[devops] Remove unused powershell functions. (#16035)

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Rolf Bjarne Kvinge 2022-09-21 14:22:55 +02:00 коммит произвёл GitHub
Родитель a2f52c77da
Коммит ffd84ad15a
Не найден ключ, соответствующий данной подписи
Идентификатор ключа GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
2 изменённых файлов: 0 добавлений и 451 удалений

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@ -111,216 +111,6 @@ Describe 'New-GitHubComment' {
Describe New-GitHubCommentFromFile {
Context 'file present' -Skip {
BeforeAll {
$Script:tempPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
$Script:message = "Test message in a bottle"
Set-Content -Path $Script:tempPath -Value $message
AfterAll {
Remove-Item -Path $Script:tempPath
It 'calls the inner method' {
Mock New-GitHubComment
$header = "My test"
$description = "Le description"
$emoji = ":tada:"
New-GitHubCommentFromFile -Header $header -Description $description -Path $Script:tempPath -Emoji $emoji
#just assert that the method was called with the expected values
Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-GitHubComment -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
if ($Header -ne $header) {
return $False
if ($Description -ne $description) {
return $False
if ($Emoji -ne $emoji) {
return $False
if ($Message -like $Script:message) {
return $False
return $True
Context 'file missing' {
It 'throws and error' {
$header = "My test"
$description = "Le description"
$emoji = ":tada:"
{ New-GitHubCommentFromFile -Header $header -Description $description -Path "missing/path" -Emoji $emoji } | Should -Throw
Describe 'New-GitHubSummaryComment' {
Context 'all present variables' -Skip {
BeforeAll {
# clear the env vars
$Script:envVariables = @{
$Script:envVariables.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
$key = $_.Key
Set-Item -Path "Env:$key" -Value $_.Value
$Script:context = "Testing"
$Script:tempPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
$Script:message = "Test message in a bottle"
Set-Content -Path $Script:tempPath -Value $message
AfterAll {
Remove-Item -Path $Script:tempPath
It 'calls rest methods on a completed and succesful test run' {
Mock New-GitHubCommentFromFile
Mock Test-Path { return $true }
# set job as a success
Set-Item -Path "Env:TESTS_JOBSTATUS" -Value "Succeeded"
New-GitHubSummaryComment -Context $Script:context -TestSummaryPath $Script:tempPath
# assert rest calls
Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-GitHubCommentFromFile -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
if (-not ($Header -like "Device tests passed on $Script:context*")) {
return $False
if (-not ($Description -like "Device tests passed on $Script:context*")) {
return $False
if ($Path -ne $Script:tempPath) {
return $False
return $True
It 'calls rest methods on a completed failed test run' {
Mock New-GitHubCommentFromFile
Mock Test-Path { return $true }
Set-Item -Path "Env:TESTS_JOBSTATUS" -Value "Failed"
New-GitHubSummaryComment -Context $Script:context -TestSummaryPath $Script:tempPath
Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-GitHubCommentFromFile -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
if (-not ($Header -like "Device tests failed on $Script:context*")) {
return $False
if (-not ($Description -like "Device tests failed on $Script:context*")) {
return $False
if ($Path -ne $Script:tempPath) {
return $False
return $True
It 'calls rest methods on a failed test run (TestSummay.md missing)' {
Mock New-GitHubComment
Mock Test-Path { return $false}
Set-Item -Path "Env:TESTS_JOBSTATUS" -Value "Failed"
New-GitHubSummaryComment -Context $Script:context -TestSummaryPath $Script:tempPath
Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-GitHubComment -Times 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter {
if ($Header -ne "Tests failed catastrophically on $Script:context (no summary found).") {
return $False
if (-not ($Description -like "Result file $Script:tempPath not found.*")) {
return $False
return $True
Context 'missing variables' -Skip {
BeforeAll {
$Script:envVariables = @{
$envVariables.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
$key = $_.Key
Remove-Item -Path "Env:$key"
$Script:context = "Testing"
$Script:tempPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
$Script:message = "Test message in a bottle"
Set-Content -Path $Script:tempPath -Value $message
AfterAll {
Remove-Item -Path $Script:tempPath
It 'throws and exception' {
{ New-GitHubSummaryComment -Context $Script:context -TestSummaryPath $Script:tempPath } | Should -Throw
Describe 'Test-JobSuccess' {
Context 'succesfull' {
Test-JobSuccess -Status "Succeeded" | Should -Be $True
Context 'known failures' {
Test-JobSuccess -Status "Canceled" | Should -Be $False
Test-JobSuccess -Status "Failed" | Should -Be $False
Test-JobSuccess -Status "SucceededWithIssues" | Should -Be $False
Context 'unknonw value' {
Test-JobSuccess -Status "Random value" | Should -Be $False
Describe 'Get-GitHubPRInfo' {
Context 'with all env variables present' -Skip {

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@ -705,195 +705,6 @@ function New-GitHubComment {
return $request
Add a new comment that contains the result summaries of the test run.
The header to be used in the comment.
.PARAMETER Description
A show description to be added in the comment, this will show as a short version of the comment on GitHub.
A longer string that contains the full comment message. Will be shown when the comment is expanded.
Optional string representing and emoji to be used in the comments header.
New-GitHubComment -Header "Tests failed catastrophically" -Emoji ":fire:" -Description "Not enough free space in the host."
This cmdlet depends on the following environment variables. If one or more of the variables is missing an
InvalidOperationException will be thrown:
* SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONCOLLECTIONURI: The uri of the vsts collection. Needed to be able to calculate the target url.
* SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT: The team project executing the build. Needed to be able to calculate the target url.
* BUILD_BUILDID: The current build id. Needed to be able to calculate the target url.
* BUILD_REVISION: The revision of the current build. Needed to know the commit whose status to change.
* GITHUB_TOKEN: OAuth or PAT token to interact with the GitHub API.
function New-GitHubCommentFromFile {
param (
Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf
$Emoji #optionally use an emoji
# read the file, create a message and use the New-GithubComment function
$msg = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
foreach ($line in Get-Content -Path $Path)
$msg.AppendLine("[comment]: <> (This is a comment added by Azure DevOps)")
return New-GithubComment -Header $Header -Description $Description -Message $msg.ToString() -Emoji $Emoji
Test if the current job is successful or not.
function Test-JobSuccess {
param (
# return if the status is one of the failure ones
return $Status -eq "Succeeded"
Add a new comment that contains the summaries to the Html Report as well as set the status accordingly.
The context to be used to link the status and the device test run in the GitHub status API.
.PARAMETER TestSummaryPath
The path to the generated test summary.
New-GitHubSummaryComment -Context "$Env:CONTEXT" -TestSummaryPath "$Env:SYSTEM_DEFAULTWORKINGDIRECTORY/xamarin/xamarin-macios/tests/TestSummary.md"
This cmdlet depends on the following environment variables. If one or more of the variables is missing an
InvalidOperationException will be thrown:
* SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONCOLLECTIONURI: The uri of the vsts collection. Needed to be able to calculate the target url.
* SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT: The team project executing the build. Needed to be able to calculate the target url.
* BUILD_BUILDID: The current build id. Needed to be able to calculate the target url.
* BUILD_REVISION: The revision of the current build. Needed to know the commit whose status to change.
* GITHUB_TOKEN: OAuth or PAT token to interact with the GitHub API.
function New-GitHubSummaryComment {
param (
$envVars = @{
foreach ($key in $envVars.Keys) {
if (-not($envVars[$key])) {
Write-Debug "Environment variable missing: $key"
throw [System.InvalidOperationException]::new("Environment variable missing: $key")
$vstsTargetUrl = Get-TargetUrl
# build the links to provide extra info to the monitoring person, we need to make sure of a few things
# 1. We do have the xamarin-storage path
# 2. We did reach the xamarin-storage, stored in the env var XAMARIN_STORAGE_REACHED
$sb = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
$sb.AppendLine(); # new line to start the list
$sb.AppendLine("* [Azure DevOps]($vstsTargetUrl)")
# we did generate an index with the files in vsdrops
$sb.AppendLine("* [Html Report (VSDrops)]($Env:VSDROPS_INDEX) [Download]($Env:SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONCOLLECTIONURI$Env:SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT/_apis/build/builds/$Env:BUILD_BUILDID/artifacts?artifactName=HtmlReport-simulator&api-version=6.0&`$format=zip)")
if (-not $DeviceTest) {
$artifactComment = New-ArtifactsFromJsonFile -Content $Artifacts
if (Test-Path $TestSummaryPath -PathType Leaf) { # if present we did get results and add the links, else skip
$githubPagePrefix = "https://xamarin.github.io/macios.ci"
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Env:PR_ID)) {
$staticPageComment = [StaticPages]::new($githubPagePrefix, $Env:PR_ID, $Env:BUILD_BUILDID)
$headerLinks = $sb.ToString()
$request = $null
# set the context to be "pipeline name (Test run)", example xamarin-macios (Test run)
$statusContext = "$Env:BUILD_DEFINITIONNAME (Test run)"
if ($Context -ne "Build") { #special case when we deal with the device tests
$statusContext = "$Contex - $Env:BUILD_DEFINITIONNAME) (Test run)"
# make a diff between a PR and a CI build so that users do not get confused.
$prefix = "";
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Env:PR_ID)) {
$prefix = "[CI Build]"
} else {
$prefix = "[PR Build]"
if (-not (Test-Path $TestSummaryPath -PathType Leaf)) {
Write-Debug "No test summary found"
$request = New-GitHubComment -Header "Tests failed catastrophically on $Context (no summary found)." -Emoji ":fire:" -Description "Result file $TestSummaryPath not found. $headerLinks"
} else {
if ($Env:TESTS_JOBSTATUS -eq "") {
$request = New-GitHubCommentFromFile -Header "$prefix Tests didn't execute on $Context." -Description "Tests didn't execute on $Context. $headerLinks" -Emoji ":x:" -Path $TestSummaryPath
} elseif (Test-JobSuccess -Status $Env:TESTS_JOBSTATUS) {
$request = New-GitHubCommentFromFile -Header "$prefix Tests passed on $Context." -Description "Tests passed on $Context. $headerLinks" -Emoji ":white_check_mark:" -Path $TestSummaryPath
} else {
$request = New-GitHubCommentFromFile -Header "$prefix Tests failed on $Context" -Description "Tests failed on $Context. $headerLinks" -Emoji ":x:" -Path $TestSummaryPath
return $request
Get the information of a PR in GitHub.
@ -1127,54 +938,6 @@ function New-GistWithFiles {
return $request.html_url
Puse a repository dispatch stating which branch did trigger it.
The org of the repository to ping.
.PARAMETER Repository
The repository to ping.
The branch that triggered the event.
function Push-RepositoryDispatch {
param (
[ValidateNotNullOrEmpty ()]
[ValidateNotNullOrEmpty ()]
[ValidateNotNullOrEmpty ()]
# create the hashtable that will contain all the information of all types
$payload = @{
event_type = $Branch;
$url = "https://api.github.com/repos/$Org/$Repository/dispatches"
Write-Debug $url
$payloadJson = $payload | ConvertTo-Json
$headers = @{
Accept = "application/vnd.github.v3+json";
Authorization = ("token {0}" -f $Env:GITHUB_TOKEN);
$request = Invoke-Request -Request { Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Headers $headers -Method "POST" -Body $payloadJson -ContentType 'application/json' }
Write-Debug $request
Write-Debug $request.Content
# This function processes markdown, and replaces:
# 1. "[vsdrops](" with "[vsdrops](https://link/to/vsdrops/".
# 2. "[gist](file)" with "[gist](url)" after uploading "file" to a gist.
@ -1232,14 +995,10 @@ function Convert-Markdown {
# module exports, any other functions are private and should not be used outside the module.
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-GitHubComment
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-GitHubCommentFromFile
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-GitHubSummaryComment
Export-ModuleMember -Function Test-JobSuccess
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-GitHubPRInfo
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-GistWithFiles
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-GistObjectDefinition
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-GistWithContent
Export-ModuleMember -Function Push-RepositoryDispatch
Export-ModuleMember -Function Convert-Markdown
# new future API that uses objects.