tools.BootstrapTasks.dll` -- which is how we did it
-- but this answer was tricky, due to a circular dependency problem:
`libzip.mdproj` depends on `android-runtimes.mdproj` which depends on
`Xamarin.Android.Tools.BootstrapTasks.dll`. Consequently, adding
`libzip.mdproj` as a dependency to
`Xamarin.Android.Tools.BootstrapTasks.dll` *doesn't work*.
(Question: Why use libzip? Why not use System.IO.Compression?
Answer: Because I'd like to be able to update the
`<UnzipDirectoryChildren/>` task to use `libzip` instead of
"shelling out" to **zip**(1) *like an animal*.)
Step 1 is removing the circular dependency. `libzip.mdproj` depends on
`android-runtimes.mdproj` because of MXE: `android-runtimes.mdproj`
configures the MXE build environment to generate a Windows
`libzip.dll` native library, if needed.
The fix: introduce a new `libzip-windows.mdproj` project which
performs the MXE-based build. This allows `libzip.mdproj` to no longer
depend on `android-runtimes.mdproj`; `libzip-windows.mdproj` does.
This also involves "refactoring" `libzip.mdproj` so that the build
logic can be shared with `libzip-windows.mdproj`.
Additionally, improve `libzip.mdproj` so that the native libraries are
also set as a `@(Content)` build action. This allows e.g.
`libzip.3.0.dylib` to be properly copied into `bin/BuildDebug`, as
that's the `$(OutputPath)` of
Step 2 is adding `libZipSharp.csproj` as a `@(ProjectReference)` to
`Xamarin.Android.Tools.BootstrapTasks.csproj`. This requires bumping
`Xamarin.Android.Tools.BootstrapTasks.csproj` to target .NET 4.5.1,
which allows us to add the new `<Zip/>` task, as well as a new
`<GitCommit/>` task (so we can determine the abbreviated commit hash
of the mono checkout, for encoding into the filename).
Step 3 is updating `mono-runtimes.targets` so that the Windows
cross-compilers are built into `bin/$(Configuration)/lib/mandroid`,
as this matches what is currently done internally.
Step 4 is adding a new `build-tools/bundle.mdproj` project with a
`CreateBundle` targtet, which will create the file:
Uploading the `bundle-*.zip` files will be handled by Jenkins as a
post-build task.
Not yet done: *using* `bundle-*.zip` so that mono/etc. builds can be
skipped, *greatly* improving build times.
2016-08-11 00:28:53 +03:00
Project("{9344BDBB-3E7F-41FC-A0DD-8665D75EE146}") = "libzip-windows", "build-tools\libzip-windows\libzip-windows.mdproj", "{0DE278D6-000F-4001-BB98-187C0AF58A61}"
Project("{9344BDBB-3E7F-41FC-A0DD-8665D75EE146}") = "bundle", "build-tools\bundle\bundle.mdproj", "{1640725C-4DB8-4D8D-BC96-74E688A06EEF}"
[xa-prep-tasks] Use the Mono bundle (#162)
Context: https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-android/commit/fbfd676c102c63e4e06e750857b178725e33450c
Stage 3 of the cunning plan is to (attempt to) use the mono bundle
introduced in commit fbfd676c.
This "simple" desire (ha!) re-raises the architectural project
dependency issue "solved" in fbfd676c, but first, a simple question:
What should download the mono bundle?
There are two plausible answers:
1. `make prepare` can (somehow) handle it.
2. MSBuild can (somehow) handle it.
Both are plausible. The problem with using `make` targets (1) is there
is increased potential for "duplication" -- duplication of the bundle
filename, downloading it, and extracting it. Plus, `make` isn't
"Windows friendly", in that GNU make isn't (normally) present with
Visual Studio. (`NMAKE` is, but the Makefiles in this project are not
compatible with `NMAKE`.)
Which brings us to MSBuild (2): can it handle the task?
To tackle that, we need to be able to have an MSBuild task project
which has *no dependencies*, so that it can download and extract the
mono bundle *before anything else runs*, as it may be downloading
contents which mean that other projects don't *need* to run.
The need for a "pre-bootstrap" task assembly -- called `xa-prep-tasks`
-- thus "undoes" *some* of the logic regarding `libzip-windows.mdproj`
and the `<Zip/>` task from fbfd676c: it isn't *possible* to rely on
`libzip` from a "pre-build" state, as `libzip` is one of the things in
the mono bundle, so now we need *two* "bootstrap" task assemblies:
one without a `libzip` dependency -- `xa-prep-tasks.dll` -- and one
*with* a `libzip` dependency --
Move tasks which don't currently require `libzip` -- or won't in the
future, or laziness -- from `Xamarin.Android.Tools.BootstrapTasks.dll`
and move them into `xa-prep-tasks.dll`.
With that architectural compromise in place, add `xa-prep-tasks` as a
`@(ProjectReference)` to various projects to help ensure it's built
*first*, and rearchitect `bundle.mdproj` so that
`xa-prep-tasks.targets` and `bundle.targets` can use the same targets
to compute the bundle filename, now in
Add a post-build step to `xa-prep-tasks.csproj` which downloads and
extracts the expected mono bundle.
One "problem" (feature?) is that the new `<SystemUnzip/>` task doesn't
report errors as errors when unzip'ing the file. This turns out to be
fine here because when downloading the mono bundle from Azure we don't
get a 404 *anyway* -- Azure instead returns an XML document containing
an error message (wat?!). We can thus ignore most error handling
entirely...though we're *also* ignoring any checking for invalid
downloads, which is something we should address in the future.
Update the varioous project files so that they won't attempt to
rebuild binaries that were present in the mono bundle.
2016-08-16 23:02:48 +03:00
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "xa-prep-tasks", "build-tools\xa-prep-tasks\xa-prep-tasks.csproj", "{7CE69551-BD73-4726-ACAA-AAF89C84BAF8}"
2016-11-18 18:04:49 +03:00
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Xamarin.Android.Cecil", "external\Java.Interop\src\Xamarin.Android.Cecil\Xamarin.Android.Cecil.csproj", "{15945D4B-FF56-4BCC-B598-2718D199DD08}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Xamarin.Android.Cecil.Mdb", "external\Java.Interop\src\Xamarin.Android.Cecil\Xamarin.Android.Cecil.Mdb.csproj", "{C0487169-8F81-497F-919E-EB42B1D0243F}"
2017-02-16 19:37:28 +03:00
Project("{9344BDBB-3E7F-41FC-A0DD-8665D75EE146}") = "dependencies", "build-tools\dependencies\dependencies.mdproj", "{C845ECC0-2ED3-498E-8EA8-02EF7AC6E9AD}"
[Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] Use GPL'd ProGuard (#386)
**Background**: many Android SDK features rely on [ProGuard][0], a
Java bytecode manipulation library. Some of these features include
linking (shrinking) bytecode and [multidex][1].
Xamarin.Android has historically relied on the version of ProGuard
bundled with the Android SDK, which is how the `<Proguard/>` task and
`@(ProguardConfiguration)` build actions work.
Unfortunately, the version of ProGuard bundled with the Android SDK
is, at this point, *ancient* (ProGuard v4.7; current version is v5.3),
and (more importantly) ProGuard v4.7 doesn't support JDK 1.8 bytecode.
Meaning if the end-developer references a Java library targeting
JDK 1.8 -- e.g. the Android Support Library v25 -- then the version of
ProGuard bundled with the Android SDK *cannot process that library*.
This in turn means that the `<Proguard/>` task and
`@(ProguardConfiguration)` build actions don't work/are useless.
Native Java development "works around" this problem by using Gradle as
the build system, and Java projects are configured to download and
install a newer version of ProGuard via Gradle.
Xamarin.Android projects do not use Gradle, nor will they.
(At least not in the foreseeable future.)
**Solution**: We have communicated with Eric Lafortune, maintainer of
ProGuard, about distributing a newer ProGuard with Xamarin.Android.
He replied:
> From a licensing point of view, you shouldn't need an exception to
> the GPL in many practical configurations:
> * if you indeed run ProGuard in a separate JVM
The `<Proguard/>` task is a [`ToolTask`][2], which operates by
creating a new process to invoke the specified tool. We thus are
*already* using ProGuard within a "separate JVM", and no architectural
change is required to comply with ProGuard's licensing without
altering Xamarin.Android's licensing.
The current ProGuard sources (v5.3.2) have been imported into the
[xamarin/proguard][3] module, and we will be using the
`xamarin/proguard` module as a git submodule for build purposes.
[0]: https://www.guardsquare.com/en/proguard
[1]: https://developer.android.com/studio/build/multidex.html
[2]: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.build.utilities.tooltask.aspx
[3]: http://github.com/xamarin/proguard/
2017-03-06 18:00:36 +03:00
Project("{9344BDBB-3E7F-41FC-A0DD-8665D75EE146}") = "proguard", "src\proguard\proguard.mdproj", "{4B9D96BB-95AB-44E8-9F87-13B12C8BCED1}"
2017-03-15 16:46:20 +03:00
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "api-xml-adjuster", "build-tools\api-xml-adjuster\api-xml-adjuster.csproj", "{8A6CB07C-E493-4A4F-AB94-038645A27118}"
2017-03-17 21:18:55 +03:00
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Xamarin.Android.Tools.JavadocImporter", "src\Xamarin.Android.Tools.JavadocImporter\Xamarin.Android.Tools.JavadocImporter.csproj", "{E0890301-F75F-40E7-B008-54C28B3BA542}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "javadoc2mdoc", "tools\javadoc2mdoc\javadoc2mdoc.csproj", "{A87352E6-CE7F-4346-B6B1-586AE931C0A7}"
2017-03-20 19:05:23 +03:00
Project("{D954291E-2A0B-460D-934E-DC6B0785DB48}") = "Xamarin.Android.Build.Tests.Shared", "src\Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks\Tests\Xamarin.Android.Build.Tests\Xamarin.Android.Build.Tests.Shared.shproj", "{BD1D66BF-5AC7-4926-8EBE-B2198A112EB0}"
[create-vsix] Create `.vsix` files (#541)
Visual Studio 2017 uses `.vsix` files for Xamarin.Android SDK support.
A `.vsix` file is [ZIP container with additional metadata][0], and the
[Microsoft.VSSDK.BuildTools NuGet package][1] contains various MSBuild
targets and tools to assist in creating `.vsix` files.
Add a new `build-tools/create-vsix/create-vsix.csproj` project to
create the `bin/Build$(Configuration)/Xamarin.Android.Sdk*.vsix` file,
so that we can plausibly provide per-build OSS Xamarin.Android
releases that work with Visual Studio 2017.
Unfortunately those tools were written on Windows, and not really well
tested on macOS or Linux... In particular, there are case-sensitivity
and directory-separator-char issues with the tooling, necessitating
that `MONO_IOMAP=all` be exported in order to run them:
MONO_IOMAP=all MONO_OPTIONS=--arch=64 msbuild \
build-tools/create-vsix/create-vsix.csproj /p:CreateVsixContainer=True
Meanwhile, we're still attempting to allow things to be built with
`xbuild` [^3]. Thread this needle by "special-casing" the
`$(BuildDependsOn)`, `$(CopyVsixManifestFileDependsOn)`, and
`$(DetokenizeVsixManifestFileDependsOn)` MSBuild properties so that
when the `$(CreateVsixContainer)` MSBuild property is False -- the
default -- no `.vsix` package will be created, and `xbuild` will be
able to build the project.
Similar needle threading is needed to "support" building on Linux: the
Microsoft.VSSDK.BuildTools NuGet package uses case in an inconsistent
fashion -- or is it `nuget`? -- which results in
[failures when building on Linux][2] because `nuget` extracts e.g.:
while Microsoft.VSSDK.BuildTools attempts to `<Import/>` the file:
`vssdk` != `VSSDK` on case-sensitive filesystems, so this results in
an error on Ubuntu (and presumably case-senstive macOS as well).
Handle the Linux case by extending the `xbuild` case: *even when*
`$(CreateVsixContainer)` is True, we won't actually build the `.vsix`
unless the `$(VsSDKInstall)` directory exists, which is the
`tools/VSSDK` path.
Building with `$(CreateVsixContainer)` set to True will require using
`msbuild` with `MONO_IOMAP=all` and `MONO_OPPTIONS=--arch=64`
exported, while using a case-insensitive filesystem.
The new `make create-vsix CONFIGURATIONS=Debug` target can be used to
explicitly create the `Xamarin.Android.Sdk*.vsix` file.
One problem with creating `.vsix` files: macOS still defaults to using
a 32-bit process for `mono`, and `make create-vsix` regularly fails
for me with an `OutOfMemoryException` when attempting to generate a
`.vsix` file ~600-700+MB in size. (Why so large? In part because for
Debug configuration we're including un-`strip`'d native libraries;
`libmonosgen-2.0.dll` is *237MB* in size (!); it's closer to 5MB when
`strip`'d, but any un-`strip`'d MXE-generated native libraries to the
`.vsix` file quickly results in `OutOfMemoryException`s.)
A 64-bit mono can be used by using `mono64` -- which isn't easily done
with `msbuild` -- or by using `mono --arch=64`, which *can* be done
with `msbuild` by exporting `MONO_OPTIONS=--arch=64`.
The `make create-vsix` target does this.
Finally, once we have a `.visx` being created, we then examine the
*contents* of the `.vsix` file, which is...weird:
$MSBuild/Xamarin/Android/Xamarin.Android.CSharp.targets # Desirable
$ReferenceAssemblies/Microsoft/Framework/MonoAndroid/v1.0/Xamarin.Android.CSharp.targets # wat?
$ReferenceAssemblies/Microsoft/Framework/MonoAndroid/v1.0/Facades/Xamarin.Android.CSharp.targets # really?!
$ReferenceAssemblies/Microsoft/Framework/MonoAndroid/v7.1/Xamarin.Android.CSharp.targets # !!!!
Turns Out™, the problem was due to `@(ProjectReference)`. We're
(ab)using `@(ProjectReference)` to explicitly specify project
dependencies, and the (implicit) project build order.
Unexpectedly (forgetten?), MSBuild *also* copies the *outputs* of
`@(ProjectReference)`s into the `$(OutputPath)` of the current
Since e.g. `Mono.Posix.csproj` had a reference on
`Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks.csproj`, the result of this is that the
`$(OutputPath)` of `Mono.Posix.csproj` --
`$prefix/lib/xbuild-frameworks/MonoAndroid/v1.0` -- also contained the
`%(None.CopyToOutputDirectory)` items from
The fix is to set `%(ProjectReference.Private)` to False, which
disables this copying of additional and undesirable files.
[0]: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd997148.aspx
[1]: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.VSSDK.BuildTools/
[2]: https://jenkins.mono-project.com/view/Xamarin.Android/job/xamarin-anroid-linux-pr-builder/297/consoleText
[^3]: But for how much longer?
2017-04-05 18:49:37 +03:00
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "create-vsix", "build-tools\create-vsix\create-vsix.csproj", "{94756FEB-1F64-411D-A18E-81B5158F776A}"
2017-04-21 23:06:08 +03:00
Project("{9344BDBB-3E7F-41FC-A0DD-8665D75EE146}") = "netstandard", "src\netstandard\netstandard.mdproj", "{93614CB8-4564-43B9-93B0-4AF4B3B16AAE}"
2016-07-06 18:09:45 +03:00
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|AnyCPU = Debug|AnyCPU
Release|AnyCPU = Release|AnyCPU
XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU = XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU
XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU = XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
{3F1F2F50-AF1A-4A5A-BEDB-193372F068D7}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{3F1F2F50-AF1A-4A5A-BEDB-193372F068D7}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{3F1F2F50-AF1A-4A5A-BEDB-193372F068D7}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{3F1F2F50-AF1A-4A5A-BEDB-193372F068D7}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{3F1F2F50-AF1A-4A5A-BEDB-193372F068D7}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{3F1F2F50-AF1A-4A5A-BEDB-193372F068D7}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{3F1F2F50-AF1A-4A5A-BEDB-193372F068D7}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{3F1F2F50-AF1A-4A5A-BEDB-193372F068D7}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{3FC3E78B-F7D4-42EA-BBE8-4535DF42BFF8}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{3FC3E78B-F7D4-42EA-BBE8-4535DF42BFF8}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{3FC3E78B-F7D4-42EA-BBE8-4535DF42BFF8}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{3FC3E78B-F7D4-42EA-BBE8-4535DF42BFF8}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{3FC3E78B-F7D4-42EA-BBE8-4535DF42BFF8}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{3FC3E78B-F7D4-42EA-BBE8-4535DF42BFF8}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{3FC3E78B-F7D4-42EA-BBE8-4535DF42BFF8}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|An yCPU
{3FC3E78B-F7D4-42EA-BBE8-4535DF42BFF8}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|An yCPU
{66CF299A-CE95-4131-BCD8-DB66E30C4BF7}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{66CF299A-CE95-4131-BCD8-DB66E30C4BF7}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{66CF299A-CE95-4131-BCD8-DB66E30C4BF7}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{66CF299A-CE95-4131-BCD8-DB66E30C4BF7}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{66CF299A-CE95-4131-BCD8-DB66E30C4BF7}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{66CF299A-CE95-4131-BCD8-DB66E30C4BF7}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{66CF299A-CE95-4131-BCD8-DB66E30C4BF7}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{66CF299A-CE95-4131-BCD8-DB66E30C4BF7}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{8FF78EB6-6FC8-46A7-8A15-EBBA9045C5FA}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{8FF78EB6-6FC8-46A7-8A15-EBBA9045C5FA}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
[build] Add `make jenkins` target. (#116)
The `make jenkins` [^0] target is for use by Continuous Integration
machines, to build *everything* [^1].
This is expected to take an eternity. Think *hours*.
$ time make jenkins
real 130m11.608s
user 97m22.220s
sys 18m20.522s
Of particular note is that the above "everything" includes
*Release configuration builds* of everything, which is something that
didn't actually work before. (Oops.)
Bump Java.Interop so that it supports building the Release
configuration, update Xamarin.Android.sln so that all required
projects are part of the Release configuration, and update
Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks.csproj so that `JCW_ONLY_TYPE_NAMES` isn't
defined, as this was preventing compilation.
Fix **strip**(1) use: `mono-runtimes.targets` was trying to use
`strip -S` on macOS, but the value of `%(_MonoRuntime.Strip)` was
quoted, and thus attempted to execute `"strip -S" ...`, which failed.
Move the `-S` into a new `%(_MonoRuntime.StripFlags)` value.
Fixup `mono-runtimes.targets` and related files so that
`$(MonoSourceFullPath)` is used instead of a relative path. This helps
alleviate the "mental math" of determining the relative path to the
Mono checkout. Plus, the Mono checkout is supposed to be overridable,
e.g. commit d205cab2, and using `$(MonoSourceFullPath)` supports that.
Download and install `android.jar` for all supported API levels.
Fix the `Mono.Android.csproj` build so that `Mono.Android.dll` is
stored in a per-API-level intermediate directory. Otherwise, if e.g.
API-10 is built after API-23, the API-23 version will be installed,
but the JCW build will fail. Additionally, API-24 requires using
`javac -source 1.8 -target 1.8`, not 1.6.
Fix `Mono.Android/metadata` to use the correct `merge.SourceFile`
filename of `Profiles/api-24.xml.in`. Without that fix, API-24 won't
build because `NumericShaper.GetContextualShaper()` is emitted twice,
and the C# compiler doesn't like that.
Disable use of `-lz` when building for Windows. Windows doesn't
contain a `Z.DLL` to link against.
[^0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leeroy_Jenkins
[^1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hooKVstzbz0
2016-07-18 15:42:39 +03:00
{8FF78EB6-6FC8-46A7-8A15-EBBA9045C5FA}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{8FF78EB6-6FC8-46A7-8A15-EBBA9045C5FA}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
2016-07-06 18:09:45 +03:00
{8FF78EB6-6FC8-46A7-8A15-EBBA9045C5FA}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{8FF78EB6-6FC8-46A7-8A15-EBBA9045C5FA}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{8FF78EB6-6FC8-46A7-8A15-EBBA9045C5FA}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{8FF78EB6-6FC8-46A7-8A15-EBBA9045C5FA}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{91713046-C358-4647-B162-ED4E1442F3D8}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{91713046-C358-4647-B162-ED4E1442F3D8}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{91713046-C358-4647-B162-ED4E1442F3D8}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{91713046-C358-4647-B162-ED4E1442F3D8}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{91713046-C358-4647-B162-ED4E1442F3D8}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{91713046-C358-4647-B162-ED4E1442F3D8}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{91713046-C358-4647-B162-ED4E1442F3D8}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{91713046-C358-4647-B162-ED4E1442F3D8}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{94BD81F7-B06F-4295-9636-F8A3B6BDC762}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{94BD81F7-B06F-4295-9636-F8A3B6BDC762}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{94BD81F7-B06F-4295-9636-F8A3B6BDC762}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU
{94BD81F7-B06F-4295-9636-F8A3B6BDC762}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.Build.0 = XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU
{94BD81F7-B06F-4295-9636-F8A3B6BDC762}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU
{94BD81F7-B06F-4295-9636-F8A3B6BDC762}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.Build.0 = XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU
{AFB8F6D1-6EA9-42C3-950B-98F34C669AD2}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{AFB8F6D1-6EA9-42C3-950B-98F34C669AD2}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{AFB8F6D1-6EA9-42C3-950B-98F34C669AD2}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{AFB8F6D1-6EA9-42C3-950B-98F34C669AD2}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{AFB8F6D1-6EA9-42C3-950B-98F34C669AD2}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{AFB8F6D1-6EA9-42C3-950B-98F34C669AD2}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{AFB8F6D1-6EA9-42C3-950B-98F34C669AD2}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{AFB8F6D1-6EA9-42C3-950B-98F34C669AD2}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{B17475BC-45A2-47A3-B8FC-62F3A0959EE0}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{B17475BC-45A2-47A3-B8FC-62F3A0959EE0}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{B17475BC-45A2-47A3-B8FC-62F3A0959EE0}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{B17475BC-45A2-47A3-B8FC-62F3A0959EE0}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{B17475BC-45A2-47A3-B8FC-62F3A0959EE0}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{B17475BC-45A2-47A3-B8FC-62F3A0959EE0}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{B17475BC-45A2-47A3-B8FC-62F3A0959EE0}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{B17475BC-45A2-47A3-B8FC-62F3A0959EE0}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{B8105878-D423-4159-A3E7-028298281EC6}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{B8105878-D423-4159-A3E7-028298281EC6}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{B8105878-D423-4159-A3E7-028298281EC6}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{B8105878-D423-4159-A3E7-028298281EC6}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{B8105878-D423-4159-A3E7-028298281EC6}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{B8105878-D423-4159-A3E7-028298281EC6}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{B8105878-D423-4159-A3E7-028298281EC6}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{B8105878-D423-4159-A3E7-028298281EC6}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{53EE4C57-1C03-405A-8243-8DA539546C88}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{53EE4C57-1C03-405A-8243-8DA539546C88}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{53EE4C57-1C03-405A-8243-8DA539546C88}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{53EE4C57-1C03-405A-8243-8DA539546C88}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{53EE4C57-1C03-405A-8243-8DA539546C88}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{53EE4C57-1C03-405A-8243-8DA539546C88}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{53EE4C57-1C03-405A-8243-8DA539546C88}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{53EE4C57-1C03-405A-8243-8DA539546C88}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{52C7D9B6-E8C8-47D0-9471-652D278D7D77}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{52C7D9B6-E8C8-47D0-9471-652D278D7D77}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
[build] Add `make jenkins` target. (#116)
The `make jenkins` [^0] target is for use by Continuous Integration
machines, to build *everything* [^1].
This is expected to take an eternity. Think *hours*.
$ time make jenkins
real 130m11.608s
user 97m22.220s
sys 18m20.522s
Of particular note is that the above "everything" includes
*Release configuration builds* of everything, which is something that
didn't actually work before. (Oops.)
Bump Java.Interop so that it supports building the Release
configuration, update Xamarin.Android.sln so that all required
projects are part of the Release configuration, and update
Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks.csproj so that `JCW_ONLY_TYPE_NAMES` isn't
defined, as this was preventing compilation.
Fix **strip**(1) use: `mono-runtimes.targets` was trying to use
`strip -S` on macOS, but the value of `%(_MonoRuntime.Strip)` was
quoted, and thus attempted to execute `"strip -S" ...`, which failed.
Move the `-S` into a new `%(_MonoRuntime.StripFlags)` value.
Fixup `mono-runtimes.targets` and related files so that
`$(MonoSourceFullPath)` is used instead of a relative path. This helps
alleviate the "mental math" of determining the relative path to the
Mono checkout. Plus, the Mono checkout is supposed to be overridable,
e.g. commit d205cab2, and using `$(MonoSourceFullPath)` supports that.
Download and install `android.jar` for all supported API levels.
Fix the `Mono.Android.csproj` build so that `Mono.Android.dll` is
stored in a per-API-level intermediate directory. Otherwise, if e.g.
API-10 is built after API-23, the API-23 version will be installed,
but the JCW build will fail. Additionally, API-24 requires using
`javac -source 1.8 -target 1.8`, not 1.6.
Fix `Mono.Android/metadata` to use the correct `merge.SourceFile`
filename of `Profiles/api-24.xml.in`. Without that fix, API-24 won't
build because `NumericShaper.GetContextualShaper()` is emitted twice,
and the C# compiler doesn't like that.
Disable use of `-lz` when building for Windows. Windows doesn't
contain a `Z.DLL` to link against.
[^0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leeroy_Jenkins
[^1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hooKVstzbz0
2016-07-18 15:42:39 +03:00
{52C7D9B6-E8C8-47D0-9471-652D278D7D77}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{52C7D9B6-E8C8-47D0-9471-652D278D7D77}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
2016-07-06 18:09:45 +03:00
{D18FCF91-8876-48A0-A693-2DC1E7D3D80A}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{D18FCF91-8876-48A0-A693-2DC1E7D3D80A}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
[build] Add `make jenkins` target. (#116)
The `make jenkins` [^0] target is for use by Continuous Integration
machines, to build *everything* [^1].
This is expected to take an eternity. Think *hours*.
$ time make jenkins
real 130m11.608s
user 97m22.220s
sys 18m20.522s
Of particular note is that the above "everything" includes
*Release configuration builds* of everything, which is something that
didn't actually work before. (Oops.)
Bump Java.Interop so that it supports building the Release
configuration, update Xamarin.Android.sln so that all required
projects are part of the Release configuration, and update
Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks.csproj so that `JCW_ONLY_TYPE_NAMES` isn't
defined, as this was preventing compilation.
Fix **strip**(1) use: `mono-runtimes.targets` was trying to use
`strip -S` on macOS, but the value of `%(_MonoRuntime.Strip)` was
quoted, and thus attempted to execute `"strip -S" ...`, which failed.
Move the `-S` into a new `%(_MonoRuntime.StripFlags)` value.
Fixup `mono-runtimes.targets` and related files so that
`$(MonoSourceFullPath)` is used instead of a relative path. This helps
alleviate the "mental math" of determining the relative path to the
Mono checkout. Plus, the Mono checkout is supposed to be overridable,
e.g. commit d205cab2, and using `$(MonoSourceFullPath)` supports that.
Download and install `android.jar` for all supported API levels.
Fix the `Mono.Android.csproj` build so that `Mono.Android.dll` is
stored in a per-API-level intermediate directory. Otherwise, if e.g.
API-10 is built after API-23, the API-23 version will be installed,
but the JCW build will fail. Additionally, API-24 requires using
`javac -source 1.8 -target 1.8`, not 1.6.
Fix `Mono.Android/metadata` to use the correct `merge.SourceFile`
filename of `Profiles/api-24.xml.in`. Without that fix, API-24 won't
build because `NumericShaper.GetContextualShaper()` is emitted twice,
and the C# compiler doesn't like that.
Disable use of `-lz` when building for Windows. Windows doesn't
contain a `Z.DLL` to link against.
[^0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leeroy_Jenkins
[^1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hooKVstzbz0
2016-07-18 15:42:39 +03:00
{D18FCF91-8876-48A0-A693-2DC1E7D3D80A}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{D18FCF91-8876-48A0-A693-2DC1E7D3D80A}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
2016-07-06 18:09:45 +03:00
{1268EADF-8344-431C-81F6-FCB7CBC99F49}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{1268EADF-8344-431C-81F6-FCB7CBC99F49}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
[build] Add `make jenkins` target. (#116)
The `make jenkins` [^0] target is for use by Continuous Integration
machines, to build *everything* [^1].
This is expected to take an eternity. Think *hours*.
$ time make jenkins
real 130m11.608s
user 97m22.220s
sys 18m20.522s
Of particular note is that the above "everything" includes
*Release configuration builds* of everything, which is something that
didn't actually work before. (Oops.)
Bump Java.Interop so that it supports building the Release
configuration, update Xamarin.Android.sln so that all required
projects are part of the Release configuration, and update
Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks.csproj so that `JCW_ONLY_TYPE_NAMES` isn't
defined, as this was preventing compilation.
Fix **strip**(1) use: `mono-runtimes.targets` was trying to use
`strip -S` on macOS, but the value of `%(_MonoRuntime.Strip)` was
quoted, and thus attempted to execute `"strip -S" ...`, which failed.
Move the `-S` into a new `%(_MonoRuntime.StripFlags)` value.
Fixup `mono-runtimes.targets` and related files so that
`$(MonoSourceFullPath)` is used instead of a relative path. This helps
alleviate the "mental math" of determining the relative path to the
Mono checkout. Plus, the Mono checkout is supposed to be overridable,
e.g. commit d205cab2, and using `$(MonoSourceFullPath)` supports that.
Download and install `android.jar` for all supported API levels.
Fix the `Mono.Android.csproj` build so that `Mono.Android.dll` is
stored in a per-API-level intermediate directory. Otherwise, if e.g.
API-10 is built after API-23, the API-23 version will be installed,
but the JCW build will fail. Additionally, API-24 requires using
`javac -source 1.8 -target 1.8`, not 1.6.
Fix `Mono.Android/metadata` to use the correct `merge.SourceFile`
filename of `Profiles/api-24.xml.in`. Without that fix, API-24 won't
build because `NumericShaper.GetContextualShaper()` is emitted twice,
and the C# compiler doesn't like that.
Disable use of `-lz` when building for Windows. Windows doesn't
contain a `Z.DLL` to link against.
[^0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leeroy_Jenkins
[^1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hooKVstzbz0
2016-07-18 15:42:39 +03:00
{1268EADF-8344-431C-81F6-FCB7CBC99F49}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{1268EADF-8344-431C-81F6-FCB7CBC99F49}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
2016-07-06 18:09:45 +03:00
{07BC4495-1267-4B78-9EA6-B76FEEA2A64A}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{07BC4495-1267-4B78-9EA6-B76FEEA2A64A}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
[build] Add `make jenkins` target. (#116)
The `make jenkins` [^0] target is for use by Continuous Integration
machines, to build *everything* [^1].
This is expected to take an eternity. Think *hours*.
$ time make jenkins
real 130m11.608s
user 97m22.220s
sys 18m20.522s
Of particular note is that the above "everything" includes
*Release configuration builds* of everything, which is something that
didn't actually work before. (Oops.)
Bump Java.Interop so that it supports building the Release
configuration, update Xamarin.Android.sln so that all required
projects are part of the Release configuration, and update
Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks.csproj so that `JCW_ONLY_TYPE_NAMES` isn't
defined, as this was preventing compilation.
Fix **strip**(1) use: `mono-runtimes.targets` was trying to use
`strip -S` on macOS, but the value of `%(_MonoRuntime.Strip)` was
quoted, and thus attempted to execute `"strip -S" ...`, which failed.
Move the `-S` into a new `%(_MonoRuntime.StripFlags)` value.
Fixup `mono-runtimes.targets` and related files so that
`$(MonoSourceFullPath)` is used instead of a relative path. This helps
alleviate the "mental math" of determining the relative path to the
Mono checkout. Plus, the Mono checkout is supposed to be overridable,
e.g. commit d205cab2, and using `$(MonoSourceFullPath)` supports that.
Download and install `android.jar` for all supported API levels.
Fix the `Mono.Android.csproj` build so that `Mono.Android.dll` is
stored in a per-API-level intermediate directory. Otherwise, if e.g.
API-10 is built after API-23, the API-23 version will be installed,
but the JCW build will fail. Additionally, API-24 requires using
`javac -source 1.8 -target 1.8`, not 1.6.
Fix `Mono.Android/metadata` to use the correct `merge.SourceFile`
filename of `Profiles/api-24.xml.in`. Without that fix, API-24 won't
build because `NumericShaper.GetContextualShaper()` is emitted twice,
and the C# compiler doesn't like that.
Disable use of `-lz` when building for Windows. Windows doesn't
contain a `Z.DLL` to link against.
[^0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leeroy_Jenkins
[^1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hooKVstzbz0
2016-07-18 15:42:39 +03:00
{07BC4495-1267-4B78-9EA6-B76FEEA2A64A}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{07BC4495-1267-4B78-9EA6-B76FEEA2A64A}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
2016-07-06 18:09:45 +03:00
{64CC4E44-CE3A-4319-BF3F-6CF8BD513870}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{64CC4E44-CE3A-4319-BF3F-6CF8BD513870}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
[build] Add `make jenkins` target. (#116)
The `make jenkins` [^0] target is for use by Continuous Integration
machines, to build *everything* [^1].
This is expected to take an eternity. Think *hours*.
$ time make jenkins
real 130m11.608s
user 97m22.220s
sys 18m20.522s
Of particular note is that the above "everything" includes
*Release configuration builds* of everything, which is something that
didn't actually work before. (Oops.)
Bump Java.Interop so that it supports building the Release
configuration, update Xamarin.Android.sln so that all required
projects are part of the Release configuration, and update
Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks.csproj so that `JCW_ONLY_TYPE_NAMES` isn't
defined, as this was preventing compilation.
Fix **strip**(1) use: `mono-runtimes.targets` was trying to use
`strip -S` on macOS, but the value of `%(_MonoRuntime.Strip)` was
quoted, and thus attempted to execute `"strip -S" ...`, which failed.
Move the `-S` into a new `%(_MonoRuntime.StripFlags)` value.
Fixup `mono-runtimes.targets` and related files so that
`$(MonoSourceFullPath)` is used instead of a relative path. This helps
alleviate the "mental math" of determining the relative path to the
Mono checkout. Plus, the Mono checkout is supposed to be overridable,
e.g. commit d205cab2, and using `$(MonoSourceFullPath)` supports that.
Download and install `android.jar` for all supported API levels.
Fix the `Mono.Android.csproj` build so that `Mono.Android.dll` is
stored in a per-API-level intermediate directory. Otherwise, if e.g.
API-10 is built after API-23, the API-23 version will be installed,
but the JCW build will fail. Additionally, API-24 requires using
`javac -source 1.8 -target 1.8`, not 1.6.
Fix `Mono.Android/metadata` to use the correct `merge.SourceFile`
filename of `Profiles/api-24.xml.in`. Without that fix, API-24 won't
build because `NumericShaper.GetContextualShaper()` is emitted twice,
and the C# compiler doesn't like that.
Disable use of `-lz` when building for Windows. Windows doesn't
contain a `Z.DLL` to link against.
[^0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leeroy_Jenkins
[^1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hooKVstzbz0
2016-07-18 15:42:39 +03:00
{64CC4E44-CE3A-4319-BF3F-6CF8BD513870}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{64CC4E44-CE3A-4319-BF3F-6CF8BD513870}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
2016-07-06 18:09:45 +03:00
{D48EE8D0-0A0A-4493-AEF5-DAF5F8CF86AD}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{D48EE8D0-0A0A-4493-AEF5-DAF5F8CF86AD}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
[build] Add `make jenkins` target. (#116)
The `make jenkins` [^0] target is for use by Continuous Integration
machines, to build *everything* [^1].
This is expected to take an eternity. Think *hours*.
$ time make jenkins
real 130m11.608s
user 97m22.220s
sys 18m20.522s
Of particular note is that the above "everything" includes
*Release configuration builds* of everything, which is something that
didn't actually work before. (Oops.)
Bump Java.Interop so that it supports building the Release
configuration, update Xamarin.Android.sln so that all required
projects are part of the Release configuration, and update
Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks.csproj so that `JCW_ONLY_TYPE_NAMES` isn't
defined, as this was preventing compilation.
Fix **strip**(1) use: `mono-runtimes.targets` was trying to use
`strip -S` on macOS, but the value of `%(_MonoRuntime.Strip)` was
quoted, and thus attempted to execute `"strip -S" ...`, which failed.
Move the `-S` into a new `%(_MonoRuntime.StripFlags)` value.
Fixup `mono-runtimes.targets` and related files so that
`$(MonoSourceFullPath)` is used instead of a relative path. This helps
alleviate the "mental math" of determining the relative path to the
Mono checkout. Plus, the Mono checkout is supposed to be overridable,
e.g. commit d205cab2, and using `$(MonoSourceFullPath)` supports that.
Download and install `android.jar` for all supported API levels.
Fix the `Mono.Android.csproj` build so that `Mono.Android.dll` is
stored in a per-API-level intermediate directory. Otherwise, if e.g.
API-10 is built after API-23, the API-23 version will be installed,
but the JCW build will fail. Additionally, API-24 requires using
`javac -source 1.8 -target 1.8`, not 1.6.
Fix `Mono.Android/metadata` to use the correct `merge.SourceFile`
filename of `Profiles/api-24.xml.in`. Without that fix, API-24 won't
build because `NumericShaper.GetContextualShaper()` is emitted twice,
and the C# compiler doesn't like that.
Disable use of `-lz` when building for Windows. Windows doesn't
contain a `Z.DLL` to link against.
[^0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leeroy_Jenkins
[^1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hooKVstzbz0
2016-07-18 15:42:39 +03:00
{D48EE8D0-0A0A-4493-AEF5-DAF5F8CF86AD}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{D48EE8D0-0A0A-4493-AEF5-DAF5F8CF86AD}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
2016-07-06 18:09:45 +03:00
{C03E6CF1-7460-4CDC-A4AB-292BBC0F61F2}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{C03E6CF1-7460-4CDC-A4AB-292BBC0F61F2}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{C03E6CF1-7460-4CDC-A4AB-292BBC0F61F2}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{C03E6CF1-7460-4CDC-A4AB-292BBC0F61F2}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{C03E6CF1-7460-4CDC-A4AB-292BBC0F61F2}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{C03E6CF1-7460-4CDC-A4AB-292BBC0F61F2}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{C03E6CF1-7460-4CDC-A4AB-292BBC0F61F2}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{C03E6CF1-7460-4CDC-A4AB-292BBC0F61F2}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{D14A1B5C-2060-4930-92BE-F7190256C735}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{D14A1B5C-2060-4930-92BE-F7190256C735}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{D14A1B5C-2060-4930-92BE-F7190256C735}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{D14A1B5C-2060-4930-92BE-F7190256C735}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{D14A1B5C-2060-4930-92BE-F7190256C735}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{D14A1B5C-2060-4930-92BE-F7190256C735}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{D14A1B5C-2060-4930-92BE-F7190256C735}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{D14A1B5C-2060-4930-92BE-F7190256C735}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{D27AD8F7-7710-40BE-B03B-55EFBEC13C44}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{D27AD8F7-7710-40BE-B03B-55EFBEC13C44}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{D27AD8F7-7710-40BE-B03B-55EFBEC13C44}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{D27AD8F7-7710-40BE-B03B-55EFBEC13C44}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{D27AD8F7-7710-40BE-B03B-55EFBEC13C44}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{D27AD8F7-7710-40BE-B03B-55EFBEC13C44}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{D27AD8F7-7710-40BE-B03B-55EFBEC13C44}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{D27AD8F7-7710-40BE-B03B-55EFBEC13C44}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{E8492EFB-D14A-4F32-AA28-88848322ECEA}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{E8492EFB-D14A-4F32-AA28-88848322ECEA}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
[build] Add `make jenkins` target. (#116)
The `make jenkins` [^0] target is for use by Continuous Integration
machines, to build *everything* [^1].
This is expected to take an eternity. Think *hours*.
$ time make jenkins
real 130m11.608s
user 97m22.220s
sys 18m20.522s
Of particular note is that the above "everything" includes
*Release configuration builds* of everything, which is something that
didn't actually work before. (Oops.)
Bump Java.Interop so that it supports building the Release
configuration, update Xamarin.Android.sln so that all required
projects are part of the Release configuration, and update
Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks.csproj so that `JCW_ONLY_TYPE_NAMES` isn't
defined, as this was preventing compilation.
Fix **strip**(1) use: `mono-runtimes.targets` was trying to use
`strip -S` on macOS, but the value of `%(_MonoRuntime.Strip)` was
quoted, and thus attempted to execute `"strip -S" ...`, which failed.
Move the `-S` into a new `%(_MonoRuntime.StripFlags)` value.
Fixup `mono-runtimes.targets` and related files so that
`$(MonoSourceFullPath)` is used instead of a relative path. This helps
alleviate the "mental math" of determining the relative path to the
Mono checkout. Plus, the Mono checkout is supposed to be overridable,
e.g. commit d205cab2, and using `$(MonoSourceFullPath)` supports that.
Download and install `android.jar` for all supported API levels.
Fix the `Mono.Android.csproj` build so that `Mono.Android.dll` is
stored in a per-API-level intermediate directory. Otherwise, if e.g.
API-10 is built after API-23, the API-23 version will be installed,
but the JCW build will fail. Additionally, API-24 requires using
`javac -source 1.8 -target 1.8`, not 1.6.
Fix `Mono.Android/metadata` to use the correct `merge.SourceFile`
filename of `Profiles/api-24.xml.in`. Without that fix, API-24 won't
build because `NumericShaper.GetContextualShaper()` is emitted twice,
and the C# compiler doesn't like that.
Disable use of `-lz` when building for Windows. Windows doesn't
contain a `Z.DLL` to link against.
[^0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leeroy_Jenkins
[^1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hooKVstzbz0
2016-07-18 15:42:39 +03:00
{E8492EFB-D14A-4F32-AA28-88848322ECEA}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{E8492EFB-D14A-4F32-AA28-88848322ECEA}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
2016-07-06 18:09:45 +03:00
{E8492EFB-D14A-4F32-AA28-88848322ECEA}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{E8492EFB-D14A-4F32-AA28-88848322ECEA}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{E8492EFB-D14A-4F32-AA28-88848322ECEA}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{E8492EFB-D14A-4F32-AA28-88848322ECEA}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{4D603AA3-3BFD-43C8-8050-0CD6C2601126}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{4D603AA3-3BFD-43C8-8050-0CD6C2601126}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{4D603AA3-3BFD-43C8-8050-0CD6C2601126}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{4D603AA3-3BFD-43C8-8050-0CD6C2601126}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{4D603AA3-3BFD-43C8-8050-0CD6C2601126}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{4D603AA3-3BFD-43C8-8050-0CD6C2601126}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{4D603AA3-3BFD-43C8-8050-0CD6C2601126}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{4D603AA3-3BFD-43C8-8050-0CD6C2601126}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{4D603AA3-3BFD-43C8-8050-0CD6C2601126}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{4D603AA3-3BFD-43C8-8050-0CD6C2601126}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{4D603AA3-3BFD-43C8-8050-0CD6C2601126}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{4D603AA3-3BFD-43C8-8050-0CD6C2601126}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{2DD1EE75-6D8D-4653-A800-0A24367F7F38}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{2DD1EE75-6D8D-4653-A800-0A24367F7F38}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{2DD1EE75-6D8D-4653-A800-0A24367F7F38}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{2DD1EE75-6D8D-4653-A800-0A24367F7F38}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{2DD1EE75-6D8D-4653-A800-0A24367F7F38}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{2DD1EE75-6D8D-4653-A800-0A24367F7F38}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{2DD1EE75-6D8D-4653-A800-0A24367F7F38}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{2DD1EE75-6D8D-4653-A800-0A24367F7F38}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{2DD1EE75-6D8D-4653-A800-0A24367F7F38}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{2DD1EE75-6D8D-4653-A800-0A24367F7F38}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{2DD1EE75-6D8D-4653-A800-0A24367F7F38}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{2DD1EE75-6D8D-4653-A800-0A24367F7F38}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{53E4ABF0-1085-45F9-B964-DCAE4B819998}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{53E4ABF0-1085-45F9-B964-DCAE4B819998}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{53E4ABF0-1085-45F9-B964-DCAE4B819998}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{53E4ABF0-1085-45F9-B964-DCAE4B819998}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{53E4ABF0-1085-45F9-B964-DCAE4B819998}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{53E4ABF0-1085-45F9-B964-DCAE4B819998}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{53E4ABF0-1085-45F9-B964-DCAE4B819998}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{53E4ABF0-1085-45F9-B964-DCAE4B819998}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{53E4ABF0-1085-45F9-B964-DCAE4B819998}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{53E4ABF0-1085-45F9-B964-DCAE4B819998}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{53E4ABF0-1085-45F9-B964-DCAE4B819998}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{53E4ABF0-1085-45F9-B964-DCAE4B819998}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{2868FC32-A4E7-4008-87C8-2C7879CACB58}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{2868FC32-A4E7-4008-87C8-2C7879CACB58}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{2868FC32-A4E7-4008-87C8-2C7879CACB58}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{2868FC32-A4E7-4008-87C8-2C7879CACB58}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{2868FC32-A4E7-4008-87C8-2C7879CACB58}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{2868FC32-A4E7-4008-87C8-2C7879CACB58}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{2868FC32-A4E7-4008-87C8-2C7879CACB58}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{2868FC32-A4E7-4008-87C8-2C7879CACB58}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{2868FC32-A4E7-4008-87C8-2C7879CACB58}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{2868FC32-A4E7-4008-87C8-2C7879CACB58}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{2868FC32-A4E7-4008-87C8-2C7879CACB58}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{2868FC32-A4E7-4008-87C8-2C7879CACB58}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{2CF172E5-BDAE-4ABA-8BC8-08040ED3E77A}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{2CF172E5-BDAE-4ABA-8BC8-08040ED3E77A}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{2CF172E5-BDAE-4ABA-8BC8-08040ED3E77A}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{2CF172E5-BDAE-4ABA-8BC8-08040ED3E77A}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{2CF172E5-BDAE-4ABA-8BC8-08040ED3E77A}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{2CF172E5-BDAE-4ABA-8BC8-08040ED3E77A}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{2CF172E5-BDAE-4ABA-8BC8-08040ED3E77A}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{2CF172E5-BDAE-4ABA-8BC8-08040ED3E77A}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{2CF172E5-BDAE-4ABA-8BC8-08040ED3E77A}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{2CF172E5-BDAE-4ABA-8BC8-08040ED3E77A}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{2CF172E5-BDAE-4ABA-8BC8-08040ED3E77A}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{2CF172E5-BDAE-4ABA-8BC8-08040ED3E77A}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{1A4B041A-842F-40B3-A50D-49E01D30BD18}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{1A4B041A-842F-40B3-A50D-49E01D30BD18}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{1A4B041A-842F-40B3-A50D-49E01D30BD18}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{1A4B041A-842F-40B3-A50D-49E01D30BD18}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{1A4B041A-842F-40B3-A50D-49E01D30BD18}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{1A4B041A-842F-40B3-A50D-49E01D30BD18}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{1A4B041A-842F-40B3-A50D-49E01D30BD18}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{1A4B041A-842F-40B3-A50D-49E01D30BD18}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{1A4B041A-842F-40B3-A50D-49E01D30BD18}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{1A4B041A-842F-40B3-A50D-49E01D30BD18}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{1A4B041A-842F-40B3-A50D-49E01D30BD18}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{1A4B041A-842F-40B3-A50D-49E01D30BD18}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{38C762AB-8FD1-44DE-9855-26AAE7129DC3}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{38C762AB-8FD1-44DE-9855-26AAE7129DC3}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{38C762AB-8FD1-44DE-9855-26AAE7129DC3}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{38C762AB-8FD1-44DE-9855-26AAE7129DC3}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{38C762AB-8FD1-44DE-9855-26AAE7129DC3}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{38C762AB-8FD1-44DE-9855-26AAE7129DC3}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{38C762AB-8FD1-44DE-9855-26AAE7129DC3}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{38C762AB-8FD1-44DE-9855-26AAE7129DC3}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{38C762AB-8FD1-44DE-9855-26AAE7129DC3}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{38C762AB-8FD1-44DE-9855-26AAE7129DC3}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{38C762AB-8FD1-44DE-9855-26AAE7129DC3}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{38C762AB-8FD1-44DE-9855-26AAE7129DC3}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{7387E151-48E3-4885-B2CA-A74434A34045}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{7387E151-48E3-4885-B2CA-A74434A34045}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{7387E151-48E3-4885-B2CA-A74434A34045}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{7387E151-48E3-4885-B2CA-A74434A34045}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{7387E151-48E3-4885-B2CA-A74434A34045}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{7387E151-48E3-4885-B2CA-A74434A34045}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{7387E151-48E3-4885-B2CA-A74434A34045}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{7387E151-48E3-4885-B2CA-A74434A34045}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{7387E151-48E3-4885-B2CA-A74434A34045}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{7387E151-48E3-4885-B2CA-A74434A34045}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{7387E151-48E3-4885-B2CA-A74434A34045}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{7387E151-48E3-4885-B2CA-A74434A34045}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{26781D3A-FF20-4F55-9824-C8A06AA9E484}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{26781D3A-FF20-4F55-9824-C8A06AA9E484}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{26781D3A-FF20-4F55-9824-C8A06AA9E484}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{26781D3A-FF20-4F55-9824-C8A06AA9E484}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{26781D3A-FF20-4F55-9824-C8A06AA9E484}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{26781D3A-FF20-4F55-9824-C8A06AA9E484}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{26781D3A-FF20-4F55-9824-C8A06AA9E484}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{26781D3A-FF20-4F55-9824-C8A06AA9E484}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{26781D3A-FF20-4F55-9824-C8A06AA9E484}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{26781D3A-FF20-4F55-9824-C8A06AA9E484}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{26781D3A-FF20-4F55-9824-C8A06AA9E484}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{26781D3A-FF20-4F55-9824-C8A06AA9E484}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{B8F799C5-D7CE-4E09-9CE6-BAA4173E7EC8}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{B8F799C5-D7CE-4E09-9CE6-BAA4173E7EC8}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{B8F799C5-D7CE-4E09-9CE6-BAA4173E7EC8}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{B8F799C5-D7CE-4E09-9CE6-BAA4173E7EC8}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{B8F799C5-D7CE-4E09-9CE6-BAA4173E7EC8}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{B8F799C5-D7CE-4E09-9CE6-BAA4173E7EC8}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{B8F799C5-D7CE-4E09-9CE6-BAA4173E7EC8}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{B8F799C5-D7CE-4E09-9CE6-BAA4173E7EC8}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{B8F799C5-D7CE-4E09-9CE6-BAA4173E7EC8}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{B8F799C5-D7CE-4E09-9CE6-BAA4173E7EC8}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{B8F799C5-D7CE-4E09-9CE6-BAA4173E7EC8}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{B8F799C5-D7CE-4E09-9CE6-BAA4173E7EC8}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{5EB9E888-E357-417E-9F39-DDEC195CE47F}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{5EB9E888-E357-417E-9F39-DDEC195CE47F}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{5EB9E888-E357-417E-9F39-DDEC195CE47F}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{5EB9E888-E357-417E-9F39-DDEC195CE47F}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{5EB9E888-E357-417E-9F39-DDEC195CE47F}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{5EB9E888-E357-417E-9F39-DDEC195CE47F}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{5EB9E888-E357-417E-9F39-DDEC195CE47F}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{5EB9E888-E357-417E-9F39-DDEC195CE47F}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{900A0F71-BAAD-417A-8D1A-8D330297CDD0}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{900A0F71-BAAD-417A-8D1A-8D330297CDD0}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
[build] Add `make jenkins` target. (#116)
The `make jenkins` [^0] target is for use by Continuous Integration
machines, to build *everything* [^1].
This is expected to take an eternity. Think *hours*.
$ time make jenkins
real 130m11.608s
user 97m22.220s
sys 18m20.522s
Of particular note is that the above "everything" includes
*Release configuration builds* of everything, which is something that
didn't actually work before. (Oops.)
Bump Java.Interop so that it supports building the Release
configuration, update Xamarin.Android.sln so that all required
projects are part of the Release configuration, and update
Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks.csproj so that `JCW_ONLY_TYPE_NAMES` isn't
defined, as this was preventing compilation.
Fix **strip**(1) use: `mono-runtimes.targets` was trying to use
`strip -S` on macOS, but the value of `%(_MonoRuntime.Strip)` was
quoted, and thus attempted to execute `"strip -S" ...`, which failed.
Move the `-S` into a new `%(_MonoRuntime.StripFlags)` value.
Fixup `mono-runtimes.targets` and related files so that
`$(MonoSourceFullPath)` is used instead of a relative path. This helps
alleviate the "mental math" of determining the relative path to the
Mono checkout. Plus, the Mono checkout is supposed to be overridable,
e.g. commit d205cab2, and using `$(MonoSourceFullPath)` supports that.
Download and install `android.jar` for all supported API levels.
Fix the `Mono.Android.csproj` build so that `Mono.Android.dll` is
stored in a per-API-level intermediate directory. Otherwise, if e.g.
API-10 is built after API-23, the API-23 version will be installed,
but the JCW build will fail. Additionally, API-24 requires using
`javac -source 1.8 -target 1.8`, not 1.6.
Fix `Mono.Android/metadata` to use the correct `merge.SourceFile`
filename of `Profiles/api-24.xml.in`. Without that fix, API-24 won't
build because `NumericShaper.GetContextualShaper()` is emitted twice,
and the C# compiler doesn't like that.
Disable use of `-lz` when building for Windows. Windows doesn't
contain a `Z.DLL` to link against.
[^0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leeroy_Jenkins
[^1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hooKVstzbz0
2016-07-18 15:42:39 +03:00
{900A0F71-BAAD-417A-8D1A-8D330297CDD0}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{900A0F71-BAAD-417A-8D1A-8D330297CDD0}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
2016-07-06 18:09:45 +03:00
{900A0F71-BAAD-417A-8D1A-8D330297CDD0}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{900A0F71-BAAD-417A-8D1A-8D330297CDD0}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{900A0F71-BAAD-417A-8D1A-8D330297CDD0}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{900A0F71-BAAD-417A-8D1A-8D330297CDD0}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{E248B2CA-303B-4645-ADDC-9D4459D550FD}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{E248B2CA-303B-4645-ADDC-9D4459D550FD}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{E248B2CA-303B-4645-ADDC-9D4459D550FD}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{E248B2CA-303B-4645-ADDC-9D4459D550FD}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{E248B2CA-303B-4645-ADDC-9D4459D550FD}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{E248B2CA-303B-4645-ADDC-9D4459D550FD}.XAIntegrationDebug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{E248B2CA-303B-4645-ADDC-9D4459D550FD}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{E248B2CA-303B-4645-ADDC-9D4459D550FD}.XAIntegrationRelease|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
2016-07-15 23:42:03 +03:00
{C9FF2E4D-D927-479E-838B-647C16763F64}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{C9FF2E4D-D927-479E-838B-647C16763F64}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{C9FF2E4D-D927-479E-838B-647C16763F64}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{C9FF2E4D-D927-479E-838B-647C16763F64}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{C9FF2E4D-D927-479E-838B-647C16763F64}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{C9FF2E4D-D927-479E-838B-647C16763F64}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{C9FF2E4D-D927-479E-838B-647C16763F64}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{C9FF2E4D-D927-479E-838B-647C16763F64}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
[bundle] Add `CreateBundle` target. (#140)
Building Mono on Windows is a PITA, and commit 0c073f67 added support
to cross-compile Mono for Windows so that Mono could be built from
macOS or Linux.
The unstated goal of that work was to -- eventually -- build the Mono
runtimes *for Windows* on e.g. macOS, *bundle* those runtimes, and
then we could update the build process to *download* a pre-built
bundle of mono runtimes so that we can ~sanely build xamarin-android
on Windows without building *Mono* on Windows.
Part Two of this cunning plan involves creating the bundle of built
mono runtimes. This in turn got rather complicated because instead of
doing the *simple* thing of invoking **zip**(1), I instead wanted to
create and use a `<Zip/>` MSBuild task, as this would allow us to
specify in one place -- `mono-runtimes.targets` -- which files should
be bundled, instead of bundling e.g. everything in `bin/Debug`, which
would grab considerably more than just the mono bits.
Adding a `<Zip/>` task in turn involves determining which Zip
implementation to use, and what assembly to put it in; the obvious
answer is to use `libzip`/`libZipSharp.dll` and place it into
`Xamarin.Android.Tools.BootstrapTasks.dll` -- which is how we did it
-- but this answer was tricky, due to a circular dependency problem:
`libzip.mdproj` depends on `android-runtimes.mdproj` which depends on
`Xamarin.Android.Tools.BootstrapTasks.dll`. Consequently, adding
`libzip.mdproj` as a dependency to
`Xamarin.Android.Tools.BootstrapTasks.dll` *doesn't work*.
(Question: Why use libzip? Why not use System.IO.Compression?
Answer: Because I'd like to be able to update the
`<UnzipDirectoryChildren/>` task to use `libzip` instead of
"shelling out" to **zip**(1) *like an animal*.)
Step 1 is removing the circular dependency. `libzip.mdproj` depends on
`android-runtimes.mdproj` because of MXE: `android-runtimes.mdproj`
configures the MXE build environment to generate a Windows
`libzip.dll` native library, if needed.
The fix: introduce a new `libzip-windows.mdproj` project which
performs the MXE-based build. This allows `libzip.mdproj` to no longer
depend on `android-runtimes.mdproj`; `libzip-windows.mdproj` does.
This also involves "refactoring" `libzip.mdproj` so that the build
logic can be shared with `libzip-windows.mdproj`.
Additionally, improve `libzip.mdproj` so that the native libraries are
also set as a `@(Content)` build action. This allows e.g.
`libzip.3.0.dylib` to be properly copied into `bin/BuildDebug`, as
that's the `$(OutputPath)` of
Step 2 is adding `libZipSharp.csproj` as a `@(ProjectReference)` to
`Xamarin.Android.Tools.BootstrapTasks.csproj`. This requires bumping
`Xamarin.Android.Tools.BootstrapTasks.csproj` to target .NET 4.5.1,
which allows us to add the new `<Zip/>` task, as well as a new
`<GitCommit/>` task (so we can determine the abbreviated commit hash
of the mono checkout, for encoding into the filename).
Step 3 is updating `mono-runtimes.targets` so that the Windows
cross-compilers are built into `bin/$(Configuration)/lib/mandroid`,
as this matches what is currently done internally.
Step 4 is adding a new `build-tools/bundle.mdproj` project with a
`CreateBundle` targtet, which will create the file:
Uploading the `bundle-*.zip` files will be handled by Jenkins as a
post-build task.
Not yet done: *using* `bundle-*.zip` so that mono/etc. builds can be
skipped, *greatly* improving build times.
2016-08-11 00:28:53 +03:00
{0DE278D6-000F-4001-BB98-187C0AF58A61}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{0DE278D6-000F-4001-BB98-187C0AF58A61}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{0DE278D6-000F-4001-BB98-187C0AF58A61}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{0DE278D6-000F-4001-BB98-187C0AF58A61}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{0DE278D6-000F-4001-BB98-187C0AF58A61}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{0DE278D6-000F-4001-BB98-187C0AF58A61}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{0DE278D6-000F-4001-BB98-187C0AF58A61}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{0DE278D6-000F-4001-BB98-187C0AF58A61}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{1640725C-4DB8-4D8D-BC96-74E688A06EEF}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{1640725C-4DB8-4D8D-BC96-74E688A06EEF}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{1640725C-4DB8-4D8D-BC96-74E688A06EEF}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{1640725C-4DB8-4D8D-BC96-74E688A06EEF}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{1640725C-4DB8-4D8D-BC96-74E688A06EEF}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{1640725C-4DB8-4D8D-BC96-74E688A06EEF}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{1640725C-4DB8-4D8D-BC96-74E688A06EEF}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{1640725C-4DB8-4D8D-BC96-74E688A06EEF}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
[xa-prep-tasks] Use the Mono bundle (#162)
Context: https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-android/commit/fbfd676c102c63e4e06e750857b178725e33450c
Stage 3 of the cunning plan is to (attempt to) use the mono bundle
introduced in commit fbfd676c.
This "simple" desire (ha!) re-raises the architectural project
dependency issue "solved" in fbfd676c, but first, a simple question:
What should download the mono bundle?
There are two plausible answers:
1. `make prepare` can (somehow) handle it.
2. MSBuild can (somehow) handle it.
Both are plausible. The problem with using `make` targets (1) is there
is increased potential for "duplication" -- duplication of the bundle
filename, downloading it, and extracting it. Plus, `make` isn't
"Windows friendly", in that GNU make isn't (normally) present with
Visual Studio. (`NMAKE` is, but the Makefiles in this project are not
compatible with `NMAKE`.)
Which brings us to MSBuild (2): can it handle the task?
To tackle that, we need to be able to have an MSBuild task project
which has *no dependencies*, so that it can download and extract the
mono bundle *before anything else runs*, as it may be downloading
contents which mean that other projects don't *need* to run.
The need for a "pre-bootstrap" task assembly -- called `xa-prep-tasks`
-- thus "undoes" *some* of the logic regarding `libzip-windows.mdproj`
and the `<Zip/>` task from fbfd676c: it isn't *possible* to rely on
`libzip` from a "pre-build" state, as `libzip` is one of the things in
the mono bundle, so now we need *two* "bootstrap" task assemblies:
one without a `libzip` dependency -- `xa-prep-tasks.dll` -- and one
*with* a `libzip` dependency --
Move tasks which don't currently require `libzip` -- or won't in the
future, or laziness -- from `Xamarin.Android.Tools.BootstrapTasks.dll`
and move them into `xa-prep-tasks.dll`.
With that architectural compromise in place, add `xa-prep-tasks` as a
`@(ProjectReference)` to various projects to help ensure it's built
*first*, and rearchitect `bundle.mdproj` so that
`xa-prep-tasks.targets` and `bundle.targets` can use the same targets
to compute the bundle filename, now in
Add a post-build step to `xa-prep-tasks.csproj` which downloads and
extracts the expected mono bundle.
One "problem" (feature?) is that the new `<SystemUnzip/>` task doesn't
report errors as errors when unzip'ing the file. This turns out to be
fine here because when downloading the mono bundle from Azure we don't
get a 404 *anyway* -- Azure instead returns an XML document containing
an error message (wat?!). We can thus ignore most error handling
entirely...though we're *also* ignoring any checking for invalid
downloads, which is something we should address in the future.
Update the varioous project files so that they won't attempt to
rebuild binaries that were present in the mono bundle.
2016-08-16 23:02:48 +03:00
{7CE69551-BD73-4726-ACAA-AAF89C84BAF8}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{7CE69551-BD73-4726-ACAA-AAF89C84BAF8}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{7CE69551-BD73-4726-ACAA-AAF89C84BAF8}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{7CE69551-BD73-4726-ACAA-AAF89C84BAF8}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{7CE69551-BD73-4726-ACAA-AAF89C84BAF8}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{7CE69551-BD73-4726-ACAA-AAF89C84BAF8}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{7CE69551-BD73-4726-ACAA-AAF89C84BAF8}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{7CE69551-BD73-4726-ACAA-AAF89C84BAF8}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
2016-11-18 18:04:49 +03:00
{15945D4B-FF56-4BCC-B598-2718D199DD08}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{15945D4B-FF56-4BCC-B598-2718D199DD08}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{15945D4B-FF56-4BCC-B598-2718D199DD08}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{15945D4B-FF56-4BCC-B598-2718D199DD08}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{15945D4B-FF56-4BCC-B598-2718D199DD08}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{15945D4B-FF56-4BCC-B598-2718D199DD08}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{15945D4B-FF56-4BCC-B598-2718D199DD08}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{15945D4B-FF56-4BCC-B598-2718D199DD08}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{C0487169-8F81-497F-919E-EB42B1D0243F}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{C0487169-8F81-497F-919E-EB42B1D0243F}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{C0487169-8F81-497F-919E-EB42B1D0243F}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{C0487169-8F81-497F-919E-EB42B1D0243F}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{C0487169-8F81-497F-919E-EB42B1D0243F}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{C0487169-8F81-497F-919E-EB42B1D0243F}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{C0487169-8F81-497F-919E-EB42B1D0243F}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{C0487169-8F81-497F-919E-EB42B1D0243F}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
2017-01-05 21:20:50 +03:00
{C876DA71-8573-4CEF-9149-716D72455ED4}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{C876DA71-8573-4CEF-9149-716D72455ED4}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{C876DA71-8573-4CEF-9149-716D72455ED4}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{C876DA71-8573-4CEF-9149-716D72455ED4}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{C876DA71-8573-4CEF-9149-716D72455ED4}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{C876DA71-8573-4CEF-9149-716D72455ED4}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{C876DA71-8573-4CEF-9149-716D72455ED4}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{C876DA71-8573-4CEF-9149-716D72455ED4}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
2017-02-16 19:37:28 +03:00
{C845ECC0-2ED3-498E-8EA8-02EF7AC6E9AD}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{C845ECC0-2ED3-498E-8EA8-02EF7AC6E9AD}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{C845ECC0-2ED3-498E-8EA8-02EF7AC6E9AD}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{C845ECC0-2ED3-498E-8EA8-02EF7AC6E9AD}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{C845ECC0-2ED3-498E-8EA8-02EF7AC6E9AD}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{C845ECC0-2ED3-498E-8EA8-02EF7AC6E9AD}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{C845ECC0-2ED3-498E-8EA8-02EF7AC6E9AD}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{C845ECC0-2ED3-498E-8EA8-02EF7AC6E9AD}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
[Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] Use GPL'd ProGuard (#386)
**Background**: many Android SDK features rely on [ProGuard][0], a
Java bytecode manipulation library. Some of these features include
linking (shrinking) bytecode and [multidex][1].
Xamarin.Android has historically relied on the version of ProGuard
bundled with the Android SDK, which is how the `<Proguard/>` task and
`@(ProguardConfiguration)` build actions work.
Unfortunately, the version of ProGuard bundled with the Android SDK
is, at this point, *ancient* (ProGuard v4.7; current version is v5.3),
and (more importantly) ProGuard v4.7 doesn't support JDK 1.8 bytecode.
Meaning if the end-developer references a Java library targeting
JDK 1.8 -- e.g. the Android Support Library v25 -- then the version of
ProGuard bundled with the Android SDK *cannot process that library*.
This in turn means that the `<Proguard/>` task and
`@(ProguardConfiguration)` build actions don't work/are useless.
Native Java development "works around" this problem by using Gradle as
the build system, and Java projects are configured to download and
install a newer version of ProGuard via Gradle.
Xamarin.Android projects do not use Gradle, nor will they.
(At least not in the foreseeable future.)
**Solution**: We have communicated with Eric Lafortune, maintainer of
ProGuard, about distributing a newer ProGuard with Xamarin.Android.
He replied:
> From a licensing point of view, you shouldn't need an exception to
> the GPL in many practical configurations:
> * if you indeed run ProGuard in a separate JVM
The `<Proguard/>` task is a [`ToolTask`][2], which operates by
creating a new process to invoke the specified tool. We thus are
*already* using ProGuard within a "separate JVM", and no architectural
change is required to comply with ProGuard's licensing without
altering Xamarin.Android's licensing.
The current ProGuard sources (v5.3.2) have been imported into the
[xamarin/proguard][3] module, and we will be using the
`xamarin/proguard` module as a git submodule for build purposes.
[0]: https://www.guardsquare.com/en/proguard
[1]: https://developer.android.com/studio/build/multidex.html
[2]: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.build.utilities.tooltask.aspx
[3]: http://github.com/xamarin/proguard/
2017-03-06 18:00:36 +03:00
{4B9D96BB-95AB-44E8-9F87-13B12C8BCED1}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{4B9D96BB-95AB-44E8-9F87-13B12C8BCED1}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{4B9D96BB-95AB-44E8-9F87-13B12C8BCED1}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{4B9D96BB-95AB-44E8-9F87-13B12C8BCED1}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{4B9D96BB-95AB-44E8-9F87-13B12C8BCED1}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{4B9D96BB-95AB-44E8-9F87-13B12C8BCED1}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{4B9D96BB-95AB-44E8-9F87-13B12C8BCED1}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{4B9D96BB-95AB-44E8-9F87-13B12C8BCED1}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
2017-03-15 16:46:20 +03:00
{8A6CB07C-E493-4A4F-AB94-038645A27118}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{8A6CB07C-E493-4A4F-AB94-038645A27118}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{8A6CB07C-E493-4A4F-AB94-038645A27118}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{8A6CB07C-E493-4A4F-AB94-038645A27118}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{8A6CB07C-E493-4A4F-AB94-038645A27118}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{8A6CB07C-E493-4A4F-AB94-038645A27118}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{8A6CB07C-E493-4A4F-AB94-038645A27118}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{8A6CB07C-E493-4A4F-AB94-038645A27118}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
2017-03-17 21:18:55 +03:00
{E0890301-F75F-40E7-B008-54C28B3BA542}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{E0890301-F75F-40E7-B008-54C28B3BA542}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{E0890301-F75F-40E7-B008-54C28B3BA542}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{E0890301-F75F-40E7-B008-54C28B3BA542}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{E0890301-F75F-40E7-B008-54C28B3BA542}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{E0890301-F75F-40E7-B008-54C28B3BA542}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{E0890301-F75F-40E7-B008-54C28B3BA542}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{E0890301-F75F-40E7-B008-54C28B3BA542}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{A87352E6-CE7F-4346-B6B1-586AE931C0A7}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{A87352E6-CE7F-4346-B6B1-586AE931C0A7}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{A87352E6-CE7F-4346-B6B1-586AE931C0A7}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{A87352E6-CE7F-4346-B6B1-586AE931C0A7}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{A87352E6-CE7F-4346-B6B1-586AE931C0A7}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{A87352E6-CE7F-4346-B6B1-586AE931C0A7}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{A87352E6-CE7F-4346-B6B1-586AE931C0A7}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{A87352E6-CE7F-4346-B6B1-586AE931C0A7}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
[create-vsix] Create `.vsix` files (#541)
Visual Studio 2017 uses `.vsix` files for Xamarin.Android SDK support.
A `.vsix` file is [ZIP container with additional metadata][0], and the
[Microsoft.VSSDK.BuildTools NuGet package][1] contains various MSBuild
targets and tools to assist in creating `.vsix` files.
Add a new `build-tools/create-vsix/create-vsix.csproj` project to
create the `bin/Build$(Configuration)/Xamarin.Android.Sdk*.vsix` file,
so that we can plausibly provide per-build OSS Xamarin.Android
releases that work with Visual Studio 2017.
Unfortunately those tools were written on Windows, and not really well
tested on macOS or Linux... In particular, there are case-sensitivity
and directory-separator-char issues with the tooling, necessitating
that `MONO_IOMAP=all` be exported in order to run them:
MONO_IOMAP=all MONO_OPTIONS=--arch=64 msbuild \
build-tools/create-vsix/create-vsix.csproj /p:CreateVsixContainer=True
Meanwhile, we're still attempting to allow things to be built with
`xbuild` [^3]. Thread this needle by "special-casing" the
`$(BuildDependsOn)`, `$(CopyVsixManifestFileDependsOn)`, and
`$(DetokenizeVsixManifestFileDependsOn)` MSBuild properties so that
when the `$(CreateVsixContainer)` MSBuild property is False -- the
default -- no `.vsix` package will be created, and `xbuild` will be
able to build the project.
Similar needle threading is needed to "support" building on Linux: the
Microsoft.VSSDK.BuildTools NuGet package uses case in an inconsistent
fashion -- or is it `nuget`? -- which results in
[failures when building on Linux][2] because `nuget` extracts e.g.:
while Microsoft.VSSDK.BuildTools attempts to `<Import/>` the file:
`vssdk` != `VSSDK` on case-sensitive filesystems, so this results in
an error on Ubuntu (and presumably case-senstive macOS as well).
Handle the Linux case by extending the `xbuild` case: *even when*
`$(CreateVsixContainer)` is True, we won't actually build the `.vsix`
unless the `$(VsSDKInstall)` directory exists, which is the
`tools/VSSDK` path.
Building with `$(CreateVsixContainer)` set to True will require using
`msbuild` with `MONO_IOMAP=all` and `MONO_OPPTIONS=--arch=64`
exported, while using a case-insensitive filesystem.
The new `make create-vsix CONFIGURATIONS=Debug` target can be used to
explicitly create the `Xamarin.Android.Sdk*.vsix` file.
One problem with creating `.vsix` files: macOS still defaults to using
a 32-bit process for `mono`, and `make create-vsix` regularly fails
for me with an `OutOfMemoryException` when attempting to generate a
`.vsix` file ~600-700+MB in size. (Why so large? In part because for
Debug configuration we're including un-`strip`'d native libraries;
`libmonosgen-2.0.dll` is *237MB* in size (!); it's closer to 5MB when
`strip`'d, but any un-`strip`'d MXE-generated native libraries to the
`.vsix` file quickly results in `OutOfMemoryException`s.)
A 64-bit mono can be used by using `mono64` -- which isn't easily done
with `msbuild` -- or by using `mono --arch=64`, which *can* be done
with `msbuild` by exporting `MONO_OPTIONS=--arch=64`.
The `make create-vsix` target does this.
Finally, once we have a `.visx` being created, we then examine the
*contents* of the `.vsix` file, which is...weird:
$MSBuild/Xamarin/Android/Xamarin.Android.CSharp.targets # Desirable
$ReferenceAssemblies/Microsoft/Framework/MonoAndroid/v1.0/Xamarin.Android.CSharp.targets # wat?
$ReferenceAssemblies/Microsoft/Framework/MonoAndroid/v1.0/Facades/Xamarin.Android.CSharp.targets # really?!
$ReferenceAssemblies/Microsoft/Framework/MonoAndroid/v7.1/Xamarin.Android.CSharp.targets # !!!!
Turns Out™, the problem was due to `@(ProjectReference)`. We're
(ab)using `@(ProjectReference)` to explicitly specify project
dependencies, and the (implicit) project build order.
Unexpectedly (forgetten?), MSBuild *also* copies the *outputs* of
`@(ProjectReference)`s into the `$(OutputPath)` of the current
Since e.g. `Mono.Posix.csproj` had a reference on
`Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks.csproj`, the result of this is that the
`$(OutputPath)` of `Mono.Posix.csproj` --
`$prefix/lib/xbuild-frameworks/MonoAndroid/v1.0` -- also contained the
`%(None.CopyToOutputDirectory)` items from
The fix is to set `%(ProjectReference.Private)` to False, which
disables this copying of additional and undesirable files.
[0]: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd997148.aspx
[1]: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.VSSDK.BuildTools/
[2]: https://jenkins.mono-project.com/view/Xamarin.Android/job/xamarin-anroid-linux-pr-builder/297/consoleText
[^3]: But for how much longer?
2017-04-05 18:49:37 +03:00
{94756FEB-1F64-411D-A18E-81B5158F776A}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{94756FEB-1F64-411D-A18E-81B5158F776A}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{94756FEB-1F64-411D-A18E-81B5158F776A}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{94756FEB-1F64-411D-A18E-81B5158F776A}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{94756FEB-1F64-411D-A18E-81B5158F776A}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{94756FEB-1F64-411D-A18E-81B5158F776A}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{94756FEB-1F64-411D-A18E-81B5158F776A}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{94756FEB-1F64-411D-A18E-81B5158F776A}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
2017-04-21 23:06:08 +03:00
{93614CB8-4564-43B9-93B0-4AF4B3B16AAE}.Debug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{93614CB8-4564-43B9-93B0-4AF4B3B16AAE}.Debug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{93614CB8-4564-43B9-93B0-4AF4B3B16AAE}.Release|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{93614CB8-4564-43B9-93B0-4AF4B3B16AAE}.Release|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{93614CB8-4564-43B9-93B0-4AF4B3B16AAE}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{93614CB8-4564-43B9-93B0-4AF4B3B16AAE}.XAIntegrationDebug|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{93614CB8-4564-43B9-93B0-4AF4B3B16AAE}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{93614CB8-4564-43B9-93B0-4AF4B3B16AAE}.XAIntegrationRelease|AnyCPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
2016-07-06 18:09:45 +03:00
GlobalSection(NestedProjects) = preSolution
{8FF78EB6-6FC8-46A7-8A15-EBBA9045C5FA} = {E351F97D-EA4F-4E7F-AAA0-8EBB1F2A4A62}
{E8492EFB-D14A-4F32-AA28-88848322ECEA} = {E351F97D-EA4F-4E7F-AAA0-8EBB1F2A4A62}
{C03E6CF1-7460-4CDC-A4AB-292BBC0F61F2} = {E351F97D-EA4F-4E7F-AAA0-8EBB1F2A4A62}
{AFB8F6D1-6EA9-42C3-950B-98F34C669AD2} = {E351F97D-EA4F-4E7F-AAA0-8EBB1F2A4A62}
{3FC3E78B-F7D4-42EA-BBE8-4535DF42BFF8} = {E351F97D-EA4F-4E7F-AAA0-8EBB1F2A4A62}
{94BD81F7-B06F-4295-9636-F8A3B6BDC762} = {04E3E11E-B47D-4599-8AFC-50515A95E715}
{D14A1B5C-2060-4930-92BE-F7190256C735} = {04E3E11E-B47D-4599-8AFC-50515A95E715}
2016-08-08 17:50:37 +03:00
{FE789F04-5E95-42C5-AEF1-E33F8DF06B3F} = {04E3E11E-B47D-4599-8AFC-50515A95E715}
2016-07-06 18:09:45 +03:00
{74598F5C-B8CC-4CE6-8EE2-AB9CA1400076} = {04E3E11E-B47D-4599-8AFC-50515A95E715}
{E706B6F2-5562-4765-8F07-8CF84A797B30} = {04E3E11E-B47D-4599-8AFC-50515A95E715}
{66CF299A-CE95-4131-BCD8-DB66E30C4BF7} = {04E3E11E-B47D-4599-8AFC-50515A95E715}
{B8105878-D423-4159-A3E7-028298281EC6} = {04E3E11E-B47D-4599-8AFC-50515A95E715}
{D27AD8F7-7710-40BE-B03B-55EFBEC13C44} = {04E3E11E-B47D-4599-8AFC-50515A95E715}
{3F1F2F50-AF1A-4A5A-BEDB-193372F068D7} = {04E3E11E-B47D-4599-8AFC-50515A95E715}
{91713046-C358-4647-B162-ED4E1442F3D8} = {04E3E11E-B47D-4599-8AFC-50515A95E715}
{B17475BC-45A2-47A3-B8FC-62F3A0959EE0} = {04E3E11E-B47D-4599-8AFC-50515A95E715}
{52C7D9B6-E8C8-47D0-9471-652D278D7D77} = {864062D3-A415-4A6F-9324-5820237BA058}
{D18FCF91-8876-48A0-A693-2DC1E7D3D80A} = {864062D3-A415-4A6F-9324-5820237BA058}
{1268EADF-8344-431C-81F6-FCB7CBC99F49} = {864062D3-A415-4A6F-9324-5820237BA058}
{07BC4495-1267-4B78-9EA6-B76FEEA2A64A} = {864062D3-A415-4A6F-9324-5820237BA058}
{64CC4E44-CE3A-4319-BF3F-6CF8BD513870} = {864062D3-A415-4A6F-9324-5820237BA058}
{D48EE8D0-0A0A-4493-AEF5-DAF5F8CF86AD} = {864062D3-A415-4A6F-9324-5820237BA058}
{53EE4C57-1C03-405A-8243-8DA539546C88} = {04E3E11E-B47D-4599-8AFC-50515A95E715}
{4D603AA3-3BFD-43C8-8050-0CD6C2601126} = {04E3E11E-B47D-4599-8AFC-50515A95E715}
{2DD1EE75-6D8D-4653-A800-0A24367F7F38} = {CAB438D8-B0F5-4AF0-BEBD-9E2ADBD7B483}
{53E4ABF0-1085-45F9-B964-DCAE4B819998} = {CAB438D8-B0F5-4AF0-BEBD-9E2ADBD7B483}
{2868FC32-A4E7-4008-87C8-2C7879CACB58} = {04E3E11E-B47D-4599-8AFC-50515A95E715}
{2CF172E5-BDAE-4ABA-8BC8-08040ED3E77A} = {E351F97D-EA4F-4E7F-AAA0-8EBB1F2A4A62}
{1A4B041A-842F-40B3-A50D-49E01D30BD18} = {04E3E11E-B47D-4599-8AFC-50515A95E715}
{38C762AB-8FD1-44DE-9855-26AAE7129DC3} = {864062D3-A415-4A6F-9324-5820237BA058}
{7387E151-48E3-4885-B2CA-A74434A34045} = {864062D3-A415-4A6F-9324-5820237BA058}
{26781D3A-FF20-4F55-9824-C8A06AA9E484} = {04E3E11E-B47D-4599-8AFC-50515A95E715}
{B8F799C5-D7CE-4E09-9CE6-BAA4173E7EC8} = {04E3E11E-B47D-4599-8AFC-50515A95E715}
{5EB9E888-E357-417E-9F39-DDEC195CE47F} = {04E3E11E-B47D-4599-8AFC-50515A95E715}
{900A0F71-BAAD-417A-8D1A-8D330297CDD0} = {E351F97D-EA4F-4E7F-AAA0-8EBB1F2A4A62}
{E248B2CA-303B-4645-ADDC-9D4459D550FD} = {04E3E11E-B47D-4599-8AFC-50515A95E715}
2016-07-15 23:42:03 +03:00
{C9FF2E4D-D927-479E-838B-647C16763F64} = {04E3E11E-B47D-4599-8AFC-50515A95E715}
[bundle] Add `CreateBundle` target. (#140)
Building Mono on Windows is a PITA, and commit 0c073f67 added support
to cross-compile Mono for Windows so that Mono could be built from
macOS or Linux.
The unstated goal of that work was to -- eventually -- build the Mono
runtimes *for Windows* on e.g. macOS, *bundle* those runtimes, and
then we could update the build process to *download* a pre-built
bundle of mono runtimes so that we can ~sanely build xamarin-android
on Windows without building *Mono* on Windows.
Part Two of this cunning plan involves creating the bundle of built
mono runtimes. This in turn got rather complicated because instead of
doing the *simple* thing of invoking **zip**(1), I instead wanted to
create and use a `<Zip/>` MSBuild task, as this would allow us to
specify in one place -- `mono-runtimes.targets` -- which files should
be bundled, instead of bundling e.g. everything in `bin/Debug`, which
would grab considerably more than just the mono bits.
Adding a `<Zip/>` task in turn involves determining which Zip
implementation to use, and what assembly to put it in; the obvious
answer is to use `libzip`/`libZipSharp.dll` and place it into
`Xamarin.Android.Tools.BootstrapTasks.dll` -- which is how we did it
-- but this answer was tricky, due to a circular dependency problem:
`libzip.mdproj` depends on `android-runtimes.mdproj` which depends on
`Xamarin.Android.Tools.BootstrapTasks.dll`. Consequently, adding
`libzip.mdproj` as a dependency to
`Xamarin.Android.Tools.BootstrapTasks.dll` *doesn't work*.
(Question: Why use libzip? Why not use System.IO.Compression?
Answer: Because I'd like to be able to update the
`<UnzipDirectoryChildren/>` task to use `libzip` instead of
"shelling out" to **zip**(1) *like an animal*.)
Step 1 is removing the circular dependency. `libzip.mdproj` depends on
`android-runtimes.mdproj` because of MXE: `android-runtimes.mdproj`
configures the MXE build environment to generate a Windows
`libzip.dll` native library, if needed.
The fix: introduce a new `libzip-windows.mdproj` project which
performs the MXE-based build. This allows `libzip.mdproj` to no longer
depend on `android-runtimes.mdproj`; `libzip-windows.mdproj` does.
This also involves "refactoring" `libzip.mdproj` so that the build
logic can be shared with `libzip-windows.mdproj`.
Additionally, improve `libzip.mdproj` so that the native libraries are
also set as a `@(Content)` build action. This allows e.g.
`libzip.3.0.dylib` to be properly copied into `bin/BuildDebug`, as
that's the `$(OutputPath)` of
Step 2 is adding `libZipSharp.csproj` as a `@(ProjectReference)` to
`Xamarin.Android.Tools.BootstrapTasks.csproj`. This requires bumping
`Xamarin.Android.Tools.BootstrapTasks.csproj` to target .NET 4.5.1,
which allows us to add the new `<Zip/>` task, as well as a new
`<GitCommit/>` task (so we can determine the abbreviated commit hash
of the mono checkout, for encoding into the filename).
Step 3 is updating `mono-runtimes.targets` so that the Windows
cross-compilers are built into `bin/$(Configuration)/lib/mandroid`,
as this matches what is currently done internally.
Step 4 is adding a new `build-tools/bundle.mdproj` project with a
`CreateBundle` targtet, which will create the file:
Uploading the `bundle-*.zip` files will be handled by Jenkins as a
post-build task.
Not yet done: *using* `bundle-*.zip` so that mono/etc. builds can be
skipped, *greatly* improving build times.
2016-08-11 00:28:53 +03:00
{0DE278D6-000F-4001-BB98-187C0AF58A61} = {E351F97D-EA4F-4E7F-AAA0-8EBB1F2A4A62}
{1640725C-4DB8-4D8D-BC96-74E688A06EEF} = {E351F97D-EA4F-4E7F-AAA0-8EBB1F2A4A62}
[xa-prep-tasks] Use the Mono bundle (#162)
Context: https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-android/commit/fbfd676c102c63e4e06e750857b178725e33450c
Stage 3 of the cunning plan is to (attempt to) use the mono bundle
introduced in commit fbfd676c.
This "simple" desire (ha!) re-raises the architectural project
dependency issue "solved" in fbfd676c, but first, a simple question:
What should download the mono bundle?
There are two plausible answers:
1. `make prepare` can (somehow) handle it.
2. MSBuild can (somehow) handle it.
Both are plausible. The problem with using `make` targets (1) is there
is increased potential for "duplication" -- duplication of the bundle
filename, downloading it, and extracting it. Plus, `make` isn't
"Windows friendly", in that GNU make isn't (normally) present with
Visual Studio. (`NMAKE` is, but the Makefiles in this project are not
compatible with `NMAKE`.)
Which brings us to MSBuild (2): can it handle the task?
To tackle that, we need to be able to have an MSBuild task project
which has *no dependencies*, so that it can download and extract the
mono bundle *before anything else runs*, as it may be downloading
contents which mean that other projects don't *need* to run.
The need for a "pre-bootstrap" task assembly -- called `xa-prep-tasks`
-- thus "undoes" *some* of the logic regarding `libzip-windows.mdproj`
and the `<Zip/>` task from fbfd676c: it isn't *possible* to rely on
`libzip` from a "pre-build" state, as `libzip` is one of the things in
the mono bundle, so now we need *two* "bootstrap" task assemblies:
one without a `libzip` dependency -- `xa-prep-tasks.dll` -- and one
*with* a `libzip` dependency --
Move tasks which don't currently require `libzip` -- or won't in the
future, or laziness -- from `Xamarin.Android.Tools.BootstrapTasks.dll`
and move them into `xa-prep-tasks.dll`.
With that architectural compromise in place, add `xa-prep-tasks` as a
`@(ProjectReference)` to various projects to help ensure it's built
*first*, and rearchitect `bundle.mdproj` so that
`xa-prep-tasks.targets` and `bundle.targets` can use the same targets
to compute the bundle filename, now in
Add a post-build step to `xa-prep-tasks.csproj` which downloads and
extracts the expected mono bundle.
One "problem" (feature?) is that the new `<SystemUnzip/>` task doesn't
report errors as errors when unzip'ing the file. This turns out to be
fine here because when downloading the mono bundle from Azure we don't
get a 404 *anyway* -- Azure instead returns an XML document containing
an error message (wat?!). We can thus ignore most error handling
entirely...though we're *also* ignoring any checking for invalid
downloads, which is something we should address in the future.
Update the varioous project files so that they won't attempt to
rebuild binaries that were present in the mono bundle.
2016-08-16 23:02:48 +03:00
{7CE69551-BD73-4726-ACAA-AAF89C84BAF8} = {E351F97D-EA4F-4E7F-AAA0-8EBB1F2A4A62}
2016-11-18 18:04:49 +03:00
{15945D4B-FF56-4BCC-B598-2718D199DD08} = {864062D3-A415-4A6F-9324-5820237BA058}
{C0487169-8F81-497F-919E-EB42B1D0243F} = {864062D3-A415-4A6F-9324-5820237BA058}
2017-01-05 21:20:50 +03:00
{C876DA71-8573-4CEF-9149-716D72455ED4} = {E351F97D-EA4F-4E7F-AAA0-8EBB1F2A4A62}
2017-02-16 19:37:28 +03:00
{C845ECC0-2ED3-498E-8EA8-02EF7AC6E9AD} = {E351F97D-EA4F-4E7F-AAA0-8EBB1F2A4A62}
[Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] Use GPL'd ProGuard (#386)
**Background**: many Android SDK features rely on [ProGuard][0], a
Java bytecode manipulation library. Some of these features include
linking (shrinking) bytecode and [multidex][1].
Xamarin.Android has historically relied on the version of ProGuard
bundled with the Android SDK, which is how the `<Proguard/>` task and
`@(ProguardConfiguration)` build actions work.
Unfortunately, the version of ProGuard bundled with the Android SDK
is, at this point, *ancient* (ProGuard v4.7; current version is v5.3),
and (more importantly) ProGuard v4.7 doesn't support JDK 1.8 bytecode.
Meaning if the end-developer references a Java library targeting
JDK 1.8 -- e.g. the Android Support Library v25 -- then the version of
ProGuard bundled with the Android SDK *cannot process that library*.
This in turn means that the `<Proguard/>` task and
`@(ProguardConfiguration)` build actions don't work/are useless.
Native Java development "works around" this problem by using Gradle as
the build system, and Java projects are configured to download and
install a newer version of ProGuard via Gradle.
Xamarin.Android projects do not use Gradle, nor will they.
(At least not in the foreseeable future.)
**Solution**: We have communicated with Eric Lafortune, maintainer of
ProGuard, about distributing a newer ProGuard with Xamarin.Android.
He replied:
> From a licensing point of view, you shouldn't need an exception to
> the GPL in many practical configurations:
> * if you indeed run ProGuard in a separate JVM
The `<Proguard/>` task is a [`ToolTask`][2], which operates by
creating a new process to invoke the specified tool. We thus are
*already* using ProGuard within a "separate JVM", and no architectural
change is required to comply with ProGuard's licensing without
altering Xamarin.Android's licensing.
The current ProGuard sources (v5.3.2) have been imported into the
[xamarin/proguard][3] module, and we will be using the
`xamarin/proguard` module as a git submodule for build purposes.
[0]: https://www.guardsquare.com/en/proguard
[1]: https://developer.android.com/studio/build/multidex.html
[2]: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.build.utilities.tooltask.aspx
[3]: http://github.com/xamarin/proguard/
2017-03-06 18:00:36 +03:00
{4B9D96BB-95AB-44E8-9F87-13B12C8BCED1} = {04E3E11E-B47D-4599-8AFC-50515A95E715}
2017-03-15 16:46:20 +03:00
{8A6CB07C-E493-4A4F-AB94-038645A27118} = {E351F97D-EA4F-4E7F-AAA0-8EBB1F2A4A62}
2017-03-17 21:18:55 +03:00
{E0890301-F75F-40E7-B008-54C28B3BA542} = {864062D3-A415-4A6F-9324-5820237BA058}
{A87352E6-CE7F-4346-B6B1-586AE931C0A7} = {864062D3-A415-4A6F-9324-5820237BA058}
2017-03-20 19:05:23 +03:00
{BD1D66BF-5AC7-4926-8EBE-B2198A112EB0} = {CAB438D8-B0F5-4AF0-BEBD-9E2ADBD7B483}
[create-vsix] Create `.vsix` files (#541)
Visual Studio 2017 uses `.vsix` files for Xamarin.Android SDK support.
A `.vsix` file is [ZIP container with additional metadata][0], and the
[Microsoft.VSSDK.BuildTools NuGet package][1] contains various MSBuild
targets and tools to assist in creating `.vsix` files.
Add a new `build-tools/create-vsix/create-vsix.csproj` project to
create the `bin/Build$(Configuration)/Xamarin.Android.Sdk*.vsix` file,
so that we can plausibly provide per-build OSS Xamarin.Android
releases that work with Visual Studio 2017.
Unfortunately those tools were written on Windows, and not really well
tested on macOS or Linux... In particular, there are case-sensitivity
and directory-separator-char issues with the tooling, necessitating
that `MONO_IOMAP=all` be exported in order to run them:
MONO_IOMAP=all MONO_OPTIONS=--arch=64 msbuild \
build-tools/create-vsix/create-vsix.csproj /p:CreateVsixContainer=True
Meanwhile, we're still attempting to allow things to be built with
`xbuild` [^3]. Thread this needle by "special-casing" the
`$(BuildDependsOn)`, `$(CopyVsixManifestFileDependsOn)`, and
`$(DetokenizeVsixManifestFileDependsOn)` MSBuild properties so that
when the `$(CreateVsixContainer)` MSBuild property is False -- the
default -- no `.vsix` package will be created, and `xbuild` will be
able to build the project.
Similar needle threading is needed to "support" building on Linux: the
Microsoft.VSSDK.BuildTools NuGet package uses case in an inconsistent
fashion -- or is it `nuget`? -- which results in
[failures when building on Linux][2] because `nuget` extracts e.g.:
while Microsoft.VSSDK.BuildTools attempts to `<Import/>` the file:
`vssdk` != `VSSDK` on case-sensitive filesystems, so this results in
an error on Ubuntu (and presumably case-senstive macOS as well).
Handle the Linux case by extending the `xbuild` case: *even when*
`$(CreateVsixContainer)` is True, we won't actually build the `.vsix`
unless the `$(VsSDKInstall)` directory exists, which is the
`tools/VSSDK` path.
Building with `$(CreateVsixContainer)` set to True will require using
`msbuild` with `MONO_IOMAP=all` and `MONO_OPPTIONS=--arch=64`
exported, while using a case-insensitive filesystem.
The new `make create-vsix CONFIGURATIONS=Debug` target can be used to
explicitly create the `Xamarin.Android.Sdk*.vsix` file.
One problem with creating `.vsix` files: macOS still defaults to using
a 32-bit process for `mono`, and `make create-vsix` regularly fails
for me with an `OutOfMemoryException` when attempting to generate a
`.vsix` file ~600-700+MB in size. (Why so large? In part because for
Debug configuration we're including un-`strip`'d native libraries;
`libmonosgen-2.0.dll` is *237MB* in size (!); it's closer to 5MB when
`strip`'d, but any un-`strip`'d MXE-generated native libraries to the
`.vsix` file quickly results in `OutOfMemoryException`s.)
A 64-bit mono can be used by using `mono64` -- which isn't easily done
with `msbuild` -- or by using `mono --arch=64`, which *can* be done
with `msbuild` by exporting `MONO_OPTIONS=--arch=64`.
The `make create-vsix` target does this.
Finally, once we have a `.visx` being created, we then examine the
*contents* of the `.vsix` file, which is...weird:
$MSBuild/Xamarin/Android/Xamarin.Android.CSharp.targets # Desirable
$ReferenceAssemblies/Microsoft/Framework/MonoAndroid/v1.0/Xamarin.Android.CSharp.targets # wat?
$ReferenceAssemblies/Microsoft/Framework/MonoAndroid/v1.0/Facades/Xamarin.Android.CSharp.targets # really?!
$ReferenceAssemblies/Microsoft/Framework/MonoAndroid/v7.1/Xamarin.Android.CSharp.targets # !!!!
Turns Out™, the problem was due to `@(ProjectReference)`. We're
(ab)using `@(ProjectReference)` to explicitly specify project
dependencies, and the (implicit) project build order.
Unexpectedly (forgetten?), MSBuild *also* copies the *outputs* of
`@(ProjectReference)`s into the `$(OutputPath)` of the current
Since e.g. `Mono.Posix.csproj` had a reference on
`Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks.csproj`, the result of this is that the
`$(OutputPath)` of `Mono.Posix.csproj` --
`$prefix/lib/xbuild-frameworks/MonoAndroid/v1.0` -- also contained the
`%(None.CopyToOutputDirectory)` items from
The fix is to set `%(ProjectReference.Private)` to False, which
disables this copying of additional and undesirable files.
[0]: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd997148.aspx
[1]: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.VSSDK.BuildTools/
[2]: https://jenkins.mono-project.com/view/Xamarin.Android/job/xamarin-anroid-linux-pr-builder/297/consoleText
[^3]: But for how much longer?
2017-04-05 18:49:37 +03:00
{94756FEB-1F64-411D-A18E-81B5158F776A} = {E351F97D-EA4F-4E7F-AAA0-8EBB1F2A4A62}
2017-04-21 23:06:08 +03:00
{93614CB8-4564-43B9-93B0-4AF4B3B16AAE} = {04E3E11E-B47D-4599-8AFC-50515A95E715}
2016-07-06 18:09:45 +03:00
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