
593 строки
18 KiB

#pragma warning disable 0649 // Field 'X' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value null
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using Xamarin.Utils;
#nullable enable
namespace Xamarin.Tests {
class BGenTool : Tool {
public const string None = "None";
AssemblyDefinition? assembly;
public Profile Profile;
public bool InProcess = true; // if executed using an in-process bgen. Ignored if using the classic bgen (for XM/Classic), in which case we'll always use the out-of-process bgen.
public bool ProcessEnums;
public List<string> ApiDefinitions = new List<string> ();
public List<string> Sources = new List<string> ();
public List<string> ExtraSources = new List<string> ();
public List<string> References = new List<string> ();
#if NET
public List<string>? CompileCommand = null;
// If BaseLibrary and AttributeLibrary are null, we calculate a default value
#if NET
public string? BaseLibrary;
public string? AttributeLibrary;
public bool ReferenceBclByDefault = true;
public string? CompiledApiDefinitionAssembly = null;
public string BaseLibrary = None;
public string AttributeLibrary = None;
public bool ReferenceBclByDefault = false;
public string []? Defines;
public string? TmpDirectory;
public string? ResponseFile;
public string? WarnAsError; // Set to empty string to pass /warnaserror, set to non-empty string to pass /warnaserror:<nonemptystring>
public string? NoWarn; // Set to empty string to pass /nowarn, set to non-empty string to pass /nowarn:<nonemptystring>
public string? Out;
public int Verbosity = 1;
protected override string ToolPath { get { return Profile == Profile.macOSClassic ? Configuration.BGenClassicPath : Configuration.BGenPath; } }
protected override string MessagePrefix { get { return "BI"; } }
protected override string MessageToolName { get { return Profile == Profile.macOSClassic ? "bgen-classic" : "bgen"; } }
public BGenTool ()
if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT) {
EnvironmentVariables = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
} else {
EnvironmentVariables = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "MD_MTOUCH_SDK_ROOT", Configuration.SdkRootXI },
{ "XamarinMacFrameworkRoot", Configuration.SdkRootXM },
public void AddTestApiDefinition (string filename)
ApiDefinitions.Add (Path.Combine (Configuration.SourceRoot, "tests", "generator", filename));
public void AddExtraSourcesRelativeToGeneratorDirectory (string pathRelativeToGeneratorDirectory)
ExtraSources.Add (GetFullPathRelativeToGeneratorDirectory (pathRelativeToGeneratorDirectory));
public string GetFullPathRelativeToGeneratorDirectory (string pathRelativeToGeneratorDirectory)
return Path.Combine (Configuration.SourceRoot, "tests", "generator", pathRelativeToGeneratorDirectory);
public AssemblyDefinition ApiAssembly {
get {
return LoadAssembly ();
public static string GetTargetFramework (Profile profile)
switch (profile) {
#if NET
case Profile.iOS:
return TargetFramework.DotNet_iOS_String;
case Profile.tvOS:
return TargetFramework.DotNet_tvOS_String;
case Profile.watchOS:
return TargetFramework.DotNet_watchOS_String;
case Profile.MacCatalyst:
return TargetFramework.DotNet_MacCatalyst_String;
case Profile.macOSMobile:
return TargetFramework.DotNet_macOS_String;
case Profile.macOSFull:
case Profile.macOSSystem:
throw new InvalidOperationException ($"Only the Mobile profile can be specified for .NET");
case Profile.iOS:
return "Xamarin.iOS,v1.0";
case Profile.tvOS:
return "Xamarin.TVOS,v1.0";
case Profile.watchOS:
return "Xamarin.WatchOS,v1.0";
case Profile.macOSClassic:
return "XamMac,v1.0";
case Profile.macOSFull:
return "Xamarin.Mac,Version=v4.5,Profile=Full";
case Profile.macOSMobile:
return "Xamarin.Mac,Version=v2.0,Profile=Mobile";
case Profile.macOSSystem:
return "Xamarin.Mac,Version=v4.5,Profile=System";
throw new NotImplementedException ($"Profile: {profile}");
string [] BuildArgumentArray ()
var sb = new List<string> ();
var targetFramework = (string?) null;
if (Profile != Profile.None)
targetFramework = GetTargetFramework (Profile);
#if NET
if (CompileCommand is null) {
if (!StringUtils.TryParseArguments (Configuration.DotNetCscCommand, out var args, out var ex))
throw new InvalidOperationException ($"Unable to parse the .NET csc command '{Configuration.DotNetCscCommand}': {ex.Message}");
CompileCommand = new List<string> (args);
if (CompileCommand.Count > 0) {
sb.Add ($"--compile-command");
sb.Add (string.Join (" ", StringUtils.QuoteForProcess (CompileCommand.ToArray ())));
if (CompiledApiDefinitionAssembly is not null) {
sb.Add ($"--compiled-api-definition-assembly");
sb.Add (CompiledApiDefinitionAssembly);
TargetFramework? tf = null;
if (targetFramework is not null)
tf = TargetFramework.Parse (targetFramework);
if (BaseLibrary is null) {
if (tf.HasValue)
sb.Add ($"--baselib={Configuration.GetBaseLibrary (tf.Value)}");
} else if (BaseLibrary != None) {
sb.Add ($"--baselib={BaseLibrary}");
if (AttributeLibrary is null) {
if (tf.HasValue)
sb.Add ($"--attributelib={Configuration.GetBindingAttributePath (tf.Value)}");
} else if (AttributeLibrary != None) {
sb.Add ($"--attributelib={AttributeLibrary}");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (targetFramework))
sb.Add ($"--target-framework={targetFramework}");
foreach (var ad in ApiDefinitions)
sb.Add ($"--api={ad}");
foreach (var s in Sources)
sb.Add ($"-s={s}");
foreach (var x in ExtraSources)
sb.Add ($"-x={x}");
if (ReferenceBclByDefault) {
if (tf is null) {
// do nothing
} else if (tf.Value.IsDotNet == true) {
References.AddRange (Directory.GetFiles (Configuration.DotNetBclDir, "*.dll"));
} else {
throw new NotImplementedException ("ReferenceBclByDefault");
foreach (var r in References)
sb.Add ($"-r={r}");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (TmpDirectory))
sb.Add ($"--tmpdir={TmpDirectory}");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (ResponseFile))
sb.Add ($"@{ResponseFile}");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Out))
sb.Add ($"--out={Out}");
if (ProcessEnums)
sb.Add ("--process-enums");
if (Defines is not null) {
foreach (var d in Defines)
sb.Add ($"-d={d}");
if (WarnAsError is not null) {
var arg = "--warnaserror";
if (WarnAsError.Length > 0)
arg += ":" + WarnAsError;
sb.Add (arg);
NoWarn = GetPreviewNoWarn (NoWarn);
if (NoWarn is not null) {
var arg = "--nowarn";
if (NoWarn.Length > 0)
arg += ":" + NoWarn;
sb.Add (arg);
if (Verbosity != 0)
sb.Add ("-" + new string (Verbosity > 0 ? 'v' : 'q', Math.Abs (Verbosity)));
return sb.ToArray ();
public static void AddPreviewNoWarn (IList<string> argumentList)
var nw = GetPreviewNoWarn (null);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (nw))
argumentList.Add ($"-nowarn:{nw}");
#if NET
[return: NotNullIfNotNull (nameof (existingNowarn))]
public static string? GetPreviewNoWarn (string? existingNowarn)
if (Configuration.XcodeIsStable)
return existingNowarn;
var previewNoWarn = $"XCODE_{Configuration.XcodeVersion.Major}_{Configuration.XcodeVersion.Minor}_PREVIEW";
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (existingNowarn)) {
return previewNoWarn;
} else {
return $"{existingNowarn},{previewNoWarn}";
public void AssertExecute (string message)
Assert.AreEqual (0, Execute (), message);
public void AssertExecuteError (string message)
Assert.AreNotEqual (0, Execute (), message);
int Execute ()
var arguments = BuildArgumentArray ();
var in_process = InProcess && Profile != Profile.macOSClassic;
if (in_process) {
int rv;
var previous_environment = new Dictionary<string, string?> ();
foreach (var kvp in EnvironmentVariables) {
previous_environment [kvp.Key] = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable (kvp.Key);
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable (kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
ThreadStaticTextWriter.ReplaceConsole (Output);
try {
rv = BindingTouch.Main (arguments);
} finally {
ThreadStaticTextWriter.RestoreConsole ();
foreach (var kvp in previous_environment) {
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable (kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
Console.WriteLine (Output);
ParseMessages ();
return rv;
return Execute (arguments, always_show_output: true);
public void AssertApiCallsMethod (string caller_namespace, string caller_type, string caller_method, string @called_method, string message)
var type = ApiAssembly.MainModule.GetType (caller_namespace, caller_type);
var method = type.Methods.First ((v) => v.Name == caller_method);
AssertApiCallsMethod (method, called_method, message);
public void AssertApiCallsMethod (MethodReference method, string called_method, string message)
var instructions = method.Resolve ().Body.Instructions;
foreach (var ins in instructions) {
if (ins.OpCode.FlowControl != FlowControl.Call)
var mr = ins.Operand as MethodReference;
if (mr is null)
if (mr.Name == called_method)
Assert.Fail ($"Could not find any instructions calling {called_method} in {method.FullName}: {message}\n\t{string.Join ("\n\t", instructions)}");
public void AssertApiLoadsField (string caller_type, string caller_method, string declaring_type, string field, string message)
var type = ApiAssembly.MainModule.GetTypes ().First ((v) => v.FullName == caller_type);
var method = type.Methods.First ((v) => v.Name == caller_method);
AssertApiLoadsField (method, declaring_type, field, message);
public void AssertApiLoadsField (MethodReference method, string declaring_type, string field, string message)
var instructions = method.Resolve ().Body.Instructions;
foreach (var ins in instructions) {
if (ins.OpCode.Code != Code.Ldsfld && ins.OpCode.Code != Code.Ldfld)
var fr = ins.Operand as FieldReference;
if (fr is null)
if (fr.DeclaringType.FullName != declaring_type)
if (fr.Name == field)
Assert.Fail ($"Could not find any instructions loading the field {declaring_type}.{field} in {method.FullName}: {message}\n\t{string.Join ("\n\t", instructions)}");
public void AssertPublicTypeCount (int count, string? message = null)
var assembly = LoadAssembly ();
var actual = assembly.MainModule.Types.Where ((v) => v.IsPublic || v.IsNestedPublic);
if (actual.Count () != count)
Assert.Fail ($"Expected {count} public type(s), found {actual} public type(s). {message}\n\t{string.Join ("\n\t", actual.Select ((v) => v.FullName).ToArray ())}");
public void AssertPublicMethodCount (string typename, int count, string? message = null)
var assembly = LoadAssembly ();
var t = assembly.MainModule.Types.First ((v) => v.FullName == typename);
var actual = t.Methods.Where ((v) => {
if (v.IsPrivate || v.IsAssembly || v.IsFamilyAndAssembly)
return false;
return true;
if (actual.Count () != count) {
Assert.Fail ($"Expected {count} publicly accessible method(s) in {typename}, found {actual.Count ()} publicly accessible method(s): {message}\n\t{string.Join ("\n\t", actual.Select (v => v.FullName).OrderBy (v => v))}");
public void AssertType (string fullname, TypeAttributes? attributes = null, string? message = null)
var assembly = LoadAssembly ();
var allTypes = assembly.MainModule.GetTypes ().ToArray ();
var t = allTypes.FirstOrDefault ((v) => v.FullName == fullname);
if (t is null) {
Assert.Fail ($"No type named '{fullname}' in the generated assembly. {message}\nList of types:\n\t{string.Join ("\n\t", allTypes.Select ((v) => v.FullName))}");
if (attributes is not null)
Assert.AreEqual (attributes.Value, t.Attributes, $"Incorrect attributes for type {fullname}.");
public void AssertMethod (string typename, string method, params string [] parameterTypes)
AssertMethod (typename, method, null, null, parameterTypes);
public void AssertMethod (string typename, string method, string? returnType = null, params string [] parameterTypes)
AssertMethod (typename, method, null, returnType, parameterTypes);
public void AssertMethod (string typename, string method, MethodAttributes? attributes = null, string? returnType = null, params string [] parameterTypes)
var m = FindMethod (typename, method, returnType, parameterTypes);
if (m is null) {
Assert.Fail ($"No method '{method}' with signature '{string.Join ("', '", parameterTypes)}' on the type '{typename}' was found.");
if (attributes.HasValue)
Assert.AreEqual (attributes.Value, m.Attributes, "Attributes for {0}", m.FullName);
public void AssertNoMethod (string typename, string method, string? returnType = null, params string [] parameterTypes)
var m = FindMethod (typename, method, returnType, parameterTypes);
if (m is not null)
Assert.Fail ($"Unexpectedly found method '{method}' with signature '{string.Join ("', '", parameterTypes)}' on the type '{typename}'.");
MethodDefinition? FindMethod (string typename, string method, string? returnType, params string [] parameterTypes)
var assembly = LoadAssembly ();
var t = assembly.MainModule.Types.FirstOrDefault ((v) => v.FullName == typename);
if (t is null)
return null;
var m = t.Methods.FirstOrDefault ((v) => {
if (v.Name != method)
return false;
if (v.Parameters.Count != parameterTypes.Length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < v.Parameters.Count; i++)
if (v.Parameters [i].ParameterType.FullName != parameterTypes [i])
return false;
return true;
return m;
AssemblyDefinition LoadAssembly ()
if (assembly is null) {
var parameters = new ReaderParameters ();
var resolver = new DefaultAssemblyResolver ();
#if NET
var searchdir = Path.GetDirectoryName (Configuration.GetBaseLibrary (Profile.AsPlatform (), true));
var searchdir = Path.GetDirectoryName (Configuration.GetBaseLibrary (Profile));
resolver.AddSearchDirectory (searchdir);
parameters.AssemblyResolver = resolver;
var tmpDirectory = EnsureTempDir ();
assembly = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly (AssemblyPath, parameters);
return assembly;
public string AssemblyPath {
get {
var tmpDirectory = EnsureTempDir ();
return Out ?? (Path.Combine (tmpDirectory, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (ApiDefinitions [0]).Replace ('-', '_') + ".dll"));
public string XmlDocumentation {
get {
return Path.ChangeExtension (AssemblyPath, ".xml");
string EnsureTempDir ()
if (TmpDirectory is null)
TmpDirectory = Cache.CreateTemporaryDirectory ();
return TmpDirectory;
public void CreateTemporaryBinding (params string [] api_definition)
var tmpDirectory = EnsureTempDir ();
for (int i = 0; i < api_definition.Length; i++) {
var api = Path.Combine (tmpDirectory, $"api{i}.cs");
File.WriteAllText (api, api_definition [i]);
ApiDefinitions.Add (api);
WorkingDirectory = TmpDirectory;
Out = Path.Combine (tmpDirectory, "api0.dll");
public static string [] GetDefaultDefines (Profile profile)
switch (profile) {
case Profile.macOSFull:
case Profile.macOSMobile:
case Profile.macOSSystem:
return new string [] { "MONOMAC", "XAMCORE_2_0" };
case Profile.macOSClassic:
return new string [] { "MONOMAC" };
case Profile.iOS:
return new string [] { "IOS", "XAMCORE_2_0" };
case Profile.MacCatalyst:
return new string [] { "MACCATALYST" };
case Profile.tvOS:
return new string [] { "TVOS", "XAMCORE_2_0" };
throw new NotImplementedException (profile.ToString ());
// This class will replace stdout/stderr with its own thread-static storage for stdout/stderr.
// This means we're capturing stdout/stderr per thread.
class ThreadStaticTextWriter : TextWriter {
static TextWriter? current_writer;
static ThreadStaticTextWriter instance = new ThreadStaticTextWriter ();
static object lock_obj = new object ();
static int counter;
static TextWriter? original_stdout;
static TextWriter? original_stderr;
public static void ReplaceConsole (StringBuilder sb)
lock (lock_obj) {
if (counter == 0) {
original_stdout = Console.Out;
original_stderr = Console.Error;
Console.SetOut (instance);
Console.SetError (instance);
current_writer = new StringWriter (sb);
public static void RestoreConsole ()
lock (lock_obj) {
current_writer?.Dispose ();
current_writer = null;
if (counter == 0) {
Console.SetOut (original_stdout!);
Console.SetError (original_stderr!);
original_stdout = null;
original_stderr = null;
ThreadStaticTextWriter ()
public TextWriter CurrentWriter {
get {
lock (lock_obj) {
if (current_writer is null)
return original_stdout ?? Console.Out;
return current_writer;
public override Encoding Encoding => Encoding.UTF8;
public override void WriteLine ()
lock (lock_obj)
CurrentWriter.WriteLine ();
public override void Write (char value)
lock (lock_obj)
CurrentWriter.Write (value);
public override void Write (string? value)
lock (lock_obj)
CurrentWriter.Write (value);
public override void Write (char []? buffer)
lock (lock_obj)
CurrentWriter.Write (buffer);
public override void WriteLine (string? value)
lock (lock_obj)
CurrentWriter.WriteLine (value);