#!/bin/bash -eu # shellcheck disable=SC2129 # This script will detect changes between the current hash and another hash. # The other hash is by default the previous commit, but can also be any other commit (for a PR it could be the commit before the PR). set -o pipefail WHITE=$(tput setaf 7 2>/dev/null || true) BLUE=$(tput setaf 6 2>/dev/null || true) RED=$(tput setaf 9 2>/dev/null || true) CLEAR=$(tput sgr0 2>/dev/null || true) # Clone files on AFPS, instead of copying them. Much faster. CP="cp" if df -t apfs / >/dev/null 2>&1; then CP="cp -c" fi # Change detection: # # * Changes in current PR/commit (if a PR/CI) - api + generator # * Changes vs stable - api # * Changes between different assemblies (Xamarin vs .NET, Microsoft.iOS vs Microsoft.MacCatalyst) # function show_help () { echo "$(basename "$0"): Detect changes between the current hash (which must already be built) and another hash." echo "Usage is: $(basename "$0") --base=[TREEISH] [options]" echo " -h, -?, --help Displays the help." echo " -b, --base=[HASH] The hash to compare the currently built assemblies against. The default is the previous commit (HEAD^)." echo " --pull-request=[NUMBER] The pull request to compare against. This assumes that: a) the current hash is the tip of the pull request b) --base has not been specified." I echo " --keep-build Don't remove the cloned & built working copy of the other hash once done." echo " --use-existing-build Use an existing build (kept with --keep-build) instead of building it again." echo " --skip-generator-diff Don't do the generator diff vs another commit." echo " --skip-api-diff Don't do the api diff vs another commit." echo " --skip-stable-api-comparison Don't do the api diff vs stable version." echo " --output-dir=[DIR] The output directory." echo " --skip-dirty-check Skip check that the working copy does not have dirty files." echo "" } CURRENT_HASH=HEAD BASE_HASH= OUTPUT_DIR= PULL_REQUEST_ID= PULL_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH= USE_EXISTING_BUILD= KEEP_BUILD= ENABLE_GENERATOR_DIFF=1 ENABLE_API_DIFF=1 ENABLE_STABLE_API_COMPARISON=1 SKIP_DIRTY_CHECK= GH_COMMENTS_FILE= while ! test -z "${1:-}"; do case "$1" in --help|-\?|-h) show_help exit 0 ;; -v | --verbose) set -x shift ;; --base=*|-b=*) BASE_HASH="${1#*=}" shift ;; --base|-b) BASE_HASH="$2" shift 2 ;; --pull-request=*) PULL_REQUEST_ID="${1#*=}" shift ;; --pull-request) PULL_REQUEST_ID="$2" shift 2 ;; --pull-request-target-branch=*) PULL_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH="${1#*=}" shift ;; --pull-request-target-branch) PULL_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH="$2" shift 2 ;; --output-dir=*) OUTPUT_DIR="${1#*=}" shift ;; --output-dir) OUTPUT_DIR="$2" shift 2 ;; --use-existing-build) USE_EXISTING_BUILD=1 shift ;; --keep-build) KEEP_BUILD=1 shift ;; --skip-generator-diff) ENABLE_GENERATOR_DIFF= shift ;; --skip-api-diff) ENABLE_API_DIFF= shift ;; --skip-stable-api-comparison) ENABLE_STABLE_API_COMPARISON= shift ;; --skip-dirty-check) SKIP_DIRTY_CHECK=1 shift ;; *) echo "${RED}Error: Unknown argument: $1${CLEAR}" exit 1 ;; esac done function report_error_line () { echo "$@" if test -n "$GH_COMMENTS_FILE"; then # remove color codes when writing to failure file printf ":fire: Failed to compare API and create generator diff :fire:\\n" >> "$GH_COMMENTS_FILE" printf "\\n" >> "$GH_COMMENTS_FILE" # shellcheck disable=SC2001 echo "$@" | sed $'s,\x1b\\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z],,g' >> "$GH_COMMENTS_FILE" fi } # Figure out the pull request if test -z "$BASE_HASH"; then if test -n "$PULL_REQUEST_ID"; then if test -z "$PULL_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH"; then echo "${RED}--pull-request-target-branch= is required when using --pull-request${CLEAR}" exit 1 fi git fetch --no-tags --progress -- https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios +refs/pull/"$PULL_REQUEST_ID"/*:refs/remotes/origin/pr/"$PULL_REQUEST_ID"/* # The current hash is either a merge commit from GH, or the commit just before the merge commit. # However, we don't know if refs/pull/PULL_REQUEST_ID/merge or refs/pull/PULL_REQUEST_ID/head are pointing to the right place, # because someone might have pushed more commits to the pull request. So we need some computations here... if ! GH_MERGE=$(git log -1 --pretty=%H refs/remotes/origin/pr/"$PULL_REQUEST_ID"/merge); then # this may happen if the PR has a conflict with the target branch GH_MERGE=conflict fi GH_HEAD=$(git log -1 --pretty=%H refs/remotes/origin/pr/"$PULL_REQUEST_ID"/head) CURRENT_HEAD=$(git log -1 --pretty=%H HEAD) if [[ "$GH_MERGE" == "$CURRENT_HEAD" ]]; then # we're at the merge commit. MERGE_BASE=$(git merge-base "$CURRENT_HEAD^1" "$PULL_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH" ) echo "1: $MERGE_BASE" elif [[ "$GH_HEAD" == "$CURRENT_HEAD" ]]; then # we're at the tip of the branch MERGE_BASE=$(git merge-base "$CURRENT_HEAD" "$PULL_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH" ) echo "2: $MERGE_BASE" elif [[ "$(git show refs/remotes/origin/pr/"$PULL_REQUEST_ID"/merge --pretty=%B | xargs)" =~ ^Merge" "[a-f0-9]{40}" into "[a-f0-9]{40}$ ]]; then # we're a merge commit, get the previous commit MERGE_BASE=$(git merge-base "$CURRENT_HEAD^1" "$PULL_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH" ) echo "3: $MERGE_BASE" else # we're at the tip of the branch MERGE_BASE=$(git merge-base "$CURRENT_HEAD" "$PULL_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH" ) echo "4: $MERGE_BASE" fi BASE_HASH=$MERGE_BASE else BASE_HASH=HEAD^ fi elif test -n "$PULL_REQUEST_ID"; then echo "${RED}Can't specify both --base and --pull-request.${CLEAR}" exit 1 fi ROOT_DIR=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) # Go to the root directory of the git repo, so that we don't run into any surprises with paths. # Also make ROOT_DIR an absolute path. cd "$ROOT_DIR" ROOT_DIR=$(pwd) if test -z "$OUTPUT_DIR"; then OUTPUT_DIR="$ROOT_DIR/tools/comparison" fi mkdir -p "$OUTPUT_DIR" # Only show git colors locally. The normal "has-controlling-terminal" doesn't work, because # we always capture the output to indent it (thus the git processes never have a controlling # terminal) if test -z "${BUILD_REVISION:-}"; then GIT_COLOR=--color=always GIT_COLOR_P=(-c "color.status=always") else GIT_COLOR= GIT_COLOR_P=(-c "color.status=auto") fi GENERATOR_DIFF_FILE= APIDIFF_FILE= STABLE_API_COMPARISON_FILE= OUTPUT_RESULTS_DIR=$OUTPUT_DIR/results OUTPUT_TMP_DIR=$OUTPUT_DIR/tmp OUTPUT_SRC_DIR=$OUTPUT_TMP_DIR/src GH_COMMENTS_FILE=$OUTPUT_RESULTS_DIR/gh-comment.md rm -f "$GH_COMMENTS_FILE" mkdir -p "$(dirname "$GH_COMMENTS_FILE")" if test -z "$SKIP_DIRTY_CHECK"; then if [ -n "$(git status --porcelain --ignore-submodule)" ]; then report_error_line "${RED}** Error: Working directory isn't clean:${CLEAR}" git "${GIT_COLOR_P[@]}" status --ignore-submodule | sed 's/^/ /' | while read -r line; do report_error_line "$line"; done exit 1 fi fi echo "Comparing the changes between $BLUE$BASE_HASH$CLEAR and $BLUE$CURRENT_HASH$CLEAR:" git log "$BASE_HASH..$CURRENT_HASH" --oneline $GIT_COLOR | sed 's/^/ /' # Resolve any treeish hash value (for instance HEAD^4) to the unique (MD5) hash BASE_HASH=$(git log -1 --pretty=%H "$BASE_HASH") # We'll clone xamarin-macios again into a different directory, and build it function upon_exit () { if ! test -z "$GENERATOR_DIFF_FILE"; then echo "Generator diff: $GENERATOR_DIFF_FILE" fi if ! test -z "$APIDIFF_FILE"; then echo "API diff: $APIDIFF_FILE" fi if ! test -z "$STABLE_API_COMPARISON_FILE"; then echo "API diff (vs stable): $STABLE_API_COMPARISON_FILE" fi # Clean up after ourselves if test -z "$KEEP_BUILD"; then rm -Rf "$OUTPUT_TMP_DIR" fi } trap upon_exit EXIT echo "${BLUE}Current hash: ${WHITE}$(git log -1 --pretty="%h: %s" "$CURRENT_HASH")${BLUE}${CLEAR}" echo "${BLUE}Base hash: ${WHITE}$(git log -1 --pretty="%h: %s" "$BASE_HASH")${BLUE}${CLEAR}" echo "" if test -z "$USE_EXISTING_BUILD"; then echo "💪 ${BLUE}Building ${WHITE}$BASE_HASH${BLUE} in ${WHITE}$OUTPUT_SRC_DIR${BLUE}${CLEAR} 💪" echo " ${BLUE}Checking out ${WHITE}$(git log -1 --pretty="%h: %s" "$BASE_HASH")${BLUE} into ${WHITE}$OUTPUT_SRC_DIR${BLUE}...${CLEAR}" rm -Rf "$OUTPUT_SRC_DIR" mkdir -p "$OUTPUT_SRC_DIR" cd "$OUTPUT_SRC_DIR" git clone https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios --reference "$ROOT_DIR" 2>&1 | sed 's/^/ /' cd xamarin-macios git reset --hard "$BASE_HASH" 2>&1 | sed 's/^/ /' cp "$ROOT_DIR/configure.inc" . echo " ${BLUE}Building temporary working directory ${WHITE}$OUTPUT_SRC_DIR${BLUE}...${CLEAR}" make reset 2>&1 | sed 's/^/ /' make check-versions 2>&1 | sed 's/^/ /' if ! ./system-dependencies.sh 2>&1 | sed 's/^/ /'; then report_error_line "${RED}Error: The system requirements for the hash to compare against ($WHITE$BASE_HASH$CLEAR) are different than for the current hash. Comparison is currently not supported in this scenario.${CLEAR}" exit 1 fi if ! make all -j8 2>&1 | sed 's/^/ /'; then report_error_line "${RED}Error: 'make' failed for the hash $WHITE$BASE_HASH$CLEAR.${CLEAR}" exit 1 fi if ! make install -j8 2>&1 | sed 's/^/ /'; then report_error_line "${RED}Error: 'make install' failed for the hash $WHITE$BASE_HASH$CLEAR.${CLEAR}" exit 1 fi echo " ${BLUE}Build completed for ${WHITE}$BASE_HASH${BLUE}" echo "" else if ! test -d "$OUTPUT_SRC_DIR"; then report_error_line "${RED}Can't use an existing build, because the temporary build directory $WHITE$OUTPUT_SRC_DIR$RED does not exist.${CLEAR}" exit 1 else echo "${BLUE}Using existing build in ${WHITE}$OUTPUT_SRC_DIR${BLUE}.${CLEAR}" fi fi if test -n "$ENABLE_GENERATOR_DIFF"; then # # Generator diff vs another commit # echo "💪 ${BLUE}Computing generator diff${CLEAR} 💪" # We make a copy of the generated source code to compare against, # so that we can remove files we don't want to compare without # affecting that build. rm -rf "$OUTPUT_TMP_DIR/generator" mkdir -p "$OUTPUT_TMP_DIR/generator/build" echo " ${BLUE}Copying ${WHITE}$ROOT_DIR/src/build${BLUE} to ${WHITE}$OUTPUT_TMP_DIR/generator/build/new${BLUE}...${CLEAR}" $CP -R "$ROOT_DIR/src/build" "$OUTPUT_TMP_DIR/generator/build/new" echo " ${BLUE}Copying ${WHITE}$OUTPUT_SRC_DIR/xamarin-macios/src/build${BLUE} to ${WHITE}$OUTPUT_TMP_DIR/generator/build/old${BLUE}...${CLEAR}" $CP -R "$OUTPUT_SRC_DIR/xamarin-macios/src/build" "$OUTPUT_TMP_DIR/generator/build/old" # delete files we don't care are different echo " ${BLUE}Deleting files from ${WHITE}$OUTPUT_TMP_DIR/generator${BLUE} we don't care about...${CLEAR}" find "$OUTPUT_TMP_DIR/generator" '(' \ -name 'compiler' -or \ -name 'bgen' -or \ -name '*.dll' -or \ -name '*.editorconfig' -or \ -name '*.pdb' -or \ -name '*generated-sources' -or \ -name 'generated_sources' -or \ -name '*.exe' -or \ -name '*.rsp' -or \ -name 'AssemblyInfo.cs' -or \ -name 'Constants.cs' -or \ -name 'generator.csproj*' -or \ -name 'bgen.csproj.*' -or \ -name 'bgen.runtimeconfig.dev.json' -or \ -name 'PublishOutputs.*.txt' -or \ -name '*.binlog' -or \ -name '*.cache' \ ')' -delete mkdir -p "$OUTPUT_RESULTS_DIR/generator-diff" GENERATOR_DIFF_FILE="$OUTPUT_RESULTS_DIR/generator-diff/generator.diff" GENERATOR_HTML_FILE="$OUTPUT_RESULTS_DIR/generator-diff/index.html" echo " ${BLUE}Computing diff of the generated sources into ${WHITE}$GENERATOR_DIFF_FILE${BLUE}...${CLEAR}" cd "$OUTPUT_TMP_DIR/generator/build" git diff --no-index old new > "$GENERATOR_DIFF_FILE" || true "$ROOT_DIR/tools/diff-to-html" "$GENERATOR_DIFF_FILE" "$GENERATOR_HTML_FILE" echo " ${BLUE}Computed generator diff: ${WHITE}$GENERATOR_HTML_FILE${BLUE}.${CLEAR}" echo "" else echo "${BLUE}Skipped generator diff.${CLEAR}" fi APIDIFF_RESULTS_RELATIVE_DIR=previous-api-comparison APIDIFF_RESULTS_DIR=$OUTPUT_RESULTS_DIR/$APIDIFF_RESULTS_RELATIVE_DIR APIDIFF_TMP_DIR=$OUTPUT_TMP_DIR/$APIDIFF_RESULTS_RELATIVE_DIR if test -n "$ENABLE_API_DIFF"; then # # API diff vs another commit # # First we calculate the apidiff references for the hash we're comparing against # Then we restore the original hash, and finally we calculate the api diff. # echo "💪 ${BLUE}Computing API diff vs ${WHITE}${BASE_HASH}${BLUE}${CLEAR} 💪" # Calculate apidiff references according to the temporary build echo " ${BLUE}Updating apidiff references...${CLEAR}" rm -rf "$APIDIFF_RESULTS_DIR" "$APIDIFF_TMP_DIR" if ! make update-refs -C "$ROOT_DIR/tools/apidiff" -j8 APIDIFF_DIR="$APIDIFF_TMP_DIR" OUTPUT_DIR="$APIDIFF_RESULTS_DIR" IOS_DESTDIR="$OUTPUT_SRC_DIR/xamarin-macios/_ios-build" MAC_DESTDIR="$OUTPUT_SRC_DIR/xamarin-macios/_mac-build" DOTNET_DESTDIR="$OUTPUT_SRC_DIR/xamarin-macios/_build" 2>&1 | sed 's/^/ /'; then EC=${PIPESTATUS[0]} report_error_line "${RED}Failed to update apidiff references${CLEAR}" exit "$EC" fi # Now compare the current build against those references echo " ${BLUE}Running apidiff...${CLEAR}" APIDIFF_FILE=$APIDIFF_RESULTS_DIR/api-diff.html if ! make all-local -C "$ROOT_DIR/tools/apidiff" -j8 APIDIFF_DIR="$APIDIFF_TMP_DIR" OUTPUT_DIR="$APIDIFF_RESULTS_DIR" SKIP_XAMARIN_VS_DOTNET=1 SKIP_IOS_VS_MACCATALYST=1 2>&1 | sed 's/^/ /'; then EC=${PIPESTATUS[0]} report_error_line "${RED}Failed to run apidiff${CLEAR}" exit "$EC" fi # Now create the markdowns with these references echo " ${BLUE}Creating markdowns...${CLEAR}" if ! make all-markdowns -C "$ROOT_DIR/tools/apidiff" -j8 APIDIFF_DIR="$APIDIFF_TMP_DIR" OUTPUT_DIR="$APIDIFF_RESULTS_DIR" 2>&1 | sed 's/^/ /'; then EC=${PIPESTATUS[0]} report_error_line "${RED}Failed to create markdowns${CLEAR}" exit "$EC" fi echo " ${BLUE}Computed API diff vs ${WHITE}${BASE_HASH}${BLUE}: ${WHITE}$APIDIFF_FILE${BLUE}.${CLEAR}" echo "" else echo "${BLUE}Skipped API diff vs ${WHITE}${BASE_HASH}${BLUE}.${CLEAR}" fi STABLE_API_COMPARISON_RESULTS_RELATIVE_DIR=stable-api-comparison STABLE_API_COMPARISON_RESULTS_DIR="$OUTPUT_RESULTS_DIR/$STABLE_API_COMPARISON_RESULTS_RELATIVE_DIR" STABLE_API_COMPARISON_TMP_DIR="$OUTPUT_TMP_DIR/$STABLE_API_COMPARISON_RESULTS_RELATIVE_DIR" if test -n "$ENABLE_STABLE_API_COMPARISON"; then echo "💪 ${BLUE}Computing API diff vs stable${CLEAR} 💪" rm -Rf "$STABLE_API_COMPARISON_RESULTS_DIR" "$STABLE_API_COMPARISON_TMP_DIR" mkdir -p "$STABLE_API_COMPARISON_RESULTS_DIR" "$STABLE_API_COMPARISON_TMP_DIR" make -j8 -C "$ROOT_DIR/tools/apidiff" APIDIFF_DIR="$STABLE_API_COMPARISON_TMP_DIR" OUTPUT_DIR="$STABLE_API_COMPARISON_RESULTS_DIR" 2>&1 | sed 's/^/ /' # remove empty files find "$STABLE_API_COMPARISON_RESULTS_DIR" -size 0 -print0 | xargs -0 rm echo " ${BLUE}Computed API diff vs stable: ${WHITE}$STABLE_API_COMPARISON_RESULTS_DIR/index.html${BLUE}${CLEAR}" STABLE_API_COMPARISON_FILE=$STABLE_API_COMPARISON_RESULTS_DIR/api-diff.html else echo "${BLUE}Skipped API diff vs stable.${CLEAR}" fi if [ -z ${INCLUDE_IOS+x} ]; then INCLUDE_IOS=$(make -C "$ROOT_DIR"/tools/devops print-variable VARIABLE=INCLUDE_IOS | sed 's/.*=//'); fi if [ -z ${INCLUDE_TVOS+x} ]; then INCLUDE_TVOS=$(make -C "$ROOT_DIR"/tools/devops print-variable VARIABLE=INCLUDE_TVOS | sed 's/.*=//'); fi if [ -z ${INCLUDE_MAC+x} ]; then INCLUDE_MAC=$(make -C "$ROOT_DIR"/tools/devops print-variable VARIABLE=INCLUDE_MAC | sed 's/.*=//'); fi if [ -z ${INCLUDE_WATCH+x} ]; then INCLUDE_WATCH=$(make -C "$ROOT_DIR"/tools/devops print-variable VARIABLE=INCLUDE_WATCH | sed 's/.*=//'); fi if [ -z ${DOTNET_PLATFORMS+x} ]; then DOTNET_PLATFORMS=$(make -C "$ROOT_DIR"/tools/devops print-variable VARIABLE=DOTNET_PLATFORMS | sed 's/.*=//'); fi if [ -z ${DOTNET_TFM+x} ]; then DOTNET_TFM=$(make -C "$ROOT_DIR"/tools/devops print-variable VARIABLE=DOTNET_TFM | sed 's/.*=//'); fi # Create the GH comment if test -n "$ENABLE_API_DIFF"; then if grep BreakingChangesDetected "$APIDIFF_RESULTS_DIR/api-diff.md" >/dev/null 2>&1; then EMOJII=":heavy_exclamation_mark:" MSG=" (Breaking changes)" else EMOJII=":white_check_mark:" MSG="" fi echo "## $EMOJII API diff for current PR / commit$MSG" >> "$GH_COMMENTS_FILE" echo "" >> "$GH_COMMENTS_FILE" sed < "$APIDIFF_RESULTS_DIR/api-diff.md" -e "s/[[]vsdrops[]][\(]/[vsdrops]($APIDIFF_RESULTS_RELATIVE_DIR\//g" -e "s/[[]gist[]][\(]/[gist]($APIDIFF_RESULTS_RELATIVE_DIR\//g" >> "$GH_COMMENTS_FILE" echo "" >> "$GH_COMMENTS_FILE" fi if test -n "$ENABLE_STABLE_API_COMPARISON"; then if grep BreakingChangesDetected "$STABLE_API_COMPARISON_RESULTS_DIR/api-diff.md" >/dev/null 2>&1; then EMOJII=":heavy_exclamation_mark:" MSG=" (Breaking changes)" else EMOJII=":white_check_mark:" MSG="" fi echo "## $EMOJII API diff vs stable$MSG" >> "$GH_COMMENTS_FILE" echo "" >> "$GH_COMMENTS_FILE" sed < "$STABLE_API_COMPARISON_RESULTS_DIR/api-diff.md" -e "s/[[]vsdrops[]][\(]/[vsdrops]($STABLE_API_COMPARISON_RESULTS_RELATIVE_DIR\//g" -e "s/[[]gist[]][\(]/[gist]($STABLE_API_COMPARISON_RESULTS_RELATIVE_DIR\//g" >> "$GH_COMMENTS_FILE" echo "" >> "$GH_COMMENTS_FILE" fi if test -n "$ENABLE_GENERATOR_DIFF"; then if test -s "$GENERATOR_DIFF_FILE"; then echo "## :information_source: Generator diff" >> "$GH_COMMENTS_FILE" echo "" >> "$GH_COMMENTS_FILE" echo "Generator Diff: [vsdrops](generator-diff/index.html) (html) [vsdrops](generator-diff/generator.diff) (raw diff) [gist](generator-diff/generator.diff) (raw diff) - Please review changes)" >> "$GH_COMMENTS_FILE" else echo "## :white_check_mark: Generator diff" >> "$GH_COMMENTS_FILE" echo "" >> "$GH_COMMENTS_FILE" echo "Generator diff is empty" >> "$GH_COMMENTS_FILE" fi fi