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using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using NUnit.Framework;
#if XAMCORE_2_0
using Foundation;
using ObjCRuntime;
using MonoTouch.Foundation;
using MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime;
#if XAMCORE_2_0
using RectangleF=CoreGraphics.CGRect;
using SizeF=CoreGraphics.CGSize;
using PointF=CoreGraphics.CGPoint;
using nfloat=global::System.Single;
using nint=global::System.Int32;
using nuint=global::System.UInt32;
namespace MonoTouchFixtures.Foundation {
public class NSDictionaryTest {
// Tests for the new NSDictionary from parameters constructors
public void DictionaryCtorKeyValues ()
var key = new NSString ("key");
var value = new NSString ("value");
var j = new NSDictionary (key, value);
Assert.AreEqual (j.Count, 1, "count");
Assert.AreEqual (j [key], value, "key lookup");
j = new NSDictionary (new NSString ("first"), new NSString ("first-k"),
new NSString ("second"), new NSString ("second-k"));
Assert.AreEqual (j.Count, 2, "count");
Assert.AreEqual ((string)(NSString)(j ["first"]), "first-k", "lookup1");
Assert.AreEqual ((string)(NSString)(j ["second"]), "second-k", "lookup2");
public void DictionaryCtorKeyValuesObjects ()
var j = new NSDictionary ("key", "value");
Assert.AreEqual (j.Count, 1, "count");
Assert.AreEqual ((string)(NSString)(j ["key"]), "value", "key lookup");
j = new NSDictionary (1, 2, 3, 4);
Assert.AreEqual (j.Count, 2, "count");
Assert.AreEqual (((NSNumber) j [new NSNumber (1)]).Int32Value, 2, "lookup1");
Assert.AreEqual (((NSNumber) j [new NSNumber (3)]).Int32Value, 4, "lookup2");
public void InbalancedCtor()
try {
var j = new NSDictionary (new NSString ("key"), new NSString ("value"), new NSString ("other"));
} catch (ArgumentException) {
Assert.Fail ("Should have thrown an exception");
public void InbalancedCtor2()
try {
var j = new NSDictionary (1, 2, 3);
} catch (ArgumentException) {
Assert.Fail ("Should have thrown an exception");
public void KeyValue_Autorelease ()
using (var k = new NSString ("keyz"))
using (var v = new NSString ("valuez")) {
var k1 = k.RetainCount;
if (k1 >= int.MaxValue)
Assert.Ignore ("RetainCount unusable for testing");
var k2 = k1;
Assert.That (k.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo ((nint) 1), "Key.RetainCount-a");
var v1 = v.RetainCount;
var v2 = v1;
Assert.That (v.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo ((nint) 1), "Value.RetainCount-a");
using (var d = new NSDictionary (k, v)) {
k2 = k.RetainCount;
Assert.That (k2, Is.GreaterThan (k1), "Key.RetainCount-b");
v2 = v.RetainCount;
Assert.That (v2, Is.GreaterThan (v1), "Value.RetainCount-b");
Assert.NotNull (d.Keys, "Keys");
// accessing `allKeys` should *NOT* change the retainCount
// that would happen without an [Autorelease] and can lead to memory exhaustion
// https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=7723
Assert.That (k.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo (k2), "Key.RetainCount-c");
Assert.NotNull (d.Values, "Values");
Assert.That (v.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo (v2), "Value.RetainCount-c");
Assert.That (k.RetainCount, Is.LessThan (k2), "Key.RetainCount-d");
Assert.That (v.RetainCount, Is.LessThan (v2), "Value.RetainCount-d");
public void XForY_Autorelease ()
using (var k = new NSString ("keyz"))
using (var v = new NSString ("valuez")) {
var k1 = k.RetainCount;
if (k1 >= int.MaxValue)
Assert.Ignore ("RetainCount unusable for testing");
var k2 = k1;
Assert.That (k.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo ((nint) 1), "Key.RetainCount-a");
var v1 = v.RetainCount;
var v2 = v1;
Assert.That (v.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo ((nint) 1), "Value.RetainCount-a");
using (var d = new NSDictionary (k, v)) {
k2 = k.RetainCount;
Assert.That (k2, Is.GreaterThan (k1), "Key.RetainCount-b");
v2 = v.RetainCount;
Assert.That (v2, Is.GreaterThan (v1), "Value.RetainCount-b");
var x = d.KeysForObject (v);
Assert.That (x [0], Is.SameAs (k), "KeysForObject");
var y = d.ObjectForKey (k);
Assert.NotNull (y, "ObjectForKey");
using (var a = new NSMutableArray ()) {
a.Add (k);
var z = d.ObjectsForKeys (a, k);
Assert.That (z [0], Is.SameAs (v), "ObjectsForKeys");
Assert.That (k.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo (k2), "Key.RetainCount-c");
Assert.That (v.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo (v2), "Value.RetainCount-c");
Assert.That (k.RetainCount, Is.LessThan (k2), "Key.RetainCount-d");
Assert.That (v.RetainCount, Is.LessThan (v2), "Value.RetainCount-d");
public void FromObjectsAndKeysTest ()
var keys = new NSObject[] { new NSNumber(1), new NSNumber(2) };
var objs = new NSObject[] { new NSNumber(1), new NSNumber(4) };
NSDictionary ns = NSDictionary.FromObjectsAndKeys (objs, keys, 1);
Console.WriteLine (ns.Count);
Assert.AreEqual (1, ns.Count, "#1");
var keys = new object[] { 1, 2 };
var objs = new object[] { 3, 4 };
NSDictionary ns = NSDictionary.FromObjectsAndKeys (objs, keys, 1);
Assert.AreEqual (1, ns.Count, "#2");
public void Copy ()
using (var k = new NSString ("key"))
using (var v = new NSString ("value"))
using (var d = new NSDictionary (k, v)) {
// NSObject.Copy works because NSDictionary conforms to NSCopying
// note: we do not Dispose the "copies" because it's the same instance being returned
var copy1 = (NSDictionary) d.Copy ();
Assert.AreSame (d, copy1, "1");
Assert.That (copy1, Is.Not.TypeOf<NSMutableDictionary> (), "NSDictionary-1");
Assert.That (copy1.Count, Is.EqualTo ((nuint) 1), "Count-1");
var copy2 = (NSDictionary) d.Copy (null);
Assert.AreSame (d, copy2, "2");
Assert.That (copy2, Is.Not.TypeOf<NSMutableDictionary> (), "NSDictionary-2");
Assert.That (copy2.Count, Is.EqualTo ((nuint) 1), "Count-2");
var copy3 = (NSDictionary) d.Copy (NSZone.Default);
Assert.AreSame (d, copy3, "3");
Assert.That (copy3, Is.Not.TypeOf<NSMutableDictionary> (), "NSDictionary-3");
Assert.That (copy3.Count, Is.EqualTo ((nuint) 1), "Count-3");
public void MutableCopy ()
using (var k = new NSString ("key"))
using (var v = new NSString ("value"))
using (var d = new NSDictionary (k, v)) {
// NSObject.Copy works because NSDictionary conforms to NSMutableCopying
using (var copy = (NSDictionary) d.MutableCopy ()) {
Assert.That (copy, Is.TypeOf<NSMutableDictionary> (), "NSMutableDictionary");
Assert.That (copy.Count, Is.EqualTo ((nuint) 1), "Count");
using (var copy = (NSDictionary) d.MutableCopy (null)) {
Assert.That (copy, Is.TypeOf<NSMutableDictionary> (), "NSMutableDictionary-2");
Assert.That (copy.Count, Is.EqualTo ((nuint) 1), "Count-2");
using (var copy = (NSDictionary) d.MutableCopy (NSZone.Default)) {
Assert.That (copy, Is.TypeOf<NSMutableDictionary> (), "NSMutableDictionary-3");
Assert.That (copy.Count, Is.EqualTo ((nuint) 1), "Count-3");
public void IndexerTest ()
// This test doesn't work on Lion, because Lion returns mutable dictionaries in some places this test asserts that those dictionaries are non-mutable.
TestRuntime.AssertSystemVersion (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 8, throwIfOtherPlatform: false);
IntPtr strkeyptr = IntPtr.Zero;
IntPtr strobjptr = IntPtr.Zero;
IntPtr objptr;
IntPtr keyptr;
NSString obj, key;
NSString v;
try {
strkeyptr = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAuto ("key");
strobjptr = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAuto ("obj");
// this[string]
keyptr = Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_IntPtr (Class.GetHandle (typeof (NSString)), Selector.GetHandle ("stringWithUTF8String:"), strkeyptr);
objptr = Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_IntPtr (Class.GetHandle (typeof (NSString)), Selector.GetHandle ("stringWithUTF8String:"), strobjptr);
using (var dict = Runtime.GetNSObject<NSDictionary> (Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_IntPtr_IntPtr (Class.GetHandle (typeof (NSDictionary)), Selector.GetHandle ("dictionaryWithObject:forKey:"), objptr, keyptr))) {
v = (NSString) dict ["key"];
Assert.AreEqual ("obj", (string) v, "a");
Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => dict ["key"] = (NSString) "value", "a ex");
// this[NSObject]
keyptr = Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_IntPtr (Class.GetHandle (typeof (NSString)), Selector.GetHandle ("stringWithUTF8String:"), strkeyptr);
objptr = Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_IntPtr (Class.GetHandle (typeof (NSString)), Selector.GetHandle ("stringWithUTF8String:"), strobjptr);
using (var dict = Runtime.GetNSObject<NSDictionary> (Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_IntPtr_IntPtr (Class.GetHandle (typeof (NSDictionary)), Selector.GetHandle ("dictionaryWithObject:forKey:"), objptr, keyptr))) {
v = (NSString) dict [(NSObject) (NSString) "key"];
Assert.AreEqual ("obj", (string) v, "b");
Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => dict [(NSObject) (NSString) "key"] = (NSString) "value", "a ex");
// this[NSString]
keyptr = Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_IntPtr (Class.GetHandle (typeof (NSString)), Selector.GetHandle ("stringWithUTF8String:"), strkeyptr);
objptr = Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_IntPtr (Class.GetHandle (typeof (NSString)), Selector.GetHandle ("stringWithUTF8String:"), strobjptr);
using (var dict = Runtime.GetNSObject<NSDictionary> (Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_IntPtr_IntPtr (Class.GetHandle (typeof (NSDictionary)), Selector.GetHandle ("dictionaryWithObject:forKey:"), objptr, keyptr))) {
v = (NSString) dict [(NSString) "key"];
Assert.AreEqual ("obj", (string) v, "c");
Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException> (() => dict [(NSString) "key"] = (NSString) "value", "a ex");
} finally {
Marshal.FreeHGlobal (strkeyptr);
Marshal.FreeHGlobal (strobjptr);