using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using Xamarin.Tests; namespace Xamarin { public enum MTouchAction { None, BuildDev, BuildSim, LaunchSim, } public enum MTouchLinker { Unspecified, LinkAll, LinkSdk, DontLink, } public enum MTouchRegistrar { Unspecified, Dynamic, Static, } [Flags] enum I18N { None = 0, CJK = 1, MidEast = 2, Other = 4, Rare = 8, West = 16, All = CJK | MidEast | Other | Rare | West, Base } class MTouchTool : Tool, IDisposable { public const string None = "None"; #pragma warning disable 649 // These map directly to mtouch options public int Verbosity; public string SdkRoot; public bool? NoSign; public bool? Debug; public bool? FastDev; public bool? Dlsym; public string Sdk; public string TargetVer; public string [] References; public string Executable; public string TargetFramework; public string Abi; public string AppPath; public string Cache; public string Device; // --device public MTouchLinker Linker; public bool? NoFastSim; public MTouchRegistrar Registrar; public I18N I18N; public bool? Extension; public List AppExtensions = new List (); public List Frameworks = new List (); #pragma warning restore 649 // These are a bit smarter public MTouch.Profile Profile = MTouch.Profile.Unified; public bool NoPlatformAssemblyReference; static XmlDocument device_list_cache; List directories_to_delete; public class DeviceInfo { public string UDID; public string Name; public string CompanionIdentifier; public string DeviceClass; public DeviceInfo Companion; } string GetVerbosity () { if (Verbosity == 0) { return string.Empty; } else if (Verbosity > 0) { return new string ('-', Verbosity).Replace ("-", "-v "); } else { return new string ('-', -Verbosity).Replace ("-", "-q "); } } public int LaunchOnDevice (DeviceInfo device, string appPath, bool waitForUnlock, bool waitForExit) { return Execute ("--devname \"{0}\" --launchdev \"{1}\" --sdkroot \"{2}\" --wait-for-unlock:{3} --wait-for-exit:{4} {5}", device.Name, appPath, Configuration.xcode_root, waitForUnlock ? "yes" : "no", waitForExit ? "yes" : "no", GetVerbosity ()); } public int InstallOnDevice (DeviceInfo device, string appPath, string devicetype = null) { return Execute ("--devname \"{0}\" --installdev \"{1}\" --sdkroot \"{2}\" {3} {4}", device.Name, appPath, Configuration.xcode_root, GetVerbosity (), devicetype == null ? string.Empty : "--device " + devicetype); } public int Execute (MTouchAction action) { return Execute (BuildArguments (action)); } public void AssertExecute (MTouchAction action, string message = null) { NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual (0, Execute (action), message); } string BuildArguments (MTouchAction action) { var sb = new StringBuilder (); var isDevice = false; switch (action) { case MTouchAction.None: break; case MTouchAction.BuildDev: if (AppPath == null) throw new Exception ("No AppPath specified."); isDevice = true; sb.Append (" --dev ").Append (MTouch.Quote (AppPath)); break; case MTouchAction.BuildSim: isDevice = false; if (AppPath == null) throw new Exception ("No AppPath specified."); sb.Append (" --sim ").Append (MTouch.Quote (AppPath)); break; case MTouchAction.LaunchSim: isDevice = false; if (AppPath == null) throw new Exception ("No AppPath specified."); sb.Append (" --launchsim ").Append (MTouch.Quote (AppPath)); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } if (SdkRoot == None) { // do nothing } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (SdkRoot)) { sb.Append (" --sdkroot ").Append (MTouch.Quote (SdkRoot)); } else { sb.Append (" --sdkroot ").Append (MTouch.Quote (Configuration.xcode_root)); } sb.Append (" ").Append (GetVerbosity ()); if (Sdk == None) { // do nothing } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Sdk)) { sb.Append (" --sdk ").Append (Sdk); } else { sb.Append (" --sdk ").Append (MTouch.GetSdkVersion (Profile)); } if (TargetVer == None) { // do nothing } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (TargetVer)) { sb.Append (" --targetver ").Append (TargetVer); } if (Debug.HasValue && Debug.Value) sb.Append (" --debug"); if (FastDev.HasValue && FastDev.Value) sb.Append (" --fastdev"); if (Extension == true) sb.Append (" --extension"); foreach (var appext in AppExtensions) sb.Append (" --app-extension ").Append (MTouch.Quote (appext)); foreach (var framework in Frameworks) sb.Append (" --framework ").Append (MTouch.Quote (framework)); if (Dlsym.HasValue) sb.Append (" --dlsym:").Append (Dlsym.Value ? "true" : "false"); if (References != null) { foreach (var r in References) sb.Append (" -r:").Append (MTouch.Quote (r)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Executable)) sb.Append (" ").Append (MTouch.Quote (Executable)); if (TargetFramework == None) { // do nothing } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (TargetFramework)) { sb.Append (" --target-framework ").Append (TargetFramework); } else if (!NoPlatformAssemblyReference) { // make the implicit default the way tests have been running until now, and at the same time the very minimum to make apps build. switch (Profile) { case MTouch.Profile.Unified: sb.Append (" -r:").Append (MTouch.Quote (Configuration.XamarinIOSDll)); break; case MTouch.Profile.TVOS: case MTouch.Profile.WatchOS: sb.Append (" --target-framework ").Append (MTouch.GetTargetFramework (Profile)); sb.Append (" -r:").Append (MTouch.Quote (MTouch.GetBaseLibrary (Profile))); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Abi)) { sb.Append (" --abi ").Append (Abi); } else { switch (Profile) { case MTouch.Profile.Unified: break; // not required case MTouch.Profile.TVOS: sb.Append (isDevice ? " --abi arm64" : " --abi x86_64"); break; case MTouch.Profile.WatchOS: sb.Append (isDevice ? " --abi armv7k" : " --abi i386"); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } } switch (Linker) { case MTouchLinker.LinkAll: case MTouchLinker.Unspecified: break; case MTouchLinker.DontLink: sb.Append (" --nolink"); break; case MTouchLinker.LinkSdk: sb.Append (" --linksdkonly"); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } if (NoFastSim.HasValue && NoFastSim.Value) sb.Append (" --nofastsim"); switch (Registrar) { case MTouchRegistrar.Unspecified: break; case MTouchRegistrar.Dynamic: sb.Append (" --registrar:dynamic"); break; case MTouchRegistrar.Static: sb.Append (" --registrar:static"); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } if (I18N != I18N.None) { sb.Append (" --i18n "); int count = 0; if ((I18N & I18N.CJK) == I18N.CJK) sb.Append (count++ == 0 ? string.Empty : ",").Append ("cjk"); if ((I18N & I18N.MidEast) == I18N.MidEast) sb.Append (count++ == 0 ? string.Empty : ",").Append ("mideast"); if ((I18N & I18N.Other) == I18N.Other) sb.Append (count++ == 0 ? string.Empty : ",").Append ("other"); if ((I18N & I18N.Rare) == I18N.Rare) sb.Append (count++ == 0 ? string.Empty : ",").Append ("rare"); if ((I18N & I18N.West) == I18N.West) sb.Append (count++ == 0 ? string.Empty : ",").Append ("west"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Cache)) sb.Append (" --cache ").Append (MTouch.Quote (Cache)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Device)) sb.Append (" --device:").Append (MTouch.Quote (Device)); return sb.ToString (); } XmlDocument FetchDeviceList (bool allowCache = true) { if (device_list_cache == null || !allowCache) { var output_file = Path.GetTempFileName (); try { if (Execute ("--listdev:{1} --sdkroot {0} --output-format xml", Configuration.xcode_root, output_file) != 0) throw new Exception ("Failed to list devices."); device_list_cache = new XmlDocument (); device_list_cache.Load (output_file); } finally { File.Delete (output_file); } } return device_list_cache; } public List ListDevices () { var rv = new List (); foreach (XmlNode node in FetchDeviceList ().SelectNodes ("//MTouch/Device")) { rv.Add (new DeviceInfo () { UDID = node.SelectSingleNode ("UDID")?.InnerText, Name = node.SelectSingleNode ("Name")?.InnerText, CompanionIdentifier = node.SelectSingleNode ("CompanionIdentifier")?.InnerText, DeviceClass = node.SelectSingleNode ("DeviceClass")?.InnerText, }); } foreach (var device in rv) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (device.CompanionIdentifier)) continue; device.Companion = rv.FirstOrDefault ((d) => d.UDID == device.CompanionIdentifier); } return rv; } public IEnumerable FindAvailableDevices (string [] deviceClasses) { return ListDevices ().Where ((info) => deviceClasses.Contains (info.DeviceClass)); } public string NativeExecutablePath { get { return Path.Combine (AppPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (Executable)); } } string CreatePlist (MTouch.Profile profile, string appName) { string plist = null; switch (profile) { case MTouch.Profile.Unified: plist = string.Format (@" CFBundleDisplayName {0} CFBundleIdentifier com.xamarin.{0} CFBundleExecutable {0} MinimumOSVersion {1} UIDeviceFamily 1 2 UISupportedInterfaceOrientations UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight ", appName, MTouch.GetSdkVersion (Profile)); break; case MTouch.Profile.TVOS: plist = string.Format (@" CFBundleDisplayName Extensiontest CFBundleIdentifier com.xamarin.{0} CFBundleExecutable {0} MinimumOSVersion {1} UIDeviceFamily 3 ", appName, MTouch.GetSdkVersion (Profile)); break; default: throw new Exception ("Profile not specified."); } return plist; } public void CreateTemporaryApp (MTouch.Profile profile = MTouch.Profile.Unified, bool hasPlist = false, string appName = "testApp", string code = null) { var testDir = CreateTemporaryDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, appName + ".app"); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); AppPath = app; Executable = MTouch.CompileTestAppExecutable (testDir, code, "", Profile, appName); if (hasPlist) File.WriteAllText (Path.Combine (app, "Info.plist"), CreatePlist (profile, appName)); } public void CreateTemporararyServiceExtension (string code = null) { var testDir = CreateTemporaryDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, "testApp.appex"); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); if (code == null) { code = @"using UserNotifications; [Foundation.Register (""NotificationService"")] public partial class NotificationService : UNNotificationServiceExtension { protected NotificationService (System.IntPtr handle) : base (handle) {} }"; } AppPath = app; Executable = MTouch.CompileTestAppLibrary (testDir, code: code, profile: Profile); File.WriteAllText (Path.Combine (app, "Info.plist"), @" CFBundleDisplayName serviceextension CFBundleName serviceextension CFBundleIdentifier com.xamarin.testapp.serviceextension CFBundleDevelopmentRegion en CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion 6.0 CFBundlePackageType XPC! CFBundleShortVersionString 1.0 CFBundleVersion 1.0 MinimumOSVersion 10.0 NSExtension NSExtensionPointIdentifier NSExtensionPrincipalClass NotificationService "); } public void CreateTemporaryWatchKitExtension (string code = null) { var testDir = CreateTemporaryDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, "testApp.appex"); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); if (code == null) { code = @"using WatchKit; public partial class NotificationController : WKUserNotificationInterfaceController { protected NotificationController (System.IntPtr handle) : base (handle) {} }"; } AppPath = app; Executable = MTouch.CompileTestAppLibrary (testDir, code: code, profile: Profile); File.WriteAllText (Path.Combine (app, "Info.plist"), @" CFBundleDisplayName testapp CFBundleName testapp CFBundleIdentifier com.xamarin.testapp CFBundleDevelopmentRegion en CFBundleVersion 1.0 MinimumOSVersion 2.0 NSExtension NSExtensionAttributes WKAppBundleIdentifier com.xamarin.testapp.watchkitapp NSExtensionPointIdentifier RemoteInterfacePrincipleClass InterfaceController CFBundleShortVersionString 1.0 "); } public string CreateTemporaryDirectory () { var tmpDir = MTouch.GetTempDirectory (); if (directories_to_delete == null) directories_to_delete = new List (); directories_to_delete.Add (tmpDir); return tmpDir; } public void CreateTemporaryApp_LinkWith () { AppPath = CreateTemporaryAppDirectory (); Executable = MTouch.CompileTestAppExecutableLinkWith (Path.GetDirectoryName (AppPath), profile: Profile); } public string CreateTemporaryAppDirectory () { if (AppPath != null) throw new Exception ("There already is an App directory"); AppPath = Path.Combine (CreateTemporaryDirectory (), ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (AppPath); return AppPath; } public void CreateTemporaryCacheDirectory () { Cache = Path.Combine (CreateTemporaryDirectory (), "mtouch-test-cache"); } void IDisposable.Dispose () { if (directories_to_delete != null) { foreach (var dir in directories_to_delete) Directory.Delete (dir, true); } } } }