using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using NUnit.Framework; using Mono.Cecil; using Mono.Cecil.Cil; #nullable enable namespace Cecil.Tests { [TestFixture] public class Test { [TestCaseSource (typeof (Helper), nameof (Helper.PlatformAssemblyDefinitions))] [TestCaseSource (typeof (Helper), nameof (Helper.NetPlatformImplementationAssemblyDefinitions))] // ref: public void IdentifyBackingFieldAssignation (AssemblyInfo info) { var assembly = info.Assembly; // look inside all .cctor (static constructor) inside `assemblyName` foreach (var m in assembly.EnumerateMethods ((m) => m.IsStatic && m.IsConstructor)) { foreach (var ins in m.Body.Instructions) { if (ins.OpCode != OpCodes.Stsfld) continue; if (!(ins.Operand is FieldDefinition f)) continue; var name = f.Name; if ((name [0] != '<') || !name.EndsWith (">k__BackingField")) continue; // filter valid usage // it's fine if the returned value is constant (won't ever change during execution) // there should be a comment in the source that confirm this behaviour switch (m.DeclaringType.FullName) { case "CoreFoundation.OSLog": if (name == "k__BackingField") break; goto default; case "Vision.VNUtils": if (name == "k__BackingField") break; goto default; default: Assert.Fail ($"Unaudited {m.DeclaringType.FullName} -> {name}"); break; } } } } [TestCaseSource (typeof (Helper), nameof (Helper.PlatformAssemblyDefinitions))] [TestCaseSource (typeof (Helper), nameof (Helper.NetPlatformImplementationAssemblyDefinitions))] // ref: public void EnsureUIThreadOnInit (AssemblyInfo info) { var assembly = info.Assembly; // `CNContactsUserDefaults` is `[ThreadSafe (false)]` and part of iOS and macOS var t = assembly.MainModule.GetType ("Contacts.CNContactsUserDefaults"); if (t is null) { // tvOS does not have the type so let's find an alternative t = assembly.MainModule.GetType ("PhotosUI.PHLivePhotoView"); } if (t is null) { Assert.Fail ($"No type found for {assembly}"); return; // just to help nullability } foreach (var c in t.Methods) { if (!c.IsConstructor || c.IsStatic || c.HasParameters) continue; // .ctor(IntPtr) var found = false; foreach (var ins in c.Body.Instructions) { if (ins.OpCode.Code != Code.Call) continue; found |= (ins.Operand as MethodReference)?.Name == "EnsureUIThread"; } if (!found) Assert.Fail ("EnsureUIThread missing"); else return; // single case, no point in iterating anymore } } [TestCaseSource (typeof (Helper), nameof (Helper.PlatformAssemblyDefinitions))] [TestCaseSource (typeof (Helper), nameof (Helper.NetPlatformAssemblyDefinitions))] public void NoSystemConsoleReference (AssemblyInfo info) { var assembly = info.Assembly; // this has a quite noticeable impact on (small) app size if (assembly.MainModule.TryGetTypeReference ("System.Console", out var _)) Assert.Fail ($"{assembly} has a reference to `System.Console`. Please use `Runtime.NSLog` inside the platform assemblies"); } // we should not p/invoke into API that are banned (by MS) from the C runtime // list is copied from binscope for mac (not all of them actually exists on macOS) static HashSet BannedCApi = new HashSet () { "_alloca", "_ftcscat", "_ftcscpy", "_getts", "_gettws", "_i64toa", "_i64tow", "_itoa", "_itow", "_makepath", "_mbccat", "_mbccpy", "_mbscat", "_mbscpy", "_mbslen", "_mbsnbcat", "_mbsnbcpy", "_mbsncat", "_mbsncpy", "_mbstok", "_mbstrlen", "_snprintf", "_sntprintf", "_sntscanf", "_snwprintf", "_splitpath", "_stprintf", "_stscanf", "_tccat", "_tccpy", "_tcscat", "_tcscpy", "_tcsncat", "_tcsncpy", "_tcstok", "_tmakepath", "_tscanf", "_tsplitpath", "_ui64toa", "_ui64tot", "_ui64tow", "_ultoa", "_ultot", "_ultow", "_vsnprintf", "_vsntprintf", "_vsnwprintf", "_vstprintf", "_wmakepath", "_wsplitpath", "alloca", "changewindowmessagefilter", "chartooem", "chartooema", "chartooembuffa", "chartooembuffw", "chartooemw", "copymemory", "gets", "isbadcodeptr", "isbadhugereadptr", "isbadhugewriteptr", "isbadreadptr", "isbadstringptr", "isbadwriteptr", "lstrcat", "lstrcata", "lstrcatn", "lstrcatna", "lstrcatnw", "lstrcatw", "lstrcpy", "lstrcpya", "lstrcpyn", "lstrcpyna", "lstrcpynw", "lstrcpyw", "lstrlen", "lstrncat", "makepath", "memcpy", "oemtochar", "oemtochara", "oemtocharw", "rtlcopymemory", "scanf", "snscanf", "snwscanf", "sprintf", "sprintfa", "sprintfw", "sscanf", "strcat", "strcata", "strcatbuff", "strcatbuffa", "strcatbuffw", "strcatchainw", "strcatn", "strcatna", "strcatnw", "strcatw", "strcpy", "strcpya", "strcpyn", "strcpyna", "strcpynw", "strcpyw", "strlen", "strncat", "strncata", "strncatw", "strncpy", "strncpya", "strncpyw", "strtok", "swprintf", "swscanf", "vsnprintf", "vsprintf", "vswprintf", "wcscat", "wcscpy", "wcslen", "wcsncat", "wcsncpy", "wcstok", "wmemcpy", "wnsprintf", "wnsprintfa", "wnsprintfw", "wscanf", "wsprintf", "wsprintfa", "wsprintfw", "wvnsprintf", "wvnsprintfa", "wvnsprintfw", "wvsprintf", "wvsprintfa", "wvsprintfw" }; [TestCaseSource (typeof (Helper), nameof (Helper.PlatformAssemblyDefinitions))] [TestCaseSource (typeof (Helper), nameof (Helper.NetPlatformAssemblyDefinitions))] public void NoBannedApi (AssemblyInfo info) { var assembly = info.Assembly; List found = new List (); foreach (var m in assembly.EnumerateMethods ((m) => m.IsPInvokeImpl)) { var symbol = m.PInvokeInfo.EntryPoint; if (BannedCApi.Contains (symbol)) found.Add (symbol); } // if multiple p/invoke are defined then the same symbol will show multiple times // it's a feature :) Assert.That (found, Is.Empty, string.Join (", ", found)); } // from PlatformAvailability2.cs / keep in sync public enum PlatformName : byte { None, MacOSX, iOS, WatchOS, TvOS, MacCatalyst, } [TestCaseSource (typeof (Helper), nameof (Helper.PlatformAssemblyDefinitions))] [TestCaseSource (typeof (Helper), nameof (Helper.NetPlatformAssemblyDefinitions))] // ref: public void Unavailable (AssemblyInfo info) { var assembly = info.Assembly; var platform = PlatformName.None; switch (assembly.Name.Name) { case "Xamarin.Mac": case "Microsoft.macOS": platform = PlatformName.MacOSX; break; case "Xamarin.iOS": case "Microsoft.iOS": platform = PlatformName.iOS; break; case "Xamarin.WatchOS": platform = PlatformName.WatchOS; break; case "Xamarin.TVOS": case "Microsoft.tvOS": platform = PlatformName.TvOS; break; case "Microsoft.MacCatalyst": platform = PlatformName.MacCatalyst; break; } Assert.That (platform, Is.Not.EqualTo (PlatformName.None), "None"); Assert.False (IsUnavailable (assembly, platform), "Assembly"); Assert.False (IsUnavailable (assembly.MainModule, platform), "MainModule"); foreach (var type in assembly.MainModule.Types) Unavailable (type, platform); } void Unavailable (TypeDefinition type, PlatformName platform) { Assert.False (IsUnavailable (type, platform), type.FullName); if (type.HasNestedTypes) { foreach (var nt in type.NestedTypes) Unavailable (nt, platform); } if (type.HasEvents) { foreach (var @event in type.Events) Assert.False (IsUnavailable (@event, platform), @event.FullName); } // Enum members are generated with `[No*` by design // as they ease code sharing and don't risk exposing private symbols if (!type.IsEnum && type.HasFields) { foreach (var field in type.Fields) Assert.False (IsUnavailable (field, platform), field.FullName); } if (type.HasMethods) { foreach (var method in type.Methods) Assert.False (IsUnavailable (method, platform), method.FullName); } if (type.HasProperties) { foreach (var property in type.Properties) Assert.False (IsUnavailable (property, platform), property.FullName); } } // UnavailableAttribute and it's subclasses // NoMacAttribute (1), NoiOSAttribute (2), NoWatchAttribute (3), NoTVAttribute (4) // MacCatalyst (5) does not have an attribute right now (but [Unavailable] is possible on the PlatformName) bool IsUnavailable (ICustomAttributeProvider cap, PlatformName platform) { if (!cap.HasCustomAttributes) return false; var unavailable = false; foreach (var ca in cap.CustomAttributes) { switch (ca.AttributeType.FullName) { case "ObjCRuntime.UnavailableAttribute": unavailable = platform == (PlatformName) (byte) ca.ConstructorArguments [0].Value; break; case "ObjCRuntime.NoMacAttribute": unavailable = platform == PlatformName.MacOSX; break; case "ObjCRuntime.NoiOSAttribute": unavailable = platform == PlatformName.iOS; break; case "ObjCRuntime.NoWatchAttribute": unavailable = platform == PlatformName.WatchOS; break; case "ObjCRuntime.NoTVAttribute": unavailable = platform == PlatformName.TvOS; break; case "System.ObsoleteAttribute": // we have to live with past mistakes, don't report errors on [Obsolete] members return false; } } return unavailable; } } }