using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using Xamarin.MacDev; using Xamarin.Utils; namespace Xamarin.Bundler { public abstract class ProcessTask : BuildTask { public ProcessStartInfo ProcessStartInfo; protected StringBuilder Output; protected string Command { get { var result = new StringBuilder (); if (ProcessStartInfo.EnvironmentVariables.ContainsKey ("MONO_PATH")) { result.Append ("MONO_PATH="); result.Append (ProcessStartInfo.EnvironmentVariables ["MONO_PATH"]); result.Append (' '); } result.Append (ProcessStartInfo.FileName); result.Append (' '); result.Append (ProcessStartInfo.Arguments); return result.ToString (); } } protected int Start () { if (Driver.Verbosity > 0) Console.WriteLine (Command); var info = ProcessStartInfo; var stdout_completed = new ManualResetEvent (false); var stderr_completed = new ManualResetEvent (false); Output = new StringBuilder (); using (var p = Process.Start (info)) { p.OutputDataReceived += (sender, e) => { if (e.Data != null) { lock (Output) Output.AppendLine (e.Data); } else { stdout_completed.Set (); } }; p.ErrorDataReceived += (sender, e) => { if (e.Data != null) { lock (Output) Output.AppendLine (e.Data); } else { stderr_completed.Set (); } }; p.BeginOutputReadLine (); p.BeginErrorReadLine (); p.WaitForExit (); stderr_completed.WaitOne (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (1)); stdout_completed.WaitOne (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (1)); GC.Collect (); // Workaround for: if (Driver.Verbosity >= 2 && Output.Length > 0) Console.Error.WriteLine (Output.ToString ()); return p.ExitCode; } } } class GenerateMainTask : BuildTask { public Target Target; public Abi Abi; public string MainM; public IList RegistrationMethods; public IEnumerable Inputs { get { foreach (var asm in Target.Assemblies) yield return asm.FullPath; } } protected override void Build () { Driver.GenerateMain (Target.App, Target.Assemblies, Target.App.AssemblyName, Abi, MainM, RegistrationMethods); } } class CompileMainTask : CompileTask { public static void Create (List tasks, Target target, Abi abi, IEnumerable assemblies, string assemblyName, IList registration_methods) { var app = target.App; var arch = abi.AsArchString (); var ofile = Path.Combine (app.Cache.Location, "main." + arch + ".o"); var ifile = Path.Combine (app.Cache.Location, "main." + arch + ".m"); var files = assemblies.Select (v => v.FullPath); GenerateMainTask generate_task = null; if (!Application.IsUptodate (files, new string [] { ifile })) { generate_task = new GenerateMainTask { Target = target, Abi = abi, MainM = ifile, RegistrationMethods = registration_methods, }; } else { Driver.Log (3, "Target '{0}' is up-to-date.", ifile); } if (!Application.IsUptodate (ifile, ofile)) { var main = new CompileMainTask () { Target = target, Abi = abi, AssemblyName = assemblyName, InputFile = ifile, OutputFile = ofile, SharedLibrary = false, Language = "objective-c++", }; main.CompilerFlags.AddDefine ("MONOTOUCH"); if (generate_task == null) { tasks.Add (main); } else { generate_task.NextTasks = new [] { main }; tasks.Add (generate_task); } } else { Driver.Log (3, "Target '{0}' is up-to-date.", ofile); } target.LinkWith (ofile); } protected override void Build () { if (Compile () != 0) throw new MonoTouchException (5103, true, "Failed to compile the file '{0}'. Please file a bug report at", InputFile); } } class PinvokesTask : CompileTask { public static void Create (List tasks, IEnumerable abis, Target target, string ifile) { foreach (var abi in abis) Create (tasks, abi, target, ifile); } public static void Create (List tasks, Abi abi, Target target, string ifile) { var arch = abi.AsArchString (); var ext = target.App.FastDev ? ".dylib" : ".o"; var ofile = Path.Combine (target.App.Cache.Location, "lib" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (ifile) + "." + arch + ext); if (!Application.IsUptodate (ifile, ofile)) { var task = new PinvokesTask () { Target = target, Abi = abi, InputFile = ifile, OutputFile = ofile, SharedLibrary = target.App.FastDev, Language = "objective-c++", }; if (target.App.FastDev) { task.InstallName = "lib" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (ifile) + ext; task.CompilerFlags.AddFramework ("Foundation"); task.CompilerFlags.LinkWithXamarin (); } tasks.Add (task); } else { Driver.Log (3, "Target '{0}' is up-to-date.", ofile); } target.LinkWith (ofile); target.LinkWithAndShip (ofile); } protected override void Build () { if (Compile () != 0) throw new MonoTouchException (4002, true, "Failed to compile the generated code for P/Invoke methods. Please file a bug report at"); } } class CompileRegistrarTask : CompileTask { public static void Create (List tasks, IEnumerable abis, Target target, string ifile) { foreach (var abi in abis) Create (tasks, abi, target, ifile); } public static void Create (List tasks, Abi abi, Target target, string ifile) { var app = target.App; var arch = abi.AsArchString (); var ofile = Path.Combine (app.Cache.Location, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (ifile) + "." + arch + ".o"); if (!Application.IsUptodate (ifile, ofile)) { tasks.Add (new CompileRegistrarTask () { Target = target, Abi = abi, InputFile = ifile, OutputFile = ofile, SharedLibrary = false, Language = "objective-c++", }); } else { Driver.Log (3, "Target '{0}' is up-to-date.", ofile); } target.LinkWith (ofile); } protected override void Build () { if (Driver.IsUsingClang (App)) { // This is because iOS has a forward declaration of NSPortMessage, but no actual declaration. // They still use NSPortMessage in other API though, so it can't just be removed from our bindings. CompilerFlags.AddOtherFlag ("-Wno-receiver-forward-class"); } if (Compile () != 0) throw new MonoTouchException (4109, true, "Failed to compile the generated registrar code. Please file a bug report at"); } } public class AOTTask : ProcessTask { public string AssemblyName; public bool AddBitcodeMarkerSection; public string AssemblyPath; // path to the .s file. // executed with Parallel.ForEach protected override void Build () { var exit_code = base.Start (); if (exit_code == 0) { if (AddBitcodeMarkerSection) File.AppendAllText (AssemblyPath, @" .section __LLVM, __bitcode .byte 0 .section __LLVM, __cmdline .byte 0 "); return; } Console.Error.WriteLine ("AOT Compilation exited with code {0}, command:\n{1}{2}", exit_code, Command, Output.Length > 0 ? ("\n" + Output.ToString ()) : string.Empty); if (Output.Length > 0) { List exceptions = new List (); foreach (var line in Output.ToString ().Split ('\n')) { if (line.StartsWith ("AOT restriction: Method '", StringComparison.Ordinal) && line.Contains ("must be static since it is decorated with [MonoPInvokeCallback]")) { exceptions.Add (new MonoTouchException (3002, true, line)); } } if (exceptions.Count > 0) throw new AggregateException (exceptions.ToArray ()); } throw new MonoTouchException (3001, true, "Could not AOT the assembly '{0}'", AssemblyName); } } public class LinkTask : CompileTask { } public class CompileTask : BuildTask { public Target Target; public Application App { get { return Target.App; } } public bool SharedLibrary; public string InputFile; public string OutputFile; public Abi Abi; public string AssemblyName; public string InstallName; public string Language; CompilerFlags compiler_flags; public CompilerFlags CompilerFlags { get { return compiler_flags ?? (compiler_flags = new CompilerFlags () { Target = Target }); } set { compiler_flags = value; } } public static void GetArchFlags (CompilerFlags flags, params Abi [] abis) { GetArchFlags (flags, (IEnumerable) abis); } public static void GetArchFlags (CompilerFlags flags, IEnumerable abis) { bool enable_thumb = false; foreach (var abi in abis) { var arch = abi.AsArchString (); flags.AddOtherFlag ($"-arch {arch}"); enable_thumb |= (abi & Abi.Thumb) != 0; } if (enable_thumb) flags.AddOtherFlag ("-mthumb"); } public static void GetCompilerFlags (Application app, CompilerFlags flags, string ifile, string language = null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (ifile) || !ifile.EndsWith (".s", StringComparison.Ordinal)) flags.AddOtherFlag ("-gdwarf-2"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (ifile) && !ifile.EndsWith (".s", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (language) || !language.Contains ("++")) { // error: invalid argument '-std=c99' not allowed with 'C++/ObjC++' flags.AddOtherFlag ("-std=c99"); } flags.AddOtherFlag ($"-I{Driver.Quote (Path.Combine (Driver.GetProductSdkDirectory (app), "usr", "include"))}"); } flags.AddOtherFlag ($"-isysroot {Driver.Quote (Driver.GetFrameworkDirectory (app))}"); flags.AddOtherFlag ("-Qunused-arguments"); // don't complain about unused arguments (clang reports -std=c99 and -Isomething as unused). } public static void GetSimulatorCompilerFlags (CompilerFlags flags, string ifile, Application app, string language = null) { GetCompilerFlags (app, flags, ifile, language); string sim_platform = Driver.GetPlatformDirectory (app); string plist = Path.Combine (sim_platform, "Info.plist"); var dict = Driver.FromPList (plist); var dp = dict.Get ("DefaultProperties"); if (dp.GetString ("GCC_OBJC_LEGACY_DISPATCH") == "YES") flags.AddOtherFlag ("-fobjc-legacy-dispatch"); string objc_abi = dp.GetString ("OBJC_ABI_VERSION"); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (objc_abi)) flags.AddOtherFlag ($"-fobjc-abi-version={objc_abi}"); plist = Path.Combine (Driver.GetFrameworkDirectory (app), "SDKSettings.plist"); string min_prefix = app.CompilerPath.Contains ("clang") ? Driver.GetTargetMinSdkName (app) : "iphoneos"; dict = Driver.FromPList (plist); dp = dict.Get ("DefaultProperties"); if (app.DeploymentTarget == new Version ()) { string target = dp.GetString ("IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (target)) flags.AddOtherFlag ($"-m{min_prefix}-version-min={target}"); } else { flags.AddOtherFlag ($"-m{min_prefix}-version-min={app.DeploymentTarget}"); } string defines = dp.GetString ("GCC_PRODUCT_TYPE_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS"); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (defines)) flags.AddDefine (defines.Replace (" ", String.Empty)); } void GetDeviceCompilerFlags (CompilerFlags flags, string ifile) { GetCompilerFlags (App, flags, ifile, Language); flags.AddOtherFlag ($"-m{Driver.GetTargetMinSdkName (App)}-version-min={App.DeploymentTarget.ToString ()}"); } void GetSharedCompilerFlags (CompilerFlags flags, string install_name) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (install_name)) throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (install_name)); flags.AddOtherFlag ("-shared"); if (!App.EnableMarkerOnlyBitCode) flags.AddOtherFlag ("-read_only_relocs suppress"); flags.LinkWithMono (); flags.AddOtherFlag ("-install_name " + Driver.Quote ($"@rpath/{install_name}")); flags.AddOtherFlag ("-fapplication-extension"); // fixes this: warning MT5203: Native linking warning: warning: linking against dylib not safe for use in application extensions: [..]/actionextension.dll.arm64.dylib } void GetStaticCompilerFlags (CompilerFlags flags) { flags.AddOtherFlag ("-c"); } void GetBitcodeCompilerFlags (CompilerFlags flags) { flags.AddOtherFlag (App.EnableMarkerOnlyBitCode ? "-fembed-bitcode-marker" : "-fembed-bitcode"); } protected override void Build () { if (Compile () != 0) throw new MonoTouchException (3001, true, "Could not AOT the assembly '{0}'", AssemblyName); } public int Compile () { if (App.IsDeviceBuild) { GetDeviceCompilerFlags (CompilerFlags, InputFile); } else { GetSimulatorCompilerFlags (CompilerFlags, InputFile, App, Language); } if (App.EnableBitCode) GetBitcodeCompilerFlags (CompilerFlags); GetArchFlags (CompilerFlags, Abi); if (SharedLibrary) { GetSharedCompilerFlags (CompilerFlags, InstallName); } else { GetStaticCompilerFlags (CompilerFlags); } if (App.EnableDebug) CompilerFlags.AddDefine ("DEBUG"); CompilerFlags.AddOtherFlag ($"-o {Driver.Quote (OutputFile)}"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Language)) CompilerFlags.AddOtherFlag ($"-x {Language}"); CompilerFlags.AddOtherFlag (Driver.Quote (InputFile)); var rv = Driver.RunCommand (App.CompilerPath, CompilerFlags.ToString (), null, null); return rv; } } public class BitCodeifyTask : BuildTask { public string Input { get; set; } public string OutputFile { get; set; } public ApplePlatform Platform { get; set; } public Abi Abi { get; set; } public Version DeploymentTarget { get; set; } protected override void Build () { new BitcodeConverter (Input, OutputFile, Platform, Abi, DeploymentTarget).Convert (); } } }