Allow using LinkWith attribute without a native library. (#997)

This makes it possible to set linker flags per assembly:

    [assembly: LinkWith (LinkerFlags = "-lsqlite3")]

Which is required when incremental builds is enabled and a particular assembly
needs special linker flags (because we don't propagate the global -gcc_flags
to each dylib we build when doing incremental builds).

Also add an option to set the dlsym mode for an assembly (using the LinkWith
This commit is contained in:
Rolf Bjarne Kvinge 2016-10-28 16:50:42 +02:00 коммит произвёл Sebastien Pouliot
Родитель b6a0d06143
Коммит dde242c32a
6 изменённых файлов: 131 добавлений и 56 удалений

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@ -2122,6 +2122,7 @@ public enum LinkTarget {
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly, AllowMultiple=true)]
public class LinkWithAttribute : Attribute {
public LinkWithAttribute ();
public LinkWithAttribute (string libraryName);
public LinkWithAttribute (string libraryName, LinkTarget target);
public LinkWithAttribute (string libraryName, LinkTarget target, string linkerFlags);
@ -2149,6 +2150,13 @@ into the resulting assembly, allowing users to ship a single DLL that contains
both the unmanaged dependencies as well as the command line flags necessary to
properly consume the library from Xamarin.iOS.
It' s also possible to not provide a `libraryName`, in which case the
`LinkWith` attribute can be used to only specify additional linker flags:
``` csharp
[assembly: LinkWith (LinkerFlags = "-lsqlite3")]
<a name="LinkWithAttribute_Constructors" class="injected"></a>
@ -2163,6 +2171,9 @@ Note that the LinkTarget argument is inferred by Xamarin.iOS and does not need t
// Specify additional linker:
[assembly: LinkWith (LinkerFlags = "-sqlite3")]
// Specify library name for the constructor:
[assembly: LinkWith ("libDemo.a");

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@ -40,6 +40,13 @@ namespace XamCore.ObjCRuntime {
x86_64 = Simulator64
public enum DlsymOption
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly, AllowMultiple=true)]
#if XAMCORE_2_0
@ -62,6 +69,10 @@ namespace XamCore.ObjCRuntime {
LibraryName = libraryName;
public LinkWithAttribute ()
public bool ForceLoad {
get; set;
@ -98,5 +109,9 @@ namespace XamCore.ObjCRuntime {
public bool SmartLink {
get; set;
public DlsymOption Dlsym {
get; set;

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@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ namespace Introspection

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@ -1961,6 +1961,31 @@ class Test {
public void LinkWithNoLibrary ()
using (var tool = new MTouchTool ()) {
tool.Profile = Profile.Unified;
tool.CreateTemporaryApp (@"
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using ObjCRuntime;
[assembly: LinkWith (Dlsym = DlsymOption.Required)]
class C {
[DllImport (""libsqlite3"")]
static extern void sqlite3_column_database_name16 ();
static void Main ()
tool.NoFastSim = true;
tool.Dlsym = false;
tool.Linker = MTouchLinker.LinkSdk;
Assert.AreEqual (0, tool.Execute (MTouchAction.BuildDev), "build");
#region Helper functions
static string CompileUnifiedTestAppExecutable (string targetDirectory, string code = null, string extraArg = "")

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@ -164,7 +164,8 @@ namespace Xamarin.Bundler {
string libraryName = linkWith.LibraryName;
// Remove the resource from the assembly at a later stage.
AddResourceToBeRemoved (libraryName);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (libraryName))
AddResourceToBeRemoved (libraryName);
// We can't add -dead_strip if there are any LinkWith attributes where smart linking is disabled.
if (!linkWith.SmartLink)
@ -202,59 +203,65 @@ namespace Xamarin.Bundler {
if (linkWith.IsCxx)
EnableCxx = true;
path = Path.Combine (Cache.Location, libraryName);
if (path.EndsWith (".framework", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
if (App.DeploymentTarget.Major < 8) {
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (1305, "The binding library '{0}' contains a user framework ({0}), but embedded user frameworks require iOS 8.0 (the deployment target is {1}). Please set the deployment target in the Info.plist file to at least 8.0.",
FileName, Path.GetFileName (path), App.DeploymentTarget);
if (linkWith.Dlsym != DlsymOption.Default)
App.SetDlsymOption (FullPath, linkWith.Dlsym == DlsymOption.Required);
var zipPath = path + ".zip";
if (!Application.IsUptodate (FullPath, zipPath)) {
Application.ExtractResource (assembly.MainModule, libraryName, zipPath, false);
Driver.Log (3, "Extracted third-party framework '{0}' from '{1}' to '{2}'", libraryName, FullPath, zipPath);
LogLinkWithAttribute (linkWith);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (libraryName)) {
path = Path.Combine (Cache.Location, libraryName);
if (path.EndsWith (".framework", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
if (App.DeploymentTarget.Major < 8) {
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (1305, "The binding library '{0}' contains a user framework ({0}), but embedded user frameworks require iOS 8.0 (the deployment target is {1}). Please set the deployment target in the Info.plist file to at least 8.0.",
FileName, Path.GetFileName (path), App.DeploymentTarget);
var zipPath = path + ".zip";
if (!Application.IsUptodate (FullPath, zipPath)) {
Application.ExtractResource (assembly.MainModule, libraryName, zipPath, false);
Driver.Log (3, "Extracted third-party framework '{0}' from '{1}' to '{2}'", libraryName, FullPath, zipPath);
LogLinkWithAttribute (linkWith);
} else {
Driver.Log (3, "Target '{0}' is up-to-date.", path);
if (!File.Exists (zipPath)) {
ErrorHelper.Warning (1302, "Could not extract the native framework '{0}' from '{1}'. " +
"Please ensure the native framework was properly embedded in the managed assembly " +
"(if the assembly was built using a binding project, the native framework must be included in the project, and its Build Action must be 'ObjcBindingNativeFramework').",
libraryName, zipPath);
} else {
if (!Directory.Exists (path))
Directory.CreateDirectory (path);
if (Driver.RunCommand ("/usr/bin/unzip", string.Format ("-u -o -d {0} {1}", Driver.Quote (path), Driver.Quote (zipPath))) != 0)
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (1303, "Could not decompress the native framework '{0}' from '{1}'. Please review the build log for more information from the native 'unzip' command.", libraryName, zipPath);
if (Frameworks == null)
Frameworks = new HashSet<string> ();
Frameworks.Add (path);
} else {
Driver.Log (3, "Target '{0}' is up-to-date.", path);
if (!Application.IsUptodate (FullPath, path)) {
Application.ExtractResource (assembly.MainModule, libraryName, path, false);
Driver.Log (3, "Extracted third-party binding '{0}' from '{1}' to '{2}'", libraryName, FullPath, path);
LogLinkWithAttribute (linkWith);
} else {
Driver.Log (3, "Target '{0}' is up-to-date.", path);
if (!File.Exists (path))
ErrorHelper.Warning (1302, "Could not extract the native library '{0}' from '{1}'. " +
"Please ensure the native library was properly embedded in the managed assembly " +
"(if the assembly was built using a binding project, the native library must be included in the project, and its Build Action must be 'ObjcBindingNativeLibrary').",
libraryName, path);
if (LinkWith == null)
LinkWith = new List<string> ();
LinkWith.Add (path);
if (!File.Exists (zipPath)) {
ErrorHelper.Warning (1302, "Could not extract the native framework '{0}' from '{1}'. " +
"Please ensure the native framework was properly embedded in the managed assembly " +
"(if the assembly was built using a binding project, the native framework must be included in the project, and its Build Action must be 'ObjcBindingNativeFramework').",
libraryName, zipPath);
} else {
if (!Directory.Exists (path))
Directory.CreateDirectory (path);
if (Driver.RunCommand ("/usr/bin/unzip", string.Format ("-u -o -d {0} {1}", Driver.Quote (path), Driver.Quote (zipPath))) != 0)
throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (1303, "Could not decompress the native framework '{0}' from '{1}'. Please review the build log for more information from the native 'unzip' command.", libraryName, zipPath);
if (Frameworks == null)
Frameworks = new HashSet<string> ();
Frameworks.Add (path);
} else {
if (!Application.IsUptodate (FullPath, path)) {
Application.ExtractResource (assembly.MainModule, libraryName, path, false);
Driver.Log (3, "Extracted third-party binding '{0}' from '{1}' to '{2}'", libraryName, FullPath, path);
LogLinkWithAttribute (linkWith);
} else {
Driver.Log (3, "Target '{0}' is up-to-date.", path);
if (!File.Exists (path))
ErrorHelper.Warning (1302, "Could not extract the native library '{0}' from '{1}'. " +
"Please ensure the native library was properly embedded in the managed assembly " +
"(if the assembly was built using a binding project, the native library must be included in the project, and its Build Action must be 'ObjcBindingNativeLibrary').",
libraryName, path);
if (LinkWith == null)
LinkWith = new List<string> ();
LinkWith.Add (path);
if (exceptions != null && exceptions.Count > 0)
@ -297,6 +304,9 @@ namespace Xamarin.Bundler {
case 2:
linkWith = new LinkWithAttribute ((string) cargs [0].Value, (LinkTarget) cargs [1].Value);
case 0:
linkWith = new LinkWithAttribute ();
case 1:
linkWith = new LinkWithAttribute ((string) cargs [0].Value);
@ -329,6 +339,9 @@ namespace Xamarin.Bundler {
case "SmartLink":
linkWith.SmartLink = (bool) property.Argument.Value;
case "Dlsym":
linkWith.Dlsym = (DlsymOption) property.Argument.Value;

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@ -155,6 +155,16 @@ namespace Xamarin.Bundler {
List<Abi> abis;
HashSet<Abi> all_architectures; // all Abis used in the app, including extensions.
public void SetDlsymOption (string asm, bool dlsym)
if (DlsymAssemblies == null)
DlsymAssemblies = new List<Tuple<string, bool>> ();
DlsymAssemblies.Add (new Tuple<string, bool> (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (asm), dlsym));
DlsymOptions = DlsymOptions.Custom;
public void ParseDlsymOptions (string options)
bool dlsym;
@ -186,13 +196,6 @@ namespace Xamarin.Bundler {
string asm;
switch (DlsymOptions) {
case DlsymOptions.All:
return true;
case DlsymOptions.None:
return false;
if (DlsymAssemblies != null) {
asm = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (assembly);
foreach (var tuple in DlsymAssemblies) {
@ -201,6 +204,13 @@ namespace Xamarin.Bundler {
switch (DlsymOptions) {
case DlsymOptions.All:
return true;
case DlsymOptions.None:
return false;
if (EnableLLVMOnlyBitCode)
return false;