Many tests when run for macOS use a integration [hack]( which helps handle a number of issues:
- Allowing command line arguments to tests while excluding "psn" arguments passed in while debugging with Visual Studio for Mac
- Invoking `_exit` to work around a number of post-test hangs. See the [bug]( for details.
- Add a number of "default" excludes for mono BCL tests
One very useful "hack" this support adds is the ability to run a single test from the command line via the `XM_TEST_NAME` environmental variable. For example
XM_TEST_NAME=MonoTouchFixtures.Security.KeyTest.CreateRandomKeyWithParametersTests make run-mac-unified-xammac_tests
## *-tests : where * is the assembly name, e.g. monotouch
Use the project defaults for linking, i.e.
* "Don't link" for simulator
* "Link SDK assemblies only" for devices
## dontlink
* regression testing without using the linker
* both simulator and devices are set to "Don't link"
## linkall
* regression testing using the linker on the all assemblies
* "Link all assemblies" for both simulator/devices
## linksdk
* regression testing using the linker on the SDK assemblies
* "Link SDK assemblies only" for both simulator/devices
## bcl-test
These are the Mono BCL test suite tweaked to run on the mobile profile.
It reuse the files directly from mono's repository (linking, not copying).
As other unit tests the configuration is set to mimick normal apps, e.g.
* "Don't link" for simulator
* "Link SDK assemblies only" for devices
# Common make targets
Run every test in both the simulator and on device, using both the compat and the new profile (for the simulator both in 32 and 64bit mode).
$ make run
Run every test in the simulator, using both the compat and the new profile (both 32 and 64bit simulators).
$ make run-all-sim
Run every test on device, using both the compat and the new profile
$ make run-all-dev
# Detailed make targets
* Main target
* run-*what*-*where*-*project*: Builds, installs (if applicable) and runs the specified test project on the specified platform. This is the most common target to use.
* build-*what*-*where*-*project*: Will build the specified test project for the specified platform and target.
* install-*what*-*where*-*project*: Will install the specified test project on a connected device. There's currently no way to select the device, so ensure you've only one connected (if many devices are connected, it's random which will used).
* exec-*what*-*where*-*project*: Will run the specified test project in the simulator or on a device.
* What
* -ios-: iOS.
* -tvos-: TVOS.
* -watchos-: WatchOS
If "What" is skipped, all variations are executed sequentially.
* Where
* -simclassic-: Simulator using the Classic API. Only applicable when platform is iOS.
* -simunified-: Simulator using Unified API. The build will contain both an i386 and an x86_64 binary. Only applicable to the build-* target, while the -sim32- and -sim64- are only applicable to the exec-* targets. Only applicable when the platform is iOS.
* -sim32-: 32bits iOS simulator using the Unified API. Not applicable to other platforms.
* -sim64-: 64bits iOS simulator using the Unified API. Not applicable to other platforms.
* -sim-:
* iOS: Both the -simclassic- and -simunified- versions.
* WatchOS/TVOS: The WatchOS/TVOS simulator.
* -devclassic-: Device using the Classic API. Only applicable when the platform is iOS.
* -devunified-: Device using the Unified API. The build will contain both an armv7 and an arm64 binary. It's not possible to select a 32/64bit version, you'll run what your device supports. Only applicable when the platform is iOS.
* -dev-:
* iOS: Both the -devclassic- and -devunified- versions.
* WatchOS/TVOS: A Watch or TV device.
* Examples
$ make run-ios-sim32-monotouchtest: This will run `monotouch-test` using the Unified API in a 32-bit simulator.
$ make run-tvos-dev-dont\ link: This will run `dont link` on an Apple TV device.
# Utility run-* targets
These targets will build, install (if applicable) and run the specified project(s).
* Simulator
* run-sim-*project*: Builds and runs the specified test project in the simulator in compat, 32 and 64bit mode.
* run-sim: Builds and runs all the non-bcl test projects in the simulator in compat, 32 and 64bit mode.
* Device
* run-dev-*project*: Builds and runs the specified non-bcl test project on a device in compat and native mode (if it's 32 and 64bit depends on the device; 64bit devices will run in 64bit mode and the same for 32bit devices).
* run-devcompat: Run all the non-bcl test projects on device, in compat mode.
* run-devdual: Run all the non-bcl test projects on device, in native mode (if it's 32 and 64bit depends on the device; 64bit devices will run in 64bit mode and the same for 32bit devices).
* run-dev: Run all the non-bcl test projects on device, in both compat and native mode.