## unrecognized selector - rdar 33883958: https://trello.com/c/TIlzWzrL !missing-selector! HMMutablePresenceEvent::setPresenceEventType: not bound !missing-selector! HMMutablePresenceEvent::setPresenceUserType: not bound # Xcode headers and Web docs agree that these values should not be nullable !missing-null-allowed! 'HomeKit.HMService HomeKit.HMCharacteristic::get_Service()' is missing an [NullAllowed] on return type !missing-null-allowed! 'HomeKit.HMAccessory HomeKit.HMService::get_Accessory()' is missing an [NullAllowed] on return type !missing-null-allowed! 'HomeKit.HMRoom HomeKit.HMAccessory::get_Room()' is missing an [NullAllowed] on return type # Xcode headers say nullable but web docs do not. After testing, this parameter cannot be null. !missing-null-allowed! 'System.Void HomeKit.HMCharacteristic::WriteValue(Foundation.NSObject,System.Action`1)' is missing an [NullAllowed] on parameter #0