
253 строки
9.4 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml;
using Mono.Options;
using Xamarin.Utils;
namespace xibuild {
class MainClass {
static bool verbose;
public static int Main (string [] args)
bool runTool = false;
bool configGenerationOnly = false;
string baseConfigFile = null;
string verbosity = "";
bool no_logo = true;
bool show_help = false;
OptionSet p = null;
p = new OptionSet () {
"xibuild: Run msbuild or a tool with a custom msbuild config file which adds fallback paths from $MSBuildExtensionsPathFallbackPathsOverride.",
"Usage: xibuild [-v] [-c] [-t] [-m <base config file>] [-h] -- [path to managed tool] [arguments...]",
"Default: Generate a temporary app.config file and run msbuild",
{ "c", "Generate config file only", c => configGenerationOnly = true }, // merge
{ "t", "Path to the managed tool to run. If this and `-c` are not used, then this runs msbuild", t => runTool = true },
{ "m=", "< base config file >: Config file to merge with the one from msbuild.dll.config", m => baseConfigFile = m },
{ "h|?|help", "Show this help message and exit.", v => show_help = true },
{ "v|verbosity:", "Show verbose output.", v => verbosity = string.IsNullOrEmpty (v) ? "diagnostic" : v },
{ "nologo", "Do not display the startup banner and copyright message when running msbuild.", v => no_logo = true },
"Note: Adds the path from the environment variable named",
"`$MSBuildExtensionsPathFallbackPathsOverride` to the list of fallback paths in the generated app.config",
"Generate /path/to/foo.exe.config:",
"\txibuild -c /path/to/foo.exe",
"Run msbuild with a custom app.config and the arguments passed to msbuild:",
"\txibuild -- /v:diag /path/to/project.csproj",
"Run managed_tool.exe with the arguments, and a custom app.config:",
"\txibuild -t -- /path/to/managed_tool.exe args",
"Add `-m /path/to/base.exe.config` to merge the generated app.config with base.exe.config ."
List<string> remaining = null;
try {
remaining = p.Parse (args);
} catch (OptionException oe) {
Console.WriteLine (oe.Message);
return -1;
verbose = !string.IsNullOrEmpty (verbosity) && verbosity [0] == 'd';
if (verbose)
Console.WriteLine ($"Running xibuild with args: {String.Join (" ", args)}\n");
if (show_help) {
p.WriteOptionDescriptions (Console.Out);
return 0;
if (configGenerationOnly && runTool) {
Console.WriteLine ("Use either -c or -t, but not both.\n");
p.WriteOptionDescriptions (Console.Out);
return -1;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (baseConfigFile) && !File.Exists (baseConfigFile)) {
Console.WriteLine ($"Base config file {baseConfigFile} not found.");
return -1;
if (configGenerationOnly && remaining.Count == 0) {
Console.WriteLine ("Please specify the path to managed tool to generate an app.config file for it.");
return -1;
if (runTool && remaining.Count == 0) {
Console.WriteLine ("Please specify the path to managed tool to run.");
return -1;
bool runMSBuild = !runTool && !configGenerationOnly;
if (!runTool && !runMSBuild) {
GenerateAppConfig (remaining [0] + ".config", baseConfigFile, out string _);
return 0;
if (runMSBuild) {
// Add back any arguments we consumed.
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (verbosity))
remaining.Add ($"/verbosity:{verbosity}");
if (no_logo)
remaining.Add ("/nologo");
var arguments = remaining.Skip (runMSBuild ? 0 : 1).ToArray ();
return RunTool (
toolPath: runMSBuild ? "msbuild" : remaining [0],
combinedArgs: StringUtils.FormatArguments (arguments),
baseConfigFile: runMSBuild ? null : baseConfigFile);
static int RunTool (string toolPath, string combinedArgs, string baseConfigFile)
var tmpMSBuildExePathForConfig = Path.GetTempFileName ();
var configFilePath = tmpMSBuildExePathForConfig + ".config";
try {
GenerateAppConfig (configFilePath, baseConfigFile, out string MSBuildSdksPath);
var psi = new ProcessStartInfo {
FileName = toolPath,
Arguments = combinedArgs,
UseShellExecute = false,
// Required so that msbuild can read the correct config file
psi.EnvironmentVariables ["MSBUILD_EXE_PATH"] = tmpMSBuildExePathForConfig;
// MSBuildSDKsPath only works via an env var
psi.EnvironmentVariables ["MSBuildSDKsPath"] = MSBuildSdksPath;
var p = Process.Start (psi);
p.WaitForExit ();
return p.ExitCode;
} finally {
if (File.Exists (tmpMSBuildExePathForConfig))
File.Delete (tmpMSBuildExePathForConfig);
if (File.Exists (tmpMSBuildExePathForConfig))
File.Delete (configFilePath);
static void GenerateAppConfig (string targetConfigFile, string baseConfigFile, out string MSBuildSdksPath)
bool IsMacOS = System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform (System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform.OSX);
//FIXME: Current? or from PATH?
string mono = IsMacOS ? "/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/lib/mono" : "/usr/lib/mono";
string vsVersion = "15.0";
string MSBuildBin = Path.Combine (mono, "msbuild", vsVersion, "bin");
string MSBuildConfig = Path.Combine (MSBuildBin, "MSBuild.dll.config");
string MSBuildExtensionsPath = Path.Combine (mono, "xbuild");
string FrameworksDirectory = Path.Combine (mono, "xbuild-frameworks");
MSBuildSdksPath = Path.Combine (MSBuildBin, "Sdks");
var dstXml = new XmlDocument ();
var dstConfigNode = dstXml.CreateNode (XmlNodeType.Element, "configuration", "");
dstXml.AppendChild (dstConfigNode);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (baseConfigFile) && File.Exists (baseConfigFile)) {
var baseXml = new XmlDocument ();
baseXml.Load (baseConfigFile);
CopyConfigNode (baseXml, dstConfigNode);
// Copy over msbuild.dll.config
var msbuildXml = new XmlDocument ();
msbuildXml.Load (MSBuildConfig);
CopyConfigNode (msbuildXml, dstConfigNode);
var toolsets = dstXml.SelectSingleNode ("configuration/msbuildToolsets/toolset");
var SearchPathsOS = IsMacOS ? "osx" : "unix";
var projectImportSearchPaths = toolsets.SelectSingleNode ("projectImportSearchPaths");
var searchPaths = projectImportSearchPaths.SelectSingleNode ($"searchPaths[@os='{SearchPathsOS}']") as XmlElement;
//NOTE: on Linux, the searchPaths XML element does not exist, so we have to create it
if (searchPaths is null) {
searchPaths = dstXml.CreateElement ("searchPaths");
searchPaths.SetAttribute ("os", SearchPathsOS);
var property = dstXml.CreateElement ("property");
property.SetAttribute ("name", "MSBuildExtensionsPath");
property.SetAttribute ("value", "");
searchPaths.AppendChild (property);
property = dstXml.CreateElement ("property");
property.SetAttribute ("name", "MSBuildExtensionsPath32");
property.SetAttribute ("value", "");
searchPaths.AppendChild (property);
property = dstXml.CreateElement ("property");
property.SetAttribute ("name", "MSBuildExtensionsPath64");
property.SetAttribute ("value", "");
searchPaths.AppendChild (property);
projectImportSearchPaths.AppendChild (searchPaths);
string monoExternal = IsMacOS ? "/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External/" : "/usr/lib/mono";
string [] ProjectImportSearchPaths = new [] { Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("MSBuildExtensionsPathFallbackPathsOverride"), Path.Combine (monoExternal, "xbuild") };
foreach (XmlNode property in searchPaths.SelectNodes ("property[starts-with(@name, 'MSBuildExtensionsPath')]/@value"))
property.Value = string.Join (";", ProjectImportSearchPaths);
SetToolsetProperty ("MSBuildToolsPath", MSBuildBin);
SetToolsetProperty ("MSBuildToolsPath32", MSBuildBin);
SetToolsetProperty ("MSBuildToolsPath64", MSBuildBin);
SetToolsetProperty ("MSBuildExtensionsPath", MSBuildExtensionsPath);
SetToolsetProperty ("MSBuildExtensionsPath32", MSBuildExtensionsPath);
SetToolsetProperty ("MSBuildExtensionsPath64", MSBuildExtensionsPath);
SetToolsetProperty ("RoslynTargetsPath", Path.Combine (MSBuildBin, "Roslyn"));
dstXml.Save (targetConfigFile);
void CopyConfigNode (XmlDocument src, XmlNode dstNode)
var srcConfigNode = src.SelectSingleNode ("configuration");
if (srcConfigNode is not null && srcConfigNode.HasChildNodes) {
srcConfigNode.ChildNodes.OfType<XmlNode> ().ToList ()
.ForEach (node => dstNode.AppendChild (dstXml.ImportNode (node, deep: true)));
/// <summary>
/// If the value exists, sets value attribute, else creates the element
/// </summary>
void SetToolsetProperty (string name, string value)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (value))
// MSBuild property names are case insensitive
var valueAttribute = toolsets.SelectSingleNode ($"property[translate(@name, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')='{name.ToLowerInvariant ()}']/@value");
if (valueAttribute is not null) {
valueAttribute.Value = value;
} else {
var property = toolsets.OwnerDocument.CreateElement ("property");
property.SetAttribute ("name", name);
property.SetAttribute ("value", value);
toolsets.PrependChild (property);