## default init does not work, there's no init in base types, so it's a defacto designated initializer !extra-designated-initializer! CKMarkNotificationsReadOperation::initWithNotificationIDsToMarkRead: is incorrectly decorated with an [DesignatedInitializer] attribute ## we offer a better managed API using another selector !missing-selector! CKRecord::objectForKeyedSubscript: not bound !missing-selector! CKRecord::setObject:forKeyedSubscript: not bound ## Formalizes a protocol for getting and setting keys on a CKRecord. ## Not intended to be used directly by client code !missing-protocol! CKRecordKeyValueSetting not bound !missing-protocol-conformance! CKRecord should conform to CKRecordKeyValueSetting (defined in 'CKRecordKeyValueSettingConformance' category) ## NSInvalidArgumentException Reason: You must call -[CKMarkNotificationsReadOperation initWithNotificationIDsToMarkRead:] !missing-selector! CKMarkNotificationsReadOperation::init not bound # all of them deprecated and marked with the [Obsoleted] attr. !unknown-native-enum! CKSubscriptionOptions bound !unknown-type! CKDiscoverAllContactsOperation bound !unknown-type! CKDiscoveredUserInfo bound