using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json; using System.Xml; using Microsoft.DotNet.XHarness.Common.Execution; using Microsoft.DotNet.XHarness.Common.Logging; namespace Xharness { /// /// API to interact with the vcs used in the project. It is used to indentify those modified files in a PR and /// choose which tests to execute. /// public interface IVersionControlSystem { string GetPullRequestTargetBranch (int pullRequest); IEnumerable GetLabels (int pullRequest); IEnumerable GetModifiedFiles (int pullRequest); } public class GitHub : IVersionControlSystem { readonly IHarness harness; readonly IProcessManager processManager; public GitHub (IHarness harness, IProcessManager processManager) { if (harness == null) throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (harness)); if (processManager == null) throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (processManager)); this.harness = harness; this.processManager = processManager; } static WebClient CreateClient () { var client = new WebClient (); client.Headers.Add (HttpRequestHeader.UserAgent, "xamarin"); var xharness_github_token = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("GITHUB_TOKEN"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (xharness_github_token)) client.Headers.Add (HttpRequestHeader.Authorization, xharness_github_token); return client; } public string GetPullRequestTargetBranch (int pullRequest) { if (pullRequest <= 0) return string.Empty; var info = DownloadPullRequestInfo (pullRequest); if (info.Length == 0) return string.Empty; using (var reader = JsonReaderWriterFactory.CreateJsonReader (info, new XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas ())) { var doc = new XmlDocument (); doc.Load (reader); return doc.SelectSingleNode ("/root/base/ref").InnerText; } } public IEnumerable GetLabels (int pullRequest) { var info = DownloadPullRequestInfo (pullRequest); using (var reader = JsonReaderWriterFactory.CreateJsonReader (info, new XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas ())) { var doc = new XmlDocument (); doc.Load (reader); var rv = new List (); foreach (XmlNode node in doc.SelectNodes ("/root/labels/item/name")) { rv.Add (node.InnerText); } return rv; } } public IEnumerable GetModifiedFiles (int pullRequest) { var path = Path.Combine (harness.LogDirectory, "pr" + pullRequest + "-files.log"); if (!File.Exists (path)) { var rv = GetModifiedFilesLocally (pullRequest); if (rv == null || rv.Count () == 0) { rv = GetModifiedFilesRemotely (pullRequest); if (rv == null) rv = new string [] { }; } File.WriteAllLines (path, rv.ToArray ()); return rv; } return File.ReadAllLines (path); } IEnumerable GetModifiedFilesRemotely (int pullRequest) { var path = Path.Combine (harness.LogDirectory, "pr" + pullRequest + "-remote-files.log"); if (!File.Exists (path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory (harness.LogDirectory); using (var client = CreateClient ()) { var rv = new List (); var url = $"{pullRequest}/files?per_page=100"; // 100 items per page is max do { byte [] data; try { data = client.DownloadData (url); } catch (WebException we) { harness.Log ("Could not load pull request files: {0}\n{1}", we, new StreamReader (we.Response.GetResponseStream ()).ReadToEnd ()); File.WriteAllText (path, string.Empty); return new string [] { }; } var reader = JsonReaderWriterFactory.CreateJsonReader (data, new XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas ()); var doc = new XmlDocument (); doc.Load (reader); foreach (XmlNode node in doc.SelectNodes ("/root/item/filename")) { rv.Add (node.InnerText); } url = null; var link = client.ResponseHeaders ["Link"]; try { if (link != null) { var ltIdx = link.IndexOf ('<'); var gtIdx = link.IndexOf ('>', ltIdx + 1); while (ltIdx >= 0 && gtIdx > ltIdx) { var linkUrl = link.Substring (ltIdx + 1, gtIdx - ltIdx - 1); if (link [gtIdx + 1] != ';') break; var commaIdx = link.IndexOf (',', gtIdx + 1); string rel; if (commaIdx != -1) { rel = link.Substring (gtIdx + 3, commaIdx - gtIdx - 3); } else { rel = link.Substring (gtIdx + 3); } if (rel == "rel=\"next\"") { url = linkUrl; break; } if (commaIdx == -1) break; ltIdx = link.IndexOf ('<', commaIdx); gtIdx = link.IndexOf ('>', ltIdx + 1); } } } catch (Exception e) { harness.Log ("Could not paginate github response: {0}: {1}", link, e.Message); } } while (url != null); File.WriteAllLines (path, rv.ToArray ()); return rv; } } return File.ReadAllLines (path); } IEnumerable GetModifiedFilesLocally (int pullRequest) { var base_commit = $"origin/pull/{pullRequest}/merge^"; var head_commit = $"origin/pull/{pullRequest}/merge"; harness.Log ("Fetching modified files for commit range {0}..{1}", base_commit, head_commit); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (head_commit) || string.IsNullOrEmpty (base_commit)) return null; using (var git = new Process ()) { git.StartInfo.FileName = "git"; git.StartInfo.Arguments = $"diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r {base_commit}..{head_commit}"; var output = new MemoryLog () { Timestamp = false // ensure we do not add the timestap or the logic for the file check will be hard and having it adds no value }; var rv = processManager.RunAsync (git, harness.HarnessLog, stdoutLog: output, stderrLog: output).Result; if (rv.Succeeded) return output.ToString ().Split (new char [] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); harness.Log ("Could not fetch commit range:"); harness.Log (output.ToString ()); return null; } } byte [] DownloadPullRequestInfo (int pullRequest) { var path = Path.Combine (harness.LogDirectory, "pr" + pullRequest + ".log"); if (!File.Exists (path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory (harness.LogDirectory); using (var client = CreateClient ()) { byte [] data; try { data = client.DownloadData ($"{pullRequest}"); File.WriteAllBytes (path, data); return data; } catch (WebException we) { harness.Log ("Could not load pull request info: {0}\n{1}", we, new StreamReader (we.Response.GetResponseStream ()).ReadToEnd ()); File.WriteAllText (path, string.Empty); return new byte [0]; } } } return File.ReadAllBytes (path); } } }