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# https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/LowLevelABI/130-IA-32_Function_Calling_Conventions/IA32.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40002492-SW4
# store all parameters in a consistent way, and send it off to managed code.
# we need to store:
# %esp
# our struct is:
# 4 bytes for the type of trampoline (we use %edx temporarily for this purpose)
# 3x 4 bytes for the registers
# 8 bytes for the floating point return value
# total: 24 bytes
# upon return we may need to write to:
# %eax, %edx
# %st0 (the floating point stack)
#if __i386__
pushl %ebp
.cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
.cfi_offset %ebp, -8
movl %esp, %ebp
.cfi_def_cfa_register %ebp
pushl %esi # we use %esi as a pointer to our XamarinCallState struct. It's a preserved register, so we need to save it.
subl $0x24, %esp # allocate 32 bytes from the stack. 24 bytes for our XamarinCallState struct + 4 bytes for the parameters to xamarin_arch_trampoline + alignment.
# %esi points our XamarinCallState structure (on the stack)
movl %esp, %esi
addl $0x4, %esi
movl %edx, (%esi) # type
movl %eax, 4(%esi) # eax
movl %edx, 8(%esi) # edx
movl %ebp, %ecx
addl $0x4, %ecx
movl %ecx, 12(%esi) # esp (at entry to this function)
movl %esi, (%esp) # 1st argument to xamarin_arch_trampoline, a pointer to the XamarinCallState structure.
call _xamarin_arch_trampoline
# get return value(s)
movl 4(%esi), %eax
movl 8(%esi), %edx
# check if we need to push a floating point value to the floating point stack
# use %ecx as scratch register (not preserved, and not used to return values)
movl (%esi), %ecx # fetch the trampoline type
cmpl $0x4, %ecx # if (type == _xamarin_fpret_single_trampoline)
je L_single_floating_point # goto single floating point;
cmpl $0x5, %ecx # else if (type == _xamarin_static_fpret_single_trampoline)
je L_single_floating_point # goto single floating point;
cmpl $0x8, %ecx # else if (type == _xamarin_fpret_double_trampoline)
je L_double_floating_point # goto doublefloating point;
cmpl $0x9, %ecx # else if (type == _xamarin_static_fpret_double_trampoline)
je L_double_floating_point # goto double floating point;
jmp L_no_floating_point
flds 16(%esi)
jmp L_no_floating_point
fldl 16(%esi)
# fall through
addl $0x24, %esp # deallocate the stack space we used
popl %esi
popl %ebp
cmpl $0x50, %ecx
je L_double_stret_return
cmpl $0x51, %ecx
je L_double_stret_return
retl $0x4
# trampolines
.globl _xamarin_trampoline
movl $0x0, %edx
jmp _xamarin_i386_common_trampoline
.globl _xamarin_static_trampoline
movl $0x1, %edx
jmp _xamarin_i386_common_trampoline
.globl _xamarin_ctor_trampoline
movl $0x2, %edx
jmp _xamarin_i386_common_trampoline
.globl _xamarin_fpret_single_trampoline
movl $0x4, %edx
jmp _xamarin_i386_common_trampoline
.globl _xamarin_static_fpret_single_trampoline
movl $0x5, %edx
jmp _xamarin_i386_common_trampoline
.globl _xamarin_fpret_double_trampoline
movl $0x8, %edx
jmp _xamarin_i386_common_trampoline
.globl _xamarin_static_fpret_double_trampoline
movl $0x9, %edx
jmp _xamarin_i386_common_trampoline
.globl _xamarin_stret_trampoline
movl $0x10, %edx
jmp _xamarin_i386_common_trampoline
.globl _xamarin_static_stret_trampoline
movl $0x11, %edx
jmp _xamarin_i386_common_trampoline
.globl _xamarin_longret_trampoline
movl $0x20, %edx
jmp _xamarin_i386_common_trampoline
.globl _xamarin_static_longret_trampoline
movl $0x21, %edx
jmp _xamarin_i386_common_trampoline
.globl _xamarin_x86_double_abi_stret_trampoline
movl $0x50, %edx
jmp _xamarin_i386_common_trampoline
.globl _xamarin_static_x86_double_abi_stret_trampoline
movl $0x51, %edx
jmp _xamarin_i386_common_trampoline
# etc...