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// Test the existing of p/invoked symbols
// Authors:
// Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien@xamarin.com>
// Copyright 2014-2015 Xamarin Inc. All rights reserved.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using Foundation;
using ObjCRuntime;
using UIKit;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Xamarin.Utils;
namespace Introspection {
// we want the tests to be available because we use the linker
[Preserve (AllMembers = true)]
public class iOSApiPInvokeTest : ApiPInvokeTest {
protected override bool Skip (string symbolName)
var simulator = TestRuntime.IsSimulatorOrDesktop;
switch (symbolName) {
// Metal support inside simulator is only available in recent iOS9 SDK
#if !__WATCHOS__
case "MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice":
return simulator && !UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion (9, 0);
// still most Metal helpers are not available on the simulator (even when the framework is present, it's missing symbols)
case "MPSSupportsMTLDevice":
case "MPSGetPreferredDevice":
// neither are the CoreVideo extensions for Metal
case "CVMetalTextureGetTexture":
case "CVMetalTextureIsFlipped":
case "CVMetalTextureGetCleanTexCoords":
case "CVMetalTextureCacheCreate":
case "CVMetalTextureCacheFlush":
case "CVMetalTextureCacheCreateTextureFromImage":
case "MTKMetalVertexDescriptorFromModelIO":
case "MTKModelIOVertexDescriptorFromMetal":
case "MTKModelIOVertexFormatFromMetal":
case "MTKMetalVertexFormatFromModelIO":
case "MPSImageBatchIncrementReadCount":
case "MPSImageBatchSynchronize":
case "MPSImageBatchResourceSize":
case "MPSStateBatchIncrementReadCount":
case "MPSStateBatchSynchronize":
case "MPSStateBatchResourceSize":
case "MPSHintTemporaryMemoryHighWaterMark":
case "MPSSetHeapCacheDuration":
case "MPSGetImageType":
return simulator;
case "CVPixelBufferGetIOSurface":
case "CVPixelBufferCreateWithIOSurface":
return simulator && !TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (11, 0);
// MLCompute not available in simulator as of Xcode 12 beta 3
if (simulator && symbolName.StartsWith ("MLC", StringComparison.Ordinal))
return true;
return base.Skip (symbolName);
protected override bool SkipAssembly (Assembly a)
// we only want to check this on a version of iOS that
// 1. is the current SDK target (or a newer one)
var sdk = new Version (Constants.SdkVersion);
#if __WATCHOS__
if (!TestRuntime.CheckSystemVersion (ApplePlatform.WatchOS, sdk.Major, sdk.Minor))
return true;
#elif __IOS__ || __TVOS__
if (!UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion (sdk.Major, sdk.Minor))
return true;
#error unknown target
// 2. on the real target for Xamarin.iOS.dll/monotouch.dll
// as the simulator miss some libraries and symbols
// but the rest of the BCL is fine to test
return (a == typeof (NSObject).Assembly && TestRuntime.IsSimulatorOrDesktop);
public void MonoNativeFunctionWrapper ()
var nativeDelegates = from type in Assembly.GetTypes ()
where !Skip (type)
let attr = type.GetCustomAttribute<MonoNativeFunctionWrapperAttribute> ()
where attr != null
select type;
Errors = 0;
int c = 0, n = 0;
foreach (var t in nativeDelegates) {
if (LogProgress)
Console.WriteLine ("{0}. {1}", c++, t);
foreach (var mi in t.GetMethods ()) {
if (mi.DeclaringType == t)
CheckSignature (mi);
AssertIfErrors ("{0} errors found in {1} native delegate validated", Errors, n);
public void MonoPInvokeCallback ()
Errors = 0;
int c = 0, n = 0;
foreach (var type in Assembly.GetTypes ()) {
if (Skip (type))
foreach (var mi in type.GetMethods (BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static)) {
if (mi.DeclaringType != type)
if (Skip (mi))
var attr = mi.GetCustomAttribute<MonoPInvokeCallbackAttribute> ();
if (attr == null)
if (LogProgress)
Console.WriteLine ("{0}. {1}", c++, mi);
var at = attr.DelegateType;
foreach (var m in at.GetMethods ()) {
if (m.DeclaringType != at)
CheckSignature (m);
AssertIfErrors ("{0} errors found in {1} native delegate validated", Errors, n);