
110 строки
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using Mono.Linker;
using Mono.Linker.Steps;
using Xamarin.Tuner;
#nullable enable
namespace Xamarin.Linker {
// Problems:
// * `Dispose` set the generated backing fields to `null` which means
// the linker will mark every backing fields, even if not used
// elsewhere (generally properties) inside the class
// * Backing fields increase the memory footprint of the managed peer
// instance (for the type and all it's subclasses)
// * Backing fields also increase the app size. Not a huge problem as
// they are all declared _weakly_ as `NSObject` but still...
// Solution:
// * When the linker process a `Dispose` method of an `NSObject`
// subclass with the _optimizable_ attribute then we remove the
// method body. This way the linker cannot mark the fields.
// * Before saving back the assemblies we replace the cached method
// body and NOP every field that were not marked by something else
// than the `Dispose` method.
public class BackingFieldDelayHandler : ConfigurationAwareMarkHandler {
protected override string Name { get; } = "Backing Fields Optimizer";
protected override int ErrorCode { get; } = 2400;
public override void Initialize (LinkContext context, MarkContext markContext)
base.Initialize (context);
markContext.RegisterMarkMethodAction (ProcessMethod);
// cache `Dispose` body of optimization NSObject subclasses
static Dictionary<MethodDefinition, MethodBody> dispose = new ();
protected override void Process (MethodDefinition method)
if (!method.HasParameters || !method.IsVirtual || !method.HasBody)
if (method.Name != "Dispose")
// only process methods that are marked as optimizable
if (!method.IsBindingImplOptimizableCode (LinkContext))
var t = method.DeclaringType;
if (!t.IsNSObject (LinkContext))
// keep original for later (if needed)
dispose.Add (method, method.Body);
// setting body to null will only cause it to be reloaded again
// same if we don't get a new IL processor
// and we do not want that (as it would mark the fields)
var body = new MethodBody (method);
var il = body.GetILProcessor ();
il.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);
method.Body = body;
public static void ReapplyDisposedFields (DerivedLinkContext context, string operation)
// note: all methods in the dictionary are marked (since they were added from an IMarkHandler)
foreach ((var method, var body) in dispose) {
foreach (var ins in body.Instructions) {
switch (ins.OpCode.OperandType) {
case OperandType.InlineField:
var fr = ins.Operand as FieldReference;
var field = fr?.Resolve ();
var isMarked = field is not null && context.Annotations.IsMarked (field);
if (!isMarked) {
var store_field = ins;
var load_null = ins.Previous;
var load_this = ins.Previous.Previous;
if (OptimizeGeneratedCodeHandler.ValidateInstruction (method, store_field, operation, Code.Stfld) &&
OptimizeGeneratedCodeHandler.ValidateInstruction (method, load_null, operation, Code.Ldnull) &&
OptimizeGeneratedCodeHandler.ValidateInstruction (method, load_this, operation, Code.Ldarg_0)) {
store_field.OpCode = OpCodes.Nop;
load_null.OpCode = OpCodes.Nop;
load_this.OpCode = OpCodes.Nop;
method.Body = body;
public class BackingFieldReintroductionSubStep : ExceptionalSubStep {
public override SubStepTargets Targets => SubStepTargets.Assembly;
protected override string Name => "Backing Field Reintroduction";
protected override int ErrorCode { get; } = 2410;
public override void Initialize (LinkContext context)
base.Initialize (context);
BackingFieldDelayHandler.ReapplyDisposedFields (LinkContext, Name);