
251 строка
6.2 KiB

using Mono.Options;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using static System.Console;
namespace jittimes {
class MainClass {
static bool Verbose;
static readonly string Name = "jit-times";
static readonly List<Regex> methodNameRegexes = new List<Regex> ();
enum SortKind {
static SortKind sortKind = SortKind.Self;
static string ProcessArguments (string [] args)
var help = false;
var options = new OptionSet {
$"Usage: {Name}.exe OPTIONS* <methods-file>",
"Processes JIT methods file from XA app with debug.mono.log=timing enabled",
"Copyright 2019 Microsoft Corporation",
{ "h|help|?",
"Show this message and exit",
v => help = v != null },
{ "m|method=",
"Process only methods whose names match {TYPE-REGEX}.",
v => methodNameRegexes.Add (new Regex (v)) },
{ "s",
"Sort by self times. (this is default ordering)",
v => sortKind = SortKind.Self },
{ "t",
"Sort by total times.",
v => sortKind = SortKind.Total },
{ "u",
"Show unsorted results.",
v => sortKind = SortKind.Unsorted },
{ "v|verbose",
"Output information about progress during the run of the tool",
v => Verbose = true },
var remaining = options.Parse (args);
if (help || args.Length < 1) {
options.WriteOptionDescriptions (Out);
Environment.Exit (0);
if (remaining.Count != 1) {
Error ("Please specify one <methods-file> to process.");
Environment.Exit (2);
return remaining [0];
static bool TryMatchTimeStamp (Regex regex, string line, out string method, out Timestamp time)
var match = regex.Match (line);
if (!match.Success || match.Groups.Count <= 2) {
method = null;
time = new Timestamp ();
return false;
method = match.Groups [1].Value;
time = Timestamp.Parse (match.Groups [2].Value);
return true;
static readonly Dictionary<string, MethodInfo> methods = new Dictionary<string, MethodInfo> ();
static bool ShouldPrint (string method)
if (methodNameRegexes.Count > 0) {
var success = false;
foreach (var filter in methodNameRegexes) {
var match = filter.Match (method);
success |= match.Success;
return success;
return true;
static void PrintIndented (MethodInfo info, ref Timestamp sum, int level = 0)
if (!ShouldPrint (info.method))
sum += info.self;
WriteLine ($"{info.total.Milliseconds (),10:F2} | {info.self.Milliseconds (),10:F2} | {"".PadRight (level * 2)}{info.method}");
if (info.inner == null)
foreach (var im in info.inner)
PrintIndented (im, ref sum, level + 1);
static MethodInfo GetMethodInfo (string method)
MethodInfo info;
if (methods.TryGetValue (method, out info))
return info;
info = new MethodInfo { method = method };
methods [method] = info;
return info;
public static int Main (string [] args)
var path = ProcessArguments (args);
var file = File.OpenText (path);
var beginRegex = new Regex (@"^JIT method +begin: (.*) elapsed: (.*)$");
var doneRegex = new Regex (@"^JIT method +done: (.*) elapsed: (.*)$");
string line;
int lineNumber = 0;
var jitMethods = new Stack<MethodInfo> ();
string method;
Timestamp time;
Timestamp sum = new Timestamp ();
ColorWriteLine ("Total (ms) | Self (ms) | Method", ConsoleColor.Yellow);
while ((line = file.ReadLine ()) != null) {
if (TryMatchTimeStamp (beginRegex, line, out method, out time)) {
var info = GetMethodInfo (method);
if (info.state != MethodInfo.State.None && Verbose)
Warning ($"duplicit begin of `{info.method}`");
info.state = MethodInfo.State.Begin;
info.begin = time;
jitMethods.Push (info);
if (TryMatchTimeStamp (doneRegex, line, out method, out time)) {
var info = GetMethodInfo (method);
if (info.state != MethodInfo.State.Begin) {
if (Verbose)
Warning ($"missing JIT begin for method {method}");
info.state = MethodInfo.State.Done;
info.done = time;
info.total = info.done - info.begin;
info.CalcSelfTime ();
jitMethods.Pop ();
if (jitMethods.Count > 0) {
var outerMethod = jitMethods.Peek ();
outerMethod.AddInner (info);
} else if (sortKind == SortKind.Unsorted)
PrintIndented (info, ref sum);
if (sortKind != SortKind.Unsorted)
sum = PrintSortedMethods ();
ColorWriteLine ($"Sum of self time (ms): {sum.Milliseconds ():F2}", ConsoleColor.Yellow);
return 0;
static Timestamp PrintSortedMethods ()
IOrderedEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, MethodInfo>> enumerable = null;
Timestamp sum = new Timestamp ();
switch (sortKind) {
case SortKind.Self:
enumerable = methods.OrderByDescending (p => p.Value.self);
case SortKind.Total:
enumerable = methods.OrderByDescending (p => p.Value.total);
throw new InvalidOperationException ("unknown sort order");
foreach (var pair in enumerable) {
if (!ShouldPrint (pair.Key))
var info = pair.Value;
WriteLine ($"{info.total.Milliseconds (),10:F2} | {info.self.Milliseconds (),10:F2} | {info.method}");
sum += info.self;
return sum;
static void ColorMessage (string message, ConsoleColor color, TextWriter writer, bool writeLine = true)
ForegroundColor = color;
if (writeLine)
writer.WriteLine (message);
writer.Write (message);
ResetColor ();
public static void ColorWriteLine (string message, ConsoleColor color) => ColorMessage (message, color, Out);
public static void ColorWrite (string message, ConsoleColor color) => ColorMessage (message, color, Out, false);
public static void Error (string message) => ColorMessage ($"Error: {Name}: {message}", ConsoleColor.Red, Console.Error);
public static void Warning (string message) => ColorMessage ($"Warning: {Name}: {message}", ConsoleColor.Yellow, Console.Error);