
61 строка
3.7 KiB

<!-- Used for bootstrap, command-line tooling, and desktop NUnit projects -->
<Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Debug</Configuration>
<DotNetPreviewPath Condition=" '$(DotNetPreviewPath)' == '' ">$(BuildOutputDirectory)dotnet\</DotNetPreviewPath>
<DotNetPreviewTool Condition=" '$(DotNetPreviewTool)' == '' ">$(DotNetPreviewPath)dotnet</DotNetPreviewTool>
<!-- Copy PackageReference content to OutputDir for our build tasks, tests, and installer creation logic. This no longer happens by default in short-form projects. -->
<!-- Ensure reference assemblies copied to bin -->
<!-- Ensure command-line apps can use a newer .NET -->
<!-- We don't need to be warned that we are using a preview .NET -->
<!-- Disables the transitive restore of packages like Microsoft.AspNetCore.App.Ref, Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App.Ref -->
<!-- NuGet package version numbers. See Documentation/guides/OneDotNet.md.
* Major/Minor match Android stable API level, such as 30.0 for API 30.
* Bump first digit of the patch version for feature releases (and reset the first two digits to 0)
<!-- Final value set by GetXAVersionInfo target -->
<!-- Common <PackageReference/> versions -->
<MdocPackageVersion Condition=" '$(MdocPackageVersion)' == '' ">5.9.3</MdocPackageVersion>