// // Test the generated API selectors against typos or non-existing cases // // Authors: // Sebastien Pouliot // // Copyright 2012-2013 Xamarin Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // using System; using System.Reflection; using NUnit.Framework; using Foundation; using ObjCRuntime; #if !NET using NativeHandle = System.IntPtr; #endif namespace Introspection { public abstract class ApiSelectorTest : ApiBaseTest { // not everything should be even tried protected virtual bool Skip (Type type) { if (type.ContainsGenericParameters) return true; // skip delegate (and other protocol references) foreach (object ca in type.GetCustomAttributes (false)) { if (ca is ProtocolAttribute) return true; if (ca is ModelAttribute) return true; } switch (type.FullName) { case "MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSCommandBuffer": // The reflectable type metadata contains no selectors. return true; } return SkipDueToAttribute (type); } protected virtual bool Skip (Type type, string selectorName) { // The MapKit types/selectors are optional protocol members pulled in from MKAnnotation/MKOverlay. // These concrete (wrapper) subclasses do not implement all of those optional members, but we // still need to provide a binding for them, so that user subclasses can implement those members. switch (type.Name) { case "AVAggregateAssetDownloadTask": switch (selectorName) { case "URLAsset": // added in Xcode 9 and it is present. return true; } break; case "AVAssetDownloadStorageManager": switch (selectorName) { case "sharedDownloadStorageManager": // added in Xcode 9 and it is present. return true; } break; case "MKCircle": case "MKPolygon": case "MKPolyline": switch (selectorName) { case "canReplaceMapContent": return true; } break; case "MKShape": switch (selectorName) { case "setCoordinate:": return true; } break; case "MKPlacemark": switch (selectorName) { case "setCoordinate:": case "subtitle": return true; } break; case "MKTileOverlay": switch (selectorName) { case "intersectsMapRect:": return true; } break; // AVAudioChannelLayout and AVAudioFormat started conforming to NSSecureCoding in OSX 10.11 and iOS 9 case "AVAudioChannelLayout": case "AVAudioFormat": // NSSecureCoding added in iOS 10 / macOS 10.12 case "CNContactFetchRequest": case "GKEntity": case "GKPolygonObstacle": case "GKComponent": case "GKGraphNode": case "WKUserContentController": case "WKProcessPool": case "WKWebViewConfiguration": case "WKWebsiteDataStore": switch (selectorName) { case "encodeWithCoder:": return true; } break; // SKTransition started conforming to NSCopying in OSX 10.11 and iOS 9 case "SKTransition": // iOS 10 beta 2 case "GKBehavior": case "MDLTransform": // UISceneActivationRequestOptions started conforming to NSCopying oin Xcode 13 case "UISceneActivationRequestOptions": switch (selectorName) { case "copyWithZone:": return true; } break; case "MDLMaterialProperty": switch (selectorName) { case "copyWithZone:": // not working before iOS 10, macOS 10.12 return !TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (8, 0); } break; // Xcode 8 beta 2 case "GKGraph": case "GKAgent": case "GKAgent2D": case "NEFlowMetaData": case "NWEndpoint": switch (selectorName) { case "copyWithZone:": case "encodeWithCoder:": return true; } break; // now conforms to MDLName case "MTKMeshBuffer": switch (selectorName) { case "name": case "setName:": return true; } break; // Xcode 9 case "CIQRCodeFeature": switch (selectorName) { case "copyWithZone:": case "encodeWithCoder:": return !TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (9, 0); } break; case "CKFetchRecordZoneChangesOptions": switch (selectorName) { case "copyWithZone:": return !TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (9, 0); } break; #if !NET case "NSUrl": case "ARQuickLookPreviewItem": switch (selectorName) { case "previewItemTitle": // 'previewItemTitle' is inlined from the QLPreviewItem protocol and should be optional (fixed in .NET) return true; } break; #endif case "MKMapItem": // Selector not available on iOS 32-bit switch (selectorName) { case "encodeWithCoder:": return !TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (9, 0); } break; #if !MONOMAC case "MTLCaptureManager": case "NEHotspotEapSettings": // Wireless Accessory Configuration is not supported in the simulator. case "NEHotspotConfigurationManager": case "NEHotspotHS20Settings": if (TestRuntime.IsSimulatorOrDesktop) return true; break; case "ARBodyTrackingConfiguration": case "ARGeoTrackingConfiguration": switch (selectorName) { case "supportsAppClipCodeTracking": // Only available on device return TestRuntime.IsSimulatorOrDesktop; } break; case "CSImportExtension": switch (selectorName) { case "beginRequestWithExtensionContext:": case "updateAttributes:forFileAtURL:error:": if (TestRuntime.IsSimulatorOrDesktop) // not available in the sim return true; break; } break; case "HKQuery": switch (selectorName) { case "predicateForVerifiableClinicalRecordsWithRelevantDateWithinDateInterval:": // not available in the sim if (TestRuntime.IsSimulatorOrDesktop) // not available in the sim return true; break; } break; #endif case "WKPreferences": switch (selectorName) { case "encodeWithCoder:": // from iOS 10 return true; case "textInteractionEnabled": // xcode 13 renamed this to `isTextInteractionEnabled` but does not respond to the old one return true; } break; } // This ctors needs to be manually bound switch (type.Name) { case "AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer": switch (selectorName) { case "initWithSession:": case "initWithSessionWithNoConnection:": return true; } break; case "GKPath": switch (selectorName) { case "initWithPoints:count:radius:cyclical:": case "initWithFloat3Points:count:radius:cyclical:": return true; } break; case "GKPolygonObstacle": switch (selectorName) { case "initWithPoints:count:": return true; } break; case "MDLMesh": switch (selectorName) { case "initCapsuleWithExtent:cylinderSegments:hemisphereSegments:inwardNormals:geometryType:allocator:": case "initConeWithExtent:segments:inwardNormals:cap:geometryType:allocator:": case "initHemisphereWithExtent:segments:inwardNormals:cap:geometryType:allocator:": case "initMeshBySubdividingMesh:submeshIndex:subdivisionLevels:allocator:": case "initSphereWithExtent:segments:inwardNormals:geometryType:allocator:": case "initBoxWithExtent:segments:inwardNormals:geometryType:allocator:": case "initCylinderWithExtent:segments:inwardNormals:topCap:bottomCap:geometryType:allocator:": case "initIcosahedronWithExtent:inwardNormals:geometryType:allocator:": case "initPlaneWithExtent:segments:geometryType:allocator:": return true; } break; case "MDLNoiseTexture": switch (selectorName) { case "initCellularNoiseWithFrequency:name:textureDimensions:channelEncoding:": case "initVectorNoiseWithSmoothness:name:textureDimensions:channelEncoding:": return true; } break; case "NSOperationQueue": switch (selectorName) { case "progress": // The "progress" property comes from the NSProgressReporting protocol, where it was introduced a long time ago. // Then NSOperationQueue started implementing the NSProgressReporting, but only in iOS 13, which means that // this selector does not exist on earlier iOS versions, even to the managed property (from the protocol) claims so. if (!TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (11, 0)) return true; break; } break; case "NSImage": switch (selectorName) { case "initByReferencingFile:": return true; } break; case "OSLogMessageComponent": switch (selectorName) { case "encodeWithCoder:": if (!TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (13, 0)) return true; break; } break; // Conform to SKWarpable case "SKEffectNode": case "SKSpriteNode": switch (selectorName) { case "setSubdivisionLevels:": case "setWarpGeometry:": return true; } break; case "SKAttribute": case "SKAttributeValue": switch (selectorName) { case "encodeWithCoder:": if (!TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (8, 0)) return true; break; } break; case "SKUniform": switch (selectorName) { // New selectors case "initWithName:vectorFloat2:": case "initWithName:vectorFloat3:": case "initWithName:vectorFloat4:": case "initWithName:matrixFloat2x2:": case "initWithName:matrixFloat3x3:": case "initWithName:matrixFloat4x4:": // Old selectors case "initWithName:floatVector2:": case "initWithName:floatVector3:": case "initWithName:floatVector4:": case "initWithName:floatMatrix2:": case "initWithName:floatMatrix3:": case "initWithName:floatMatrix4:": return true; } break; case "SKVideoNode": switch (selectorName) { case "initWithFileNamed:": case "initWithURL:": case "initWithVideoFileNamed:": case "initWithVideoURL:": case "videoNodeWithFileNamed:": case "videoNodeWithURL:": return true; } break; case "SKWarpGeometryGrid": switch (selectorName) { case "initWithColumns:rows:sourcePositions:destPositions:": return true; } break; case "SKNode": switch (selectorName) { case "focusItemContainer": if (!TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (12, 0)) return true; break; } break; case "INPriceRange": switch (selectorName) { case "initWithMaximumPrice:currencyCode:": case "initWithMinimumPrice:currencyCode:": return true; } break; case "CKUserIdentityLookupInfo": switch (selectorName) { case "initWithEmailAddress:": case "initWithPhoneNumber:": case "lookupInfosWithRecordIDs:": // FAILs on watch yet we do have a unittest for it case "lookupInfosWithEmails:": // FAILs on watch yet we do have a unittest for it case "lookupInfosWithPhoneNumbers:": // FAILs on watch yet we do have a unittest for it return true; } break; case "AVPlayerItemVideoOutput": switch (selectorName) { case "initWithOutputSettings:": case "initWithPixelBufferAttributes:": return true; } break; case "MTLBufferLayoutDescriptor": // We do have unit tests under monotouch-tests for this properties switch (selectorName){ case "stepFunction": case "setStepFunction:": case "stepRate": case "setStepRate:": case "stride": case "setStride:": return true; } break; case "MTLFunctionConstant": // we do have unit tests under monotouch-tests for this properties switch (selectorName){ case "name": case "type": case "index": case "required": return true; } break; case "MTLStageInputOutputDescriptor": // we do have unit tests under monotouch-tests for this properties switch (selectorName){ case "attributes": case "indexBufferIndex": case "setIndexBufferIndex:": case "indexType": case "setIndexType:": case "layouts": return true; } break; case "MTLAttributeDescriptor": // we do have unit tests under monotouch-tests for this properties switch (selectorName){ case "bufferIndex": case "setBufferIndex:": case "format": case "setFormat:": case "offset": case "setOffset:": return true; } break; case "MTLAttribute": // we do have unit tests under monotouch-tests for this properties switch (selectorName){ case "isActive": case "attributeIndex": case "attributeType": case "isPatchControlPointData": case "isPatchData": case "name": case "isDepthTexture": return true; } break; case "MTLArgument": // we do have unit tests under monotouch-tests for this properties switch (selectorName){ case "isDepthTexture": return true; } break; case "MTLArgumentDescriptor": switch (selectorName) { case "access": case "setAccess:": case "arrayLength": case "setArrayLength:": case "constantBlockAlignment": case "setConstantBlockAlignment:": case "dataType": case "setDataType:": case "index": case "setIndex:": case "textureType": case "setTextureType:": return true; } break; case "MTLHeapDescriptor": switch (selectorName) { case "cpuCacheMode": case "setCpuCacheMode:": case "size": case "setSize:": case "storageMode": case "setStorageMode:": return true; } break; case "MTLIndirectCommandBufferDescriptor": // we do have unit tests under monotouch-tests for this properties switch (selectorName) { case "commandTypes": case "setCommandTypes:": case "inheritPipelineState": case "setInheritPipelineState:": case "inheritBuffers": case "setInheritBuffers:": case "maxFragmentBufferBindCount": case "setMaxFragmentBufferBindCount:": case "maxVertexBufferBindCount": case "setMaxVertexBufferBindCount:": return true; } break; case "MTLPipelineBufferDescriptor": switch (selectorName) { case "mutability": case "setMutability:": return true; } break; case "MTLPointerType": switch (selectorName) { case "access": case "alignment": case "dataSize": case "elementIsArgumentBuffer": case "elementType": return true; } break; case "MTLSharedEventListener": switch (selectorName) { case "dispatchQueue": return true; } break; case "MTLTextureReferenceType": switch (selectorName) { case "access": case "isDepthTexture": case "textureDataType": case "textureType": return true; } break; case "MTLType": switch (selectorName) { case "dataType": return true; } break; case "MTLTileRenderPipelineColorAttachmentDescriptor": switch (selectorName) { case "pixelFormat": case "setPixelFormat:": return true; } break; case "MTLTileRenderPipelineDescriptor": switch (selectorName) { case "colorAttachments": case "label": case "setLabel:": case "rasterSampleCount": case "setRasterSampleCount:": case "threadgroupSizeMatchesTileSize": case "setThreadgroupSizeMatchesTileSize:": case "tileBuffers": case "tileFunction": case "setTileFunction:": case "maxTotalThreadsPerThreadgroup": case "setMaxTotalThreadsPerThreadgroup:": case "binaryArchives": case "setBinaryArchives:": return true; } break; case "MTLBlitPassDescriptor": switch (selectorName) { case "sampleBufferAttachments": return true; } break; case "MTLBlitPassSampleBufferAttachmentDescriptor": switch (selectorName) { case "endOfEncoderSampleIndex": case "setEndOfEncoderSampleIndex:": case "sampleBuffer": case "setSampleBuffer:": case "startOfEncoderSampleIndex": case "setStartOfEncoderSampleIndex:": return true; } break; case "MTLComputePassDescriptor": switch (selectorName) { case "dispatchType": case "setDispatchType:": case "sampleBufferAttachments": return true; } break; case "MTLComputePassSampleBufferAttachmentDescriptor": switch (selectorName) { case "sampleBuffer": case "setSampleBuffer:": case "startOfEncoderSampleIndex": case "setStartOfEncoderSampleIndex:": case "endOfEncoderSampleIndex": case "setEndOfEncoderSampleIndex:": return true; } break; case "MTLCounterSampleBufferDescriptor": switch (selectorName) { case "counterSet": case "setCounterSet:": case "label": case "setLabel:": case "sampleCount": case "setSampleCount:": case "storageMode": case "setStorageMode:": return true; } break; case "MTLLinkedFunctions": switch (selectorName) { case "binaryFunctions": case "setBinaryFunctions:": case "functions": case "setFunctions:": case "groups": case "setGroups:": return true; } break; case "MTLRenderPassSampleBufferAttachmentDescriptor": switch (selectorName) { case "endOfFragmentSampleIndex": case "setEndOfFragmentSampleIndex:": case "endOfVertexSampleIndex": case "setEndOfVertexSampleIndex:": case "sampleBuffer": case "setSampleBuffer:": case "startOfFragmentSampleIndex": case "setStartOfFragmentSampleIndex:": case "startOfVertexSampleIndex": case "setStartOfVertexSampleIndex:": return true; } break; case "MTLIntersectionFunctionTableDescriptor": switch (selectorName) { case "functionCount": case "setFunctionCount:": return true; } break; case "MTLResourceStatePassDescriptor": switch (selectorName) { case "sampleBufferAttachments": return true; } break; case "MTLResourceStatePassSampleBufferAttachmentDescriptor": switch (selectorName) { case "endOfEncoderSampleIndex": case "setEndOfEncoderSampleIndex:": case "sampleBuffer": case "setSampleBuffer:": case "startOfEncoderSampleIndex": case "setStartOfEncoderSampleIndex:": return true; } break; case "MTLVisibleFunctionTableDescriptor": switch (selectorName) { case "functionCount": case "setFunctionCount:": return true; } break; case "AVPlayerLooper": // This API got introduced in Xcode 8.0 binding but is not currently present nor in Xcode 8.3 or Xcode 9.0 needs research switch (selectorName) { case "isLoopingEnabled": return true; } break; case "NSMenu": switch (selectorName) { case "appearance": case "setAppearance:": case "effectiveAppearance": if (!TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (12, TestRuntime.MinorXcode12APIMismatch)) return true; break; } break; case "NSQueryGenerationToken": // A test was added in monotouch tests to ensure the selector works switch (selectorName) { case "encodeWithCoder:": return true; } break; case "INSpeakableString": switch (selectorName) { case "initWithVocabularyIdentifier:spokenPhrase:pronunciationHint:": case "initWithIdentifier:spokenPhrase:pronunciationHint:": return true; } break; case "HMCharacteristicEvent": switch (selectorName) { case "copyWithZone:": case "mutableCopyWithZone:": // Added in Xcode9 (i.e. only 64 bits) so skip 32 bits return !TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (9,0); } break; case "MPSCnnConvolution": switch (selectorName) { case "initWithDevice:convolutionDescriptor:kernelWeights:biasTerms:flags:": return true; } break; case "MPSCnnFullyConnected": switch (selectorName) { case "initWithDevice:convolutionDescriptor:kernelWeights:biasTerms:flags:": return true; } break; case "MPSImageConversion": switch (selectorName) { case "initWithDevice:srcAlpha:destAlpha:backgroundColor:conversionInfo:": return true; } break; case "MPSImageDilate": switch (selectorName) { case "initWithDevice:kernelWidth:kernelHeight:values:": return true; } break; case "MPSImageGaussianPyramid": switch (selectorName) { case "initWithDevice:kernelWidth:kernelHeight:weights:": return true; } break; case "MPSImagePyramid": switch (selectorName) { case "initWithDevice:kernelWidth:kernelHeight:weights:": return true; } break; case "MPSImageSobel": switch (selectorName) { case "initWithDevice:linearGrayColorTransform:": return true; } break; case "MPSImageThresholdBinary": switch (selectorName) { case "initWithDevice:thresholdValue:maximumValue:linearGrayColorTransform:": return true; } break; case "MPSImageThresholdBinaryInverse": switch (selectorName) { case "initWithDevice:thresholdValue:maximumValue:linearGrayColorTransform:": return true; } break; case "MPSImageThresholdToZero": switch (selectorName) { case "initWithDevice:thresholdValue:linearGrayColorTransform:": return true; } break; case "MPSImageThresholdToZeroInverse": switch (selectorName) { case "initWithDevice:thresholdValue:linearGrayColorTransform:": return true; } break; case "MPSImageThresholdTruncate": switch (selectorName) { case "initWithDevice:thresholdValue:linearGrayColorTransform:": return true; } break; case "MPSCnnBinaryKernel": switch (selectorName) { // Xcode 9.4 removed both selectors from MPSCnnBinaryKernel, reported radar https://trello.com/c/7EAM0qk1 // but apple says this was intentional. case "kernelHeight": case "kernelWidth": return true; } break; case "MPSImageLaplacianPyramid": case "MPSImageLaplacianPyramidSubtract": case "MPSImageLaplacianPyramidAdd": switch (selectorName) { case "initWithDevice:kernelWidth:kernelHeight:weights:": return true; } break; case "CPMessageListItem": switch (selectorName) { case "initWithConversationIdentifier:text:leadingConfiguration:trailingConfiguration:detailText:trailingText:": case "initWithFullName:phoneOrEmailAddress:leadingConfiguration:trailingConfiguration:detailText:trailingText:": return true; } break; case "VNFaceLandmarkRegion": case "VNFaceLandmarks": case "PHLivePhoto": switch (selectorName) { case "copyWithZone:": case "encodeWithCoder:": case "requestRevision": // Conformance added in Xcode 11 if (!TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (11, 0)) return true; break; case "objectWithItemProviderData:typeIdentifier:error:": case "readableTypeIdentifiersForItemProvider": // Conformance added in Xcode 12 if (!TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (12, 0)) return true; break; } break; case "MPSNNNeuronDescriptor": case "MLDictionaryConstraint": case "MLFeatureDescription": case "MLImageConstraint": case "MLImageSize": case "MLImageSizeConstraint": case "MLModelConfiguration": case "MLModelDescription": case "MLMultiArrayConstraint": case "MLMultiArrayShapeConstraint": case "MLSequenceConstraint": switch (selectorName) { case "encodeWithCoder:": // Conformance added in Xcode 11 if (!TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (11, 0)) return true; break; } break; case "MLDictionaryFeatureProvider": case "MLMultiArray": case "MLFeatureValue": case "MLSequence": switch (selectorName) { case "encodeWithCoder:": if (!TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (12, TestRuntime.MinorXcode12APIMismatch)) return true; break; } break; case "BGTaskScheduler": switch (selectorName) { case "sharedScheduler": return true; } break; #if !__MACOS__ case "ARSkeletonDefinition": switch (selectorName) { case "indexForJointName:": case "defaultBody2DSkeletonDefinition": case "defaultBody3DSkeletonDefinition": // This selector does not exist in the simulator if (TestRuntime.IsSimulatorOrDesktop) return true; break; } break; #endif case "INParameter": switch (selectorName) { case "copyWithZone:": if (!TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (10, 0)) return true; break; } break; case "MTLCommandBufferDescriptor": switch (selectorName) { case "errorOptions": case "setErrorOptions:": case "retainedReferences": case "setRetainedReferences:": // iOS 15 sim (and macOS 12) fails, API added in 14.0 if (TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (13, 0)) return true; break; } break; case "NSTask": // category, NSTask won't respond -> @interface NSTask (NSTaskConveniences) if (selectorName == "waitUntilExit") return true; break; case "NSTextStorage": switch (selectorName) { // declared in a superclass, and implemented in a concrete subclass, so it doesn't show up during inspection of NSTextStorage itself. case "initWithString:": return true; } break; case "MPSImageDescriptor": switch (selectorName) { case "copyWithZone:": if (!TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (10, 0)) return true; break; } break; case "UIControl": #if __MACCATALYST__ switch (selectorName) { case "contextMenuInteraction:configurationForMenuAtLocation:": if (!TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (12, 0)) return true; break; } #endif break; case "UISceneConnectionOptions": #if __MACCATALYST__ switch (selectorName) { case "shortcutItem": if (!TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (12, 0)) return true; break; } #endif break; } // old binding mistake return (selectorName == "initWithCoder:"); } protected virtual bool CheckResponse (bool value, Type actualType, MethodBase method, ref string name) { if (value) return true; var mname = method.Name; // properties getter and setter will be methods in the _Extensions type if (method.IsSpecialName) mname = mname.Replace ("get_", "Get").Replace ("set_", "Set"); // it's possible that the selector was inlined for an OPTIONAL protocol member // we do not want those reported (too many false positives) and we have other tests to find such mistakes foreach (var intf in actualType.GetInterfaces ()) { if (intf.GetCustomAttributes () == null) continue; var ext = Type.GetType (intf.Namespace + "." + intf.Name.Remove (0, 1) + "_Extensions, " + intf.Assembly.FullName); if (ext == null) continue; foreach (var m in ext.GetMethods ()) { if (mname != m.Name) continue; var parameters = method.GetParameters (); var ext_params = m.GetParameters (); // first parameters is `this XXX This` if (parameters.Length == ext_params.Length - 1) { bool match = true; for (int i = 1; i < ext_params.Length; i++) { match |= (parameters [i - 1].ParameterType == ext_params [i].ParameterType); } if (match) return true; } } } name = actualType.FullName + " : " + name; return false; } static IntPtr responds_handle = Selector.GetHandle ("instancesRespondToSelector:"); [Test] public void Protocols () { Errors = 0; int n = 0; foreach (Type t in Assembly.GetTypes ()) { if (t.IsNested || !NSObjectType.IsAssignableFrom (t)) continue; foreach (object ca in t.GetCustomAttributes (false)) { if (ca is ProtocolAttribute) { foreach (var c in t.GetConstructors (BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)) { ProcessProtocolMember (t, c, ref n); } foreach (var m in t.GetMethods (BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)) { ProcessProtocolMember (t, m, ref n); } } } } Assert.AreEqual (0, Errors, "{0} errors found in {1} protocol selectors validated", Errors, n); } void ProcessProtocolMember (Type t, MethodBase m, ref int n) { if (SkipDueToAttribute (m)) return; foreach (object ca in m.GetCustomAttributes (true)) { ExportAttribute export = (ca as ExportAttribute); if (export == null) continue; string name = export.Selector; if (Skip (t, name)) continue; CheckInit (t, m, name); n++; } } protected virtual IntPtr GetClassForType (Type type) { var fi = type.GetField ("class_ptr", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static); if (fi == null) return IntPtr.Zero; // e.g. *Delegate #if NET return (NativeHandle) fi.GetValue (null); #else return (IntPtr) fi.GetValue (null); #endif } [Test] public void InstanceMethods () { Errors = 0; ErrorData.Clear (); int n = 0; foreach (Type t in Assembly.GetTypes ()) { if (t.IsNested || !NSObjectType.IsAssignableFrom (t)) continue; if (Skip (t) || SkipDueToAttribute (t)) continue; IntPtr class_ptr = GetClassForType (t); if (class_ptr == IntPtr.Zero) continue; foreach (var c in t.GetConstructors (BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)) { Process (class_ptr, t, c, ref n); } foreach (var m in t.GetMethods (BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)) { Process (class_ptr, t, m, ref n); } } Assert.AreEqual (0, Errors, "{0} errors found in {1} instance selector validated{2}", Errors, n, Errors == 0 ? string.Empty : ":\n" + ErrorData.ToString () + "\n"); } void Process (IntPtr class_ptr, Type t, MethodBase m, ref int n) { if (m.DeclaringType != t || SkipDueToAttribute (m)) return; foreach (object ca in m.GetCustomAttributes (true)) { ExportAttribute export = (ca as ExportAttribute); if (export == null) continue; string name = export.Selector; if (Skip (t, name)) continue; CheckInit (t, m, name); bool result = bool_objc_msgSend_IntPtr (class_ptr, responds_handle, Selector.GetHandle (name)); bool response = CheckResponse (result, t, m, ref name); if (!response) ReportError ("Selector not found for {0} in {1} on {2}", name, m, t.FullName); n++; } } void CheckInit (Type t, MethodBase m, string name) { if (SkipInit (name, m)) return; bool init = IsInitLike (name); if (m is ConstructorInfo) { if (!init) ReportError ("Selector {0} used on a constructor (not a method) on {1}", name, t.FullName); } else { if (init) ReportError ("Selector {0} used on a method (not a constructor) on {1}", name, t.FullName); } } bool IsInitLike (string selector) { if (!selector.StartsWith ("init", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return false; return selector.Length < 5 || Char.IsUpper (selector [4]); } protected virtual bool SkipInit (string selector, MethodBase m) { switch (selector) { // NSAttributedString case "initWithHTML:documentAttributes:": case "initWithRTF:documentAttributes:": case "initWithRTFD:documentAttributes:": case "initWithURL:options:documentAttributes:error:": case "initWithFileURL:options:documentAttributes:error:": // AVAudioRecorder case "initWithURL:settings:error:": case "initWithURL:format:error:": // NSUrlProtectionSpace case "initWithHost:port:protocol:realm:authenticationMethod:": case "initWithProxyHost:port:type:realm:authenticationMethod:": // NSUserDefaults case "initWithSuiteName:": case "initWithUser:": // GKScore case "initWithCategory:": case "initWithLeaderboardIdentifier:": // MCSession case "initWithPeer:securityIdentity:encryptionPreference:": // INSetProfileInCarIntent and INSaveProfileInCarIntent case "initWithProfileNumber:profileName:defaultProfile:": case "initWithProfileNumber:profileLabel:defaultProfile:": case "initWithProfileNumber:profileName:": case "initWithProfileNumber:profileLabel:": // MPSCnnBinaryConvolutionNode and MPSCnnBinaryFullyConnectedNode case "initWithSource:weights:outputBiasTerms:outputScaleTerms:inputBiasTerms:inputScaleTerms:type:flags:": // UISegmentedControl case "initWithItems:": // CLBeaconRegion case "initWithUUID:identifier:": case "initWithUUID:major:identifier:": case "initWithUUID:major:minor:identifier:": // Intents case "initWithPersonHandle:nameComponents:displayName:image:contactIdentifier:customIdentifier:isMe:suggestionType:": case "initWithPersonHandle:nameComponents:displayName:image:contactIdentifier:customIdentifier:isContactSuggestion:suggestionType:": // NEHotspotConfiguration case "initWithSSID:": case "initWithSSID:passphrase:isWEP:": case "initWithSSIDPrefix:": case "initWithSSIDPrefix:passphrase:isWEP:": // MapKit case "initWithMaxCenterCoordinateDistance:": case "initWithMinCenterCoordinateDistance:": case "initExcludingCategories:": case "initIncludingCategories:": // Vision case "initWithCenter:diameter:": case "initWithCenter:radius:": case "initWithR:theta:": // NSImage case "initWithDataIgnoringOrientation:": var mi = m as MethodInfo; return mi != null && !mi.IsPublic && mi.ReturnType.Name == "IntPtr"; // NSAppleEventDescriptor case "initListDescriptor": case "initRecordDescriptor": return true; default: return false; } } protected virtual void Dispose (NSObject obj, Type type) { obj.Dispose (); } // funny, this is how I envisioned the instance version... before hitting run :| protected virtual bool CheckStaticResponse (bool value, Type actualType, Type declaredType, ref string name) { if (value) return true; name = actualType.FullName + " : " + name; return false; } [Test] public void StaticMethods () { Errors = 0; ErrorData.Clear (); int n = 0; IntPtr responds_handle = Selector.GetHandle ("respondsToSelector:"); foreach (Type t in Assembly.GetTypes ()) { if (t.IsNested || !NSObjectType.IsAssignableFrom (t)) continue; if (Skip (t) || SkipDueToAttribute (t)) continue; FieldInfo fi = t.GetField ("class_ptr", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static); if (fi == null) continue; // e.g. *Delegate IntPtr class_ptr = (IntPtr) (NativeHandle) fi.GetValue (null); foreach (var m in t.GetMethods (BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static)) { if (SkipDueToAttribute (m)) continue; foreach (object ca in m.GetCustomAttributes (true)) { if (ca is ExportAttribute) { string name = (ca as ExportAttribute).Selector; if (Skip (t, name)) continue; bool result = bool_objc_msgSend_IntPtr (class_ptr, responds_handle, Selector.GetHandle (name)); bool response = CheckStaticResponse (result, t, m.DeclaringType, ref name); if (!response) ReportError (name); n++; } } } } Assert.AreEqual (0, Errors, "{0} errors found in {1} static selector validated{2}", Errors, n, Errors == 0 ? string.Empty : ":\n" + ErrorData.ToString () + "\n"); } } }