using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using Microsoft.Build.Framework; using Microsoft.Build.Utilities; using Xamarin.MacDev; using Xamarin.Localization.MSBuild; namespace Xamarin.MacDev.Tasks { public abstract class CompileEntitlementsTaskBase : Task { static readonly byte[] XcentMagic = { 0xfa, 0xde, 0x71, 0x71 }; bool warnedTeamIdentifierPrefix; bool warnedAppIdentifierPrefix; #region Inputs public string SessionId { get; set; } [Required] public string AppBundleDir { get; set; } [Required] public string AppIdentifier { get; set; } [Required] public string BundleIdentifier { get; set; } [Output] [Required] public ITaskItem CompiledEntitlements { get; set; } public string Entitlements { get; set; } [Required] public bool IsAppExtension { get; set; } public string ProvisioningProfile { get; set; } [Required] public string SdkPlatform { get; set; } [Required] public string SdkVersion { get; set; } #endregion protected abstract string ApplicationIdentifierKey { get; } protected abstract string DefaultEntitlementsPath { get; } protected abstract HashSet AllowedProvisioningKeys { get; } protected abstract string EntitlementBundlePath { get; } protected virtual bool MergeProfileEntitlements { get { return true; } } PString MergeEntitlementString (PString pstr, MobileProvision profile, bool expandWildcards) { string TeamIdentifierPrefix; string AppIdentifierPrefix; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (pstr.Value)) return (PString) pstr.Clone (); if (profile == null) { if (!warnedTeamIdentifierPrefix && pstr.Value.Contains ("$(TeamIdentifierPrefix)")) { Log.LogWarning (null, null, null, Entitlements, 0, 0, 0, 0, MSBStrings.W0108); warnedTeamIdentifierPrefix = true; } if (!warnedAppIdentifierPrefix && pstr.Value.Contains ("$(AppIdentifierPrefix)")) { Log.LogWarning (null, null, null, Entitlements, 0, 0, 0, 0, MSBStrings.W0109); warnedAppIdentifierPrefix = true; } } if (profile != null && profile.ApplicationIdentifierPrefix.Count > 0) AppIdentifierPrefix = profile.ApplicationIdentifierPrefix[0] + "."; else AppIdentifierPrefix = string.Empty; if (profile != null && profile.TeamIdentifierPrefix.Count > 0) TeamIdentifierPrefix = profile.TeamIdentifierPrefix[0] + "."; else TeamIdentifierPrefix = AppIdentifierPrefix; var customTags = new Dictionary (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) { { "TeamIdentifierPrefix", TeamIdentifierPrefix }, { "AppIdentifierPrefix", AppIdentifierPrefix }, { "CFBundleIdentifier", BundleIdentifier }, }; var expanded = StringParserService.Parse (pstr.Value, customTags); if (expandWildcards && expanded.IndexOf ('*') != -1) { int asterisk = expanded.IndexOf ('*'); string prefix; if (expanded.StartsWith (TeamIdentifierPrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal)) prefix = TeamIdentifierPrefix; else if (expanded.StartsWith (AppIdentifierPrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal)) prefix = AppIdentifierPrefix; else prefix = string.Empty; var baseBundleIdentifier = expanded.Substring (prefix.Length, asterisk - prefix.Length); if (!BundleIdentifier.StartsWith (baseBundleIdentifier, StringComparison.Ordinal)) expanded = expanded.Replace ("*", BundleIdentifier); else expanded = prefix + BundleIdentifier; } return new PString (expanded); } PArray MergeEntitlementArray (PArray array, MobileProvision profile) { var result = new PArray (); foreach (var item in array) { PObject value; if (item is PDictionary) value = MergeEntitlementDictionary ((PDictionary) item, profile); else if (item is PString) value = MergeEntitlementString ((PString) item, profile, false); else if (item is PArray) value = MergeEntitlementArray ((PArray) item, profile); else value = item.Clone (); if (value != null) result.Add (value); } if (result.Count > 0) return result; return null; } PDictionary MergeEntitlementDictionary (PDictionary dict, MobileProvision profile) { var result = new PDictionary (); foreach (var item in dict) { PObject value = item.Value; if (value is PDictionary) value = MergeEntitlementDictionary ((PDictionary) value, profile); else if (value is PString) value = MergeEntitlementString ((PString) value, profile, false); else if (value is PArray) value = MergeEntitlementArray ((PArray) value, profile); else value = value.Clone (); if (value != null) result.Add (item.Key, value); } return result; } static bool AreEqual (byte[] x, byte[] y) { if (x.Length != y.Length) return false; for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++) { if (x[i] != y[i]) return false; } return true; } static void WriteXcent (PObject doc, string path) { var buf = doc.ToByteArray (false); using (var stream = new MemoryStream ()) { if (AppleSdkSettings.XcodeVersion < new Version (4, 4, 1)) { // write the xcent file with the magic header, length, and the plist var length = Mono.DataConverter.BigEndian.GetBytes ((uint) buf.Length + 8); // 8 = magic.length + magicLen.Length stream.Write (XcentMagic, 0, XcentMagic.Length); stream.Write (length, 0, length.Length); } stream.Write (buf, 0, buf.Length); var src = stream.ToArray (); bool save; // Note: if the destination file already exists, only re-write it if the content will change if (File.Exists (path)) { var dest = File.ReadAllBytes (path); save = !AreEqual (src, dest); } else { save = true; } if (save) File.WriteAllBytes (path, src); } } protected virtual PDictionary GetCompiledEntitlements (MobileProvision profile, PDictionary template) { var entitlements = new PDictionary (); if (profile != null && MergeProfileEntitlements) { // start off with the settings from the provisioning profile foreach (var item in profile.Entitlements) { if (!AllowedProvisioningKeys.Contains (item.Key)) continue; var value = item.Value; if (item.Key == "") value = new PString ("Development"); else if (value is PDictionary) value = MergeEntitlementDictionary ((PDictionary) value, profile); else if (value is PString) value = MergeEntitlementString ((PString) value, profile, item.Key == ApplicationIdentifierKey); else if (value is PArray) value = MergeEntitlementArray ((PArray) value, profile); else value = value.Clone (); if (value != null) entitlements.Add (item.Key, value); } } // merge in the user's values foreach (var item in template) { var value = item.Value; if (item.Key == "" || item.Key == "" || item.Key == "" || item.Key == "") { if (profile == null) Log.LogWarning (null, null, null, Entitlements, 0, 0, 0, 0, MSBStrings.W0110, item.Key); else if (!profile.Entitlements.ContainsKey (item.Key)) Log.LogWarning (null, null, null, Entitlements, 0, 0, 0, 0, MSBStrings.W0111, item.Key); } else if (item.Key == ApplicationIdentifierKey) { var str = value as PString; // Ignore ONLY if it is empty, otherwise take the user's value if (str == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty (str.Value)) continue; } if (value is PDictionary) value = MergeEntitlementDictionary ((PDictionary) value, profile); else if (value is PString) value = MergeEntitlementString ((PString) value, profile, item.Key == ApplicationIdentifierKey); else if (value is PArray) value = MergeEntitlementArray ((PArray) value, profile); else value = value.Clone (); if (value != null) entitlements[item.Key] = value; } return entitlements; } static PDictionary GetArchivedExpandedEntitlements (PDictionary template, PDictionary compiled) { var allowed = new HashSet (); // the template (user-supplied Entitlements.plist file) is used to create a whitelist of keys allowed.Add (""); foreach (var item in template) allowed.Add (item.Key); // now we duplicate the allowed keys from the compiled xcent file var archived = new PDictionary (); foreach (var item in compiled) { if (allowed.Contains (item.Key)) archived.Add (item.Key, item.Value.Clone ()); } return archived; } protected virtual MobileProvision GetMobileProvision (MobileProvisionPlatform platform, string name) { return MobileProvisionIndex.GetMobileProvision (platform, name); } public override bool Execute () { MobileProvisionPlatform platform; MobileProvision profile; PDictionary template; PDictionary compiled; PDictionary archived; string path; bool save; switch (SdkPlatform) { case "AppleTVSimulator": case "AppleTVOS": platform = MobileProvisionPlatform.tvOS; break; case "iPhoneSimulator": case "WatchSimulator": case "iPhoneOS": case "WatchOS": platform = MobileProvisionPlatform.iOS; break; case "MacOSX": platform = MobileProvisionPlatform.MacOS; break; default: Log.LogError ("Unknown SDK platform: {0}", SdkPlatform); return false; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (ProvisioningProfile)) { if ((profile = GetMobileProvision (platform, ProvisioningProfile)) == null) { Log.LogError (MSBStrings.E0049, ProvisioningProfile); return false; } } else { profile = null; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Entitlements)) { if (!File.Exists (Entitlements)) { Log.LogError (MSBStrings.E0112, Entitlements); return false; } path = Entitlements; } else { path = DefaultEntitlementsPath; } try { template = PDictionary.FromFile (path); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.LogError (MSBStrings.E0113, path, ex.Message); return false; } compiled = GetCompiledEntitlements (profile, template); archived = GetArchivedExpandedEntitlements (template, compiled); try { Directory.CreateDirectory (Path.GetDirectoryName (CompiledEntitlements.ItemSpec)); WriteXcent (compiled, CompiledEntitlements.ItemSpec); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.LogError (MSBStrings.E0114, CompiledEntitlements, ex.Message); return false; } path = Path.Combine (EntitlementBundlePath, "archived-expanded-entitlements.xcent"); if (File.Exists (path)) { var plist = PDictionary.FromFile (path); var src = archived.ToXml (); var dest = plist.ToXml (); save = src != dest; } else { save = true; } if (save) { try { archived.Save (path, true); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.LogError (MSBStrings.E0115, ex.Message); return false; } } return !Log.HasLoggedErrors; } } }