
180 строки
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Исходник Обычный вид История

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Xamarin.Bundler {
public static class FileCopier
enum CopyFileFlags : uint {
ACL = 1 << 0,
Stat = 1 << 1,
Xattr = 1 << 2,
Data = 1 << 3,
Security = Stat | ACL,
Metadata = Security | Xattr,
All = Metadata | Data,
Recursive = 1 << 15,
NoFollow_Src = 1 << 18,
NoFollow_Dst = 1 << 19,
Unlink = 1 << 21,
Nofollow = NoFollow_Src | NoFollow_Dst,
Clone = 1 << 24,
enum CopyFileState : uint {
StatusCB = 6,
enum CopyFileStep {
Start = 1,
Finish = 2,
Err = 3,
Progress = 4,
enum CopyFileResult {
Continue = 0,
Skip = 1,
Quit = 2,
enum CopyFileWhat {
Error = 0,
File = 1,
Dir = 2,
DirCleanup = 3,
CopyData = 4,
CopyXattr = 5,
[DllImport ("/usr/lib/libSystem.dylib")]
static extern IntPtr copyfile_state_alloc ();
[DllImport ("/usr/lib/libSystem.dylib")]
static extern int copyfile_state_free (IntPtr state);
[DllImport ("/usr/lib/libSystem.dylib")]
static extern int copyfile_state_set (IntPtr state, CopyFileState flag, IntPtr value);
delegate CopyFileResult CopyFileCallbackDelegate (CopyFileWhat what, CopyFileStep stage, IntPtr state, string src, string dst, IntPtr ctx);
[DllImport ("/usr/lib/libSystem.dylib", SetLastError = true)]
static extern int copyfile (string @from, string @to, IntPtr state, CopyFileFlags flags);
// This code is shared between our packaging tools (mmp\mtouch) and msbuild tasks
public static void Log (int min_verbosity, string format, params object[] args) => Driver.Log (min_verbosity, format, args);
public static Exception CreateError (int code, string message, params object[] args) => ErrorHelper.CreateError (code, message, args);
// LogMessage and LogError are instance objects on the tasks themselves and bubbling an event up is not ideal
// msbuild handles uncaught exceptions as a task error
public static void Log (int min_verbosity, string format, params object[] args) => Console.WriteLine (format, args);
public static Exception CreateError (int code, string message, params object[] args) => throw new Exception ($"{code} {string.Format (message, args)}");
public static void UpdateDirectory (string source, string target)
if (!Directory.Exists (target))
Directory.CreateDirectory (target);
// Mono's File.Copy can't handle symlinks (the symlinks are followed instead of copied),
// so we need to use native functions directly. Luckily OSX provides exactly what we need.
IntPtr state = copyfile_state_alloc ();
try {
CopyFileCallbackDelegate del = CopyFileCallback;
copyfile_state_set (state, CopyFileState.StatusCB, Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate (del));
int rv = copyfile (source, target, state, CopyFileFlags.Data | CopyFileFlags.Recursive | CopyFileFlags.Nofollow | CopyFileFlags.Clone);
if (rv != 0)
throw CreateError (1022, "Could not copy the directory '{0}' to '{1}': {2}", source, target, strerror (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error ()));
} finally {
copyfile_state_free (state);
static CopyFileResult CopyFileCallback (CopyFileWhat what, CopyFileStep stage, IntPtr state, string source, string target, IntPtr ctx)
// Console.WriteLine ("CopyFileCallback ({0}, {1}, 0x{2}, {3}, {4}, 0x{5})", what, stage, state.ToString ("x"), source, target, ctx.ToString ("x"));
switch (what) {
case CopyFileWhat.File:
if (!IsUptodate (source, target)) {
if (stage == CopyFileStep.Finish)
Log (1, "Copied {0} to {1}", source, target);
return CopyFileResult.Continue;
} else {
Log (3, "Target '{0}' is up-to-date", target);
return CopyFileResult.Skip;
case CopyFileWhat.Dir:
case CopyFileWhat.DirCleanup:
case CopyFileWhat.CopyData:
case CopyFileWhat.CopyXattr:
return CopyFileResult.Continue;
case CopyFileWhat.Error:
throw CreateError (1021, "Could not copy the file '{0}' to '{1}': {2}", source, target, strerror (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error ()));
return CopyFileResult.Continue;
// Checks if the source file has a time stamp later than the target file.
// Optionally check if the contents of the files are different after checking the timestamp.
// If check_stamp is true, the function will use the timestamp of a "target".stamp file
// if it's later than the timestamp of the "target" file itself.
public static bool IsUptodate (string source, string target, bool check_contents = false, bool check_stamp = true)
#if MMP || MTOUCH // msbuild does not have force
if (Driver.Force)
return false;
var tfi = new FileInfo (target);
if (!tfi.Exists) {
Log (3, "Target '{0}' does not exist.", target);
return false;
if (check_stamp) {
var tfi_stamp = new FileInfo (target + ".stamp");
if (tfi_stamp.Exists && tfi_stamp.LastWriteTimeUtc > tfi.LastWriteTimeUtc) {
Log (3, "Target '{0}' has a stamp file with newer timestamp ({1} > {2}), using the stamp file's timestamp", target, tfi_stamp.LastWriteTimeUtc, tfi.LastWriteTimeUtc);
tfi = tfi_stamp;
var sfi = new FileInfo (source);
if (sfi.LastWriteTimeUtc <= tfi.LastWriteTimeUtc) {
Log (3, "Prerequisite '{0}' is older than the target '{1}'.", source, target);
return true;
#if MMP || MTOUCH // msbuild usages do not require CompareFiles optimization
if (check_contents && Cache.CompareFiles (source, target)) {
Log (3, "Prerequisite '{0}' is newer than the target '{1}', but the contents are identical.", source, target);
return true;
if (check_contents)
throw new NotImplementedException ("Checking file contents is not supported");
Log (3, "Prerequisite '{0}' is newer than the target '{1}'.", source, target);
return false;
[DllImport ("/usr/lib/libSystem.dylib", SetLastError = true, EntryPoint = "strerror")]
static extern IntPtr _strerror (int errno);
internal static string strerror (int errno)
return Marshal.PtrToStringAuto (_strerror (errno));