using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Xml; using MTouchTests; using Xamarin.Tests; using NUnit.Framework; namespace Xamarin.Tests { static class TestTarget { public static string ToolPath { get { return Path.Combine (Configuration.SdkBinDir, "mtouch"); } } } } namespace MTouchTests { [TestFixture] public class MTouch { [Test] [TestCase ("single", "-sdkroot {2} -v -v -v -v --dev {0} -sdk {3} --targetver 6.0 {1} -r:{4} --cache={5}/cache")] [TestCase ("dual", "-sdkroot {2} -v -v -v -v --dev {0} -sdk {3} --targetver 6.0 {1} -r:{4} --cache={5}/cache --abi=armv7,arm64")] [TestCase ("llvm", "-sdkroot {2} -v -v -v -v --dev {0} -sdk {3} --targetver 6.0 {1} -r:{4} --cache={5}/cache --abi=armv7+llvm")] [TestCase ("debug", "-sdkroot {2} -v -v -v -v --dev {0} -sdk {3} --targetver 6.0 {1} -r:{4} --cache={5}/cache --debug")] public void RebuildTest (string name, string format) { var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); DateTime dt = DateTime.MinValue; Action> checkNotModified = (filename, skip) => { var failed = new List (); var files = Directory.EnumerateFiles (app, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (var file in files) { if (skip != null && skip.Contains (Path.GetFileName (file))) continue; var info = new FileInfo (file); if (info.LastWriteTime > dt) { failed.Add (string.Format ("{0} is modified, timestamp: {1}", file, info.LastWriteTime)); } else { Console.WriteLine ("{0} not modified", file); } } Assert.IsTrue (failed.Count == 0, filename + "\n" + string.Join ("\n", failed.ToArray ())); }; Directory.CreateDirectory (app); try { var exe = CompileUnifiedTestAppExecutable (testDir); var args = string.Format (format, app, exe, Configuration.xcode_root, Configuration.sdk_version, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll, testDir); ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, args); dt = DateTime.Now; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (1000); // make sure all new timestamps are at least a second older. ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, args); checkNotModified (name, null); // Test that a rebuild (where something changed, in this case the .exe) // actually work. We compile with custom code to make sure it's different // from the previous exe we built. var subDir = Path.Combine (testDir, "other"); Directory.CreateDirectory (subDir); var exe2 = CompileUnifiedTestAppExecutable (subDir, /* the code here only changes the class name (default: 'TestApp' changed to 'TestApp2') to minimize the related * changes (there should be no changes in Xamarin.iOS.dll nor mscorlib.dll, even after linking) */ code: "public class TestApp2 { static void Main () { System.Console.WriteLine (typeof (ObjCRuntime.Runtime).ToString ()); } }"); File.Copy (exe2, exe, true); ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, args); var skip = new string [] { "testApp", "testApp.exe", "testApp.armv7.aotdata", "testApp.arm64.aotdata" }; checkNotModified (name + "-rebuilt", skip); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] public void RebuildTest_Intl () { using (var tool = new MTouchTool ()) { tool.Profile = Profile.Unified; tool.I18N = I18N.West; tool.Verbosity = 5; tool.Cache = Path.Combine (tool.CreateTemporaryDirectory (), "mtouch-test-cache"); tool.CreateTemporaryApp (); Assert.AreEqual (0, tool.Execute (MTouchAction.BuildSim)); var pre_files = Directory.EnumerateFiles (tool.AppPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToArray (); Directory.Delete (tool.AppPath, true); Directory.CreateDirectory (tool.AppPath); Assert.AreEqual (0, tool.Execute (MTouchAction.BuildSim)); var post_files = Directory.EnumerateFiles (tool.AppPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToArray (); Assert.That (post_files, Is.EquivalentTo (pre_files), "files"); } } public enum Target { Sim, Dev } public enum Config { Debug, Release } public enum PackageMdb { Default, WithMdb, WoutMdb } public enum MSym { Default, WithMSym, WoutMSym } public enum Profile { Unified, TVOS, WatchOS } [Test] // Simulator [TestCase (Target.Sim, Config.Release, PackageMdb.Default, MSym.Default, false, false, "")] [TestCase (Target.Sim, Config.Debug, PackageMdb.Default, MSym.Default, true, false, "")] [TestCase (Target.Sim, Config.Debug, PackageMdb.WoutMdb, MSym.Default, false, false, "")] [TestCase (Target.Sim, Config.Release, PackageMdb.WithMdb, MSym.Default, true, false, "")] [TestCase (Target.Sim, Config.Debug, PackageMdb.WoutMdb, MSym.Default, false, false, "--nofastsim --nolink")] // Device [TestCase (Target.Dev, Config.Release, PackageMdb.WithMdb, MSym.Default, true, false, "")] [TestCase (Target.Dev, Config.Release, PackageMdb.WithMdb, MSym.WoutMSym, true, false, "")] [TestCase (Target.Dev, Config.Release, PackageMdb.Default, MSym.Default, false, false, "--abi:armv7,arm64")] [TestCase (Target.Dev, Config.Debug, PackageMdb.WoutMdb, MSym.Default, false, false, "")] [TestCase (Target.Dev, Config.Debug, PackageMdb.WoutMdb, MSym.WithMSym, false, true, "")] [TestCase (Target.Dev, Config.Release, PackageMdb.WithMdb, MSym.Default, true, false, "--abi:armv7+llvm")] public void SymbolicationData (Target target, Config configuration, PackageMdb package_mdb, MSym msym, bool has_mdb, bool has_msym, string extra_mtouch_args) { var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); var appDir = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (appDir); try { var is_sim = target == Target.Sim; var exe = CompileUnifiedTestAppExecutable (testDir); var msymDir = appDir + ".msym"; var args = extra_mtouch_args; args += is_sim ? " --sim {0} " : " --dev {0} "; if (configuration == Config.Debug) args += "--debug "; if (package_mdb == PackageMdb.WithMdb) args += "--package-mdb:true "; else if (package_mdb == PackageMdb.WoutMdb) args += "--package-mdb:false "; if (msym == MSym.WithMSym) args += "--msym:true "; else if (msym == MSym.WoutMSym) args += "--msym:false "; args += " --sdkroot {2} -v -v -v -sdk {3} {1} -r:{4}"; ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, string.Format (args, appDir, exe, Configuration.xcode_root, Configuration.sdk_version, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll)); if (is_sim) { Assert.AreEqual (has_mdb, File.Exists (Path.Combine (appDir, "mscorlib.dll.mdb")), "#mdb"); } else { Assert.AreEqual (has_mdb, File.Exists (Path.Combine (appDir, ".monotouch-32", "mscorlib.dll.mdb")), "#mdb"); } if (has_msym) { // assert that we do have the msym in one of the subdirs. We do not know the AOTID so we // get all present files in the subdirs. var dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo (msymDir); var subDirs = dirInfo.GetDirectories (); var msymFiles = new List (); foreach (var dir in subDirs) { foreach (var f in dir.GetFiles ()) { msymFiles.Add (f.Name); } } Assert.AreEqual (has_msym, msymFiles.Contains ("mscorlib.dll.msym")); } } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] public void ExecutableName () { var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); try { var exe = CompileTestAppExecutable (testDir); ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, string.Format ("-sdkroot " + Configuration.xcode_root + " --executable=CustomExecutable -v -v -v --nofastsim --nolink --sim {0} -sdk " + Configuration.sdk_version + " {1} -debug --fastdev -r:{2}", app, exe, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll)); Assert.That (File.Exists (Path.Combine (app, "CustomExecutable")), "1"); Assert.That (!File.Exists (Path.Combine (app, "testApp")), "2"); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] public void MT0015 () { Asserts.Throws (() => ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, "--abi invalid-arm"), "error MT0015: Invalid ABI: invalid-arm. Supported ABIs are: i386, x86_64, armv7, armv7+llvm, armv7+llvm+thumb2, armv7s, armv7s+llvm, armv7s+llvm+thumb2, armv7k, armv7k+llvm, arm64 and arm64+llvm.\n"); } [Test] public void MT0016 () { var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); var deprecated_list = new string [] { "-d={0}", "--dir={0}", "--cp", "--crossprefix", "--libdir", "-n", "--keeptemp", "--main", "--nomanifest", "--mapinject", "--nosign", "--displayname", "--bundleid", "--mainnib", "--icon", "-c", "--certificate", "--enable-background-fetch", "--llvm", "--thumb", "--armv7", "--noregistrar", "--unsupported--enable-generics-in-registrar" }; try { var exe = CompileTestAppExecutable (testDir, profile: MTouch.Profile.Unified); var args = string.Format (string.Join (" ", deprecated_list), app); Asserts.ThrowsPattern (() => ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, string.Format ("--sdkroot {5} --dev {0} {1} -r:{2} {3} --sdk {4}", app, exe, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll, args, Configuration.sdk_version, Configuration.xcode_root), hide_output: false), "Xamarin.iOS .* using framework:.*\n" + "error MT0016: The option '--dir' has been deprecated.\n" + "error MT0016: The option '--dir' has been deprecated.\n" + "error MT0016: The option '--crossprefix' has been deprecated.\n" + "error MT0016: The option '--libdir' has been deprecated.\n" + "error MT0016: The option '-n' has been deprecated.\n" + "error MT0016: The option '--keeptemp' has been deprecated.\n" + "error MT0016: The option '--main' has been deprecated.\n" + "error MT0016: The option '--mapinject' has been deprecated.\n" + "error MT0016: The option '--nosign' has been deprecated.\n" + "error MT0016: The option '--displayname' has been deprecated.\n" + "error MT0016: The option '--mainnib' has been deprecated.\n" + "error MT0016: The option '--certificate' has been deprecated.\n" + "error MT0016: The option '--llvm' has been deprecated.\n" + "error MT0016: The option '--thumb' has been deprecated.\n" + "error MT0016: The option '--armv7' has been deprecated.\n" + "error MT0016: The option '--noregistrar' has been deprecated.\n" + "error MT0016: The option '--unsupported--enable-generics-in-registrar' has been deprecated.\n"); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] [TestCase (Profile.Unified, Profile.TVOS)] [TestCase (Profile.Unified, Profile.WatchOS)] [TestCase (Profile.TVOS, Profile.Unified)] [TestCase (Profile.TVOS, Profile.WatchOS)] [TestCase (Profile.WatchOS, Profile.Unified)] [TestCase (Profile.WatchOS, Profile.TVOS)] public void MT0041 (Profile profile, Profile other) { using (var mtouch = new MTouchTool ()) { mtouch.Profile = profile; mtouch.CreateTemporaryApp (); mtouch.References = new string [] { GetBaseLibrary (profile), GetBaseLibrary (other), }; Assert.AreEqual (1, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.BuildSim)); mtouch.AssertError (41, string.Format ("Cannot reference '{0}' in a {1} app.", Path.GetFileName (GetBaseLibrary (other)), GetPlatformName (profile))); } } [Test] public void MT0073 () { var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); try { var exe = CompileTestAppExecutable (testDir, profile: MTouch.Profile.Unified); Asserts.ThrowsPattern (() => ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, string.Format ("-sdkroot " + Configuration.xcode_root + " --dev {0} -sdk " + Configuration.sdk_version + " --targetver 3.1 --abi=armv7s,arm64 {1} -debug -r:" + Configuration.XamarinIOSDll, app, exe)), "Xamarin.iOS .* using framework:.*\nerror MT0073: Xamarin.iOS .* does not support a deployment target of 3.1 for iOS .the minimum is 6.0.. Please select a newer deployment target in your project's Info.plist.\n"); Asserts.ThrowsPattern (() => ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, string.Format ("-sdkroot " + Configuration.xcode_root + " --dev {0} -sdk " + Configuration.sdk_version + " --targetver 3.1 --abi=armv7s {1} -debug -r:" + Configuration.XamarinIOSDll, app, exe)), "Xamarin.iOS .* using framework:.*\nerror MT0073: Xamarin.iOS .* does not support a deployment target of 3.1 for iOS .the minimum is 6.0.. Please select a newer deployment target in your project's Info.plist.\n"); Asserts.ThrowsPattern (() => ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, string.Format ("-sdkroot " + Configuration.xcode_root + " --dev {0} -sdk " + Configuration.sdk_version + " --targetver 5.1 --abi=arm64 {1} -debug -r:" + Configuration.XamarinIOSDll, app, exe)), "Xamarin.iOS .* using framework:.*\nerror MT0073: Xamarin.iOS .* does not support a deployment target of 5.1 for iOS .the minimum is 6.0.. Please select a newer deployment target in your project's Info.plist.\n"); // No exception here. ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, string.Format ("-sdkroot " + Configuration.xcode_root + " --dev {0} -sdk " + Configuration.sdk_version + " --targetver 6.0 --abi=arm64 {1} -debug -r:" + Configuration.XamarinIOSDll, app, exe)); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] public void MT0074 () { var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); try { var exe = CompileTestAppExecutable (testDir, profile: MTouch.Profile.Unified); Asserts.ThrowsPattern (() => ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, string.Format ("-sdkroot " + Configuration.xcode_root + " --dev {0} -sdk " + Configuration.sdk_version + " --targetver 400.0.0 --abi=armv7s,arm64 {1} -debug -r:" + Configuration.XamarinIOSDll, app, exe)), string.Format ("Xamarin.iOS .* using framework:.*\nerror MT0074: Xamarin.iOS .* does not support a deployment target of 400.0.0 for iOS .the maximum is " + Configuration.sdk_version + ".. Please select an older deployment target in your project's Info.plist or upgrade to a newer version of Xamarin.iOS.\n", Configuration.sdk_version)); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] public void MT0048 () { var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); try { var exe = CompileTestAppExecutable (testDir, profile: MTouch.Profile.Unified); Asserts.ThrowsPattern (() => ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, string.Format ("-sdkroot " + Configuration.xcode_root + " --dev {0} -sdk " + Configuration.sdk_version + " --targetver 6.0 --abi=armv7s {1} -debug -r:{2} --crashreporting-api-key APIKEY", app, exe, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll), hide_output: false), "error MT0016: The option '--crashreporting-api-key' has been deprecated."); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] [TestCase (Profile.Unified, Profile.TVOS)] [TestCase (Profile.Unified, Profile.WatchOS)] [TestCase (Profile.TVOS, Profile.Unified)] [TestCase (Profile.TVOS, Profile.WatchOS)] [TestCase (Profile.WatchOS, Profile.Unified)] [TestCase (Profile.WatchOS, Profile.TVOS)] public void MT0034 (Profile exe_profile, Profile dll_profile) { using (var mtouch = new MTouchTool ()) { var app = mtouch.CreateTemporaryAppDirectory (); var testDir = Path.GetDirectoryName (app); string exe = Path.Combine (testDir, "testApp.exe"); string dll = Path.Combine (testDir, "testLib.dll"); var dllCode = @"public class TestLib { public TestLib () { System.Console.WriteLine (typeof (Foundation.NSObject).ToString ()); } }"; var exeCode = @"public class TestApp { static void Main () { System.Console.WriteLine (typeof (Foundation.NSObject).ToString ()); System.Console.WriteLine (new TestLib ()); } }"; CompileCSharpCode (dll_profile, dllCode, dll); CompileCSharpCode (exe_profile, exeCode, exe, "-r:" + dll); mtouch.Profile = exe_profile; mtouch.Executable = exe; mtouch.References = new string [] { GetBaseLibrary (exe_profile) }; Assert.AreEqual (1, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.BuildSim), "build"); var dllBase = Path.GetFileName (GetBaseLibrary (dll_profile)); mtouch.AssertError (34, string.Format ("Cannot reference '{0}' in a {1} project - it is implicitly referenced by 'testLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.", dllBase, GetPlatformName (exe_profile))); } } [Test] public void MT0020 () { var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); try { var exe = CompileTestAppExecutable (testDir, profile: MTouch.Profile.Unified); Asserts.ThrowsPattern (() => ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, string.Format ("-sdkroot " + Configuration.xcode_root + " --dev {0} -sdk " + Configuration.sdk_version + " --registrar:oldstatic --targetver 6.0 --abi=arm64 {1} -debug -r:{2} ", app, exe, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll)), "error MT0020: The valid options for '--registrar' are 'static, dynamic or default'.\n"); Asserts.ThrowsPattern (() => ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, string.Format ("-sdkroot " + Configuration.xcode_root + " --sim {0} -sdk " + Configuration.sdk_version + " --registrar:olddynamic --targetver 6.0 --abi=x86_64 {1} -debug -r:{2}", app, exe, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll)), "error MT0020: The valid options for '--registrar' are 'static, dynamic or default'.\n"); Asserts.ThrowsPattern (() => ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, string.Format ("-sdkroot " + Configuration.xcode_root + " --sim {0} -sdk " + Configuration.sdk_version + " --registrar:legacy --targetver 6.0 --abi=x86_64 {1} -debug -r:{2}", app, exe, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll)), "error MT0020: The valid options for '--registrar' are 'static, dynamic or default'.\n"); Asserts.ThrowsPattern (() => ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, string.Format ("-sdkroot " + Configuration.xcode_root + " --sim {0} -sdk " + Configuration.sdk_version + " --registrar:legacystatic --targetver 6.0 --abi=x86_64 {1} -debug -r:{2}", app, exe, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll)), "error MT0020: The valid options for '--registrar' are 'static, dynamic or default'.\n"); Asserts.ThrowsPattern (() => ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, string.Format ("-sdkroot " + Configuration.xcode_root + " --sim {0} -sdk " + Configuration.sdk_version + " --registrar:legacydynamic --targetver 6.0 --abi=x86_64 {1} -debug -r:{2}", app, exe, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll)), "error MT0020: The valid options for '--registrar' are 'static, dynamic or default'.\n"); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] public void MT0051 () { if (Directory.Exists ("/Applications/")) { Asserts.ThrowsPattern (() => { ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, "-sdkroot /Applications/ -sim /tmp/foo"); }, "error MT0051: Xamarin.iOS .* requires Xcode 6.0 or later. The current Xcode version [(]found in /Applications/[)] is 4.*"); } if (Directory.Exists (Configuration.xcode5_root)) { Asserts.ThrowsPattern (() => { ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, "-sdkroot /Applications/ -sim /tmp/foo"); }, "error MT0051: Xamarin.iOS .* requires Xcode 6.0 or later. The current Xcode version [(]found in " + Configuration.xcode5_root + "[)] is 6.0"); } } [Test] public void MT0055 () { Asserts.ThrowsPattern (() => { ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, "--sdkroot /dir/that/does/not/exist"); }, "error MT0055: The Xcode path '/dir/that/does/not/exist' does not exist."); } [Test] public void MT0060 () { var msg = string.Empty; if (!Directory.Exists ("/Applications/")) { msg = "warning MT0060: Could not find the currently selected Xcode on the system. 'xcode-select --print-path' returned '/dir/that/does/not/exist', but that directory does not exist.\n" + "error MT0056: Cannot find Xcode in the default location ./Applications/ Please install Xcode, or pass a custom path using --sdkroot .\n"; } else { msg = "warning MT0060: Could not find the currently selected Xcode on the system. 'xcode-select --print-path' returned '/dir/that/does/not/exist', but that directory does not exist.\n" + "warning MT0062: No specified .using --sdkroot or 'xcode-select --print-path'., using the default Xcode instead: /Applications/\n" + "Xamarin.iOS .* using framework: .*\n" + "error MT0052: No command specified."; } Asserts.ThrowsPattern (() => { var envvars = new Dictionary { { "DEVELOPER_DIR", "/dir/that/does/not/exist" } }; ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, "", environmentVariables: envvars); }, msg); } [Test] public void MT0061 () { // The MT0070 warning depends on system configuration, so it's optional in the regexp Asserts.ThrowsPattern (() => { ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, ""); }, "warning MT0061: No specified .using --sdkroot., using the system Xcode as reported by 'xcode-select --print-path': .*\n" + "(warning MT0078: The recommended Xcode version for Xamarin.iOS [0-9.]* is Xcode [0-9.]* or later. The current Xcode version .found in .* is .*)?\\s?" + "Xamarin.iOS .* using framework: .*\n" + "error MT0052: No command specified."); } public void MT0062 () { var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); try { var exe = CompileUnifiedTestAppExecutable (testDir); Asserts.ThrowsPattern (() => ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, string.Format ("-sdkroot {3} --sim {0} -sdk {4} --targetver 7.1 --framework /foo/bar/zap.framework -r:{2} {1}", app, exe, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll, Configuration.xcode_root, Configuration.sdk_version), hide_output: false), "Xamarin.iOS .* using framework:.*\nerror MT0062: Xamarin.iOS only supports embedded frameworks when deployment target is at least 8.0 .current deployment target: '7.1'; embedded frameworks: '/foo/bar/zap.framework'.\n"); Asserts.ThrowsPattern (() => ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, string.Format ("-sdkroot {3} --sim {0} -sdk {4} --targetver 7.1 --mono:framework -r:{2} {1}", app, exe, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll, Configuration.xcode_root, Configuration.sdk_version), hide_output: false), "Xamarin.iOS .* using framework:.*\nerror MT0062: Xamarin.iOS only supports embedded frameworks when deployment target is at least 8.0 .current deployment target: '7.1'; embedded frameworks: '.*/Mono.framework'.\n"); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] public void MT0075 () { var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); try { var exe = CompileTestAppExecutable (testDir); Asserts.ThrowsPattern (() => ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, string.Format ("-sdkroot {3} --dev {0} -sdk {4} -r:{2} {1} --abi armv7k", app, exe, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll, Configuration.xcode_root, Configuration.sdk_version), hide_output: false), "Xamarin.iOS .* using framework:.*\n" + "error MT0075: Invalid architecture 'ARMv7k' for iOS projects. Valid architectures are: ARMv7, ARMv7.Thumb, ARMv7.LLVM, ARMv7.LLVM.Thumb, ARMv7s, ARMv7s.Thumb, ARMv7s.LLVM, ARMv7s.LLVM.Thumb"); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] public void MT0076 () { if (!Configuration.include_watchos || !Configuration.include_tvos) Assert.Ignore ("This test requires WatchOS and TVOS to be enabled."); var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); try { var exe = CompileTestAppExecutable (testDir, profile: MTouch.Profile.WatchOS); Asserts.ThrowsPattern (() => ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, string.Format ("-sdkroot {3} --dev {0} -sdk {4} -r:{2} {1} --target-framework Xamarin.WatchOS,v1.0", app, exe, Configuration.XamarinWatchOSDll, Configuration.xcode_root, Configuration.watchos_sdk_version), hide_output: false), "error MT0076: No architecture specified .using the --abi argument.. An architecture is required for Xamarin.WatchOS projects."); exe = CompileTestAppExecutable (testDir, profile: MTouch.Profile.TVOS); Asserts.ThrowsPattern (() => ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, string.Format ("-sdkroot {3} --dev {0} -sdk {4} -r:{2} {1} --target-framework Xamarin.TVOS,v1.0", app, exe, Configuration.XamarinTVOSDll, Configuration.xcode_root, Configuration.tvos_sdk_version), hide_output: false), "error MT0076: No architecture specified .using the --abi argument.. An architecture is required for Xamarin.TVOS projects."); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] public void MT0077 () { if (!Configuration.include_watchos) Assert.Ignore ("This test requires WatchOS and TVOS to be enabled."); var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); try { var exe = CompileTestAppExecutable (testDir, profile: MTouch.Profile.WatchOS); Asserts.ThrowsPattern (() => ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, string.Format ("-sdkroot {3} --dev {0} -sdk {4} -r:{2} {1} --target-framework Xamarin.WatchOS,v1.0 --abi armv7k", app, exe, Configuration.XamarinWatchOSDll, Configuration.xcode_root, Configuration.watchos_sdk_version), hide_output: false), "error MT0077: WatchOS projects must be extensions."); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] [TestCase (Profile.TVOS)] //[TestCase (Profile.WatchOS)] MT0077 interferring. [TestCase (Profile.Unified)] public void MT0085 (Profile profile) { using (var mtouch = new MTouchTool ()) { mtouch.Profile = profile; mtouch.CreateTemporaryApp (); mtouch.TargetFramework = GetTargetFramework (profile); Assert.AreEqual (0, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.BuildSim)); mtouch.AssertError (85, string.Format ("No reference to '{0}' was found. It will be added automatically.", Path.GetFileName (GetBaseLibrary (profile)))); } } [Test] [TestCase (Profile.TVOS)] [TestCase (Profile.WatchOS)] public void MT0086 (Profile profile) { using (var mtouch = new MTouchTool ()) { mtouch.CreateTemporaryApp (); mtouch.References = new string [] { GetBaseLibrary (profile) }; Assert.AreEqual (1, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.BuildSim)); mtouch.AssertError (86, "A target framework (--target-framework) must be specified when building for TVOS or WatchOS."); } } [Test] [TestCase (Profile.TVOS, "tvOS")] [TestCase (Profile.Unified, "iOS")] public void MT0091 (Profile profile, string name) { // Any old Xcode would do. if (!Directory.Exists (Configuration.xcode72_root)) Assert.Ignore ("This test needs Xcode 7.0"); using (var mtouch = new MTouchTool ()) { mtouch.Profile = profile; mtouch.CreateTemporaryApp (); mtouch.SdkRoot = Configuration.xcode72_root; mtouch.Linker = MTouchLinker.DontLink; mtouch.Sdk = "9.0"; Assert.AreEqual (1, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.BuildSim)); mtouch.AssertError (91, String.Format ("This version of Xamarin.iOS requires the {0} {1} SDK (shipped with Xcode {2}) when the managed linker is disabled. Either upgrade Xcode, or enable the managed linker.", name, GetSdkVersion (profile), Configuration.XcodeVersion)); } } [Test] public void MT0096 () { using (var mtouch = new MTouchTool ()) { mtouch.CreateTemporaryApp (); mtouch.NoPlatformAssemblyReference = true; Assert.AreEqual (1, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.BuildSim)); mtouch.AssertError (96, "No reference to Xamarin.iOS.dll was found."); } } [Test] public void ExtensionBuild () { var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); try { var exe = CompileTestAppExecutable (testDir); File.WriteAllText (Path.Combine (app, "Info.plist"), @" CFBundleDisplayName Extensiontest CFBundleIdentifier com.xamarin.extensiontest MinimumOSVersion 6.0 UIDeviceFamily 1 2 UISupportedInterfaceOrientations UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight "); ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, string.Format ("-sdkroot " + Configuration.xcode_root + " --sim {0} -sdk {3} --targetver {3} --extension -r:{2} {1}", app, exe, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll, Configuration.sdk_version), hide_output: false); ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, string.Format ("-sdkroot " + Configuration.xcode_root + " --dev {0} -sdk {3} --targetver {3} --extension -r:{2} {1}", app, exe, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll, Configuration.sdk_version), hide_output: false); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } static string BindingsLibrary { get { return Path.Combine (Configuration.SourceRoot, "tests/bindings-test/bin/Debug/bindings-test.dll"); } } static string GetBindingsLibrary (Profile profile) { var fn = Path.Combine (Configuration.SourceRoot, "tests", "bindings-test", "bin", "Any CPU", GetConfiguration (profile), "bindings-test.dll"); if (!File.Exists (fn)) { var csproj = Path.Combine (Configuration.SourceRoot, "tests", "bindings-test", "bindings-test" + GetProjectSuffix (profile) + ".csproj"); XBuild.Build (csproj, platform: "AnyCPU"); } return fn; } public static string GetBaseLibrary (Profile profile) { switch (profile) { case Profile.Unified: return Configuration.XamarinIOSDll; case Profile.TVOS: return Configuration.XamarinTVOSDll; case Profile.WatchOS: return Configuration.XamarinWatchOSDll; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } } public static string GetCompiler (Profile profile, StringBuilder args) { args.Append (" -lib:").Append (Path.GetDirectoryName (GetBaseLibrary (profile))).Append (' '); return "/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Commands/mcs"; } static string GetConfiguration (Profile profile) { switch (profile) { case Profile.Unified: return "Debug-unified"; case Profile.TVOS: return "Debug-tvos"; case Profile.WatchOS: return "Debug-watchos"; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } } public static string GetTargetFramework (Profile profile) { switch (profile) { case Profile.Unified: return "Xamarin.iOS,v1.0"; case Profile.TVOS: return "Xamarin.TVOS,v1.0"; case Profile.WatchOS: return "Xamarin.WatchOS,v1.0"; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } } public static string GetDeviceArchitecture (Profile profile) { switch (profile) { case Profile.Unified: return "armv7"; case Profile.TVOS: return "arm64"; case Profile.WatchOS: return "armv7k"; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } } public static string GetSimulatorArchitecture (Profile profile) { switch (profile) { case Profile.Unified: case Profile.WatchOS: return "i386"; case Profile.TVOS: return "x86_64"; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } } public static string GetArchitecture (Profile profile, Target target) { return target == Target.Dev ? GetDeviceArchitecture (profile) : GetSimulatorArchitecture (profile); } static string GetPlatformName (Profile profile) { switch (profile) { case Profile.Unified: return "Xamarin.iOS"; case Profile.TVOS: return "Xamarin.TVOS"; case Profile.WatchOS: return "Xamarin.WatchOS"; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } } static string GetProjectSuffix (Profile profile) { switch (profile) { case Profile.Unified: return string.Empty; case Profile.TVOS: return "-tvos"; case Profile.WatchOS: return "-watchos"; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } } public static string GetSdkVersion (Profile profile) { switch (profile) { case Profile.Unified: return Configuration.sdk_version; case Profile.TVOS: return Configuration.tvos_sdk_version; case Profile.WatchOS: return Configuration.watchos_sdk_version; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } } [Test] public void LinkAll_Frameworks () { // Make sure that mtouch does not link with unused frameworks. var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); try { var exe = CompileTestAppExecutable (testDir); var bin = Path.Combine (app, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (exe)); ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, string.Format ("-sdkroot " + Configuration.xcode_root + " -v -v -v --sim {0} -sdk " + Configuration.sdk_version + " {1} -debug -r:{2}", app, exe, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll)); var load_commands = ExecutionHelper.Execute ("otool", "-l \"" + bin + "\""); Asserts.DoesNotContain ("SafariServices", load_commands, "SafariServices"); Asserts.DoesNotContain ("GameController", load_commands, "GameController"); Asserts.DoesNotContain ("QuickLook", load_commands, "QuickLook"); Asserts.DoesNotContain ("NewsstandKit", load_commands, "NewsstandKit"); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] [TestCase (Profile.Unified)] [TestCase (Profile.TVOS)] //[TestCase (Profile.WatchOS)] // needs testing improvement public void FastDev_LinkWithTest (Profile profile) { var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); try { // --fastdev with static registrar and linkwith library - this will fail to build if the linkwith dylib isn't linked with the corresponding native library. var mtouch = new MTouchTool () { Profile = profile, Debug = true, FastDev = true, References = new string [] { GetBindingsLibrary (profile) }, Executable = CompileTestAppExecutableLinkWith (testDir, profile), AppPath = app, NoFastSim = true, Registrar = MTouchRegistrar.Static, }; Assert.AreEqual (0, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.BuildDev), "build"); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] [TestCase (Profile.Unified)] [TestCase (Profile.TVOS)] //[TestCase (Profile.WatchOS)] // needs testing improvement public void FastDev_NoFastSim_NoLink (Profile profile) { var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); try { // --sim --nofastsim --nolink --fastdev var mtouch = new MTouchTool () { Profile = profile, Debug = true, FastDev = true, References = new string [] { GetBindingsLibrary (profile) }, Executable = CompileTestAppExecutableLinkWith (testDir, profile), AppPath = app, NoFastSim = true, Linker = MTouchLinker.DontLink, }; Assert.AreEqual (0, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.BuildSim), "build"); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] [TestCase (Profile.Unified)] [TestCase (Profile.TVOS)] //[TestCase (Profile.WatchOS)] // needs testing improvement public void FastDev_NoFastSim_LinkAll (Profile profile) { var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); try { // --sim --nofastsim --fastdev var mtouch = new MTouchTool () { Profile = profile, Debug = true, FastDev = true, References = new string [] { GetBindingsLibrary (profile) }, Executable = CompileTestAppExecutableLinkWith (testDir, profile), AppPath = app, NoFastSim = true, }; Assert.AreEqual (0, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.BuildSim), "build"); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] [TestCase (Profile.Unified)] [TestCase (Profile.TVOS)] //[TestCase (Profile.WatchOS)] // needs testing improvement public void FastDev_NoFastSim_LinkSDK (Profile profile) { var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); try { // --sim --nofastsim --linksdkonly --fastdev var mtouch = new MTouchTool () { Profile = profile, Debug = true, FastDev = true, References = new string [] { GetBindingsLibrary (profile) }, Linker = MTouchLinker.LinkSdk, Executable = CompileTestAppExecutableLinkWith (testDir, profile), AppPath = app, NoFastSim = true, }; Assert.AreEqual (0, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.BuildSim), "build"); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] [TestCase (Profile.Unified)] [TestCase (Profile.TVOS)] //[TestCase (Profile.WatchOS)] // needs testing improvement public void FastDev_Sim (Profile profile) { var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); try { // --sim --fastdev var mtouch = new MTouchTool () { Profile = profile, Debug = true, FastDev = true, References = new string [] { GetBindingsLibrary (profile) }, Executable = CompileTestAppExecutableLinkWith (testDir, profile), AppPath = app, }; Assert.AreEqual (0, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.BuildSim), "build"); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] [TestCase (Profile.Unified)] [TestCase (Profile.TVOS)] //[TestCase (Profile.WatchOS)] // needs testing improvement public void FastDev_LinkAll (Profile profile) { using (var mtouch = new MTouchTool () { Profile = profile, Debug = true, FastDev = true, References = new string [] { GetBindingsLibrary (profile) }, }) { mtouch.CreateTemporaryApp_LinkWith (); Assert.AreEqual (0, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.BuildDev), "build"); } } [Test] [TestCase (Profile.Unified)] [TestCase (Profile.TVOS)] //[TestCase (Profile.WatchOS)] // needs testing improvement public void FastDev_NoLink (Profile profile) { // --fastdev w/no link using (var mtouch = new MTouchTool () { Profile = profile, Debug = true, FastDev = true, References = new string [] { GetBindingsLibrary (profile) }, Linker = MTouchLinker.DontLink, }) { mtouch.CreateTemporaryApp_LinkWith (); Assert.AreEqual (0, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.BuildDev), "build 1"); } } [Test] [TestCase (Profile.Unified)] [TestCase (Profile.TVOS)] //[TestCase (Profile.WatchOS)] // needs testing improvement public void FastDev_LinkAll_Then_NoLink (Profile profile) { using (var mtouch = new MTouchTool { Profile = profile, Debug = true, FastDev = true, References = new string [] { GetBindingsLibrary (profile) }, }) { mtouch.CreateTemporaryApp_LinkWith (); // --fastdev w/all link Assert.AreEqual (0, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.BuildDev), "build 1"); // --fastdev w/no link mtouch.Linker = MTouchLinker.DontLink; Assert.AreEqual (0, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.BuildDev), "build 2"); } } [Test] [TestCase (Profile.Unified)] [TestCase (Profile.TVOS)] //[TestCase (Profile.WatchOS)] // needs testing improvement public void FastDev_LinkSDK (Profile profile) { using (var mtouch = new MTouchTool { Profile = profile, Debug = true, FastDev = true, References = new string [] { GetBindingsLibrary (profile) }, Linker = MTouchLinker.LinkSdk, }) { mtouch.CreateTemporaryApp_LinkWith (); // --fastdev w/sdk link Assert.AreEqual (0, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.BuildDev), "build"); } } [Test] public void FastDev_Dual () { using (var mtouch = new MTouchTool () { Profile = Profile.Unified, FastDev = true, Abi = "armv7,arm64", }) { mtouch.CreateTemporaryApp (); Assert.AreEqual (0, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.BuildDev)); var bin = mtouch.NativeExecutablePath; VerifyArchitectures (bin, "arm7s/64", "armv7", "arm64"); foreach (var dylib in Directory.GetFileSystemEntries (mtouch.AppPath, "*.dylib")) { if (Path.GetFileName (dylib).StartsWith ("libmono")) continue; if (Path.GetFileName (dylib).StartsWith ("libxamarin")) continue; VerifyArchitectures (dylib, dylib + ": arm7s/64", "armv7", "arm64"); } } } [Test] [TestCase (Target.Dev, "armv7")] [TestCase (Target.Dev, "armv7s")] [TestCase (Target.Dev, "armv7,armv7s")] [TestCase (Target.Dev, "arm64")] [TestCase (Target.Dev, "arm64+llvm")] [TestCase (Target.Dev, "armv7,arm64")] [TestCase (Target.Dev, "armv7s,arm64")] [TestCase (Target.Dev, "armv7,armv7s,arm64")] [TestCase (Target.Sim, "i386")] [TestCase (Target.Sim, "x86_64")] public void Architectures_Unified (Target target, string abi) { using (var mtouch = new MTouchTool ()) { mtouch.Profile = Profile.Unified; mtouch.CreateTemporaryApp (); mtouch.Abi = abi; var bin = Path.Combine (mtouch.AppPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (mtouch.Executable)); Assert.AreEqual (0, mtouch.Execute (target == Target.Dev ? MTouchAction.BuildDev : MTouchAction.BuildSim)); VerifyArchitectures (bin, abi, abi.Replace ("+llvm", string.Empty).Split (',')); } } [Test] public void Architectures_Unified_FatSimulator () { using (var mtouch = new MTouchTool ()) { mtouch.Profile = Profile.Unified; mtouch.CreateTemporaryApp (); mtouch.Abi = "i386,x86_64"; var bin = Path.Combine (mtouch.AppPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (mtouch.Executable)); var bin32 = Path.Combine (mtouch.AppPath, ".monotouch-32", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (mtouch.Executable)); var bin64 = Path.Combine (mtouch.AppPath, ".monotouch-64", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (mtouch.Executable)); Assert.AreEqual (0, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.BuildSim)); Assert.IsFalse (File.Exists (bin), "none"); VerifyArchitectures (bin64, "64/x86_64", "x86_64"); VerifyArchitectures (bin32, "32/i386", "i386"); } } [Test] public void Architectures_Unified_Invalid () { using (var mtouch = new MTouchTool ()) { mtouch.Profile = Profile.Unified; mtouch.CreateTemporaryApp (); mtouch.Abi = "armv6"; Assert.AreEqual (1, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.BuildDev)); mtouch.AssertError ("MT", 15, "Invalid ABI: armv6. Supported ABIs are: i386, x86_64, armv7, armv7+llvm, armv7+llvm+thumb2, armv7s, armv7s+llvm, armv7s+llvm+thumb2, armv7k, armv7k+llvm, arm64 and arm64+llvm."); mtouch.Abi = "armv7"; Assert.AreEqual (1, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.BuildSim)); mtouch.AssertError ("MT", 75, "Invalid architecture 'ARMv7' for iOS projects. Valid architectures are: i386, x86_64"); } } [Test] [TestCase (Target.Dev, null)] [TestCase (Target.Dev, "arm64+llvm")] [TestCase (Target.Sim, null)] public void Architectures_TVOS (Target target, string abi) { using (var mtouch = new MTouchTool ()) { mtouch.Profile = MTouch.Profile.TVOS; mtouch.Abi = abi; mtouch.CreateTemporaryApp (); var bin = Path.Combine (mtouch.AppPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (mtouch.Executable)); Assert.AreEqual (0, mtouch.Execute (target == Target.Dev ? MTouchAction.BuildDev : MTouchAction.BuildSim), "build"); VerifyArchitectures (bin, "arch", target == Target.Dev ? "arm64" : "x86_64"); } } [Test] public void Architectures_TVOS_Invalid () { using (var mtouch = new MTouchTool ()) { mtouch.Profile = Profile.TVOS; mtouch.CreateTemporaryApp (); mtouch.Abi = "armv7"; Assert.AreEqual (1, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.BuildDev), "device - armv7"); mtouch.AssertError ("MT", 75, "Invalid architecture 'ARMv7' for TVOS projects. Valid architectures are: ARM64, ARM64+LLVM"); } } [Test] public void GarbageCollectors () { var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); try { var code = "public class TestApp { static void Main () { System.Console.WriteLine (typeof (UIKit.UIWindow).ToString ()); } }"; var exe = CompileTestAppExecutable (testDir, code: code, profile: MTouch.Profile.Unified); var bin = Path.Combine (app, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (exe)); var common_args = string.Format ("-sdkroot " + Configuration.xcode_root + " --sim {0} -sdk " + Configuration.sdk_version + " --targetver 6.0 --abi=i386 {1} -debug -gcc_flags -Wl,-w ", app, exe); var newstyle_args = common_args + "-r:" + Configuration.XamarinIOSDll; ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, newstyle_args); VerifyGC (bin, false, "dual/default"); ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, newstyle_args + " --sgen"); VerifyGC (bin, false, "dual/sgen"); var output = ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, newstyle_args + " --boehm"); VerifyGC (bin, false, "dual/boehm"); VerifyOutput ("Test", output, "Xamarin.iOS .* using framework:.*", "warning MT0043: The Boehm garbage collector is not supported. The SGen garbage collector has been selected instead.", ".* built successfully."); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } void ExecuteWithStats (string binary, string arguments) { ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, arguments); var fi = new FileInfo (binary); Console.WriteLine ("Binary Size: {0} bytes = {1} kb", fi.Length, fi.Length / 1024); } string ReplaceExtraArgs (string contents, string replace) { return ReplaceCsprojData (contents, "MtouchExtraArgs", replace); } string ReplaceCompilerDefines (string contents, string replace) { return ReplaceCsprojData (contents, "DefineConstants", replace); } string ReplaceCsprojData (string contents, string key, string replace) { int idx = 0; while (true) { var start = contents.IndexOf ("<" + key + ">", idx); if (start == -1) return contents; var end = contents.IndexOf("", start); if (end == -1) return contents; contents = contents.Substring (0, start + ("<" + key + ">").Length) + replace + contents.Substring (end); idx = end; } } static string MDToolPath { get { return "/Applications/Xamarin"; } } [Test] [TestCase (Target.Dev, Profile.Unified, "dont link", "Release64")] [TestCase (Target.Dev, Profile.Unified, "link all", "Release64")] [TestCase (Target.Dev, Profile.Unified, "link sdk", "Release64")] [TestCase (Target.Dev, Profile.Unified, "monotouch-test", "Release64")] [TestCase (Target.Dev, Profile.Unified, "mscorlib", "Release64")] [TestCase (Target.Dev, Profile.Unified, "System.Core", "Release64")] public void BuildTestProject (Target target, Profile profile, string testname, string configuration) { var subdir = string.Empty; switch (testname) { case "dont link": case "link sdk": case "link all": subdir = "/linker-ios"; break; case "monotouch-test": break; default: subdir = "/bcl-test"; break; } var platform = target == Target.Dev ? "iPhone" : "iPhoneSimulator"; var csproj = Path.Combine (Configuration.SourceRoot, "tests" + subdir, testname, testname + GetProjectSuffix (profile) + ".csproj"); XBuild.Build (csproj, configuration, platform); } [Test] [TestCase (Target.Dev, Profile.Unified, "dont link", "Release")] [TestCase (Target.Dev, Profile.Unified, "link all", "Release")] [TestCase (Target.Dev, Profile.Unified, "link sdk", "Release")] [TestCase (Target.Dev, Profile.Unified, "monotouch-test", "Release")] [TestCase (Target.Dev, Profile.Unified, "mscorlib", "Release")] [TestCase (Target.Dev, Profile.Unified, "System.Core", "Release")] public void BuildTestProject (Target target, Profile profile, string testname, string configuration) { var subdir = string.Empty; switch (testname) { case "dont link": case "link sdk": case "link all": subdir = "/linker-ios"; break; case "monotouch-test": break; default: subdir = "/bcl-test"; break; } var platform = target == Target.Dev ? "iPhone" : "iPhoneSimulator"; var csproj = Path.Combine (Configuration.SourceRoot, "tests" + subdir, testname, testname + GetProjectSuffix (profile) + ".csproj"); XBuild.Build (csproj, configuration, platform); } [Test] public void ScriptedTests () { ExecutionHelper.Execute ("make", string.Format ("-C \"{0}\"", Path.Combine (Configuration.SourceRoot, "tests", "scripted")), timeout: TimeSpan.FromMinutes (10)); } [Test] public void Registrar () { var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); try { var exe = CompileTestAppExecutable (testDir); var bin = Path.Combine (app, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (exe)); var common_args = string.Format ("-sdkroot " + Configuration.xcode_root + " --dev {0} -sdk {2} {1} -debug -r:{3}", app, exe, Configuration.sdk_version, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll); // fully linked + llvm (+thumb) + default registrar (currently llvm fails to build with clang, so we should transparently switch to gcc in this case) ExecuteWithStats (bin, common_args + " --registrar:static --abi:armv7+llvm"); ExecuteWithStats (bin, common_args + " --registrar:static --abi:armv7+llvm+thumb2"); // non-linked device build ExecuteWithStats (bin, common_args + " --compiler:clang --nolink --registrar:static"); ExecuteWithStats (bin, common_args + " --compiler:clang --nolink --registrar:dynamic"); // sdk device build ExecuteWithStats (bin, common_args + " --compiler:clang --linksdkonly --registrar:static"); ExecuteWithStats (bin, common_args + " --compiler:clang --linksdkonly --registrar:dynamic"); // fully linked device build ExecuteWithStats (bin, common_args + " --compiler:clang --registrar:static"); ExecuteWithStats (bin, common_args + " --compiler:clang --registrar:dynamic"); // non-linked device build common_args = string.Format ("-sdkroot " + Configuration.xcode_root + " --sim {0} -sdk {2} {1} -debug -r:{3}", app, exe, Configuration.sdk_version, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll); ExecuteWithStats (bin, common_args + " --compiler:clang --nolink --registrar:static"); ExecuteWithStats (bin, common_args + " --compiler:clang --nolink --registrar:dynamic"); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] [TestCase ("")] [TestCase ("-nolink")] [TestCase ("-linksdkonly")] public void ExportedSymbols (string linker_flag) { // // Here we test that symbols P/Invokes and [Field] attributes references are not // stripped by the native linker. mtouch has to pass '-u _SYMBOL' to the native linker // for this to work. // var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); var cache = Path.Combine (testDir, "cache"); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); try { var nativeCode = @" void DummyMethod () {} int dummy_field = 0; "; // var nativeLib = CompileNativeLibrary (testDir, nativeCode); var extraCode = @" public class BindingApp { [Foundation.Field (""dummy_field"", ""__Internal"")] public static string DummyField { get { return null; } } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport (""__Internal"")] public static extern void DummyMethod (); } "; var bindingLib = CreateBindingLibrary (testDir, nativeCode, null, null, extraCode); var exe = CompileTestAppExecutable (testDir, @" public class TestApp { static void Main () { System.Console.WriteLine (typeof (UIKit.UIWindow).ToString ()); System.Console.WriteLine (BindingApp.DummyField); BindingApp.DummyMethod (); } } ", "-r:" + bindingLib); var bin = Path.Combine (app, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (exe)); var args = string.Format ("-sdkroot {4} -sdk {2} {1} -debug --cache {0} -v -v -v -v -r:{3} -dev {5} -r:{6} " + linker_flag, cache, exe, Configuration.sdk_version, bindingLib, Configuration.xcode_root, app, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll); // each variation is tested twice so that we don't break when everything is found in the cache the second time around. ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, args); var symbols = ExecutionHelper.Execute ("nm", bin, hide_output: true).Split ('\n'); Assert.That (symbols, Has.Some.EndsWith (" S _dummy_field"), "Field not found in initial build"); Assert.That (symbols, Has.Some.EndsWith (" T _DummyMethod"), "P/invoke not found in initial build"); ExecutionHelper.Execute ("touch", bindingLib); // This will make it so that the second identical variation won't skip the final link step. ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, args); symbols = ExecutionHelper.Execute ("nm", bin, hide_output: true).Split ('\n'); Assert.That (symbols, Has.Some.EndsWith (" S _dummy_field"), "Field not found in second build"); Assert.That (symbols, Has.Some.EndsWith (" T _DummyMethod"), "P/invoke not found in second build"); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] public void ExportedSymbols_VerifyLinkedAwayField () { // // Here we test that unused P/Invokes and [Field] members are properly linked away // (and we do not request the native linker to preserve those symbols). // var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); var cache = Path.Combine (testDir, "cache"); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); try { var nativeCode = @" void DummyMethod () {} int dummy_field = 0; "; // var nativeLib = CompileNativeLibrary (testDir, nativeCode); var extraCode = @" public class BindingApp { [Foundation.Field (""dummy_field"", ""__Internal"")] public static string DummyField { get { return null; } } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport (""__Internal"")] public static extern void DummyMethod (); } "; var bindingLib = CreateBindingLibrary (testDir, nativeCode, null, null, extraCode); var exe = CompileTestAppExecutable (testDir, @" public class TestApp { static void Main () { System.Console.WriteLine (typeof (UIKit.UIWindow).ToString ()); } } ", "-r:" + bindingLib); var bin = Path.Combine (app, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (exe)); var common_args = string.Format ("-sdkroot " + Configuration.xcode_root + " -sdk {2} {1} -debug --cache {0} -v -v -v -v --registrar:static -r:{3} -r:{4}", cache, exe, Configuration.sdk_version, bindingLib, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll); var variations = new string [] { // each variation is tested twice so that we don't break when everything is found in the cache the second time around. " -dev {0}", " -dev {0}", }; for (int v = 0; v < variations.Length; v++) { var variation = variations [v]; ExecutionHelper.Execute ("touch", bindingLib); // This will make it so that the second identical variation won't skip the final link step. ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, string.Format (common_args + variation, app)); var lines = ExecutionHelper.Execute ("nm", bin, hide_output: true).Split ('\n'); var found_field = false; var found_pinvoke = false; foreach (var line in lines) { found_field |= line.EndsWith (" S _dummy_field"); found_pinvoke |= line.EndsWith (" T _DummyMethod"); if (found_field && found_pinvoke) break; } Assert.IsFalse (found_field, string.Format ("Field found for variation #{0}: {1}", v, variation)); Assert.IsFalse (found_field, string.Format ("P/Invoke found for variation #{0}: {1}", v, variation)); } } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] public void LinkerWarnings () { string output; var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); try { var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); var exe = CompileTestAppExecutable (testDir); output = ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, string.Format ("-sdkroot {2} --dev {0} -sdk {3} --force --abi=armv7,armv7s {1} -debug -r:{4}", app, exe, Configuration.xcode_root, Configuration.sdk_version, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll)); Asserts.DoesNotContain ("ld: warning:", output, "#a"); output = ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, string.Format ("-sdkroot {2} --dev {0} -sdk {3} --force --abi=armv7 {1} -debug -r:{5} --gcc_flags={4}", app, exe, Configuration.xcode_root, Configuration.sdk_version, Quote (Path.Combine (Configuration.SourceRoot, "tests/test-libraries/.libs/ios/libtest.armv7s.a")), Configuration.XamarinIOSDll)); Asserts.Contains ("libtest.armv7s.a, file was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked (armv7)", output, "#b"); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] public void NativeLinker_AllLoad () { // var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); try { var exe = CompileTestAppExecutable (testDir); ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, string.Format ("-sdkroot " + Configuration.xcode_root + " --dev {0} -sdk " + Configuration.sdk_version + " --targetver 7.0 --abi=armv7s {1} -debug --gcc_flags -all_load -r:{2}", app, exe, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll)); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] public void CachedManagedLinker () { // var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); foreach (var linker in new string [] { "", "--linksdkonly", "--nolink" }) { try { var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); var exe = CompileTestAppExecutable (testDir); var cache = Path.Combine (testDir, "mtouch-cache"); var args = string.Format ("{3} -sdkroot " + Configuration.xcode_root + " --dev {0} -sdk " + Configuration.sdk_version + " --targetver 7.0 --abi=armv7 {1} --cache={2} -r:{4}", app, exe, cache, linker, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll); ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, args); File.Delete (Path.Combine (app, "testApp")); // This will force the final native link to succeed, while everything before has been cached. ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, args); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } } [Test] public void MT1015 () { // BXC 18659 var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); try { Directory.CreateDirectory (Path.Combine (app, "testApp")); var exe = CompileTestAppExecutable (testDir); var cache = Path.Combine (testDir, "mtouch-cache"); var args = string.Format ("-sdkroot " + Configuration.xcode_root + " --debug --nolink --sim {0} -sdk " + Configuration.sdk_version + " --abi=i386 {1} --cache={2} --r:{3}", app, exe, cache, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll); Asserts.ThrowsPattern (() => ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, args, hide_output: false), "Xamarin.iOS .* using framework:.*\nerror MT1015: Failed to create the executable '.*/': .*/ is a directory\n"); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] public void MT1016 () { // #20607 var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); try { var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (Path.Combine (app, "NOTICE")); var exe = CompileTestAppExecutable (testDir); var cache = Path.Combine (testDir, "mtouch-cache"); var args = string.Format ("-sdkroot " + Configuration.xcode_root + " --nolink --dev {0} -sdk {4} -targetver {4} --abi=armv7 {1} --cache={2} --r:{3} ", app, exe, cache, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll, Configuration.sdk_version); Asserts.ThrowsPattern (() => ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, args, hide_output: false), "Xamarin.iOS .* using framework:.*\nerror MT1016: Failed to create the NOTICE file because a directory already exists with the same name.\n"); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] public void MT1017 () { // #20607 var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); try { var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); File.WriteAllText (Path.Combine (app, "NOTICE"), "contents"); var fi = new FileInfo (Path.Combine (app, "NOTICE")); fi.IsReadOnly = true; var exe = CompileTestAppExecutable (testDir); var cache = Path.Combine (testDir, "mtouch-cache"); var args = string.Format ("-sdkroot " + Configuration.xcode_root + " --nolink --dev {0} -sdk {4} -targetver {4} --abi=armv7 {1} --cache={2} --r:{3}", app, exe, cache, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll, Configuration.sdk_version); Asserts.ThrowsPattern (() => ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, args, hide_output: false), "Xamarin.iOS .* using framework:.*\nerror MT1017: Failed to create the NOTICE file: Access to the path \".*/\" is denied.\n"); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] public void MT1202 () { using (var mtouch = new MTouchTool ()) { mtouch.AppPath = "/tmp"; mtouch.Device = ":vX;"; Assert.AreEqual (1, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.LaunchSim), "launch"); mtouch.HasError ("MT", 1202, "Invalid simulator configuration: :vX;"); } } [Test] public void MT1203 () { using (var mtouch = new MTouchTool ()) { mtouch.AppPath = "/tmp"; mtouch.Device = ":v2;a"; Assert.AreEqual (1, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.LaunchSim), "launch"); mtouch.HasError ("MT", 1203, "Invalid simulator specification: a"); } } [Test] public void MT1204 () { using (var mtouch = new MTouchTool ()) { mtouch.AppPath = "/tmp"; mtouch.Device = ":v2;"; Assert.AreEqual (1, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.LaunchSim), "launch"); mtouch.HasError ("MT", 1204, "Invalid simulator specification '': runtime not specified."); } using (var mtouch = new MTouchTool ()) { mtouch.AppPath = "/tmp"; mtouch.Device = ":v2;devicetype=1"; Assert.AreEqual (1, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.LaunchSim), "launch"); mtouch.HasError ("MT", 1204, "Invalid simulator specification 'devicetype=1': runtime not specified."); } } [Test] public void MT1205 () { using (var mtouch = new MTouchTool ()) { mtouch.AppPath = "/tmp"; mtouch.Device = ":v2;runtime=1"; Assert.AreEqual (1, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.LaunchSim), "launch"); mtouch.HasError ("MT", 1205, "Invalid simulator specification 'runtime=1': device type not specified."); } } [Test] public void MT1206 () { using (var mtouch = new MTouchTool ()) { mtouch.AppPath = "/tmp"; mtouch.Device = ":v2;runtime=1,devicetype=2"; Assert.AreEqual (1, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.LaunchSim), "launch"); mtouch.HasError ("MT", 1206, "Could not find the simulator runtime '1'."); } } [Test] public void MT1207 () { using (var mtouch = new MTouchTool ()) { mtouch.AppPath = "/tmp"; mtouch.Device = ":v2;" + Configuration.sdk_version.Replace ('.', '-') + ",devicetype=2"; Assert.AreEqual (1, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.LaunchSim), "launch"); mtouch.HasError ("MT", 1207, "Could not find the simulator device type '2'."); } } // I don't know which --runtime values would cause MT1208, I always end up with MT1215 instead // I don't know which --device values would cause MT1209 [Test] public void MT1210 () { using (var mtouch = new MTouchTool ()) { mtouch.AppPath = "/tmp"; mtouch.Device = ":v2;a=1"; Assert.AreEqual (1, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.LaunchSim), "launch"); mtouch.HasError ("MT", 1210, "Invalid simulator specification: 'a=1', unknown key 'a'"); } } [Test] public void MT1211 () { Assert.Ignore ("There are no device types in the iOS 9 simulator that the 8.1 simulator (earliest simulator Xcode 7 can run) doesn't support, so there's no way to produce the MT1211 error"); Asserts.Throws (() => ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath,"--sdkroot " + Configuration.xcode_root + " --launchsim /path/to/somewhere --device=:v2;,"), "error MT1211: The simulator version '7.1' does not support the simulator type 'Resizable iPhone'\n"); } // MT1213: unused // MT1214: unused // MT1215: unused [Test] public void MT1216 () { using (var mtouch = new MTouchTool ()) { mtouch.AppPath = "/tmp"; mtouch.Device = ":v2;udid=unknown"; Assert.AreEqual (1, mtouch.Execute (MTouchAction.LaunchSim), "launch"); mtouch.HasError ("MT", 1216, "Could not find the simulator UDID 'unknown'."); } } [Test] public void MT5211 () { var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); try { var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); var code = @" using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using UIKit; using Foundation; class Test { [Register (""Inexistent"", true)] public class Inexistent : NSObject {} public class Subexistent : Inexistent { } static void Main () { Console.WriteLine (typeof (Subexistent)); } } "; var exe = CompileTestAppExecutable (testDir, code, profile: MTouch.Profile.Unified); var cache = Path.Combine (testDir, "mtouch-cache"); var mtouch = new MTouchTool (); Assert.AreEqual (1, mtouch.Execute ("-sdkroot {5} --dev {0} -sdk {4} -targetver {4} --abi=armv7,arm64 {1} --cache={2} --r:{3}", app, exe, cache, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll, Configuration.sdk_version, Configuration.xcode_root), "build failure expected"); mtouch.AssertOutputPattern ("Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:"); mtouch.AssertOutputPattern (".*_OBJC_METACLASS_._Inexistent., referenced from:.*"); mtouch.AssertOutputPattern (".*_OBJC_METACLASS_._Test_Subexistent in registrar.arm64.o.*"); mtouch.AssertOutputPattern (".*_OBJC_CLASS_._Inexistent., referenced from:.*"); mtouch.AssertOutputPattern (".*_OBJC_CLASS_._Test_Subexistent in registrar.arm64.o.*"); mtouch.AssertOutputPattern (".*objc-class-ref in registrar.arm64.o.*"); mtouch.AssertOutputPattern (".*ld: symbol.s. not found for architecture arm64.*"); mtouch.AssertOutputPattern (".*clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 .use -v to see invocation.*"); mtouch.AssertErrorPattern ("MT", 5210, "Native linking failed, undefined symbol: _OBJC_METACLASS_._Inexistent. Please verify that all the necessary frameworks have been referenced and native libraries are properly linked in."); mtouch.AssertErrorPattern ("MT", 5211, "Native linking failed, undefined Objective-C class: Inexistent. The symbol ._OBJC_CLASS_._Inexistent. could not be found in any of the libraries or frameworks linked with your application."); mtouch.AssertErrorPattern ("MT", 5202, "Native linking failed. Please review the build log."); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] public void TestCaseMismatchedAssemblyName () { // desk #90367 (and others in the past as well) var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (testDir); try { string dllcs = Path.Combine (testDir, "testLibrary.cs"); string exe = Path.Combine (testDir, "testApp.exe"); string dll = Path.Combine (testDir, "testLibrary.dll"); string DLL = Path.Combine (testDir, "TESTLIBRARY.dll"); string args; string output; File.WriteAllText (dllcs, "public class TestLib { public TestLib () { System.Console.WriteLine (typeof (UIKit.UIWindow).ToString ()); } }"); args = string.Format ("\"{0}\" /debug:full /noconfig /t:library /nologo /out:\"{1}\" /r:" + Configuration.XamarinIOSDll, dllcs, dll); File.WriteAllText (DLL + ".config", ""); if (ExecutionHelper.Execute (Configuration.SmcsPath, args, out output) != 0) throw new Exception (output); var execs = @"public class TestApp { static void Main () { System.Console.WriteLine (typeof (UIKit.UIWindow).ToString ()); System.Console.WriteLine (new TestLib ()); } }"; var exeF = Path.Combine (testDir, "testExe.cs"); File.WriteAllText (exeF, execs); var cmds = string.Format ("\"{0}\" /noconfig /t:exe /nologo /out:\"{1}\" \"/r:{2}\" -r:{3}", exeF, exe, dll, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll); if (ExecutionHelper.Execute (Configuration.SmcsPath, cmds, out output) != 0) throw new Exception (output); File.Move (dll, DLL); Action check = (v) => { var msg = new StringBuilder (); int counter = 0; foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles (app, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { if (file.Contains ("TESTLIBRARY")) { msg.AppendFormat ("File {0} has incorrect case.\n", file); } counter++; } Console.WriteLine ("Checked {0} files", counter); if (msg.Length > 0) Assert.Fail (v + "\n" + msg.ToString ()); }; string [][] tests = new string[][] { new string [] { "linkall", "-sdkroot {0} --dev {1} -sdk {2} --targetver {2} --abi=armv7s {3} -debug -r:{4} -r:{5}" }, new string [] { "dontlink", "-sdkroot {0} --dev {1} -sdk {2} --targetver {2} --abi=armv7s {3} -debug -r:{4} -r:{5} --nolink" }, new string [] { "dual", "-sdkroot {0} --dev {1} -sdk {2} --targetver {2} --abi=armv7,arm64 {3} -debug -r:{4} -r:{5}" } }; foreach (var kvp in tests) { var name = kvp [0]; var format = kvp [1]; var mtouch_fmt = string.Format (format, Configuration.xcode_root, app, Configuration.sdk_version, exe, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll, DLL); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, mtouch_fmt, hide_output: false); check (name); Directory.Delete (app, true); } } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] public void TestDuplicatedFatApp () { var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); try { var exe = CompileUnifiedTestAppExecutable (testDir); var cache = Path.Combine (testDir, "mtouch-cache"); var args = string.Format ("-sdkroot {5} --dev {0} -sdk {4} -targetver {4} --abi=armv7,arm64 {1} --cache={2} --r:{3} ", app, exe, cache, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll, Configuration.sdk_version, Configuration.xcode_root); ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, args, hide_output: false); var ufe = Mono.Unix.UnixFileInfo.GetFileSystemEntry (Path.Combine (app, ".monotouch-32", "testApp.exe")); Assert.IsTrue (ufe.IsSymbolicLink, "testApp.exe IsSymbolicLink"); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] public void TestAllLoad () { var testDir = GetTempDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); try { var exe = CompileUnifiedTestAppExecutable (testDir); var cache = Path.Combine (testDir, "mtouch-cache"); var args = string.Format ("-sdkroot {5} --dev {0} -sdk {4} -targetver {4} --abi=armv7,arm64 {1} --cache={2} --r:{3} -gcc_flags -all_load", app, exe, cache, Configuration.XamarinIOSDll, Configuration.sdk_version, Configuration.xcode_root); ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, args, hide_output: false); } finally { Directory.Delete (testDir, true); } } [Test] public void ListDev () { Assert.Ignore ("This functionality has been migrated to mlaunch, and the test needs to be updated accordingly."); ExecutionHelper.Execute (TestTarget.ToolPath, string.Format ("--listdev --sdkroot {0}", Configuration.xcode_root)); } [Test] public void LaunchOnDevice () { Assert.Ignore ("This functionality has been migrated to mlaunch, and the test needs to be updated accordingly."); var mtouch = new MTouchTool (); var devices = mtouch.FindAvailableDevices (new string [] { "iPad", "iPhone" }).ToArray (); if (devices.Length == 0) Assert.Ignore ("Could not find any connected devices."); var projectDir = Path.Combine (Configuration.SourceRoot, "tests", "link all"); var project = Path.Combine (projectDir, "link all.csproj"); XBuild.Build (project, platform: "iPhone"); var appPath = Path.Combine (projectDir, "bin", "iPhone", "Debug", "link"); foreach (var device in devices) { if (mtouch.InstallOnDevice (device, appPath) != 0) { Console.WriteLine ("Could not install on the device '{0}'.", device); continue; } if (mtouch.LaunchOnDevice (device, appPath, false, false) != 0) { if (mtouch.HasErrorPattern ("MT", 1031, "Could not launch the app '.*' on the device '.*' because the device is locked. Please unlock the device and try again.")) continue; Assert.Fail ("Failed to launch on device."); } else { return; } } Assert.Ignore ("Could not find any non-locked devices."); } [Test] public void LaunchOnWatchDevice () { Assert.Ignore ("This functionality has been migrated to mlaunch, and the test needs to be updated accordingly."); var mtouch = new MTouchTool (); mtouch.Verbosity = 2; var devices = mtouch.FindAvailableDevices (new string [] { "Watch" }).ToArray (); if (devices.Length == 0) Assert.Ignore ("Could not find any connected watches."); var projectDir = Path.Combine (Configuration.SourceRoot, "msbuild", "tests", "MyWatch2Container"); var project = Path.Combine (projectDir, "MyWatch2Container.csproj"); var containerPath = Path.Combine (projectDir, "bin", "iPhone", "Debug", ""); var appPath = Path.Combine (containerPath, "Watch", ""); XBuild.Build (project, platform: "iPhone"); if (!Directory.Exists (appPath)) Assert.Fail ("Failed to build the watchOS app."); foreach (var device in devices) { if (device.Companion == null) continue; if (mtouch.InstallOnDevice (device.Companion, containerPath, "ios,watch") != 0) { Console.WriteLine ("Could not install on the phone '{0}'. Trying another one.", device.Name); continue; } if (mtouch.LaunchOnDevice (device, appPath, false, false) != 0) { if (mtouch.HasErrorPattern ("MT", 1031, "Could not launch the app '.*' on the device '.*' because the device is locked. Please unlock the device and try again.")) continue; Assert.Fail ("Failed to launch on device."); } else { return; } } Assert.Ignore ("Could not find any suitable devices."); } [Test] [TestCase (Profile.Unified)] public void DlsymDisabled (Profile profile) { using (var tool = new MTouchTool ()) { tool.Profile = profile; tool.Verbosity = 5; tool.Cache = Path.Combine (tool.CreateTemporaryDirectory (), "mtouch-test-cache"); tool.CreateTemporaryApp ("using UIKit; class C { static void Main (string[] args) { UIApplication.Main (args); } }"); tool.FastDev = true; tool.Dlsym = false; Assert.AreEqual (0, tool.Execute (MTouchAction.BuildDev)); } } [Test] public void PInvokeWrapperGenerationTest () { using (var tool = new MTouchTool ()) { tool.Profile = Profile.WatchOS; tool.CreateTemporaryCacheDirectory (); tool.Verbosity = 5; tool.Extension = true; tool.CreateTemporaryWatchKitExtension (); tool.FastDev = true; Assert.AreEqual (0, tool.Execute (MTouchAction.BuildDev), "build"); Assert.IsTrue (File.Exists (Path.Combine (tool.AppPath, "libpinvokes.dylib")), "libpinvokes.dylib existence"); var otool_output = ExecutionHelper.Execute ("otool", $"-l {Quote (Path.Combine (tool.AppPath, "libpinvokes.dylib"))}", hide_output: true); Assert.That (otool_output, Is.StringContaining ("LC_ID_DYLIB"), "output contains LC_ID_DYLIB"); var lines = otool_output.Split (new char [] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { if (lines [i].Contains ("LC_ID_DYLIB")) { Assert.That (lines [i + 2], Is.StringContaining ("name @executable_path/libpinvokes.dylib "), "LC_ID_DYLIB"); break; } } Assert.AreEqual (0, tool.Execute (MTouchAction.BuildDev), "cached build"); } } #region Helper functions static string CompileUnifiedTestAppExecutable (string targetDirectory, string code = null, string extraArg = "") { return CompileTestAppExecutable (targetDirectory, code, extraArg, profile: MTouch.Profile.Unified); } public static string CompileTestAppExecutable (string targetDirectory, string code = null, string extraArg = "", Profile profile = Profile.Unified) { if (code == null) code = "public class TestApp { static void Main () { System.Console.WriteLine (typeof (ObjCRuntime.Runtime).ToString ()); } }"; return CompileTestAppCode ("exe", targetDirectory, code, extraArg, profile); } public static string CompileTestAppLibrary (string targetDirectory, string code, string extraArg = null, Profile profile = Profile.Unified) { return CompileTestAppCode ("library", targetDirectory, code, extraArg, profile); } public static string CompileTestAppCode (string target, string targetDirectory, string code, string extraArg = "", Profile profile = Profile.Unified) { var ext = target == "exe" ? "exe" : "dll"; var cs = Path.Combine (targetDirectory, "testApp.cs"); var assembly = Path.Combine (targetDirectory, "testApp." + ext); var root_library = GetBaseLibrary (profile); File.WriteAllText (cs, code); string output; StringBuilder args = new StringBuilder (); string fileName = GetCompiler (profile, args); args.AppendFormat ($" /noconfig /t:{target} /nologo /out:{Quote (assembly)} /r:{Quote (root_library)} {cs} {extraArg}"); if (ExecutionHelper.Execute (fileName, args.ToString (), out output) != 0) { Console.WriteLine ("{0} {1}", fileName, args); Console.WriteLine (output); throw new Exception (output); } return assembly; } static string CreateBindingLibrary (string targetDirectory, string nativeCode, string bindingCode, string linkWith = null, string extraCode = "") { var o = CompileNativeLibrary (targetDirectory, nativeCode); var cs = Path.Combine (targetDirectory, "bindingCode.cs"); var dll = Path.Combine (targetDirectory, "bindingLibrary.dll"); if (linkWith == null) { linkWith = @" using System; using ObjCRuntime; [assembly: LinkWith (""{0}"", LinkTarget.ArmV7, ForceLoad = true, SmartLink = true)] "; linkWith = string.Format (linkWith, Path.GetFileName (o)); } File.WriteAllText (cs, bindingCode); extraCode = linkWith + "\n" + extraCode; var x = Path.Combine (targetDirectory, "extraBindingCode.cs"); File.WriteAllText (x, extraCode); ExecutionHelper.Execute (Configuration.BtouchPath, string.Format ("{0} --out:{1} --link-with={2},{3} -x:{4}", cs, dll, o, Path.GetFileName (o), x)); return dll; } static string CompileNativeLibrary (string targetDirectory, string code) { var m = Path.Combine (targetDirectory, "testCode.m"); File.WriteAllText (m, code); string output; string fileName = Path.Combine (Configuration.xcode_root, "Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang"); string args = string.Format ("-gdwarf-2 -arch armv7 -std=c99 -isysroot {0}/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS{2}.sdk -miphoneos-version-min=3.1 " + "-c -DDEBUG -o {1}/testCode.o -x objective-c {1}/testCode.m", Configuration.xcode_root, targetDirectory, Configuration.sdk_version); if (ExecutionHelper.Execute (fileName, args, out output) != 0) { Console.WriteLine ("{0} {1}", fileName, args); Console.WriteLine (output); throw new Exception (output); } return Path.Combine (targetDirectory, "testCode.o"); } void CompileCSharpCode (Profile profile, string code, string outputPath, params string[] additional_arguments) { var tmpFile = Path.GetTempFileName (); try { File.WriteAllText (tmpFile, code); string output; var args = new StringBuilder (); var compiler = GetCompiler (profile, args); args.Append (" -target:").Append (outputPath.EndsWith (".dll") ? "library" : "exe"); args.Append (" -r:").Append (Quote (GetBaseLibrary (profile))); args.Append (" -out:").Append (Quote (outputPath)); args.Append (" ").Append (Quote (tmpFile)); foreach (var aa in additional_arguments) args.Append (" ").Append (aa); if (ExecutionHelper.Execute (compiler, args.ToString (), out output) != 0) throw new Exception (output); } finally { File.Delete (tmpFile); } } static Dictionary compiled_linkwith_apps = new Dictionary (); public static string CompileTestAppExecutableLinkWith (string targetDirectory, Profile profile = Profile.Unified) { string compiled_linkwith_app; if (compiled_linkwith_apps.TryGetValue (profile, out compiled_linkwith_app) && File.Exists (compiled_linkwith_app)) return compiled_linkwith_app; string cs = Path.Combine (targetDirectory, "testApp.cs"); string exe = Path.Combine (targetDirectory, "testApp" + GetProjectSuffix (profile) + ".exe"); File.WriteAllText (cs, @" using System; public class TestApp { static void Main () { Console.WriteLine (typeof (UIKit.UIWindow).ToString ()); Console.WriteLine (Bindings.Test.CFunctions.theUltimateAnswer ()); Console.WriteLine (typeof (Bindings.Test.UltimateMachine).ToString ()); } }"); string output; var args = new StringBuilder (); args.AppendFormat ("\"{0}\" /noconfig /t:exe /nologo /out:\"{1}\" \"/r:{2}\" /r:\"{3}\"", cs, exe, GetBaseLibrary (profile), GetBindingsLibrary (profile)); var compiler = GetCompiler (profile, args); if (ExecutionHelper.Execute (compiler, args.ToString (), out output) != 0) throw new Exception (output); compiled_linkwith_apps [profile] = exe; return exe; } static void VerifyGC (string file, bool isBoehm, string message) { var symbols = ExecutionHelper.Execute ("nm", file, hide_output: true); var _sgen_gc_lock = symbols.Contains ("_sgen_gc_lock"); if (isBoehm && _sgen_gc_lock) { Assert.Fail ("Expected '{0}' to use Boehm: {1}", file, message); } else if (!isBoehm && !_sgen_gc_lock) { Assert.Fail ("Expected '{0}' to use SGen: {1}", file, message); } } static void VerifyArchitectures (string file, string message, params string[] expected) { var actual = GetArchitectures (file).ToArray (); Array.Sort (expected); Array.Sort (actual); var e = string.Join (", ", expected); var a = string.Join (", ", actual); Assert.AreEqual (e, a, message); } static void VerifyOutput (string msg, string actual, params string[] expected) { var split = actual.Split (new char[] {'\n', '\r'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var actual_messages = new HashSet (split, new Registrar.PatternEquality ()); var exp_messages = new HashSet (expected, new Registrar.PatternEquality ()); actual_messages.ExceptWith (exp_messages); exp_messages.ExceptWith (split); var text = new StringBuilder (); foreach (var a in actual_messages) text.AppendFormat ("Unexpected error/warning ({0}):\n\t{1}\n", msg, a); foreach (var a in exp_messages) text.AppendFormat ("Expected error/warning not shown ({0}):\n\t{1}\n", msg, a); if (text.Length != 0) Assert.Fail (text.ToString ()); } static List GetArchitectures (string file) { var result = new List (); using (var fs = File.OpenRead (file)) { using (var reader = new BinaryReader (fs)) { int magic = reader.ReadInt32 (); switch ((uint) magic) { case 0xCAFEBABE: // little-endian fat binary throw new NotImplementedException ("little endian fat binary"); case 0xBEBAFECA: int architectures = System.Net.IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder (reader.ReadInt32 ()); for (int i = 0; i < architectures; i++) { result.Add (GetArch (System.Net.IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder (reader.ReadInt32 ()), System.Net.IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder (reader.ReadInt32 ()))); // skip to next entry reader.ReadInt32 (); // offset reader.ReadInt32 (); // size reader.ReadInt32 (); // align } break; case 0xFEEDFACE: // little-endian mach-o header case 0xFEEDFACF: // little-endian 64-big mach-o header result.Add (GetArch (reader.ReadInt32 (), reader.ReadInt32 ())); break; case 0xCFFAEDFE: case 0xCEFAEDFE: result.Add (GetArch (System.Net.IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder (reader.ReadInt32 ()), System.Net.IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder (reader.ReadInt32 ()))); break; default: throw new Exception (string.Format ("File '{0}' is neither a Universal binary nor a Mach-O binary (magic: 0x{1})", file, magic.ToString ("x"))); } } } return result; } static string GetArch (int cputype, int cpusubtype) { const int ABI64 = 0x01000000; const int X86 = 7; const int ARM = 12; switch (cputype) { case ARM : // arm switch (cpusubtype) { case 6: return "armv6"; case 9: return "armv7"; case 11: return "armv7s"; default: return "unknown arm variation: " + cpusubtype.ToString (); } case ARM | ABI64: switch (cpusubtype) { case 0: return "arm64"; default: return "unknown arm/64 variation: " + cpusubtype.ToString (); } case X86: // x86 return "i386"; case X86 | ABI64: // x64 return "x86_64"; } return string.Format ("unknown: {0}/{1}", cputype, cpusubtype); } public static string Quote (string f) { if (f.IndexOf (' ') == -1 && f.IndexOf ('\'') == -1 && f.IndexOf (',') == -1) return f; var s = new StringBuilder (); s.Append ('"'); foreach (var c in f){ if (c == '"' || c == '\\') s.Append ('\\'); s.Append (c); } s.Append ('"'); return s.ToString (); } public static string GetTempDirectory () { var tmp = Path.GetTempFileName (); File.Delete (tmp); Directory.CreateDirectory (tmp); return tmp; } #endregion } class McsException : Exception { public McsException (string output) : base (output) { } } class ActivationException : Exception { public ActivationException (string output) : base (output) { } } }