## deprecated in iOS 10, not on macOS !missing-selector! MPMediaItemArtwork::imageCropRect not bound ## protocol without availability - the only member is marked as not available to macOS !missing-protocol! MPSystemMusicPlayerController not bound ## field added in xcode 12 b1 - but not marked as available on macOS and already deprecated on iOS !missing-field! MPMediaPlaybackIsPreparedToPlayDidChangeNotification not bound ## unsorted !unknown-type! MPMediaItem bound # Initial result from new rule missing-null-allowed !missing-null-allowed! 'System.Void MediaPlayer.MPContentItem::set_Artwork(MediaPlayer.MPMediaItemArtwork)' is missing an [NullAllowed] on parameter #0 !missing-null-allowed! 'System.Void MediaPlayer.MPContentItem::set_Subtitle(System.String)' is missing an [NullAllowed] on parameter #0 !missing-null-allowed! 'System.Void MediaPlayer.MPContentItem::set_Title(System.String)' is missing an [NullAllowed] on parameter #0