# UNLIKELY TO BE EVER FIXED # Foundation ## does not exists in iOS (or watchOS) as a type - but some API refers to it (messy) !unknown-type! NSPortMessage bound ## deprecated in 9.0 but still visible (for watchOS) from `NSDeprecatedKitAdditions (NSAttributedString)` ## not part of tvOS and we provide the replacement selector with the same managed API !missing-selector! NSAttributedString::initWithFileURL:options:documentAttributes:error: not bound # Deprecated in iOS 9.0 (so watch 2.0) with an alternative (NSWritingDirectionFormatType in UIKit) # better not expose the deprecated enum since it's not available in tvOS either !missing-enum! NSTextWritingDirection not bound # UIKit ## Implemented in managed code !missing-selector! UIColor::getHue:saturation:brightness:alpha: not bound !missing-selector! UIColor::getRed:green:blue:alpha: not bound !missing-field! UIEdgeInsetsZero not bound !missing-field! UIOffsetZero not bound ## Not implemented (ctor signature conflict) but there's a static method available that does the job !missing-selector! UIColor::initWithHue:saturation:brightness:alpha: not bound ## deprecated !missing-selector! UIImageDeprecated::leftCapWidth not bound !missing-selector! UIImageDeprecated::stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth:topCapHeight: not bound !missing-selector! UIImageDeprecated::topCapHeight not bound # Apple internals (we do not expose them) !missing-field! _NSConstantStringClassReference not bound # Non-Apple ## Xamarin (not Apple) type !unknown-type! CADisplayLinkTimeSource bound !unknown-type! InternalNSNotificationHandler bound ## Xamarin generic collection subclasses !unknown-type! NSArray`1 bound !unknown-type! NSDictionary`2 bound !unknown-type! NSMutableArray`1 bound !unknown-type! NSMutableDictionary`2 bound !unknown-type! NSMutableOrderedSet`1 bound !unknown-type! NSMutableSet`1 bound !unknown-type! NSOrderedSet`1 bound !unknown-type! NSSet`1 bound