[Xamarin.Android.Build.Tests] Workaround broken lint.bat (#994)
Context: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/68753324 The Windows' SDK tools v26 `lint.bat` tool installed to `$(AndroidToolchainDirectory)\sdk\tools\bin` appears to be broken, so a all tests which use it are failing. This can be worked around -- allowing the `lint`-based tests to pass on Windows -- by setting the `%JAVA_OPTS%` environment variable. Hopefully this is a temporary workaround until a new version of the SDK tools comes out that fixes this issue. One other thing to note here is that the Android SDK installed by Visual Studio uses the SDK tools version 25.x, which does not appear to have this issue on windows.
This commit is contained in:
@ -890,9 +890,26 @@ namespace App1
/// <summary>
/// Works around a bug in lint.bat on Windows: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/68753324
/// - We may want to remove this if a future Android SDK tools, no longer has this issue
/// </summary>
void FixLintOnWindows ()
if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT) {
var userProfile = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile);
var androidSdkTools = Path.Combine (userProfile, "android-toolchain", "sdk", "tools");
if (Directory.Exists (androidSdkTools)) {
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("JAVA_OPTS", $"\"-Dcom.android.tools.lint.bindir={androidSdkTools}\"", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
public void CheckLintErrorsAndWarnings ()
FixLintOnWindows ();
var proj = new XamarinAndroidApplicationProject ();
proj.UseLatestPlatformSdk = true;
proj.SetProperty ("AndroidLintEnabled", true.ToString ());
@ -917,6 +934,8 @@ namespace App1
public void CheckLintConfigMerging ()
FixLintOnWindows ();
var proj = new XamarinAndroidApplicationProject ();
proj.SetProperty ("AndroidLintEnabled", true.ToString ());
proj.OtherBuildItems.Add (new AndroidItem.AndroidLintConfig ("lint1.xml") {
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