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2016-05-26 16:06:52 +03:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
namespace xharness
public enum HarnessAction
2016-05-26 16:06:52 +03:00
public class Harness
public HarnessAction Action { get; set; }
public int Verbosity { get; set; }
public LogFile HarnessLog { get; set; }
2016-05-26 16:06:52 +03:00
// This is the maccore/tests directory.
string root_directory;
public string RootDirectory {
get {
if (root_directory == null)
root_directory = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
return root_directory;
set {
root_directory = value;
public List<TestProject> TestProjects { get; set; } = new List<TestProject> ();
2016-05-26 16:06:52 +03:00
public List<string> HardCodedTestProjects { get; set; } = new List<string> ();
public List<string> BclTests { get; set; } = new List<string> ();
// Configure
public bool AutoConf { get; set; }
public bool Mac { get; set; }
2016-05-26 16:06:52 +03:00
public string WatchOSContainerTemplate { get; set; }
public string WatchOSAppTemplate { get; set; }
public string WatchOSExtensionTemplate { get; set; }
public string MONO_PATH { get; set; } // Use same name as in Makefiles, so that a grep finds it.
public string WATCH_MONO_PATH { get; set; } // Use same name as in Makefiles, so that a grep finds it.
public string TVOS_MONO_PATH { get; set; } // Use same name as in Makefiles, so that a grep finds it.
public bool INCLUDE_WATCH { get; set; }
public string JENKINS_RESULTS_DIRECTORY { get; set; } // Use same name as in Makefiles, so that a grep finds it.
2016-05-26 16:06:52 +03:00
// Run
public string Target { get; set; }
public string SdkRoot { get; set; } = "/Applications/Xcode.app";
public string Configuration { get; set; } = "Debug";
public string LogFile { get; set; }
public string LogDirectory { get; set; } = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
2016-05-26 16:06:52 +03:00
public double Timeout { get; set; } = 10; // in minutes
public double LaunchTimeout { get; set; } // in minutes
public bool DryRun { get; set; } // Most things don't support this. If you need it somewhere, implement it!
public string JenkinsConfiguration { get; set; }
2016-05-26 16:06:52 +03:00
public Harness ()
LaunchTimeout = InWrench ? 1 : 120;
public string XcodeRoot {
get {
var p = SdkRoot;
do {
if (p == "/") {
throw new Exception (string.Format ("Could not find Xcode.app in {0}", SdkRoot));
} else if (File.Exists (Path.Combine (p, "Contents", "MacOS", "Xcode"))) {
return p;
p = Path.GetDirectoryName (p);
} while (true);
string mlaunch;
2016-05-26 16:06:52 +03:00
public string MlaunchPath {
get {
if (mlaunch == null) {
var path = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (Path.GetDirectoryName (Path.GetDirectoryName (RootDirectory)), "maccore", "tools", "mlaunch", "mlaunch"));
if (!File.Exists (path)) {
Log ("Could not find mlaunch locally ({0}), will try in Xamarin Studio.app.", path);
path = "/Applications/Xamarin Studio.app/Contents/Resources/lib/monodevelop/AddIns/MonoDevelop.IPhone/mlaunch.app/Contents/MacOS/mlaunch";
if (!File.Exists (path))
throw new FileNotFoundException (string.Format ("Could not find mlaunch: {0}", path));
mlaunch = path;
2016-05-26 16:15:08 +03:00
return mlaunch;
2016-05-26 16:06:52 +03:00
public static string Quote (string f)
if (f.IndexOf (' ') == -1 && f.IndexOf ('\'') == -1 && f.IndexOf (',') == -1)
return f;
var s = new StringBuilder ();
s.Append ('"');
foreach (var c in f) {
if (c == '"' || c == '\\')
s.Append ('\\');
s.Append (c);
s.Append ('"');
return s.ToString ();
void CreateBCLProjects ()
foreach (var bclTest in BclTests) {
var target = new BCLTarget () {
Harness = this,
MonoPath = MONO_PATH,
WatchMonoPath = WATCH_MONO_PATH,
TestName = bclTest,
target.Convert ();
void AutoConfigureMac ()
var test_suites = new string[] { "apitest", "dontlink-mac" };
var hard_coded_test_suites = new string[] { "mmptest", "msbuild-mac" };
//var library_projects = new string[] { "BundledResources", "EmbeddedResources", "bindings-test", "bindings-framework-test" };
//var fsharp_test_suites = new string[] { "fsharp" };
//var fsharp_library_projects = new string[] { "fsharplibrary" };
//var bcl_suites = new string[] { "mscorlib", "System", "System.Core", "System.Data", "System.Net.Http", "System.Numerics", "System.Runtime.Serialization", "System.Transactions", "System.Web.Services", "System.Xml", "System.Xml.Linq", "Mono.Security", "System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations", "System.Json", "System.ServiceModel.Web", "Mono.Data.Sqlite" };
foreach (var p in test_suites)
TestProjects.Add (new TestProject (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (RootDirectory, p + "/" + p + ".csproj"))));
TestProjects.Add (new TestProject (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (RootDirectory, "introspection", "Mac", "introspection-mac.csproj"))));
2016-05-26 16:06:52 +03:00
foreach (var p in hard_coded_test_suites)
HardCodedTestProjects.Add (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (RootDirectory, p + "/" + p + ".csproj")));
//foreach (var p in fsharp_test_suites)
// TestProjects.Add (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (RootDirectory, p + "/" + p + ".fsproj")));
//foreach (var p in library_projects)
//TestProjects.Add (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (RootDirectory, p + "/" + p + ".csproj")));
//foreach (var p in fsharp_library_projects)
//TestProjects.Add (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (RootDirectory, p + "/" + p + ".fsproj")));
//foreach (var p in bcl_suites)
//TestProjects.Add (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (RootDirectory, "bcl-test/" + p + "/" + p + ".csproj")));
// BclTests.AddRange (bcl_suites);
ParseConfigFiles ();
var src_root = Path.Combine (Path.GetDirectoryName (Path.GetDirectoryName (RootDirectory)));
2016-05-26 16:06:52 +03:00
MONO_PATH = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (src_root, "mono"));
void AutoConfigure ()
var test_suites = new string [] { "monotouch-test", "framework-test", "mini" };
2016-05-26 16:06:52 +03:00
var library_projects = new string [] { "BundledResources", "EmbeddedResources", "bindings-test", "bindings-framework-test" };
var fsharp_test_suites = new string [] { "fsharp" };
var fsharp_library_projects = new string [] { "fsharplibrary" };
var bcl_suites = new string [] { "mscorlib", "System", "System.Core", "System.Data", "System.Net.Http", "System.Numerics", "System.Runtime.Serialization", "System.Transactions", "System.Web.Services", "System.Xml", "System.Xml.Linq", "Mono.Security", "System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations", "System.Json", "System.ServiceModel.Web", "Mono.Data.Sqlite" };
foreach (var p in test_suites)
TestProjects.Add (new TestProject (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (RootDirectory, p + "/" + p + ".csproj"))));
2016-05-26 16:06:52 +03:00
foreach (var p in fsharp_test_suites)
TestProjects.Add (new TestProject (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (RootDirectory, p + "/" + p + ".fsproj"))));
2016-05-26 16:06:52 +03:00
foreach (var p in library_projects)
TestProjects.Add (new TestProject (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (RootDirectory, p + "/" + p + ".csproj")), false));
2016-05-26 16:06:52 +03:00
foreach (var p in fsharp_library_projects)
TestProjects.Add (new TestProject (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (RootDirectory, p + "/" + p + ".fsproj")), false));
2016-05-26 16:06:52 +03:00
foreach (var p in bcl_suites)
TestProjects.Add (new TestProject (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (RootDirectory, "bcl-test/" + p + "/" + p + ".csproj"))));
TestProjects.Add (new TestProject (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (RootDirectory, "introspection", "iOS", "introspection-ios.csproj"))));
TestProjects.Add (new TestProject (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (RootDirectory, "linker-ios", "dont link", "dont link.csproj"))));
TestProjects.Add (new TestProject (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (RootDirectory, "linker-ios", "link all", "link all.csproj"))));
TestProjects.Add (new TestProject (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (RootDirectory, "linker-ios", "link sdk", "link sdk.csproj"))));
2016-05-26 16:06:52 +03:00
BclTests.AddRange (bcl_suites);
WatchOSContainerTemplate = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (RootDirectory, "watchos/Container"));
WatchOSAppTemplate = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (RootDirectory, "watchos/App"));
WatchOSExtensionTemplate = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (RootDirectory, "watchos/Extension"));
ParseConfigFiles ();
var src_root = Path.GetDirectoryName (RootDirectory);
MONO_PATH = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (src_root, "external", "mono"));
2016-05-26 16:06:52 +03:00
INCLUDE_WATCH = make_config.ContainsKey ("INCLUDE_WATCH") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty (make_config ["INCLUDE_WATCH"]);
2016-05-26 16:06:52 +03:00
static Dictionary<string, string> make_config = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
static IEnumerable<string> FindConfigFiles (string name)
var dir = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
while (dir != "/") {
var file = Path.Combine (dir, name);
if (File.Exists (file))
yield return file;
dir = Path.GetDirectoryName (dir);
static void ParseConfigFiles ()
ParseConfigFiles (FindConfigFiles ("test.config"));
ParseConfigFiles (FindConfigFiles ("Make.config.local"));
ParseConfigFiles (FindConfigFiles ("Make.config"));
static void ParseConfigFiles (IEnumerable<string> files)
foreach (var file in files)
ParseConfigFile (file);
static void ParseConfigFile (string file)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (file))
foreach (var line in File.ReadAllLines (file)) {
var eq = line.IndexOf ('=');
if (eq == -1)
var key = line.Substring (0, eq);
if (!make_config.ContainsKey (key))
make_config [key] = line.Substring (eq + 1);
public int Configure ()
if (Mac)
ConfigureMac ();
ConfigureIOS ();
return 0;
void ConfigureMac ()
var classic_targets = new List<MacClassicTarget> ();
var unified_targets = new List<MacUnifiedTarget> ();
var hardcoded_unified_targets = new List<MacUnifiedTarget> ();
RootDirectory = Path.GetFullPath (RootDirectory).TrimEnd ('/');
if (AutoConf)
AutoConfigureMac ();
CreateBCLProjects ();
foreach (var proj in TestProjects) {
var file = proj.Path;
2016-05-26 16:06:52 +03:00
if (!File.Exists (file))
throw new FileNotFoundException (file);
var unifiedMobile = new MacUnifiedTarget (true) {
TemplateProjectPath = file,
Harness = this,
unifiedMobile.Execute ();
unified_targets.Add (unifiedMobile);
var unifiedXM45 = new MacUnifiedTarget (false) {
TemplateProjectPath = file,
Harness = this,
unifiedXM45.Execute ();
unified_targets.Add (unifiedXM45);
var classic = new MacClassicTarget () {
TemplateProjectPath = file,
Harness = this,
classic.Execute ();
classic_targets.Add (classic);
foreach (var file in HardCodedTestProjects) {
var unifiedMobile = new MacUnifiedTarget (true, true)
TemplateProjectPath = file,
Harness = this,
unifiedMobile.Execute ();
hardcoded_unified_targets.Add (unifiedMobile);
MakefileGenerator.CreateMacMakefile (this, classic_targets.Union<MacTarget> (unified_targets).Union (hardcoded_unified_targets) );
void ConfigureIOS ()
var classic_targets = new List<ClassicTarget> ();
var unified_targets = new List<UnifiedTarget> ();
var tvos_targets = new List<TVOSTarget> ();
var watchos_targets = new List<WatchOSTarget> ();
RootDirectory = Path.GetFullPath (RootDirectory).TrimEnd ('/');
if (AutoConf)
AutoConfigure ();
CreateBCLProjects ();
foreach (var proj in TestProjects) {
var file = proj.Path;
2016-05-26 16:06:52 +03:00
if (!File.Exists (file))
throw new FileNotFoundException (file);
var watchos = new WatchOSTarget () {
TemplateProjectPath = file,
Harness = this,
watchos.Execute ();
watchos_targets.Add (watchos);
var tvos = new TVOSTarget () {
TemplateProjectPath = file,
Harness = this,
tvos.Execute ();
tvos_targets.Add (tvos);
var unified = new UnifiedTarget () {
TemplateProjectPath = file,
Harness = this,
unified.Execute ();
unified_targets.Add (unified);
var classic = new ClassicTarget () {
TemplateProjectPath = file,
Harness = this,
classic.Execute ();
classic_targets.Add (classic);
SolutionGenerator.CreateSolution (this, watchos_targets, "watchos");
SolutionGenerator.CreateSolution (this, tvos_targets, "tvos");
SolutionGenerator.CreateSolution (this, unified_targets, "unified");
MakefileGenerator.CreateMakefile (this, classic_targets, unified_targets, tvos_targets, watchos_targets);
public int Install ()
foreach (var project in TestProjects) {
var runner = new AppRunner () {
Harness = this,
ProjectFile = project.Path,
2016-05-26 16:06:52 +03:00
var rv = runner.Install ();
if (rv != 0)
return rv;
return 0;
public int Run ()
foreach (var project in TestProjects) {
var runner = new AppRunner () {
Harness = this,
ProjectFile = project.Path,
2016-05-26 16:06:52 +03:00
var rv = runner.Run ();
if (rv != 0)
return rv;
return 0;
public void Log (int min_level, string message)
if (Verbosity < min_level)
Console.WriteLine (message);
HarnessLog?.WriteLine (message);
2016-05-26 16:06:52 +03:00
public void Log (int min_level, string message, params object[] args)
if (Verbosity < min_level)
Console.WriteLine (message, args);
HarnessLog?.WriteLine (message, args);
2016-05-26 16:06:52 +03:00
public void Log (string message)
Log (0, message);
public void Log (string message, params object[] args)
Log (0, message, args);
public void LogWrench (string message, params object[] args)
if (!InWrench)
Console.WriteLine (message, args);
public void LogWrench (string message)
if (!InWrench)
Console.WriteLine (message);
public bool InWrench {
get {
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("BUILD_REVISION"));
public int Execute ()
switch (Action) {
case HarnessAction.Configure:
return Configure ();
case HarnessAction.Run:
return Run ();
case HarnessAction.Install:
return Install ();
case HarnessAction.Jenkins:
return Jenkins ();
2016-05-26 16:06:52 +03:00
throw new NotImplementedException (Action.ToString ());
public int Jenkins ()
if (AutoConf)
AutoConfigure ();
var jenkins = new Jenkins ()
Harness = this,
return jenkins.Run ();
2016-05-26 16:06:52 +03:00
public void Save (XmlDocument doc, string path)
if (!File.Exists (path)) {
doc.Save (path);
Log (1, "Created {0}", path);
} else {
var tmpPath = path + ".tmp";
doc.Save (tmpPath);
var existing = File.ReadAllText (path);
var updated = File.ReadAllText (tmpPath);
if (existing == updated) {
File.Delete (tmpPath);
Log (1, "Not saved {0}, no change", path);
} else {
File.Delete (path);
File.Move (tmpPath, path);
Log (1, "Updated {0}", path);
public void Save (StringWriter doc, string path)
if (!File.Exists (path)) {
File.WriteAllText (path, doc.ToString ());
Log (1, "Created {0}", path);
} else {
var existing = File.ReadAllText (path);
var updated = doc.ToString ();
if (existing == updated) {
Log (1, "Not saved {0}, no change", path);
} else {
File.WriteAllText (path, updated);
Log (1, "Updated {0}", path);
public void Save (string doc, string path)
if (!File.Exists (path)) {
File.WriteAllText (path, doc);
Log (1, "Created {0}", path);
} else {
var existing = File.ReadAllText (path);
if (existing == doc) {
Log (1, "Not saved {0}, no change", path);
} else {
File.WriteAllText (path, doc);
Log (1, "Updated {0}", path);
// We want guids that nobody else has, but we also want to generate the same guid
// on subsequent invocations (so that csprojs don't change unnecessarily, which is
// annoying when XS reloads the projects, and also causes unnecessary rebuilds).
// Nothing really breaks when the sequence isn't identical from run to run, so
// this is just a best minimal effort.
static Random guid_generator = new Random (unchecked ((int) 0xdeadf00d));
public Guid NewStableGuid ()
var bytes = new byte [16];
guid_generator.NextBytes (bytes);
return new Guid (bytes);
bool? disable_watchos_on_wrench;
public bool DisableWatchOSOnWrench {
get {
if (!disable_watchos_on_wrench.HasValue)
disable_watchos_on_wrench = !string.IsNullOrEmpty (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("DISABLE_WATCH_ON_WRENCH"));
return disable_watchos_on_wrench.Value;