using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Mono.Cecil; using Mono.Cecil.Mdb; using Xamarin.Utils; using XamCore.ObjCRuntime; namespace Xamarin.Bundler { [Flags] public enum RegistrarOptions { Default = 0, Trace = 1, } public enum LinkMode { None, SDKOnly, All, } public partial class Application { public string AppDirectory; public bool DeadStrip = true; public bool EnableDebug; internal RuntimeOptions RuntimeOptions; public RegistrarMode Registrar = RegistrarMode.Default; public RegistrarOptions RegistrarOptions = RegistrarOptions.Default; public HashSet Frameworks = new HashSet (); public HashSet WeakFrameworks = new HashSet (); public ApplePlatform Platform { get { return Driver.TargetFramework.Platform; } } // Linker config public LinkMode LinkMode = LinkMode.All; public List LinkSkipped = new List (); public List Definitions = new List (); public Mono.Linker.I18nAssemblies I18n; public bool? EnableCoopGC; public MarshalObjectiveCExceptionMode MarshalObjectiveCExceptions; public MarshalManagedExceptionMode MarshalManagedExceptions; public string PlatformName { get { switch (Platform) { case ApplePlatform.iOS: return "iOS"; case ApplePlatform.TVOS: return "tvOS"; case ApplePlatform.WatchOS: return "watchOS"; case ApplePlatform.MacOSX: return "macOS"; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } } } public static bool IsUptodate (string source, string target) { if (Driver.Force) return false; var tfi = new FileInfo (target); if (!tfi.Exists) { Driver.Log (3, "Target '{0}' does not exist.", target); return false; } var sfi = new FileInfo (source); if (sfi.LastWriteTimeUtc <= tfi.LastWriteTimeUtc) { Driver.Log (3, "Prerequisite '{0}' is older than the target '{1}'.", source, target); return true; } else { Driver.Log (3, "Prerequisite '{0}' is newer than the target '{1}'.", source, target); return false; } } public static void RemoveResource (ModuleDefinition module, string name) { for (int i = 0; i < module.Resources.Count; i++) { EmbeddedResource embedded = module.Resources[i] as EmbeddedResource; if (embedded == null || embedded.Name != name) continue; module.Resources.RemoveAt (i); break; } } public static void SaveAssembly (AssemblyDefinition assembly, string destination) { bool symbols = assembly.MainModule.HasSymbols; // re-write symbols, if available, so the new tokens will match assembly.Write (destination, new WriterParameters () { WriteSymbols = symbols }); if (symbols) { // re-load symbols (cecil will dispose MdbReader and will crash later if we need to save again) var provider = new MdbReaderProvider (); assembly.MainModule.ReadSymbols (provider.GetSymbolReader (assembly.MainModule, destination)); } else { // if we're not saving the symbols then we must not leave stale/old files to be used by other tools string dest_mdb = destination + ".mdb"; if (File.Exists (dest_mdb)) File.Delete (dest_mdb); } } public static void ExtractResource (ModuleDefinition module, string name, string path, bool remove) { for (int i = 0; i < module.Resources.Count; i++) { EmbeddedResource embedded = module.Resources[i] as EmbeddedResource; if (embedded == null || embedded.Name != name) continue; string dirname = Path.GetDirectoryName (path); if (!Directory.Exists (dirname)) Directory.CreateDirectory (dirname); using (Stream ostream = File.OpenWrite (path)) { embedded.GetResourceStream ().CopyTo (ostream); } if (remove) module.Resources.RemoveAt (i); break; } } enum CopyFileFlags : uint { ACL = 1 << 0, Stat = 1 << 1, Xattr = 1 << 2, Data = 1 << 3, Security = Stat | ACL, Metadata = Security | Xattr, All = Metadata | Data, Recursive = 1 << 15, NoFollow_Src = 1 << 18, NoFollow_Dst = 1 << 19, Unlink = 1 << 21, Nofollow = NoFollow_Src | NoFollow_Dst, } enum CopyFileState : uint { StatusCB = 6, } enum CopyFileStep { Start = 1, Finish = 2, Err = 3, Progress = 4, } enum CopyFileResult { Continue = 0, Skip = 1, Quit = 2, } enum CopyFileWhat { Error = 0, File = 1, Dir = 2, DirCleanup = 3, CopyData = 4, CopyXattr = 5, } [DllImport (Constants.libSystemLibrary)] static extern IntPtr copyfile_state_alloc (); [DllImport (Constants.libSystemLibrary)] static extern int copyfile_state_free (IntPtr state); [DllImport (Constants.libSystemLibrary)] static extern int copyfile_state_set (IntPtr state, CopyFileState flag, IntPtr value); delegate CopyFileResult CopyFileCallbackDelegate (CopyFileWhat what, CopyFileStep stage, IntPtr state, string src, string dst, IntPtr ctx); [DllImport (Constants.libSystemLibrary, SetLastError = true)] static extern int copyfile (string @from, string @to, IntPtr state, CopyFileFlags flags); public static void UpdateDirectory (string source, string target) { if (!Directory.Exists (target)) Directory.CreateDirectory (target); // Mono's File.Copy can't handle symlinks (the symlinks are followed instead of copied), // so we need to use native functions directly. Luckily OSX provides exactly what we need. IntPtr state = copyfile_state_alloc (); try { CopyFileCallbackDelegate del = CopyFileCallback; copyfile_state_set (state, CopyFileState.StatusCB, Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate (del)); int rv = copyfile (source, target, state, CopyFileFlags.Data | CopyFileFlags.Recursive | CopyFileFlags.Nofollow); if (rv != 0) throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (1022, "Could not copy the directory '{0}' to '{1}': {2}", source, target, Target.strerror (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error ())); } finally { copyfile_state_free (state); } } static CopyFileResult CopyFileCallback (CopyFileWhat what, CopyFileStep stage, IntPtr state, string source, string target, IntPtr ctx) { // Console.WriteLine ("CopyFileCallback ({0}, {1}, 0x{2}, {3}, {4}, 0x{5})", what, stage, state.ToString ("x"), source, target, ctx.ToString ("x")); switch (what) { case CopyFileWhat.File: if (!IsUptodate (source, target)) { if (stage == CopyFileStep.Finish) Driver.Log (1, "Copied {0} to {1}", source, target); return CopyFileResult.Continue; } else { Driver.Log (3, "Target '{0}' is up-to-date", target); return CopyFileResult.Skip; } case CopyFileWhat.Dir: case CopyFileWhat.DirCleanup: case CopyFileWhat.CopyData: case CopyFileWhat.CopyXattr: return CopyFileResult.Continue; case CopyFileWhat.Error: throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (1021, "Could not copy the file '{0}' to '{1}': {2}", source, target, Target.strerror (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error ())); default: return CopyFileResult.Continue; } } public static void UpdateFile (string source, string target) { if (!Application.IsUptodate (source, target)) CopyFile (source, target); else Driver.Log (3, "Target '{0}' is up-to-date", target); } // Checks if any of the source files have a time stamp later than any of the target files. public static bool IsUptodate (IEnumerable sources, IEnumerable targets) { if (Driver.Force) return false; DateTime max_source = DateTime.MinValue; string max_s = null; if (sources.Count () == 0 || targets.Count () == 0) ErrorHelper.Error (1013, "Dependency tracking error: no files to compare. Please file a bug report at with a test case."); foreach (var s in sources) { var sfi = new FileInfo (s); if (!sfi.Exists) { Driver.Log (3, "Prerequisite '{0}' does not exist.", s); return false; } var st = sfi.LastWriteTimeUtc; if (st > max_source) { max_source = st; max_s = s; } } foreach (var t in targets) { var tfi = new FileInfo (t); if (!tfi.Exists) { Driver.Log (3, "Target '{0}' does not exist.", t); return false; } var lwt = tfi.LastWriteTimeUtc; if (max_source > lwt) { Driver.Log (3, "Prerequisite '{0}' is newer than target '{1}' ({2} vs {3}).", max_s, t, max_source, lwt); return false; } } Driver.Log (3, "Prerequisite(s) '{0}' are all older than the target(s) '{1}'.", string.Join ("', '", sources.ToArray ()), string.Join ("', '", targets.ToArray ())); return true; } [DllImport (Constants.libSystemLibrary)] static extern int readlink (string path, IntPtr buf, int len); // A file copy that will replace symlinks with the source file // File.Copy will copy the source to the target of the symlink instead // of replacing the symlink. public static void CopyFile (string source, string target) { if (readlink (target, IntPtr.Zero, 0) != -1) { // Target is a symlink, delete it. File.Delete (target); } else if (File.Exists (target)) { // Also delete the target file if it already exists, // since it may not have write permissions. File.Delete (target); } var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName (target); if (!Directory.Exists (dir)) Directory.CreateDirectory (dir); File.Copy (source, target, true); // Make sure the target file is r/w. var attrs = File.GetAttributes (target); if ((attrs & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) == FileAttributes.ReadOnly) File.SetAttributes (target, attrs & ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly); Driver.Log (1, "Copied {0} to {1}", source, target); } public static void TryDelete (string path) { try { if (File.Exists (path)) File.Delete (path); } catch { } } public void InitializeCommon () { if (Platform == ApplePlatform.WatchOS && EnableCoopGC.HasValue && !EnableCoopGC.Value) throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (88, "Cannot disable the Coop GC for watchOS apps. Please remove the --coop:false argument to mtouch."); if (!EnableCoopGC.HasValue) EnableCoopGC = Platform == ApplePlatform.WatchOS; if (EnableCoopGC.Value) { switch (MarshalObjectiveCExceptions) { case MarshalObjectiveCExceptionMode.UnwindManagedCode: case MarshalObjectiveCExceptionMode.Disable: throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (89, "The option '{0}' cannot take the value '{1}' when the Coop GC is enabled.", "--marshal-objectivec-exceptions", MarshalObjectiveCExceptions.ToString ().ToLowerInvariant ()); } switch (MarshalManagedExceptions) { case MarshalManagedExceptionMode.UnwindNativeCode: case MarshalManagedExceptionMode.Disable: throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (89, "The option '{0}' cannot take the value '{1}' when the Coop GC is enabled.", "--marshal-managed-exceptions", MarshalManagedExceptions.ToString ().ToLowerInvariant ()); } } bool isSimulatorOrDesktopDebug = EnableDebug; #if MTOUCH isSimulatorOrDesktopDebug &= IsSimulatorBuild; #endif if (MarshalObjectiveCExceptions == MarshalObjectiveCExceptionMode.Default) { if (EnableCoopGC.Value) { MarshalObjectiveCExceptions = MarshalObjectiveCExceptionMode.ThrowManagedException; } else { MarshalObjectiveCExceptions = isSimulatorOrDesktopDebug ? MarshalObjectiveCExceptionMode.UnwindManagedCode : MarshalObjectiveCExceptionMode.Disable; } } if (MarshalManagedExceptions == MarshalManagedExceptionMode.Default) { if (EnableCoopGC.Value) { MarshalManagedExceptions = MarshalManagedExceptionMode.ThrowObjectiveCException; } else { MarshalManagedExceptions = isSimulatorOrDesktopDebug ? MarshalManagedExceptionMode.UnwindNativeCode : MarshalManagedExceptionMode.Disable; } } } } }