using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using Microsoft.Build.Framework; using Microsoft.Build.Utilities; namespace Xamarin.Android.BuildTools.PrepTasks { public class CreateThirdPartyNotices : Task { [Required] public ITaskItem[] Notices { get; set; } [Required] public ITaskItem FileName { get; set; } public string LicenseType { get; set; } public override bool Execute () { Log.LogMessage (MessageImportance.Low, $"Task {nameof (CreateThirdPartyNotices)}"); Log.LogMessage (MessageImportance.Low, $" {nameof (FileName)}: {FileName}"); var notices = Notices .Distinct (NoticesComparer) .OrderBy (e => e.ItemSpec, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) .ToList (); var contents = new StringWriter (); WriteHeader (contents); int countWidth = notices.Count.ToString ().Length + 1; var countFormat = "{0,-" + countWidth + "}"; for (int i = 0; i < notices.Count; ++i) { var count = string.Format (countFormat, (i + 1) + "."); var notice = notices [i]; var version = notice.GetMetadata ("Version"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (version)) { version = $" version {version}"; } contents.WriteLine ($"{count} {notice.ItemSpec}{version} ({notice.GetMetadata ("SourceUrl")})"); } contents.WriteLine (); foreach (var notice in notices) { contents.WriteLine (); contents.WriteLine ($"%% {notice.ItemSpec} NOTICES AND INFORMATION BEGIN HERE"); contents.WriteLine ("========================================="); var licenseText = notice.GetMetadata ("LicenseText"); WriteLicense (contents, licenseText); var licenseFile = notice.GetMetadata ("LicenseFile"); WriteLicenseFromFile (contents, licenseFile); contents.WriteLine ("========================================="); contents.WriteLine ($"END OF {notice.ItemSpec} NOTICES AND INFORMATION"); } Directory.CreateDirectory (Path.GetDirectoryName (FileName.ItemSpec)); var current = File.Exists (FileName.ItemSpec) ? File.ReadAllText (FileName.ItemSpec) : null; if (current != contents.ToString ()) { File.WriteAllText (FileName.ItemSpec, contents.ToString ()); } return !Log.HasLoggedErrors; } void WriteHeader (TextWriter contents) { switch (LicenseType?.ToLowerInvariant ()) { case "foundation": WriteFoundationHeader (contents); break; case "microsoft-commercial": WriteMicrosoftCommercialHeader (contents); break; case "microsoft-oss": default: WriteMicrosoftOSSHeader (contents); break; } } void WriteFoundationHeader (TextWriter contents) { contents.WriteLine ("xamarin-android uses third-party libraries or other resources that may be"); contents.WriteLine ("distributed under licenses different than the xamarin-android software."); contents.WriteLine (); contents.WriteLine ("Attributions and license notices for test cases originally authored by"); contents.WriteLine ("third parties can be found in the respective test directories."); contents.WriteLine (); contents.WriteLine ("In the event that we accidentally failed to list a required notice, please"); contents.WriteLine ("bring it to our attention. Post an issue or email us:"); contents.WriteLine (); contents.WriteLine (""); contents.WriteLine (); contents.WriteLine ("The attached notices are provided for information only."); contents.WriteLine (); } void WriteMicrosoftCommercialHeader (TextWriter contents) { contents.WriteLine ("xamarin-android"); contents.WriteLine (); contents.WriteLine ("THIRD - PARTY SOFTWARE NOTICES AND INFORMATION"); contents.WriteLine ("Do Not Translate or Localize"); contents.WriteLine (); contents.WriteLine ("Xamarin-Android incorporates components from the projects listed below."); contents.WriteLine ("Microsoft licenses these components to you under Microsoft’s licensing"); contents.WriteLine ("terms, except that components licensed under open source licenses"); contents.WriteLine ("requiring that such components remain under their original license are"); contents.WriteLine ("being made available to you under their original licensing terms."); contents.WriteLine ("The original copyright notices and the licenses under which Microsoft"); contents.WriteLine ("received such components are set forth below for informational purposes."); contents.WriteLine ("Microsoft reserves all rights not expressly granted herein, whether by"); contents.WriteLine ("implication, estoppel or otherwise."); contents.WriteLine (); } void WriteMicrosoftOSSHeader (TextWriter contents) { contents.WriteLine ("xamarin-android"); contents.WriteLine (); contents.WriteLine ("THIRD - PARTY SOFTWARE NOTICES AND INFORMATION"); contents.WriteLine ("Do Not Translate or Localize"); contents.WriteLine (); contents.WriteLine ("This project incorporates components from the projects listed below."); contents.WriteLine ("The original copyright notices and the licenses under which Microsoft"); contents.WriteLine ("received such components are set forth below."); contents.WriteLine ("Microsoft reserves all rights not expressly granted herein, whether by"); contents.WriteLine ("implication, estoppel or otherwise."); contents.WriteLine (); } void WriteLicense (TextWriter contents, string licenseText) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (licenseText)) { return; } using (var license = new StringReader (licenseText)) { string line; while ((line = license.ReadLine ()) != null) { contents.WriteLine (line.Trim ()); } } } void WriteLicenseFromFile (TextWriter contents, string licenseFile) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (licenseFile)) { return; } foreach (var line in File.ReadLines (licenseFile)) { contents.WriteLine (line); } } static readonly TaskItemComparer NoticesComparer = new TaskItemComparer (); class TaskItemComparer : IEqualityComparer { public bool Equals (ITaskItem a, ITaskItem b) { return string.Equals (a.ItemSpec, b.ItemSpec, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); } public int GetHashCode (ITaskItem value) { return value.ItemSpec.GetHashCode (); } } } }