/* * Copyright 2014 Xamarin Inc. All rights reserved. * * Authors: * Rolf Bjarne Kvinge * */ using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Xamarin.Utils; using XamCore.ObjCRuntime; namespace Xamarin.Bundler { public partial class Driver { static void AddSharedOptions (Application app, Mono.Options.OptionSet options) { options.Add ("warnaserror:", "An optional comma-separated list of warning codes that should be reported as errors (if no warnings are specified all warnings are reported as errors).", v => { try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (v)) { foreach (var code in v.Split (new char [] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) ErrorHelper.SetWarningLevel (ErrorHelper.WarningLevel.Error, int.Parse (code)); } else { ErrorHelper.SetWarningLevel (ErrorHelper.WarningLevel.Error); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHelper.Error (26, ex, "Could not parse the command line argument '{0}': {1}", "--warnaserror", ex.Message); } }); options.Add ("nowarn:", "An optional comma-separated list of warning codes to ignore (if no warnings are specified all warnings are ignored).", v => { try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (v)) { foreach (var code in v.Split (new char [] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) ErrorHelper.SetWarningLevel (ErrorHelper.WarningLevel.Disable, int.Parse (code)); } else { ErrorHelper.SetWarningLevel (ErrorHelper.WarningLevel.Disable); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHelper.Error (26, ex, "Could not parse the command line argument '{0}': {1}", "--nowarn", ex.Message); } }); options.Add ("coop:", "If the GC should run in cooperative mode.", v => { app.EnableCoopGC = ParseBool (v, "coop"); }, hidden: true); options.Add ("sgen-conc", "Enable the *experimental* concurrent garbage collector.", v => { app.EnableSGenConc = true; }); options.Add ("marshal-objectivec-exceptions:", "Specify how Objective-C exceptions should be marshalled. Valid values: default, unwindmanagedcode, throwmanagedexception, abort and disable. The default depends on the target platform (on watchOS the default is 'throwmanagedexception', while on all other platforms it's 'disable').", v => { switch (v) { case "default": app.MarshalObjectiveCExceptions = MarshalObjectiveCExceptionMode.Default; break; case "unwindmanaged": case "unwindmanagedcode": app.MarshalObjectiveCExceptions = MarshalObjectiveCExceptionMode.UnwindManagedCode; break; case "throwmanaged": case "throwmanagedexception": app.MarshalObjectiveCExceptions = MarshalObjectiveCExceptionMode.ThrowManagedException; break; case "abort": app.MarshalObjectiveCExceptions = MarshalObjectiveCExceptionMode.Abort; break; case "disable": app.MarshalObjectiveCExceptions = MarshalObjectiveCExceptionMode.Disable; break; default: throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (26, "Could not parse the command line argument '{0}': {1}", "--marshal-objective-exceptions", $"Invalid value: {v}. Valid values are: default, unwindmanagedcode, throwmanagedexception, abort and disable."); } }); options.Add ("marshal-managed-exceptions:", "Specify how managed exceptions should be marshalled. Valid values: default, unwindnativecode, throwobjectivecexception, abort and disable. The default depends on the target platform (on watchOS the default is 'throwobjectivecexception', while on all other platform it's 'disable').", v => { switch (v) { case "default": app.MarshalManagedExceptions = MarshalManagedExceptionMode.Default; break; case "unwindnative": case "unwindnativecode": app.MarshalManagedExceptions = MarshalManagedExceptionMode.UnwindNativeCode; break; case "throwobjectivec": case "throwobjectivecexception": app.MarshalManagedExceptions = MarshalManagedExceptionMode.ThrowObjectiveCException; break; case "abort": app.MarshalManagedExceptions = MarshalManagedExceptionMode.Abort; break; case "disable": app.MarshalManagedExceptions = MarshalManagedExceptionMode.Disable; break; default: throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (26, "Could not parse the command line argument '{0}': {1}", "--marshal-managed-exceptions", $"Invalid value: {v}. Valid values are: default, unwindnativecode, throwobjectivecexception, abort and disable."); } }); options.Add ("j|jobs=", "The level of concurrency. Default is the number of processors.", v => { Jobs = int.Parse (v); }); } static int Jobs; public static int Concurrency { get { return Jobs == 0 ? Environment.ProcessorCount : Jobs; } } #if MONOMAC #pragma warning disable 0414 static string userTargetFramework = TargetFramework.Default.ToString (); #pragma warning restore 0414 #endif static TargetFramework? targetFramework; public static bool HasTargetFramework { get { return targetFramework.HasValue; } } public static TargetFramework TargetFramework { get { return targetFramework.Value; } set { targetFramework = value; } } static void SetTargetFramework (string fx) { #if MONOMAC userTargetFramework = fx; #endif switch (fx.Trim ().ToLowerInvariant ()) { #if MONOMAC case "xammac": case "mobile": case "xamarin.mac": targetFramework = TargetFramework.Xamarin_Mac_2_0; break; #endif default: TargetFramework parsedFramework; if (!Xamarin.Utils.TargetFramework.TryParse (fx, out parsedFramework)) throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (68, "Invalid value for target framework: {0}.", fx); #if MONOMAC if (parsedFramework == TargetFramework.Net_3_0 || parsedFramework == TargetFramework.Net_3_5) parsedFramework = TargetFramework.Net_2_0; #endif targetFramework = parsedFramework; break; } #if MTOUCH if (Array.IndexOf (TargetFramework.ValidFrameworks, targetFramework.Value) == -1) throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (70, "Invalid target framework: {0}. Valid target frameworks are: {1}.", targetFramework.Value, string.Join (" ", TargetFramework.ValidFrameworks.Select ((v) => v.ToString ()).ToArray ())); #endif } public static int RunCommand (string path, string args, string[] env = null, StringBuilder output = null, bool suppressPrintOnErrors = false) { Exception stdin_exc = null; var info = new ProcessStartInfo (path, args); info.UseShellExecute = false; info.RedirectStandardInput = false; info.RedirectStandardOutput = true; info.RedirectStandardError = true; System.Threading.ManualResetEvent stdout_completed = new System.Threading.ManualResetEvent (false); System.Threading.ManualResetEvent stderr_completed = new System.Threading.ManualResetEvent (false); if (output == null) output = new StringBuilder (); if (env != null){ if (env.Length % 2 != 0) throw new Exception ("You passed an environment key without a value"); for (int i = 0; i < env.Length; i+= 2) info.EnvironmentVariables [env[i]] = env[i+1]; } if (verbose > 0) Console.WriteLine ("{0} {1}", path, args); using (var p = Process.Start (info)) { p.OutputDataReceived += (s, e) => { if (e.Data != null) { lock (output) output.AppendLine (e.Data); } else { stdout_completed.Set (); } }; p.ErrorDataReceived += (s, e) => { if (e.Data != null) { lock (output) output.AppendLine (e.Data); } else { stderr_completed.Set (); } }; p.BeginOutputReadLine (); p.BeginErrorReadLine (); p.WaitForExit (); stderr_completed.WaitOne (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (1)); stdout_completed.WaitOne (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (1)); GC.Collect (); // Workaround for: https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=43462#c14 if (p.ExitCode != 0) { // note: this repeat the failing command line. However we can't avoid this since we're often // running commands in parallel (so the last one printed might not be the one failing) if (!suppressPrintOnErrors) Console.Error.WriteLine ("Process exited with code {0}, command:\n{1} {2}{3}", p.ExitCode, path, args, output.Length > 0 ? "\n" + output.ToString () : string.Empty); return p.ExitCode; } else if (verbose > 0 && output.Length > 0 && !suppressPrintOnErrors) { Console.WriteLine (output.ToString ()); } if (stdin_exc != null) throw stdin_exc; } return 0; } public static Task RunCommandAsync (string path, string args, string [] env = null, StringBuilder output = null, bool suppressPrintOnErrors = false) { return Task.Run (() => RunCommand (path, args, env, output, suppressPrintOnErrors)); } #if !MMP_TEST static void FileMove (string source, string target) { Application.TryDelete (target); File.Move (source, target); } static void MoveIfDifferent (string path, string tmp) { // Don't read the entire file into memory, it can be quite big in certain cases. bool move = false; using (var fs1 = new FileStream (path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { using (var fs2 = new FileStream (tmp, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { if (fs1.Length != fs2.Length) { Log (3, "New file '{0}' has different length, writing new file.", path); move = true; } else { move = !Cache.CompareStreams (fs1, fs2); } } } if (move) { FileMove (tmp, path); } else { Log (3, "Target {0} is up-to-date.", path); } } public static void WriteIfDifferent (string path, string contents) { var tmp = path + ".tmp"; try { if (!File.Exists (path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory (Path.GetDirectoryName (path)); File.WriteAllText (path, contents); Log (3, "File '{0}' does not exist, creating it.", path); return; } File.WriteAllText (tmp, contents); MoveIfDifferent (path, tmp); } catch (Exception e) { File.WriteAllText (path, contents); ErrorHelper.Warning (1014, e, "Failed to re-use cached version of '{0}': {1}.", path, e.Message); } finally { Application.TryDelete (tmp); } } public static void WriteIfDifferent (string path, byte[] contents) { var tmp = path + ".tmp"; try { if (!File.Exists (path)) { File.WriteAllBytes (path, contents); Log (3, "File '{0}' does not exist, creating it.", path); return; } File.WriteAllBytes (tmp, contents); MoveIfDifferent (path, tmp); } catch (Exception e) { File.WriteAllBytes (path, contents); ErrorHelper.Warning (1014, e, "Failed to re-use cached version of '{0}': {1}.", path, e.Message); } finally { Application.TryDelete (tmp); } } #endif internal static string GetFullPath () { return System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ().Location; } static Version xcode_version; public static Version XcodeVersion { get { return xcode_version; } } } }