using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; static class C { [Flags] enum Architecture { None = 0, Sim32 = 1, Sim64 = 2, Arm32 = 4, Armv7k = 8, // Arm64 is never stret } // X86: structs > 8 + structs with 3 members. // X64: structs > 16 // ARM32: all structs, except those matching an integral platform type (i.e. a struct with a single int, but not a struct with a single float). // ARM64: never // armv7k: > 16, except homogeneous types with no more than 4 elements (i.e. structs with 3 or 4 doubles). // the numbers below are bitmasks of Architecture values. static string [] structs_and_stret = { /* integral types */ "c:0", "cc:4", "ccc:5", "cccc:4", "s:0", "ss:4", "sss:5", "ssss:4", "i:0", "ii:4", "iii:5", "iiii:5", "iiiii:15", "l:4", "ll:5", "lll:15", "llll:15", "lllll:15", /* floating point types */ "f:4", "ff:4", "fff:5", "ffff:5", "fffff:15", "d:4", "dd:5", "ddd:7", "dddd:7", "ddddd:15", /* mixed types */ "if:4", "fi:4", // 8 bytes "iff:5", // 12 bytes "iiff:5", // 16 bytes "id:5", "di:5", // 16 bytes "iid:5", // 16 bytes "idi:15", // 16 bytes on i386 and 24 bytes on x86_64 (due to alignment) "ddi:15", // 24 bytes "didi:15", // 24 bytes on 32-bit arch, 32 bytes on 64-bit arch "idid:15", // 24 bytes on 32-bit arch, 32 bytes on 64-bit arch "dldl:15", "ldld:15", "fifi:5", "ifif:5", }; static string [] structs = structs_and_stret.Select ((v) => v.IndexOf (':') >= 0 ? v.Substring (0, v.IndexOf (':')) : v).ToArray (); static Architecture [] strets = structs_and_stret.Select ((v) => v.IndexOf (':') >= 0 ? (Architecture) int.Parse (v.Substring (v.IndexOf (':') + 1)) : Architecture.None).ToArray (); static string GetNativeName (char t) { switch (t) { case 'f': return "float"; case 'd': return "double"; case 'c': return "char"; case 's': return "short"; case 'i': return "int"; case 'l': return "long long"; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } } static string GetManagedName (char t) { switch (t) { case 'f': return "float"; case 'd': return "double"; case 'c': return "byte"; case 's': return "short"; case 'i': return "int"; case 'l': return "long"; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } } static string GetValue (char t, int i, int multiplier = 1) { switch (t) { case 'c': case 's': case 'i': case 'l': return ((i + 1) * multiplier).ToString (); case 'f': return (3.14f * (i + 1) * multiplier) + "f"; case 'd': return (1.23f * (i + 1) * multiplier).ToString (); default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } } static void WriteLibTestStructH () { var w = new StringBuilder (); foreach (var s in structs) { w.Append ($"struct S{s} {{ "); for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) { w.Append (GetNativeName (s [i])).Append (" x").Append (i).Append ("; "); } w.AppendLine ($"}} S{s};"); } File.WriteAllText ("libtest.structs.h", w.ToString ()); } static void WriteLibTestDecompileM () { var w = new StringBuilder (); // This is code to be disassembled to see how it's compiled by clang // to see if a particular structure is using objc_msgSend_stret or not. // // To disassemble: // otool -vVt .libs/ios/libtest.armv7.o // // Then in the _decompile_me output, look for the _____* function call, // matching the structure you want to check, and then backtrack until // you see either an objc_msgSend or objc_msgSend_stret call, and you // have your answer. #if false w.AppendLine ("extern \"C\" {"); foreach (var s in structs) w.AppendLine ($"void _____________________________________{s} (struct S{s} x) __attribute__ ((optnone)) {{ }}"); w.AppendLine ("void decompile_me () __attribute__ ((optnone))"); w.AppendLine ("{"); w.AppendLine ("\tObjCRegistrarTest *obj = NULL;"); foreach (var s in structs) { w.AppendLine ($"\t_____________________________________{s} ([obj PS{s}]);"); } w.AppendLine ("}"); w.AppendLine ("}"); #endif File.WriteAllText ("libtest.decompile.m", w.ToString ()); } static void WriteLibTestPropertiesH () { var w = new StringBuilder (); foreach (var s in structs) w.AppendLine ($"\t@property struct S{s} PS{s};"); File.WriteAllText ("", w.ToString ()); } static void WriteApiDefinition () { var w = new StringBuilder (); w.AppendLine (@"using System; #if !__WATCHOS__ using System.Drawing; #endif #if __UNIFIED__ using ObjCRuntime; using Foundation; using UIKit; #else using MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime; using MonoTouch.Foundation; using MonoTouch.UIKit; #endif namespace Bindings.Test { partial interface ObjCRegistrarTest { "); foreach (var s in structs) { w.AppendLine ($"\t\t[Export (\"PS{s}\")]"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\tS{s} PS{s} {{ get; set; }}"); w.AppendLine (); } w.AppendLine (@" } }"); File.WriteAllText ("../bindings-test/ApiDefinition.generated.cs", w.ToString ()); } static void WriteStructsAndEnums () { var w = new StringBuilder (); w.AppendLine (@"using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; #if !__UNIFIED__ using nint=System.Int32; #endif namespace Bindings.Test { "); foreach (var s in structs) { w.AppendLine ($"\tpublic struct S{s} {{ "); w.Append ("\t\t"); for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) { w.Append ("public ").Append (GetManagedName (s [i])).Append (" x").Append (i).Append ("; "); } w.AppendLine (); w.Append ($"\t\tpublic override string ToString () {{ return $\"S{s} ["); for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) { w.Append ("{x").Append (i).Append ("};"); } w.Length--; w.AppendLine ("]\"; } "); w.AppendLine ("\t}"); w.AppendLine (); } w.AppendLine (@"}"); File.WriteAllText ("../bindings-test/StructsAndEnums.generated.cs", w.ToString ()); } static void WriteRegistrarTests () { var w = new StringBuilder (); w.AppendLine (@" #if XAMCORE_2_0 using Foundation; using ObjCRuntime; using MonoTouchException=ObjCRuntime.RuntimeException; using NativeException=Foundation.MonoTouchException; #else using MonoTouch; using MonoTouch.Foundation; using MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime; using MonoTouchException=MonoTouch.RuntimeException; using NativeException=MonoTouch.Foundation.MonoTouchException; #endif using NUnit.Framework; using Bindings.Test; using XamarinTests.ObjCRuntime; namespace MonoTouchFixtures.ObjCRuntime { [TestFixture] [Preserve (AllMembers = true)] public class RegistrarTestGenerated {"); foreach (var s in structs) { w.AppendLine ("\t\t[Test]"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\tpublic void Test_{s} ()"); w.AppendLine ("\t\t{"); w.AppendLine ("\t\t\tusing (var tc = new ObjCRegistrarTest ()) {"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\tvar s = tc.PS{s};"); for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\tAssert.AreEqual (0, s.x{i}, \"pre-#{i}\");"); w.Append ($"\t\t\t\tvar k = new S{s} () {{ "); for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) w.Append ($"x{i} = ").Append (GetValue (s [i], i)).Append (", "); w.Length -= 2; w.AppendLine ("};"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\ttc.PS{s} = k;"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\ts = tc.PS{s};"); for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\tAssert.AreEqual (k.x{i}, s.x{i}, \"post-#{i}\");"); w.AppendLine ("\t\t\t}"); w.AppendLine ("\t\t}"); w.AppendLine (); } w.AppendLine (@" } }"); File.WriteAllText ("../monotouch-test/ObjCRuntime/RegistrarTest.generated.cs", w.ToString ()); } static void WriteTrampolineTests () { var w = new StringBuilder (); w.AppendLine (@" using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; #if XAMCORE_2_0 using Foundation; using ObjCRuntime; #else using MonoTouch; using MonoTouch.Foundation; using MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime; #endif using NUnit.Framework; using Bindings.Test; using XamarinTests.ObjCRuntime; namespace MonoTouchFixtures.ObjCRuntime { [TestFixture] [Preserve (AllMembers = true)] public class TrampolineTestGenerated {"); w.AppendLine ("\t\tconst string LIBOBJC_DYLIB = \"/usr/lib/libobjc.dylib\";"); w.AppendLine (); w.AppendLine ("\t\t[Register (\"GeneratedStretTrampolines\")]"); w.AppendLine ("\t\t[Preserve (AllMembers = true)]"); w.AppendLine ("\t\tpublic class GeneratedStretTrampolines : NSObject {"); foreach (var s in structs) { w.AppendLine (); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t// {s}"); w.AppendLine (); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t[Export (\"Test_{s}Struct\")]"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\tS{s} Test_{s}Struct ()"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t{{"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\treturn {GenerateNewExpression (s, 1)};"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t}}"); w.AppendLine (); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t[Export (\"Test_Static{s}Struct\")]"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\tstatic S{s} Test_Static{s}Struct ()"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t{{"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\treturn {GenerateNewExpression (s, 2)};"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t}}"); w.AppendLine (); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\tS{s} Test_{s}StructProperty {{"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\t[Export (\"Test_{s}StructProperty\")]"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\tget {{ return {GenerateNewExpression (s, 3)}; }}"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t}}"); w.AppendLine (); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\tstatic S{s} Test_Static{s}StructProperty {{"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\t[Export (\"Test_Static{s}StructProperty\")]"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\tget {{ return {GenerateNewExpression (s, 4)}; }}"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t}}"); w.AppendLine (); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t[Export (\"Test_{s}Struct_out_double:\")]"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\tS{s} Test_{s}Struct (out double x0)"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t{{"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\tx0 = 3.14;"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\treturn {GenerateNewExpression (s, 5)};"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t}}"); w.AppendLine (); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t[Export (\"Test_Static{s}Struct_out_float:\")]"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\tstatic S{s} Test_Static{s}Struct (out float x0)"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t{{"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\tx0 = 3.15f;"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\treturn {GenerateNewExpression (s, 6)};"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t}}"); } w.AppendLine ("\t\t}"); foreach (var s in structs) { if (s.Length == 1 || s.Contains ('c')) continue; // our trampolines don't currently like structs with a single member, nor char members bool never; w.AppendLine (); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t[Test]"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\tpublic void Test_{s} ()"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t{{"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\tIntPtr class_ptr = Class.GetHandle (typeof (GeneratedStretTrampolines));"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\tS{s} rv = new S{s} ();"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\tdouble rvd;"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\tfloat rvf;"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\tusing (var obj = new GeneratedStretTrampolines ()) {{"); WriteStretConditions (w, s, out never); if (never) { w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\trv = S{s}_objc_msgSend (obj.Handle, new Selector (\"Test_{s}Struct\").Handle);"); } else { w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\t\tS{s}_objc_msgSend_stret (out rv, obj.Handle, new Selector (\"Test_{s}Struct\").Handle);"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\t}} else {{"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\t\trv = S{s}_objc_msgSend (obj.Handle, new Selector (\"Test_{s}Struct\").Handle);"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\t}}"); } w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\tAssert.AreEqual (({GenerateNewExpression (s, 1)}).ToString (), rv.ToString (), \"a\");"); w.AppendLine (); WriteStretConditions (w, s, out never); if (never) { w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\trv = S{s}_objc_msgSend (class_ptr, new Selector (\"Test_Static{s}Struct\").Handle);"); } else { w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\t\tS{s}_objc_msgSend_stret (out rv, class_ptr, new Selector (\"Test_Static{s}Struct\").Handle);"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\t}} else {{"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\t\trv = S{s}_objc_msgSend (class_ptr, new Selector (\"Test_Static{s}Struct\").Handle);"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\t}}"); } w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\tAssert.AreEqual (({GenerateNewExpression (s, 2)}).ToString (), rv.ToString (), \"a\");"); w.AppendLine (); WriteStretConditions (w, s, out never); if (never) { w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\trv = S{s}_objc_msgSend (obj.Handle, new Selector (\"Test_{s}StructProperty\").Handle);"); } else { w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\t\tS{s}_objc_msgSend_stret (out rv, obj.Handle, new Selector (\"Test_{s}StructProperty\").Handle);"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\t}} else {{"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\t\trv = S{s}_objc_msgSend (obj.Handle, new Selector (\"Test_{s}StructProperty\").Handle);"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\t}}"); } w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\tAssert.AreEqual (({GenerateNewExpression (s, 3)}).ToString (), rv.ToString (), \"a\");"); w.AppendLine (); WriteStretConditions (w, s, out never); if (never) { w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\trv = S{s}_objc_msgSend (class_ptr, new Selector (\"Test_Static{s}StructProperty\").Handle);"); } else { w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\t\tS{s}_objc_msgSend_stret (out rv, class_ptr, new Selector (\"Test_Static{s}StructProperty\").Handle);"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\t}} else {{"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\t\trv = S{s}_objc_msgSend (class_ptr, new Selector (\"Test_Static{s}StructProperty\").Handle);"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\t}}"); } w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\tAssert.AreEqual (({GenerateNewExpression (s, 4)}).ToString (), rv.ToString (), \"a\");"); w.AppendLine (); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\trvd = 0;"); WriteStretConditions (w, s, out never); if (never) { w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\trv = S{s}_objc_msgSend_out_double (obj.Handle, new Selector (\"Test_{s}Struct_out_double:\").Handle, out rvd);"); } else { w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\t\tS{s}_objc_msgSend_stret_out_double (out rv, obj.Handle, new Selector (\"Test_{s}Struct_out_double:\").Handle, out rvd);"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\t}} else {{"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\t\trv = S{s}_objc_msgSend_out_double (obj.Handle, new Selector (\"Test_{s}Struct_out_double:\").Handle, out rvd);"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\t}}"); } w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\tAssert.AreEqual (({GenerateNewExpression (s, 5)}).ToString (), rv.ToString (), \"a\");"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\tAssert.AreEqual (3.14, rvd, \"double out\");"); w.AppendLine (); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\trvf = 0;"); WriteStretConditions (w, s, out never); if (never) { w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\trv = S{s}_objc_msgSend_out_float (class_ptr, new Selector (\"Test_Static{s}Struct_out_float:\").Handle, out rvf);"); } else { w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\t\tS{s}_objc_msgSend_stret_out_float (out rv, class_ptr, new Selector (\"Test_Static{s}Struct_out_float:\").Handle, out rvf);"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\t}} else {{"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\t\trv = S{s}_objc_msgSend_out_float (class_ptr, new Selector (\"Test_Static{s}Struct_out_float:\").Handle, out rvf);"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\t}}"); } w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\tAssert.AreEqual (({GenerateNewExpression (s, 6)}).ToString (), rv.ToString (), \"a\");"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t\tAssert.AreEqual (3.15f, rvf, \"float out\");"); w.AppendLine (); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t\t}}"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t}}"); // objc_msgSend variants w.AppendLine (); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t[DllImport (LIBOBJC_DYLIB, EntryPoint=\"objc_msgSend\")]"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\textern static S{s} S{s}_objc_msgSend (IntPtr received, IntPtr selector);"); w.AppendLine (); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t[DllImport (LIBOBJC_DYLIB, EntryPoint=\"objc_msgSend\")]"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\textern static S{s} S{s}_objc_msgSend_out_float (IntPtr received, IntPtr selector, out float x1);"); w.AppendLine (); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t[DllImport (LIBOBJC_DYLIB, EntryPoint=\"objc_msgSend\")]"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\textern static S{s} S{s}_objc_msgSend_out_double (IntPtr received, IntPtr selector, out double x1);"); w.AppendLine (); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t[DllImport (LIBOBJC_DYLIB, EntryPoint=\"objc_msgSend_stret\")]"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\textern static void S{s}_objc_msgSend_stret (out S{s} rv, IntPtr received, IntPtr selector);"); w.AppendLine (); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t[DllImport (LIBOBJC_DYLIB, EntryPoint=\"objc_msgSend_stret\")]"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\textern static void S{s}_objc_msgSend_stret_out_float (out S{s} rv, IntPtr received, IntPtr selector, out float x1);"); w.AppendLine (); w.AppendLine ($"\t\t[DllImport (LIBOBJC_DYLIB, EntryPoint=\"objc_msgSend_stret\")]"); w.AppendLine ($"\t\textern static void S{s}_objc_msgSend_stret_out_double (out S{s} rv, IntPtr received, IntPtr selector, out double x1);"); } w.AppendLine (@" } }"); File.WriteAllText ("../monotouch-test/ObjCRuntime/TrampolineTest.generated.cs", w.ToString ()); } static void WriteStretConditions (StringBuilder w, string s, out bool never) { var stret = strets [Array.IndexOf (structs, s)]; if (stret == Architecture.None) { never = true; } else { never = false; w.Append ("\t\t\t\tif ("); if ((stret & Architecture.Arm32) == Architecture.Arm32) w.Append ("TrampolineTest.IsArm32 || "); if ((stret & Architecture.Armv7k) == Architecture.Armv7k) w.Append ("TrampolineTest.IsArmv7k || "); if ((stret & Architecture.Sim32) == Architecture.Sim32) w.Append ("TrampolineTest.IsSim32 || "); if ((stret & Architecture.Sim64) == Architecture.Sim64) w.Append ("TrampolineTest.IsSim64 || "); w.Length -= 4; w.AppendLine (") {"); } } static string GenerateNewExpression (string s, int multiplier = 1) { var sb = new StringBuilder (); sb.Append ($"new S{s} () {{ "); for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) sb.Append ("x").Append (i).Append (" = ").Append (GetValue (s [i], i, multiplier)).Append (", "); sb.Length -= 2; sb.Append (" }"); return sb.ToString (); } static void Main () { while (Path.GetFileName (Environment.CurrentDirectory) != "test-libraries") Environment.CurrentDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName (Environment.CurrentDirectory); /* native code */ WriteLibTestStructH (); WriteLibTestDecompileM (); WriteLibTestPropertiesH (); /* binding code */ WriteApiDefinition (); WriteStructsAndEnums (); /* tests */ WriteRegistrarTests (); WriteTrampolineTests (); Console.WriteLine ("Generated test files"); } }