using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using Xamarin.Tests; namespace Xamarin { public enum MTouchAction { None, BuildDev, BuildSim, LaunchSim, } public enum MTouchLinker { Unspecified, LinkAll, LinkSdk, DontLink, } public enum MTouchRegistrar { Unspecified, Dynamic, Static, } [Flags] enum I18N { None = 0, CJK = 1, MidEast = 2, Other = 4, Rare = 8, West = 16, All = CJK | MidEast | Other | Rare | West, Base } class MTouchTool : Tool, IDisposable { public const string None = "None"; #pragma warning disable 649 // These map directly to mtouch options public int Verbosity; public string SdkRoot; public bool? NoSign; public bool? Debug; public bool? FastDev; public bool? Dlsym; public string Sdk; public string TargetVer; public string [] References; public string Executable; public string TargetFramework; public string Abi; public string AppPath; public string Cache; public string Device; // --device public MTouchLinker Linker; public bool? NoFastSim; public MTouchRegistrar Registrar; public I18N I18N; public bool? Extension; public List AppExtensions = new List (); public List Frameworks = new List (); public string HttpMessageHandler; public bool? PackageMdb; public bool? MSym; #pragma warning restore 649 // These are a bit smarter public Profile Profile = Profile.iOS; public bool NoPlatformAssemblyReference; static XmlDocument device_list_cache; public string [] CustomArguments; // Sometimes you want to pass invalid arguments to mtouch, in this case this array is used. No processing will be done, if quotes are required, they must be added to the arguments in the array. public class DeviceInfo { public string UDID; public string Name; public string CompanionIdentifier; public string DeviceClass; public DeviceInfo Companion; } string GetVerbosity () { if (Verbosity == 0) { return string.Empty; } else if (Verbosity > 0) { return new string ('-', Verbosity).Replace ("-", "-v "); } else { return new string ('-', -Verbosity).Replace ("-", "-q "); } } public int LaunchOnDevice (DeviceInfo device, string appPath, bool waitForUnlock, bool waitForExit) { return Execute ("--devname \"{0}\" --launchdev \"{1}\" --sdkroot \"{2}\" --wait-for-unlock:{3} --wait-for-exit:{4} {5}", device.Name, appPath, Configuration.xcode_root, waitForUnlock ? "yes" : "no", waitForExit ? "yes" : "no", GetVerbosity ()); } public int InstallOnDevice (DeviceInfo device, string appPath, string devicetype = null) { return Execute ("--devname \"{0}\" --installdev \"{1}\" --sdkroot \"{2}\" {3} {4}", device.Name, appPath, Configuration.xcode_root, GetVerbosity (), devicetype == null ? string.Empty : "--device " + devicetype); } public int Execute (MTouchAction action) { return Execute (BuildArguments (action)); } public void AssertExecute (MTouchAction action, string message = null) { NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual (0, Execute (action), message); } public void AssertExecuteFailure (MTouchAction action, string message = null) { NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual (1, Execute (action), message); } string BuildArguments (MTouchAction action) { var sb = new StringBuilder (); var isDevice = false; switch (action) { case MTouchAction.None: break; case MTouchAction.BuildDev: MTouch.AssertDeviceAvailable (); if (AppPath == null) throw new Exception ("No AppPath specified."); isDevice = true; sb.Append (" --dev ").Append (MTouch.Quote (AppPath)); break; case MTouchAction.BuildSim: isDevice = false; if (AppPath == null) throw new Exception ("No AppPath specified."); sb.Append (" --sim ").Append (MTouch.Quote (AppPath)); break; case MTouchAction.LaunchSim: isDevice = false; if (AppPath == null) throw new Exception ("No AppPath specified."); sb.Append (" --launchsim ").Append (MTouch.Quote (AppPath)); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } if (SdkRoot == None) { // do nothing } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (SdkRoot)) { sb.Append (" --sdkroot ").Append (MTouch.Quote (SdkRoot)); } else { sb.Append (" --sdkroot ").Append (MTouch.Quote (Configuration.xcode_root)); } sb.Append (" ").Append (GetVerbosity ()); if (Sdk == None) { // do nothing } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Sdk)) { sb.Append (" --sdk ").Append (Sdk); } else { sb.Append (" --sdk ").Append (MTouch.GetSdkVersion (Profile)); } if (TargetVer == None) { // do nothing } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (TargetVer)) { sb.Append (" --targetver ").Append (TargetVer); } if (Debug.HasValue && Debug.Value) sb.Append (" --debug"); if (FastDev.HasValue && FastDev.Value) sb.Append (" --fastdev"); if (PackageMdb.HasValue) sb.Append (" --package-mdb:").Append (PackageMdb.Value ? "true" : "false"); if (MSym.HasValue) sb.Append (" --msym:").Append (MSym.Value ? "true" : "false"); if (Extension == true) sb.Append (" --extension"); foreach (var appext in AppExtensions) sb.Append (" --app-extension ").Append (MTouch.Quote (appext)); foreach (var framework in Frameworks) sb.Append (" --framework ").Append (MTouch.Quote (framework)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (HttpMessageHandler)) sb.Append (" --http-message-handler=").Append (MTouch.Quote (HttpMessageHandler)); if (Dlsym.HasValue) sb.Append (" --dlsym:").Append (Dlsym.Value ? "true" : "false"); if (References != null) { foreach (var r in References) sb.Append (" -r:").Append (MTouch.Quote (r)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Executable)) sb.Append (" ").Append (MTouch.Quote (Executable)); if (TargetFramework == None) { // do nothing } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (TargetFramework)) { sb.Append (" --target-framework ").Append (TargetFramework); } else if (!NoPlatformAssemblyReference) { // make the implicit default the way tests have been running until now, and at the same time the very minimum to make apps build. switch (Profile) { case Profile.iOS: sb.Append (" -r:").Append (MTouch.Quote (Configuration.XamarinIOSDll)); break; case Profile.tvOS: case Profile.watchOS: sb.Append (" --target-framework ").Append (MTouch.GetTargetFramework (Profile)); sb.Append (" -r:").Append (MTouch.Quote (MTouch.GetBaseLibrary (Profile))); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Abi)) { sb.Append (" --abi ").Append (Abi); } else { switch (Profile) { case Profile.iOS: break; // not required case Profile.tvOS: sb.Append (isDevice ? " --abi arm64" : " --abi x86_64"); break; case Profile.watchOS: sb.Append (isDevice ? " --abi armv7k" : " --abi i386"); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } } switch (Linker) { case MTouchLinker.LinkAll: case MTouchLinker.Unspecified: break; case MTouchLinker.DontLink: sb.Append (" --nolink"); break; case MTouchLinker.LinkSdk: sb.Append (" --linksdkonly"); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } if (NoFastSim.HasValue && NoFastSim.Value) sb.Append (" --nofastsim"); switch (Registrar) { case MTouchRegistrar.Unspecified: break; case MTouchRegistrar.Dynamic: sb.Append (" --registrar:dynamic"); break; case MTouchRegistrar.Static: sb.Append (" --registrar:static"); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } if (I18N != I18N.None) { sb.Append (" --i18n "); int count = 0; if ((I18N & I18N.CJK) == I18N.CJK) sb.Append (count++ == 0 ? string.Empty : ",").Append ("cjk"); if ((I18N & I18N.MidEast) == I18N.MidEast) sb.Append (count++ == 0 ? string.Empty : ",").Append ("mideast"); if ((I18N & I18N.Other) == I18N.Other) sb.Append (count++ == 0 ? string.Empty : ",").Append ("other"); if ((I18N & I18N.Rare) == I18N.Rare) sb.Append (count++ == 0 ? string.Empty : ",").Append ("rare"); if ((I18N & I18N.West) == I18N.West) sb.Append (count++ == 0 ? string.Empty : ",").Append ("west"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Cache)) sb.Append (" --cache ").Append (MTouch.Quote (Cache)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Device)) sb.Append (" --device:").Append (MTouch.Quote (Device)); if (CustomArguments != null) { foreach (var arg in CustomArguments) { sb.Append (" ").Append (arg); } } return sb.ToString (); } XmlDocument FetchDeviceList (bool allowCache = true) { if (device_list_cache == null || !allowCache) { var output_file = Path.GetTempFileName (); try { if (Execute ("--listdev:{1} --sdkroot {0} --output-format xml", Configuration.xcode_root, output_file) != 0) throw new Exception ("Failed to list devices."); device_list_cache = new XmlDocument (); device_list_cache.Load (output_file); } finally { File.Delete (output_file); } } return device_list_cache; } public List ListDevices () { var rv = new List (); foreach (XmlNode node in FetchDeviceList ().SelectNodes ("//MTouch/Device")) { rv.Add (new DeviceInfo () { UDID = node.SelectSingleNode ("UDID")?.InnerText, Name = node.SelectSingleNode ("Name")?.InnerText, CompanionIdentifier = node.SelectSingleNode ("CompanionIdentifier")?.InnerText, DeviceClass = node.SelectSingleNode ("DeviceClass")?.InnerText, }); } foreach (var device in rv) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (device.CompanionIdentifier)) continue; device.Companion = rv.FirstOrDefault ((d) => d.UDID == device.CompanionIdentifier); } return rv; } public IEnumerable FindAvailableDevices (string [] deviceClasses) { return ListDevices ().Where ((info) => deviceClasses.Contains (info.DeviceClass)); } public string NativeExecutablePath { get { return Path.Combine (AppPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (Executable)); } } string CreatePlist (Profile profile, string appName) { string plist = null; switch (profile) { case Profile.iOS: plist = string.Format (@" CFBundleDisplayName {0} CFBundleIdentifier com.xamarin.{0} CFBundleExecutable {0} MinimumOSVersion {1} UIDeviceFamily 1 2 UISupportedInterfaceOrientations UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight ", appName, MTouch.GetSdkVersion (Profile)); break; case Profile.tvOS: plist = string.Format (@" CFBundleDisplayName Extensiontest CFBundleIdentifier com.xamarin.{0} CFBundleExecutable {0} MinimumOSVersion {1} UIDeviceFamily 3 ", appName, MTouch.GetSdkVersion (Profile)); break; default: throw new Exception ("Profile not specified."); } return plist; } public void CreateTemporaryApp (bool hasPlist = false, string appName = "testApp", string code = null) { var testDir = CreateTemporaryDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, appName + ".app"); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); AppPath = app; Executable = MTouch.CompileTestAppExecutable (testDir, code, "", Profile, appName); if (hasPlist) File.WriteAllText (Path.Combine (app, "Info.plist"), CreatePlist (Profile, appName)); } public void CreateTemporararyServiceExtension (string code = null, string extraArg = null) { var testDir = CreateTemporaryDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, "testApp.appex"); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); if (code == null) { code = @"using UserNotifications; [Foundation.Register (""NotificationService"")] public partial class NotificationService : UNNotificationServiceExtension { protected NotificationService (System.IntPtr handle) : base (handle) {} }"; } AppPath = app; Executable = MTouch.CompileTestAppLibrary (testDir, code: code, profile: Profile, extraArg: extraArg); File.WriteAllText (Path.Combine (app, "Info.plist"), @" CFBundleDisplayName serviceextension CFBundleName serviceextension CFBundleIdentifier com.xamarin.testapp.serviceextension CFBundleDevelopmentRegion en CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion 6.0 CFBundlePackageType XPC! CFBundleShortVersionString 1.0 CFBundleVersion 1.0 MinimumOSVersion 10.0 NSExtension NSExtensionPointIdentifier NSExtensionPrincipalClass NotificationService "); } public void CreateTemporaryWatchKitExtension (string code = null) { var testDir = CreateTemporaryDirectory (); var app = Path.Combine (testDir, "testApp.appex"); Directory.CreateDirectory (app); if (code == null) { code = @"using WatchKit; public partial class NotificationController : WKUserNotificationInterfaceController { protected NotificationController (System.IntPtr handle) : base (handle) {} }"; } AppPath = app; Executable = MTouch.CompileTestAppLibrary (testDir, code: code, profile: Profile); File.WriteAllText (Path.Combine (app, "Info.plist"), @" CFBundleDisplayName testapp CFBundleName testapp CFBundleIdentifier com.xamarin.testapp CFBundleDevelopmentRegion en CFBundleVersion 1.0 MinimumOSVersion 2.0 NSExtension NSExtensionAttributes WKAppBundleIdentifier com.xamarin.testapp.watchkitapp NSExtensionPointIdentifier RemoteInterfacePrincipleClass InterfaceController CFBundleShortVersionString 1.0 "); } public string CreateTemporaryDirectory () { return Xamarin.Cache.CreateTemporaryDirectory (); } public void CreateTemporaryApp_LinkWith () { AppPath = CreateTemporaryAppDirectory (); Executable = MTouch.CompileTestAppExecutableLinkWith (Path.GetDirectoryName (AppPath), profile: Profile); } public string CreateTemporaryAppDirectory () { if (AppPath != null) throw new Exception ("There already is an App directory"); AppPath = Path.Combine (CreateTemporaryDirectory (), ""); Directory.CreateDirectory (AppPath); return AppPath; } public void CreateTemporaryCacheDirectory () { Cache = Path.Combine (CreateTemporaryDirectory (), "mtouch-test-cache"); } void IDisposable.Dispose () { } } }