using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Xsl; namespace xharness { public enum AppRunnerTarget { None, Simulator_iOS, Simulator_iOS32, Simulator_iOS64, Simulator_tvOS, Simulator_watchOS, Device_iOS, Device_tvOS, Device_watchOS, } public enum Extension { WatchKit2, TodayExtension, } public class AppRunner { public Harness Harness; public string ProjectFile; public string AppPath; public TestExecutingResult Result { get; private set; } string appName; string appPath; string launchAppPath; string bundle_identifier; string platform; Extension? extension; bool isSimulator; string device_name; string companion_device_name; string configuration; public string Configuration { get { return configuration ?? Harness.Configuration; } set { configuration = value; } } public string DeviceName { get { return device_name; } set { device_name = value; } } public string CompanionDeviceName { get { return companion_device_name; } set { companion_device_name = value; } } public bool isExtension { get { return extension.HasValue; } } // For watch apps we end up with 2 simulators, the watch simulator (the main one), and the iphone simulator (the companion one). SimDevice[] simulators; SimDevice simulator { get { return simulators [0]; } } SimDevice companion_simulator { get { return simulators.Length == 2 ? simulators [1] : null; } } AppRunnerTarget target; public AppRunnerTarget Target { get { return target == AppRunnerTarget.None ? Harness.Target : target; } set { target = value; } } string log_directory; public string LogDirectory { get { return log_directory ?? Harness.LogDirectory; } set { log_directory = value; } } Log main_log; public Logs Logs = new Logs (); public Log MainLog { get { return main_log; } set { main_log = value; } } public SimDevice [] Simulators { get { return simulators; } set { simulators = value; } } public string BundleIdentifier { get { return bundle_identifier; } } string mode; async Task FindSimulatorAsync () { if (simulators != null) return true; var sims = new Simulators () { Harness = Harness, }; await sims.LoadAsync (Logs.CreateStream (LogDirectory, "simulator-list.log", "Simulator list")); simulators = await sims.FindAsync (Target, main_log); return simulators != null; } void FindDevice () { if (device_name != null) return; device_name = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("DEVICE_NAME"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (device_name)) return; var devs = new Devices () { Harness = Harness, }; Task.Run (async () => { await devs.LoadAsync (main_log); }).Wait (); string [] deviceClasses; switch (mode) { case "ios": deviceClasses = new string [] { "iPhone", "iPad" }; break; case "watchos": deviceClasses = new string [] { "Watch" }; break; case "tvos": deviceClasses = new string [] { "AppleTV" }; // Untested break; default: throw new Exception ($"unknown mode: {mode}"); } var selected = devs.ConnectedDevices.Where ((v) => deviceClasses.Contains (v.DeviceClass)); Device selected_data; if (selected.Count () == 0) { throw new Exception ($"Could not find any applicable devices with device class(es): {string.Join (", ", deviceClasses)}"); } else if (selected.Count () > 1) { selected_data = selected .OrderBy ((dev) => { Version v; if (Version.TryParse (dev.ProductVersion, out v)) return v; return new Version (); }) .First (); main_log.WriteLine ("Found {0} devices for device class(es) '{1}': '{2}'. Selected: '{3}' (because it has the lowest version).", selected.Count (), string.Join ("', '", deviceClasses), string.Join ("', '", selected.Select ((v) => v.Name).ToArray ()), selected_data.Name); } else { selected_data = selected.First (); } device_name = selected_data.Name; if (mode == "watchos") companion_device_name = devs.FindCompanionDevice (main_log, selected_data).Name; } bool initialized; public void Initialize () { if (initialized) return; initialized = true; var csproj = new XmlDocument (); csproj.LoadWithoutNetworkAccess (ProjectFile); appName = csproj.GetAssemblyName (); var info_plist_path = csproj.GetInfoPListInclude (); var info_plist = new XmlDocument (); info_plist.LoadWithoutNetworkAccess (Path.Combine (Path.GetDirectoryName (ProjectFile), info_plist_path.Replace ('\\', '/'))); bundle_identifier = info_plist.GetCFBundleIdentifier (); var extensionPointIdentifier = info_plist.GetNSExtensionPointIdentifier (); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (extensionPointIdentifier)) extension = extensionPointIdentifier.ParseFromNSExtensionPointIdentifier (); switch (Target) { case AppRunnerTarget.Simulator_iOS32: mode = "sim32"; platform = "iPhoneSimulator"; isSimulator = true; break; case AppRunnerTarget.Simulator_iOS64: mode = "sim64"; platform = "iPhoneSimulator"; isSimulator = true; break; case AppRunnerTarget.Simulator_iOS: mode = "classic"; platform = "iPhoneSimulator"; isSimulator = true; break; case AppRunnerTarget.Device_iOS: mode = "ios"; platform = "iPhone"; isSimulator = false; break; case AppRunnerTarget.Simulator_tvOS: mode = "tvos"; platform = "iPhoneSimulator"; isSimulator = true; break; case AppRunnerTarget.Device_tvOS: mode = "tvos"; platform = "iPhone"; isSimulator = false; break; case AppRunnerTarget.Simulator_watchOS: mode = "watchos"; platform = "iPhoneSimulator"; isSimulator = true; break; case AppRunnerTarget.Device_watchOS: mode = "watchos"; platform = "iPhone"; isSimulator = false; break; default: throw new Exception (string.Format ("Unknown target: {0}", Harness.Target)); } appPath = Path.Combine (Path.GetDirectoryName (ProjectFile), csproj.GetOutputPath (platform, Configuration).Replace ('\\', '/'), appName + (isExtension ? ".appex" : ".app")); if (!Directory.Exists (appPath)) throw new Exception (string.Format ("The app directory {0} does not exist. This is probably a bug in the test harness.", appPath)); if (mode == "watchos") { launchAppPath = Directory.GetDirectories (Path.Combine (appPath, "Watch"), "*.app") [0]; } else { launchAppPath = appPath; } } public async Task InstallAsync () { Initialize (); if (isSimulator) { // We reset the simulator when running, so a separate install step does not make much sense. throw new Exception ("Installing to a simulator is not supported."); } FindDevice (); var args = new StringBuilder (); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Harness.XcodeRoot)) args.Append (" --sdkroot ").Append (Harness.XcodeRoot); for (int i = -1; i < Harness.Verbosity; i++) args.Append (" -v "); args.Append (" --installdev"); args.AppendFormat (" \"{0}\" ", appPath); AddDeviceName (args, companion_device_name ?? device_name); if (mode == "watchos") args.Append (" --device ios,watchos"); return await ProcessHelper.ExecuteCommandAsync (Harness.MlaunchPath, args.ToString (), main_log, TimeSpan.FromMinutes (mode == "watchos" ? 15 : 3)); } public async Task UninstallAsync () { Initialize (); if (isSimulator) throw new Exception ("Uninstalling from a simulator is not supported."); FindDevice (); var args = new StringBuilder (); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Harness.XcodeRoot)) args.Append (" --sdkroot ").Append (Harness.XcodeRoot); for (int i = -1; i < Harness.Verbosity; i++) args.Append (" -v "); args.Append (" --uninstalldevbundleid"); args.AppendFormat (" \"{0}\" ", bundle_identifier); AddDeviceName (args, companion_device_name ?? device_name); return await ProcessHelper.ExecuteCommandAsync (Harness.MlaunchPath, args.ToString (), main_log, TimeSpan.FromMinutes (1)); } bool ensure_clean_simulator_state = true; public bool EnsureCleanSimulatorState { get { return ensure_clean_simulator_state && string.IsNullOrEmpty (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("SKIP_SIMULATOR_SETUP")); } set { ensure_clean_simulator_state = value; } } void GenerateHumanReadableLogs (string finalPath, string logHeader, XmlDocument doc) { // load the resource that contains the xslt and apply it to the doc and write the logs if (File.Exists (finalPath)) { // if the file does exist, remove it File.Delete (finalPath); } using (var strm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ().GetManifestResourceStream ("xharness.nunit-summary.xslt")) using (var xsltReader = XmlReader.Create (strm)) using (var xmlReader = new XmlNodeReader (doc)) using (var writer = new StreamWriter (finalPath)) { writer.Write (logHeader); var xslt = new XslCompiledTransform (); xslt.Load (xsltReader); xslt.Transform (xmlReader, null, writer); writer.Flush (); } } public bool TestsSucceeded (LogStream listener_log, bool timed_out, bool crashed) { string log; using (var reader = listener_log.GetReader ()) log = reader.ReadToEnd (); // parsing the result is different if we are in jenkins or nor. if (Harness.InJenkins) { // we have to parse the xml result crashed = false; if (log.Contains ("test-results")) { // remove any possible extra info var index = log.IndexOf ("{mode} failed: Test run: {totalTests} Passed: {totalTests - invalid - inconclusive - ignored} Inconclusive: {inconclusive} Failed: {errors + failures} Ignored: {ignored}
"); main_log.WriteLine ("Test run failed"); return false; } else { Harness.LogWrench ($"@MonkeyWrench: AddSummary: {mode} succeeded: Test run: {totalTests} Passed: {totalTests - invalid - inconclusive - ignored} Inconclusive: {inconclusive} Failed: 0 Ignored: {ignored}
"); main_log.WriteLine ("Test run succeeded"); return true; } } else if (timed_out) { Harness.LogWrench ($"@MonkeyWrench: AddSummary: {mode} timed out
"); return false; } else { Harness.LogWrench ($"@MonkeyWrench: AddSummary: {mode} crashed
"); main_log.WriteLine ("Test run crashed"); crashed = true; return false; } } else { // parsing the human readable results if (log.Contains ("Tests run")) { var tests_run = string.Empty; var log_lines = log.Split ('\n'); var failed = false; foreach (var line in log_lines) { if (line.Contains ("Tests run:")) { Console.WriteLine (line); tests_run = line.Replace ("Tests run: ", ""); break; } else if (line.Contains ("FAIL")) { Console.WriteLine (line); failed = true; } } if (failed) { Harness.LogWrench ("@MonkeyWrench: AddSummary: {0} failed: {1}
", mode, tests_run); main_log.WriteLine ("Test run failed"); return false; } else { Harness.LogWrench ("@MonkeyWrench: AddSummary: {0} succeeded: {1}
", mode, tests_run); main_log.WriteLine ("Test run succeeded"); return true; } } else if (timed_out) { Harness.LogWrench ("@MonkeyWrench: AddSummary: {0} timed out
", mode); return false; } else { Harness.LogWrench ("@MonkeyWrench: AddSummary: {0} crashed
", mode); main_log.WriteLine ("Test run crashed"); crashed = true; return false; } } } [DllImport ("/usr/lib/libc.dylib")] extern static IntPtr ttyname (int filedes); public async Task RunAsync () { CrashReportSnapshot crash_reports; LogStream device_system_log = null; LogStream listener_log = null; Log run_log = main_log; Initialize (); if (!isSimulator) FindDevice (); crash_reports = new CrashReportSnapshot () { Device = !isSimulator, DeviceName = device_name, Harness = Harness, Log = main_log, Logs = Logs, LogDirectory = LogDirectory, }; var args = new StringBuilder (); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Harness.XcodeRoot)) args.Append (" --sdkroot ").Append (Harness.XcodeRoot); for (int i = -1; i < Harness.Verbosity; i++) args.Append (" -v "); args.Append (" -argument=-connection-mode -argument=none"); // This will prevent the app from trying to connect to any IDEs args.Append (" -argument=-app-arg:-autostart"); args.Append (" -setenv=NUNIT_AUTOSTART=true"); args.Append (" -argument=-app-arg:-autoexit"); args.Append (" -setenv=NUNIT_AUTOEXIT=true"); args.Append (" -argument=-app-arg:-enablenetwork"); args.Append (" -setenv=NUNIT_ENABLE_NETWORK=true"); // detect if we are using a jenkins bot. if (Harness.InJenkins) args.Append (" -setenv=NUNIT_ENABLE_XML_OUTPUT=true"); if (isSimulator) { args.Append (" -argument=-app-arg:-hostname:"); args.Append (" -setenv=NUNIT_HOSTNAME="); } else { var ips = new StringBuilder (); var ipAddresses = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry (System.Net.Dns.GetHostName ()).AddressList; for (int i = 0; i < ipAddresses.Length; i++) { if (i > 0) ips.Append (','); ips.Append (ipAddresses [i].ToString ()); } args.AppendFormat (" -argument=-app-arg:-hostname:{0}", ips.ToString ()); args.AppendFormat (" -setenv=NUNIT_HOSTNAME={0}", ips.ToString ()); } var transport = mode == "watchos" ? "HTTP" : "TCP"; args.AppendFormat (" -argument=-app-arg:-transport:{0}", transport); args.AppendFormat (" -setenv=NUNIT_TRANSPORT={0}", transport); SimpleListener listener; switch (transport) { case "HTTP": listener = new SimpleHttpListener (); break; case "TCP": listener = new SimpleTcpListener (); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } listener_log = Logs.CreateStream (LogDirectory, string.Format ("test-{0}-{1:yyyyMMdd_HHmmss}.log", mode, DateTime.Now), "Test log"); listener.TestLog = listener_log; listener.Log = main_log; listener.AutoExit = true; listener.Address = System.Net.IPAddress.Any; listener.Initialize (); args.AppendFormat (" -argument=-app-arg:-hostport:{0}", listener.Port); args.AppendFormat (" -setenv=NUNIT_HOSTPORT={0}", listener.Port); listener.StartAsync (); var cancellation_source = new CancellationTokenSource (); var timed_out = false; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem ((v) => { if (!listener.WaitForConnection (TimeSpan.FromMinutes (Harness.LaunchTimeout))) { cancellation_source.Cancel (); main_log.WriteLine ("Test launch timed out after {0} minute(s).", Harness.LaunchTimeout); timed_out = true; } else { main_log.WriteLine ("Test run started"); } }); foreach (var kvp in Harness.EnvironmentVariables) args.AppendFormat (" -setenv={0}={1}", kvp.Key, kvp.Value); bool? success = null; bool launch_failure = false; if (isExtension) { switch (extension) { case Extension.TodayExtension: args.Append (isSimulator ? " --launchsimbundleid" : " --launchdevbundleid"); args.Append (" todayviewforextensions:"); args.Append (BundleIdentifier); args.Append (" --observe-extension "); args.Append (Harness.Quote (launchAppPath)); break; case Extension.WatchKit2: default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } } else { args.Append (isSimulator ? " --launchsim " : " --launchdev "); args.Append (Harness.Quote (launchAppPath)); } if (isSimulator) { if (!await FindSimulatorAsync ()) return 1; if (mode != "watchos") { var stderr_tty = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto (ttyname (2)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (stderr_tty)) { args.Append (" --stdout=").Append (Harness.Quote (stderr_tty)); args.Append (" --stderr=").Append (Harness.Quote (stderr_tty)); } else { var stdout_log = Logs.CreateFile ("Standard output", Path.Combine (LogDirectory, "stdout.log")); var stderr_log = Logs.CreateFile ("Standard error", Path.Combine (LogDirectory, "stderr.log")); args.Append (" --stdout=").Append (Harness.Quote (stdout_log.FullPath)); args.Append (" --stderr=").Append (Harness.Quote (stderr_log.FullPath)); } } var systemLogs = new List (); foreach (var sim in simulators) { // Upload the system log main_log.WriteLine ("System log for the '{1}' simulator is: {0}", sim.SystemLog, sim.Name); bool isCompanion = sim != simulator; var log = new CaptureLog (sim.SystemLog, entire_file: Harness.Action != HarnessAction.Jenkins) { Path = Path.Combine (LogDirectory, sim.Name + ".log"), Description = isCompanion ? "System log (companion)" : "System log", }; log.StartCapture (); Logs.Add (log); systemLogs.Add (log); Harness.LogWrench ("@MonkeyWrench: AddFile: {0}", log.Path); } main_log.WriteLine ("*** Executing {0}/{1} in the simulator ***", appName, mode); if (EnsureCleanSimulatorState) { foreach (var sim in simulators) await sim.PrepareSimulatorAsync (main_log, bundle_identifier); } args.Append (" --device=:v2:udid=").Append (simulator.UDID).Append (" "); await crash_reports.StartCaptureAsync (); main_log.WriteLine ("Starting test run"); var result = await ProcessHelper.ExecuteCommandAsync (Harness.MlaunchPath, args.ToString (), run_log, TimeSpan.FromMinutes (Harness.Timeout), cancellation_token: cancellation_source.Token); if (result.TimedOut) { timed_out = true; success = false; main_log.WriteLine ("Test run timed out after {0} minute(s).", Harness.Timeout); } else if (result.Succeeded) { main_log.WriteLine ("Test run completed"); success = true; } else { main_log.WriteLine ("Test run failed"); success = false; } if (!success.Value) { // find pid var pid = -1; using (var reader = run_log.GetReader ()) { while (!reader.EndOfStream) { var line = reader.ReadLine (); if (line.StartsWith ("Application launched. PID = ", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { var pidstr = line.Substring ("Application launched. PID = ".Length); if (!int.TryParse (pidstr, out pid)) main_log.WriteLine ("Could not parse pid: {0}", pidstr); } else if (line.Contains ("Xamarin.Hosting: Launched ") && line.Contains (" with pid ")) { var pidstr = line.Substring (line.LastIndexOf (' ')); if (!int.TryParse (pidstr, out pid)) main_log.WriteLine ("Could not parse pid: {0}", pidstr); } else if (line.Contains ("error MT1008")) { launch_failure = true; } } } if (pid > 0) { var launchTimedout = cancellation_source.IsCancellationRequested; var timeoutType = launchTimedout ? "Launch" : "Completion"; var timeoutValue = launchTimedout ? Harness.LaunchTimeout : Harness.Timeout; main_log.WriteLine ($"{timeoutType} timed out after {timeoutValue}"); await Process_Extensions.KillTreeAsync (pid, main_log, true); } else { main_log.WriteLine ("Could not find pid in mtouch output."); } } listener.Cancel (); // cleanup after us if (EnsureCleanSimulatorState) await SimDevice.KillEverythingAsync (main_log); foreach (var log in systemLogs) log.StopCapture (); } else { main_log.WriteLine ("*** Executing {0}/{1} on device '{2}' ***", appName, mode, device_name); if (mode == "watchos") { args.Append (" --attach-native-debugger"); // this prevents the watch from backgrounding the app. } else { args.Append (" --wait-for-exit"); } AddDeviceName (args); device_system_log = Logs.CreateStream (LogDirectory, $"device-{device_name}-{DateTime.Now:yyyyMMdd_HHmmss}.log", "Device log"); var logdev = new DeviceLogCapturer () { Harness = Harness, Log = device_system_log, DeviceName = device_name, }; logdev.StartCapture (); await crash_reports.StartCaptureAsync (); main_log.WriteLine ("Starting test run"); var result = await ProcessHelper.ExecuteCommandAsync (Harness.MlaunchPath, args.ToString (), main_log, TimeSpan.FromMinutes (Harness.Timeout), cancellation_token: cancellation_source.Token); if (result.TimedOut) { timed_out = true; success = false; main_log.WriteLine ("Test run timed out after {0} minute(s).", Harness.Timeout); } else if (result.Succeeded) { main_log.WriteLine ("Test run completed"); success = true; } else { main_log.WriteLine ("Test run failed"); success = false; } logdev.StopCapture (); // Upload the system log if (File.Exists (device_system_log.FullPath)) { main_log.WriteLine ("A capture of the device log is: {0}", device_system_log.FullPath); Harness.LogWrench ("@MonkeyWrench: AddFile: {0}", device_system_log.FullPath); } } listener.Dispose (); // check the final status var crashed = false; if (File.Exists (listener_log.FullPath)) { Harness.LogWrench ("@MonkeyWrench: AddFile: {0}", listener_log.FullPath); success = TestsSucceeded (listener_log, timed_out, crashed); } else if (timed_out) { Harness.LogWrench ("@MonkeyWrench: AddSummary: {0} never launched
", mode); main_log.WriteLine ("Test run never launched"); success = false; } else if (launch_failure) { Harness.LogWrench ("@MonkeyWrench: AddSummary: {0} failed to launch
", mode); main_log.WriteLine ("Test run failed to launch"); success = false; } else { Harness.LogWrench ("@MonkeyWrench: AddSummary: {0} crashed at startup (no log)
", mode); main_log.WriteLine ("Test run crashed before it started (no log file produced)"); crashed = true; success = false; } if (!success.HasValue) success = false; await crash_reports.EndCaptureAsync (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (success.Value ? 0 : 5)); if (timed_out) { Result = TestExecutingResult.TimedOut; } else if (crashed) { Result = TestExecutingResult.Crashed; } else if (success.Value) { Result = TestExecutingResult.Succeeded; } else { Result = TestExecutingResult.Failed; } return success.Value ? 0 : 1; } public void AddDeviceName (StringBuilder args) { AddDeviceName (args, device_name); } public static void AddDeviceName (StringBuilder args, string device_name) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (device_name)) { args.Append (" --devname "); args.Append (Harness.Quote (device_name)); } } } }