The end goal here is to enable Windows users to easily run the various
types of tests. Commands have been migrated to MSBuild, keeping `make`
commands the same for macOS and linux.
~~ Usage ~~
msbuild Xamarin.Android.sln /t:RunAllTests
msbuild Xamarin.Android.sln /t:RunNUnitTests
msbuild Xamarin.Android.sln /t:RunJavaInteropTests
msbuild Xamarin.Android.sln /t:RunApkTests
macOS/linux should remain unchanged:
make run-all-tests
make run-nunit-tests
make run-ji-tests
make run-apk-tests
~~ Changes ~~
- Added a new `build-tools/scripts/RunTests.targets`
- `Before.Xamarin.Android.sln.targets` includes these test targets
- A new `<SetEnvironmentVariable/>` task is needed, added to
- Ported any environment variables set in Makefile to MSBuild
- `Mono.Android-Tests.csproj` needs to remove the `@(ProjectReference)`
within `xa-prep-tasks`:
- Otherwise `xa-prep-tasks.dll` can become locked on Windows
- A nested `xabuild.exe` call will attempt to overwrite it
- Update `.gitignore` for `*.rawproto` and the generated
There is a convention where an MSBuild file named
`Before.<SolutionName>.sln.targets` will get imported prior to a SLN
file getting built. This enables us to import `PrepareWindows.targets`
and enable `msbuild Xamarin.Android.sln /t:Prepare` to work
macOS/Linux remain unchanged, since `PrepareWindows.targets`
currently only works for Windows.