using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Xml; using Xamarin; using Xamarin.Utils; namespace xharness { interface ILoadAsync { Task LoadAsync (Log log, bool include_locked, bool force); Harness Harness { get; set; } } public class Simulators : ILoadAsync { public Harness Harness { get; set; } bool loaded; SemaphoreSlim semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim (1); BlockingEnumerableCollection supported_runtimes = new BlockingEnumerableCollection (); BlockingEnumerableCollection supported_device_types = new BlockingEnumerableCollection (); BlockingEnumerableCollection available_devices = new BlockingEnumerableCollection (); BlockingEnumerableCollection available_device_pairs = new BlockingEnumerableCollection (); public IEnumerable SupportedRuntimes => supported_runtimes; public IEnumerable SupportedDeviceTypes => supported_device_types; public IEnumerable AvailableDevices => available_devices; public IEnumerable AvailableDevicePairs => available_device_pairs; public async Task LoadAsync (Log log, bool include_locked = false, bool force = false) { await semaphore.WaitAsync (); if (loaded) { if (!force) { semaphore.Release (); return; } supported_runtimes.Reset (); supported_device_types.Reset (); available_devices.Reset (); available_device_pairs.Reset (); } loaded = true; await Task.Run (async () => { var tmpfile = Path.GetTempFileName (); try { using (var process = new Process ()) { process.StartInfo.FileName = Harness.MlaunchPath; process.StartInfo.Arguments = string.Format ("--sdkroot {0} --listsim {1}", Harness.XcodeRoot, tmpfile); log.WriteLine ("Launching {0} {1}", process.StartInfo.FileName, process.StartInfo.Arguments); var rv = await process.RunAsync (log, false, timeout: TimeSpan.FromSeconds (30)); if (!rv.Succeeded) throw new Exception ("Failed to list simulators."); log.WriteLine ("Result:"); log.WriteLine (File.ReadAllText (tmpfile)); var simulator_data = new XmlDocument (); simulator_data.LoadWithoutNetworkAccess (tmpfile); foreach (XmlNode sim in simulator_data.SelectNodes ("/MTouch/Simulator/SupportedRuntimes/SimRuntime")) { supported_runtimes.Add (new SimRuntime () { Name = sim.SelectSingleNode ("Name").InnerText, Identifier = sim.SelectSingleNode ("Identifier").InnerText, Version = long.Parse (sim.SelectSingleNode ("Version").InnerText), }); } foreach (XmlNode sim in simulator_data.SelectNodes ("/MTouch/Simulator/SupportedDeviceTypes/SimDeviceType")) { supported_device_types.Add (new SimDeviceType () { Name = sim.SelectSingleNode ("Name").InnerText, Identifier = sim.SelectSingleNode ("Identifier").InnerText, ProductFamilyId = sim.SelectSingleNode ("ProductFamilyId").InnerText, MinRuntimeVersion = long.Parse (sim.SelectSingleNode ("MinRuntimeVersion").InnerText), MaxRuntimeVersion = long.Parse (sim.SelectSingleNode ("MaxRuntimeVersion").InnerText), Supports64Bits = bool.Parse (sim.SelectSingleNode ("Supports64Bits").InnerText), }); } foreach (XmlNode sim in simulator_data.SelectNodes ("/MTouch/Simulator/AvailableDevices/SimDevice")) { available_devices.Add (new SimDevice () { Harness = Harness, Name = sim.Attributes ["Name"].Value, UDID = sim.Attributes ["UDID"].Value, SimRuntime = sim.SelectSingleNode ("SimRuntime").InnerText, SimDeviceType = sim.SelectSingleNode ("SimDeviceType").InnerText, DataPath = sim.SelectSingleNode ("DataPath").InnerText, LogPath = sim.SelectSingleNode ("LogPath").InnerText, }); } var sim_device_pairs = simulator_data. SelectNodes ("/MTouch/Simulator/AvailableDevicePairs/SimDevicePair"). Cast (). // There can be duplicates, so remove those. Distinct (new SimulatorXmlNodeComparer ()); foreach (XmlNode sim in sim_device_pairs) { available_device_pairs.Add (new SimDevicePair () { UDID = sim.Attributes ["UDID"].Value, Companion = sim.SelectSingleNode ("Companion").InnerText, Gizmo = sim.SelectSingleNode ("Gizmo").InnerText, }); } } } finally { supported_runtimes.SetCompleted (); supported_device_types.SetCompleted (); available_devices.SetCompleted (); available_device_pairs.SetCompleted (); File.Delete (tmpfile); semaphore.Release (); } }); } string CreateName (string devicetype, string runtime) { var runtime_name = supported_runtimes?.Where ((v) => v.Identifier == runtime).FirstOrDefault ()?.Name ?? Path.GetExtension (runtime).Substring (1); var device_name = supported_device_types?.Where ((v) => v.Identifier == devicetype).FirstOrDefault ()?.Name ?? Path.GetExtension (devicetype).Substring (1); return $"{device_name} ({runtime_name}) - created by xharness"; } // Will return all devices that match the runtime + devicetype (even if a new device was created, any other devices will also be returned) async Task> FindOrCreateDevicesAsync (Log log, string runtime, string devicetype, bool force = false) { if (runtime == null || devicetype == null) return null; IEnumerable devices = null; if (!force) { devices = AvailableDevices.Where ((SimDevice v) => v.SimRuntime == runtime && v.SimDeviceType == devicetype); if (devices.Any ()) return devices; } var rv = await Harness.ExecuteXcodeCommandAsync ("simctl", new [] { "create", CreateName (devicetype, runtime), devicetype, runtime }, log, TimeSpan.FromMinutes (1)); if (!rv.Succeeded) { log.WriteLine ($"Could not create device for runtime={runtime} and device type={devicetype}."); return null; } await LoadAsync (log, force: true); devices = AvailableDevices.Where ((SimDevice v) => v.SimRuntime == runtime && v.SimDeviceType == devicetype); if (!devices.Any ()) { log.WriteLine ($"No devices loaded after creating it? runtime={runtime} device type={devicetype}."); return null; } return devices; } async Task CreateDevicePair (Log log, SimDevice device, SimDevice companion_device, string runtime, string devicetype, bool create_device) { if (create_device) { // watch device is already paired to some other phone. Create a new watch device var matchingDevices = await FindOrCreateDevicesAsync (log, runtime, devicetype, force: true); var unPairedDevices = matchingDevices.Where ((v) => !AvailableDevicePairs.Any ((SimDevicePair p) => { return p.Gizmo == v.UDID; })); if (device != null) { // If we're creating a new watch device, assume that the one we were given is not usable. unPairedDevices = unPairedDevices.Where ((v) => v.UDID != device.UDID); } if (unPairedDevices?.Any () != true) return false; device = unPairedDevices.First (); } log.WriteLine ($"Creating device pair for '{device.Name}' and '{companion_device.Name}'"); var capturedLog = new StringBuilder (); var pairLog = new CallbackLog ((string value) => { log.WriteImpl (value); capturedLog.Append (value); }); var rv = await Harness.ExecuteXcodeCommandAsync ("simctl", new [] { "pair", device.UDID, companion_device.UDID }, pairLog, TimeSpan.FromMinutes (1)); if (!rv.Succeeded) { if (!create_device) { var try_creating_device = false; var captured_log = capturedLog.ToString (); try_creating_device |= captured_log.Contains ("At least one of the requested devices is already paired with the maximum number of supported devices and cannot accept another pairing."); try_creating_device |= captured_log.Contains ("The selected devices are already paired with each other."); if (try_creating_device) { log.WriteLine ($"Could not create device pair for '{device.Name}' ({device.UDID}) and '{companion_device.Name}' ({companion_device.UDID}), but will create a new watch device and try again."); return await CreateDevicePair (log, device, companion_device, runtime, devicetype, true); } } log.WriteLine ($"Could not create device pair for '{device.Name}' ({device.UDID}) and '{companion_device.Name}' ({companion_device.UDID})"); return false; } return true; } async Task FindOrCreateDevicePairAsync (Log log, IEnumerable devices, IEnumerable companion_devices) { // Check if we already have a device pair with the specified devices var pairs = AvailableDevicePairs.Where ((SimDevicePair pair) => { if (!devices.Any ((v) => v.UDID == pair.Gizmo)) return false; if (!companion_devices.Any ((v) => v.UDID == pair.Companion)) return false; return true; }); if (!pairs.Any ()) { // No device pair. Create one. // First check if the watch is already paired var unPairedDevices = devices.Where ((v) => !AvailableDevicePairs.Any ((SimDevicePair p) => { return p.Gizmo == v.UDID; })); var unpairedDevice = unPairedDevices.FirstOrDefault (); var companion_device = companion_devices.First (); var device = devices.First (); if (!await CreateDevicePair (log, unpairedDevice, companion_device, device.SimRuntime, device.SimDeviceType, unpairedDevice == null)) return null; await LoadAsync (log, force: true); pairs = AvailableDevicePairs.Where ((SimDevicePair pair) => { if (!devices.Any ((v) => v.UDID == pair.Gizmo)) return false; if (!companion_devices.Any ((v) => v.UDID == pair.Companion)) return false; return true; }); } return pairs.FirstOrDefault (); } public async Task FindAsync (AppRunnerTarget target, Log log, bool create_if_needed = true, bool min_version = false) { SimDevice [] simulators = null; string simulator_devicetype; string simulator_runtime; string companion_devicetype = null; string companion_runtime = null; switch (target) { case AppRunnerTarget.Simulator_iOS32: simulator_devicetype = ""; simulator_runtime = "" + (min_version ? Xamarin.SdkVersions.MiniOSSimulator : "10-3").Replace ('.', '-'); break; case AppRunnerTarget.Simulator_iOS64: simulator_devicetype = "" + (min_version ? "iPhone-6" : "iPhone-X"); simulator_runtime = "" + (min_version ? Xamarin.SdkVersions.MiniOSSimulator : Xamarin.SdkVersions.MaxiOSSimulator).Replace ('.', '-'); break; case AppRunnerTarget.Simulator_iOS: simulator_devicetype = ""; simulator_runtime = "" + (min_version ? Xamarin.SdkVersions.MiniOSSimulator : Xamarin.SdkVersions.MaxiOSSimulator).Replace ('.', '-'); break; case AppRunnerTarget.Simulator_tvOS: simulator_devicetype = ""; simulator_runtime = "" + (min_version ? Xamarin.SdkVersions.MinTVOSSimulator : Xamarin.SdkVersions.MaxTVOSSimulator).Replace ('.', '-'); break; case AppRunnerTarget.Simulator_watchOS: simulator_devicetype = "" + (min_version ? "Apple-Watch-38mm" : "Apple-Watch-Series-3-38mm"); simulator_runtime = "" + (min_version ? Xamarin.SdkVersions.MinWatchOSSimulator : Xamarin.SdkVersions.MaxWatchOSSimulator).Replace ('.', '-'); companion_devicetype = "" + (min_version ? "iPhone-6" : "iPhone-X"); companion_runtime = "" + (min_version ? Xamarin.SdkVersions.MinWatchOSCompanionSimulator : Xamarin.SdkVersions.MaxWatchOSCompanionSimulator).Replace ('.', '-'); break; default: throw new Exception (string.Format ("Unknown simulator target: {0}", target)); } var devices = await FindOrCreateDevicesAsync (log, simulator_runtime, simulator_devicetype); var companion_devices = await FindOrCreateDevicesAsync (log, companion_runtime, companion_devicetype); if (devices?.Any () != true) { log.WriteLine ($"Could not find or create devices runtime={simulator_runtime} and device type={simulator_devicetype}."); return null; } if (companion_runtime == null) { simulators = new SimDevice [] { devices.First () }; } else { if (companion_devices?.Any () != true) { log.WriteLine ($"Could not find or create companion devices runtime={companion_runtime} and device type={companion_devicetype}."); return null; } var pair = await FindOrCreateDevicePairAsync (log, devices, companion_devices); if (pair == null) { log.WriteLine ($"Could not find or create device pair runtime={companion_runtime} and device type={companion_devicetype}."); return null; } simulators = new SimDevice [] { devices.First ((v) => v.UDID == pair.Gizmo), companion_devices.First ((v) => v.UDID == pair.Companion), }; } if (simulators == null) { log.WriteLine ($"Could not find simulator for runtime={simulator_runtime} and device type={simulator_devicetype}."); return null; } log.WriteLine ("Found simulator: {0} {1}", simulators [0].Name, simulators [0].UDID); if (simulators.Length > 1) log.WriteLine ("Found companion simulator: {0} {1}", simulators [1].Name, simulators [1].UDID); return simulators; } public SimDevice FindCompanionDevice (Log log, SimDevice device) { var pair = available_device_pairs.Where ((v) => v.Gizmo == device.UDID).Single (); return available_devices.Single ((v) => v.UDID == pair.Companion); } public IEnumerable SelectDevices (AppRunnerTarget target, Log log, bool min_version) { return new SimulatorEnumerable { Simulators = this, Target = target, MinVersion = min_version, Log = log, }; } class SimulatorXmlNodeComparer : IEqualityComparer { public bool Equals (XmlNode a, XmlNode b) { return a["Gizmo"].InnerText == b["Gizmo"].InnerText && a["Companion"].InnerText == b["Companion"].InnerText; } public int GetHashCode (XmlNode node) { return node["Gizmo"].InnerText.GetHashCode () ^ node["Companion"].InnerText.GetHashCode (); } } class SimulatorEnumerable : IEnumerable, IAsyncEnumerable { public Simulators Simulators; public AppRunnerTarget Target; public bool MinVersion; public Log Log; object lock_obj = new object (); Task findTask; public override string ToString () { return $"Simulators for {Target} (MinVersion: {MinVersion})"; } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator () { return new Enumerator () { Enumerable = this, }; } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () { return GetEnumerator (); } Task Find () { lock (lock_obj) { if (findTask == null) findTask = Simulators.FindAsync (Target, Log, min_version: MinVersion); return findTask; } } public Task ReadyTask { get { return Find (); } } class Enumerator : IEnumerator { internal SimulatorEnumerable Enumerable; SimDevice [] devices; bool moved; public SimDevice Current { get { return devices [0]; } } object IEnumerator.Current { get { return Current; } } public void Dispose () { } public bool MoveNext () { if (moved) return false; if (devices == null) devices = Enumerable.Find ()?.Result?.ToArray (); // Create a copy of the list of devices, so we can have enumerator-specific current index. moved = true; return devices?.Length > 0; } public void Reset () { moved = false; } } } } public interface IAsyncEnumerable { Task ReadyTask { get; } } public class SimRuntime { public string Name; public string Identifier; public long Version; } public class SimDeviceType { public string Name; public string Identifier; public string ProductFamilyId; public long MinRuntimeVersion; public long MaxRuntimeVersion; public bool Supports64Bits; } public class SimDevice : IDevice { public string UDID { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string SimRuntime; public string SimDeviceType; public string DataPath; public string LogPath; public string SystemLog { get { return Path.Combine (LogPath, "system.log"); } } public Harness Harness; public bool IsWatchSimulator { get { return SimRuntime.StartsWith ("", StringComparison.Ordinal); } } public string OSVersion { get { var v = SimRuntime.Substring ("".Length); var dash = v.IndexOf ('-'); return v.Substring (0, dash) + " " + v.Substring (dash + 1).Replace ('-', '.'); } } public async Task EraseAsync (Log log) { // here we don't care if execution fails. // erase the simulator (make sure the device isn't running first) await Harness.ExecuteXcodeCommandAsync ("simctl", new [] { "shutdown", UDID }, log, TimeSpan.FromMinutes (1)); await Harness.ExecuteXcodeCommandAsync ("simctl", new [] { "erase", UDID }, log, TimeSpan.FromMinutes (1)); // boot & shutdown to make sure it actually works await Harness.ExecuteXcodeCommandAsync ("simctl", new [] { "boot", UDID }, log, TimeSpan.FromMinutes (1)); await Harness.ExecuteXcodeCommandAsync ("simctl", new [] { "shutdown", UDID }, log, TimeSpan.FromMinutes (1)); } public async Task ShutdownAsync (Log log) { await Harness.ExecuteXcodeCommandAsync ("simctl", new [] { "shutdown", UDID }, log, TimeSpan.FromMinutes (1)); } public static async Task KillEverythingAsync (Log log) { await ProcessHelper.ExecuteCommandAsync ("launchctl", new [] { "remove", "" }, log, TimeSpan.FromSeconds (10)); var to_kill = new string [] { "iPhone Simulator", "iOS Simulator", "Simulator", "Simulator (Watch)", "", "ibtoold" }; var args = new List (); args.Add ("-9"); args.AddRange (to_kill); await ProcessHelper.ExecuteCommandAsync ("killall", args, log, TimeSpan.FromSeconds (10)); foreach (var dir in new string [] { Path.Combine (Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile), "Library", "Saved Application State", ""), Path.Combine (Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile), "Library", "Saved Application State", ""), }) { try { if (Directory.Exists (dir)) Directory.Delete (dir, true); } catch (Exception e) { log.WriteLine ("Could not delete the directory '{0}': {1}", dir, e.Message); } } } int TCCFormat { get { // v1: < iOS 9 // v2: >= iOS 9 && < iOS 12 // v3: >= iOS 12 if (SimRuntime.StartsWith ("", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { var v = Version.Parse (SimRuntime.Substring ("".Length).Replace ('-', '.')); if (v.Major >= 12) { return 3; } else if (v.Major >= 9) { return 2; } else { return 1; } } else if (SimRuntime.StartsWith ("", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { var v = Version.Parse (SimRuntime.Substring ("".Length).Replace ('-', '.')); if (v.Major >= 12) { return 3; } else { return 2; } } else if (SimRuntime.StartsWith ("", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { var v = Version.Parse (SimRuntime.Substring ("".Length).Replace ('-', '.')); if (v.Major >= 5) { return 3; } else { return 2; } } else { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } } public async Task AgreeToPromptsAsync (Log log, params string[] bundle_identifiers) { if (bundle_identifiers == null || bundle_identifiers.Length == 0) { log.WriteLine ("No bundle identifiers given when requested permission editing."); return; } var TCC_db = Path.Combine (DataPath, "data", "Library", "TCC", "TCC.db"); var sim_services = new string [] { "kTCCServiceAddressBook", "kTCCServiceCalendar", "kTCCServicePhotos", "kTCCServiceMediaLibrary", "kTCCServiceMicrophone", "kTCCServiceUbiquity", "kTCCServiceWillow" }; var failure = false; var tcc_edit_timeout = 30; var watch = new Stopwatch (); watch.Start (); do { if (failure) { log.WriteLine ("Failed to edit TCC.db, trying again in 1 second... ", (int) (tcc_edit_timeout - watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)); await Task.Delay (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (1)); } failure = false; foreach (var bundle_identifier in bundle_identifiers) { var args = new List (); var sql = new System.Text.StringBuilder (); args.Add (TCC_db); foreach (var service in sim_services) { switch (TCCFormat) { case 1: // CREATE TABLE access (service TEXT NOT NULL, client TEXT NOT NULL, client_type INTEGER NOT NULL, allowed INTEGER NOT NULL, prompt_count INTEGER NOT NULL, csreq BLOB, CONSTRAINT key PRIMARY KEY (service, client, client_type)); sql.AppendFormat ("INSERT INTO access VALUES('{0}','{1}',0,1,0,NULL);", service, bundle_identifier); sql.AppendFormat ("INSERT INTO access VALUES('{0}','{1}',0,1,0,NULL);", service, bundle_identifier + ".watchkitapp"); break; case 2: // CREATE TABLE access (service TEXT NOT NULL, client TEXT NOT NULL, client_type INTEGER NOT NULL, allowed INTEGER NOT NULL, prompt_count INTEGER NOT NULL, csreq BLOB, policy_id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (service, client, client_type), FOREIGN KEY (policy_id) REFERENCES policies(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE); sql.AppendFormat ("INSERT INTO access VALUES('{0}','{1}',0,1,0,NULL,NULL);", service, bundle_identifier); sql.AppendFormat ("INSERT INTO access VALUES('{0}','{1}',0,1,0,NULL,NULL);", service, bundle_identifier + ".watchkitapp"); break; case 3: // Xcode 10+ // CREATE TABLE access ( service TEXT NOT NULL, client TEXT NOT NULL, client_type INTEGER NOT NULL, allowed INTEGER NOT NULL, prompt_count INTEGER NOT NULL, csreq BLOB, policy_id INTEGER, indirect_object_identifier_type INTEGER, indirect_object_identifier TEXT, indirect_object_code_identity BLOB, flags INTEGER, last_modified INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT (CAST(strftime('%s','now') AS INTEGER)), PRIMARY KEY (service, client, client_type, indirect_object_identifier), FOREIGN KEY (policy_id) REFERENCES policies(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) sql.AppendFormat ("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO access VALUES('{0}','{1}',0,1,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,'UNUSED',NULL,NULL,{2});", service, bundle_identifier, DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds ()); sql.AppendFormat ("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO access VALUES('{0}','{1}',0,1,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,'UNUSED',NULL,NULL,{2});", service, bundle_identifier + ".watchkitapp", DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds ()); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } } args.Add (sql.ToString ()); var rv = await ProcessHelper.ExecuteCommandAsync ("sqlite3", args, log, TimeSpan.FromSeconds (5)); if (!rv.Succeeded) { failure = true; break; } } } while (failure && watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds <= tcc_edit_timeout); if (failure) { log.WriteLine ("Failed to edit TCC.db, the test run might hang due to permission request dialogs"); } else { log.WriteLine ("Successfully edited TCC.db"); } log.WriteLine ("Current TCC database contents:"); await ProcessHelper.ExecuteCommandAsync ("sqlite3", new [] { TCC_db, ".dump" }, log, TimeSpan.FromSeconds (5)); } async Task OpenSimulator (Log log) { string simulator_app; if (IsWatchSimulator && Harness.XcodeVersion.Major < 9) { simulator_app = Path.Combine (Harness.XcodeRoot, "Contents", "Developer", "Applications", "Simulator (Watch).app"); } else { simulator_app = Path.Combine (Harness.XcodeRoot, "Contents", "Developer", "Applications", ""); if (!Directory.Exists (simulator_app)) simulator_app = Path.Combine (Harness.XcodeRoot, "Contents", "Developer", "Applications", "iOS"); } await ProcessHelper.ExecuteCommandAsync ("open", new [] { "-a", simulator_app, "--args", "-CurrentDeviceUDID", UDID }, log, TimeSpan.FromSeconds (15)); } public async Task PrepareSimulatorAsync (Log log, params string[] bundle_identifiers) { // Kill all existing processes await KillEverythingAsync (log); // We shutdown and erase all simulators. await EraseAsync (log); // Edit the permissions to prevent dialog boxes in the test app var TCC_db = Path.Combine (DataPath, "data", "Library", "TCC", "TCC.db"); if (!File.Exists (TCC_db)) { log.WriteLine ("Opening simulator to create TCC.db"); await OpenSimulator (log); var tcc_creation_timeout = 60; var watch = new Stopwatch (); watch.Start (); while (!File.Exists (TCC_db) && watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds < tcc_creation_timeout) { log.WriteLine ("Waiting for simulator to create TCC.db... {0}", (int)(tcc_creation_timeout - watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)); await Task.Delay (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (0.250)); } } if (File.Exists (TCC_db)) { await AgreeToPromptsAsync (log, bundle_identifiers); } else { log.WriteLine ("No TCC.db found for the simulator {0} (SimRuntime={1} and SimDeviceType={1})", UDID, SimRuntime, SimDeviceType); } // Make sure we're in a clean state await KillEverythingAsync (log); // Make 100% sure we're shutdown await ShutdownAsync (log); } } public class SimDevicePair { public string UDID; public string Companion; public string Gizmo; } public class SimDeviceSpecification { public SimDevice Main; public SimDevice Companion; // the phone for watch devices } public class Devices : ILoadAsync { public Harness Harness { get; set; } bool loaded; BlockingEnumerableCollection connected_devices = new BlockingEnumerableCollection (); public IEnumerable ConnectedDevices => connected_devices; public IEnumerable Connected64BitIOS => connected_devices.Where (x => x.DevicePlatform == DevicePlatform.iOS && x.Supports64Bit); public IEnumerable Connected32BitIOS => connected_devices.Where (x => x.DevicePlatform == DevicePlatform.iOS && x.Supports32Bit); public IEnumerable ConnectedTV => connected_devices.Where (x => x.DevicePlatform == DevicePlatform.tvOS); public IEnumerable ConnectedWatch => connected_devices.Where (x => x.DevicePlatform == DevicePlatform.watchOS && x.Architecture == Architecture.ARMv7k); public IEnumerable ConnectedWatch32_64 { get { return connected_devices.Where ((x) => { return x.DevicePlatform == DevicePlatform.watchOS && x.Architecture == Architecture.ARM64_32; }); } } Task ILoadAsync.LoadAsync (Log log, bool include_locked, bool force) { return LoadAsync (log, extra_data: false, removed_locked: !include_locked, force: force); } public async Task LoadAsync (Log log, bool extra_data = false, bool removed_locked = false, bool force = false) { if (loaded) { if (!force) return; connected_devices.Reset (); } loaded = true; await Task.Run (async () => { var tmpfile = Path.GetTempFileName (); try { using (var process = new Process ()) { process.StartInfo.FileName = Harness.MlaunchPath; process.StartInfo.Arguments = string.Format ("--sdkroot {0} --listdev={1} {2} --output-format=xml", Harness.XcodeRoot, tmpfile, extra_data ? "--list-extra-data" : string.Empty); log.WriteLine ("Launching {0} {1}", process.StartInfo.FileName, process.StartInfo.Arguments); var rv = await process.RunAsync (log, false, timeout: TimeSpan.FromSeconds (120)); if (!rv.Succeeded) throw new Exception ("Failed to list devices."); log.WriteLine ("Result:"); log.WriteLine (File.ReadAllText (tmpfile)); log.Flush (); var doc = new XmlDocument (); doc.LoadWithoutNetworkAccess (tmpfile); foreach (XmlNode dev in doc.SelectNodes ("/MTouch/Device")) { var usable = dev.SelectSingleNode ("IsUsableForDebugging")?.InnerText; Device d = new Device { DeviceIdentifier = dev.SelectSingleNode ("DeviceIdentifier")?.InnerText, DeviceClass = dev.SelectSingleNode ("DeviceClass")?.InnerText, CompanionIdentifier = dev.SelectSingleNode ("CompanionIdentifier")?.InnerText, Name = dev.SelectSingleNode ("Name")?.InnerText, BuildVersion = dev.SelectSingleNode ("BuildVersion")?.InnerText, ProductVersion = dev.SelectSingleNode ("ProductVersion")?.InnerText, ProductType = dev.SelectSingleNode ("ProductType")?.InnerText, InterfaceType = dev.SelectSingleNode ("InterfaceType")?.InnerText, IsUsableForDebugging = usable == null ? (bool?) null : ((bool?) (usable == "True")), }; bool.TryParse (dev.SelectSingleNode ("IsLocked")?.InnerText, out d.IsLocked); if (removed_locked && d.IsLocked) { log.WriteLine ($"Skipping device {d.Name} ({d.DeviceIdentifier}) because it's locked."); continue; } if (d.IsUsableForDebugging.HasValue && !d.IsUsableForDebugging.Value) { log.WriteLine ($"Skipping device {d.Name} ({d.DeviceIdentifier}) because it's not usable for debugging."); continue; } connected_devices.Add (d); } } } finally { connected_devices.SetCompleted (); File.Delete (tmpfile); log.Flush (); } }); } public Device FindCompanionDevice (Log log, Device device) { var companion = ConnectedDevices.Where ((v) => v.DeviceIdentifier == device.CompanionIdentifier); if (companion.Count () == 0) throw new Exception ($"Could not find the companion device for '{device.Name}'"); if (companion.Count () > 1) log.WriteLine ("Found {0} companion devices for {1}?!?", companion.Count (), device.Name); return companion.First (); } } public enum Architecture { ARMv6, ARMv7, ARMv7k, ARMv7s, ARM64, ARM64_32, i386, x86_64, } public enum DevicePlatform { Unknown, iOS, tvOS, watchOS, macOS, } public class Device : IDevice { public string DeviceIdentifier; public string DeviceClass; public string CompanionIdentifier; public string Name { get; set; } public string BuildVersion; public string ProductVersion; public string ProductType; public string InterfaceType; public bool? IsUsableForDebugging; public bool IsLocked; public string UDID { get { return DeviceIdentifier; } set { DeviceIdentifier = value; } } public string OSVersion { get { return ProductVersion; } } // Add a speed property that can be used to sort a list of devices according to speed. public int DebugSpeed { get { var itype = InterfaceType?.ToLowerInvariant (); if (itype == "usb") return 0; // fastest if (itype == null) return 1; // mlaunch doesn't know - not sure when this can happen, but wifi is quite slow, so maybe this faster if (itype == "wifi") return 2; // wifi is quite slow return 3; // Anything else is probably slower than wifi (e.g. watch). } } public DevicePlatform DevicePlatform { get { switch (DeviceClass) { case "iPhone": case "iPod": case "iPad": return DevicePlatform.iOS; case "AppleTV": return DevicePlatform.tvOS; case "Watch": return DevicePlatform.watchOS; default: return DevicePlatform.Unknown; } } } public bool Supports64Bit { get { return Architecture == Architecture.ARM64; } } public bool Supports32Bit { get { switch (DevicePlatform) { case DevicePlatform.iOS: return Version.Parse (ProductVersion).Major < 11; case DevicePlatform.tvOS: return false; case DevicePlatform.watchOS: return true; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } } } public bool IsSupported (iOSTestProject project) { if (project.MonoNativeInfo == null) return true; var min_version = MonoNativeHelper.GetMinimumOSVersion (DevicePlatform, project.MonoNativeInfo.Flavor); return Version.Parse (ProductVersion) >= Version.Parse (min_version); } public Architecture Architecture { get { var model = ProductType; // if (model.StartsWith ("iPhone", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { var identifier = model.Substring ("iPhone".Length); var values = identifier.Split (','); switch (values [0]) { case "1": // iPhone (1) and iPhone 3G (2) return Architecture.ARMv6; case "2": // iPhone 3GS (1) case "3": // iPhone 4 (1-3) case "4": // iPhone 4S (1) return Architecture.ARMv7; case "5": // iPhone 5 (1-2) and iPhone 5c (3-4) return Architecture.ARMv7s; case "6": // iPhone 5s (1-2) case "7": // iPhone 6+ (1) and iPhone 6 (2) case "8": // iPhone 6s (1), iPhone 6s+ (2), iPhoneSE (4) case "9": // iPhone 7 (1,3) and iPhone 7+ (2,4) default: return Architecture.ARM64; } } // if (model.StartsWith ("iPad", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { var identifier = model.Substring ("iPad".Length); var values = identifier.Split (','); switch (values [0]) { case "1": // iPad (1) case "2": // iPad 2 (1-4) and iPad Mini (5-7) case "3": // iPad 3 (1-3) and iPad 4 (4-6) return Architecture.ARMv7; case "4": // iPad Air (1-3), iPad Mini 2 (4-6) and iPad Mini 3 (7-9) case "5": // iPad Air 2 (3-4) case "6": // iPad Pro 9.7-inch (3-4), iPad Pro 12.9-inch (7-8) default: return Architecture.ARM64; } } // if (model.StartsWith ("iPod", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { var identifier = model.Substring ("iPod".Length); var values = identifier.Split (','); switch (values [0]) { case "1": // iPod touch (1) case "2": // iPod touch 2G (1) return Architecture.ARMv6; case "3": // iPod touch 3G (1) case "4": // iPod touch 4G (1) case "5": // iPod touch 5G (1) return Architecture.ARMv7; case "7": // iPod touch 6G (1) default: return Architecture.ARM64; } } // if (model.StartsWith ("Watch", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { var identifier = model.Substring ("Watch".Length); var values = identifier.Split (','); switch (values [0]) { case "1": // Apple Watch (1st gen) case "2": // Apple Watch Series 1 and Series 2 case "3": // Apple Watch Series 3 return Architecture.ARMv7k; case "4": // Apple Watch Series 4 default: return Architecture.ARM64_32; } } // if (model.StartsWith ("AppleTV", StringComparison.Ordinal)) return Architecture.ARM64; throw new NotImplementedException (); } } } interface IDevice { string Name { get; set; } string UDID { get; set; } string OSVersion { get; } } // This is a collection whose enumerator will wait enumerating until // the collection has been marked as completed (but the enumerator can still // be created; this allows the creation of linq queries whose execution is // delayed until later). internal class BlockingEnumerableCollection : IEnumerable where T : class { List list = new List (); TaskCompletionSource completed = new TaskCompletionSource (); public int Count { get { WaitForCompletion (); return list.Count; } } public void Add (T device) { if (completed.Task.IsCompleted) Console.WriteLine ("Adding to completed collection!"); list.Add (device); } public void SetCompleted () { completed.TrySetResult (true); } void WaitForCompletion () { completed.Task.Wait (); } public void Reset () { completed = new TaskCompletionSource (); list.Clear (); } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator () { return new Enumerator (this); } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () { return GetEnumerator (); } class Enumerator : IEnumerator { BlockingEnumerableCollection collection; IEnumerator enumerator; public Enumerator (BlockingEnumerableCollection collection) { this.collection = collection; } public T Current { get { return enumerator.Current; } } object IEnumerator.Current { get { return enumerator.Current; } } public void Dispose () { enumerator.Dispose (); } public bool MoveNext () { collection.WaitForCompletion (); if (enumerator == null) enumerator = collection.list.GetEnumerator (); return enumerator.MoveNext (); } public void Reset () { enumerator.Reset (); } } } }