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// Availability tests for introspection
// Authors:
// Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien.pouliot@microsoft.com>
// Copyright 2017 Microsoft Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#if !NET // this test is in cecil-tests in .NET
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Text;
using NUnit.Framework;
using ObjCRuntime;
using Xamarin.Tests;
using Xamarin.Utils;
using ApplePlatform = ObjCRuntime.PlatformName;
namespace Introspection {
public class ApiAvailabilityTest : ApiBaseTest {
protected Version Minimum { get; set; }
protected Version Maximum { get; set; }
protected Func<AvailabilityBaseAttribute, bool> Filter { get; set; }
protected PlatformName Platform { get; set; }
public ApiAvailabilityTest ()
Maximum = Version.Parse (Constants.SdkVersion);
Platform = PlatformName.MacCatalyst;
Minimum = Xamarin.SdkVersions.MinMacCatalystVersion;
#elif __IOS__
Platform = PlatformName.iOS;
Minimum = Xamarin.SdkVersions.MiniOSVersion;
#elif __TVOS__
Platform = PlatformName.TvOS;
Minimum = Xamarin.SdkVersions.MinTVOSVersion;
#elif __WATCHOS__
Platform = PlatformName.WatchOS;
Minimum = Xamarin.SdkVersions.MinWatchOSVersion;
Platform = PlatformName.MacOSX;
Minimum = Xamarin.SdkVersions.MinOSXVersion;
#error No Platform Defined
Filter = (AvailabilityBaseAttribute arg) => {
return (arg.AvailabilityKind != AvailabilityKind.Introduced) || (arg.Platform != Platform);
bool FoundInProtocols (MemberInfo m, Type t)
var method = m.ToString ();
foreach (var intf in t.GetInterfaces ()) {
var p = Assembly.GetType (intf.FullName);
if (p is not null) {
// here we want inherited members so we don't have to hunt inherited interfaces recursively
foreach (var pm in p.GetMembers ()) {
if (pm.ToString () != method)
return true;
foreach (var ca in p.GetCustomAttributes<Foundation.ProtocolMemberAttribute> ()) {
// TODO check signature in [ProtocolMember]
if (ca.IsProperty) {
if (m.Name == "get_" + ca.Name)
return true;
if (m.Name == "set_" + ca.Name)
return true;
if (m.Name == ca.Name)
return true;
p = Assembly.GetType (intf.Namespace + "." + intf.Name.Substring (1));
if (p is not null) {
// here we want inherited members so we don't have to hunt inherited interfaces recursively
foreach (var pm in p.GetMembers ()) {
if (pm.ToString () != method)
return true;
p = Assembly.GetType (intf.Namespace + "." + intf.Name.Substring (1) + "_Extensions");
if (p is not null) {
// here we want inherited members so we don't have to hunt inherited interfaces recursively
foreach (var pm in p.GetMembers ()) {
// map extension method to original @optional
if (m.Name != pm.Name)
var parameters = (pm as MethodInfo).GetParameters ();
if (parameters.Length == 0)
var pattern = "(" + parameters [0].ParameterType.FullName;
if (parameters.Length > 1)
pattern += ", ";
var s = pm.ToString ().Replace (pattern, "(");
if (s != method)
return true;
return false;
void CheckIntroduced (Type t, AvailabilityBaseAttribute ta, MemberInfo m)
var ma = CheckAvailability (m);
if (ta is null || ma is null)
// need to skip members that are copied to satisfy interfaces (protocol members)
if (FoundInProtocols (m, t))
var taVersion = ta.Version;
var maVersion = ma.Version;
// Duplicate checks, e.g. same attribute on member and type (extranous metadata)
if (maVersion == taVersion) {
switch (t.FullName) {
case "AppKit.INSAccessibility":
// special case for [I]NSAccessibility type (10.9) / protocol (10.10) mix up
// https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/issues/10009
// better some dupes than being inaccurate when protocol members are inlined
AddErrorLine ($"[FAIL] {maVersion} ({m}) == {taVersion} ({t})");
// Consistency checks, e.g. member lower than type
// note: that's valid in some cases, like a new base type being introduced
if (maVersion < taVersion) {
switch (t.FullName) {
case "CoreBluetooth.CBPeer":
switch (m.ToString ()) {
// type added later and existing property was moved
case "Foundation.NSUuid get_Identifier()":
case "Foundation.NSUuid Identifier":
case "MetricKit.MXUnitAveragePixelLuminance":
case "MetricKit.MXUnitSignalBars":
// design bug wrt generics leading to redefinition of some members in subclasses
if (m.ToString () == "System.String Symbol")
AddErrorLine ($"[FAIL] {maVersion} ({m}) < {taVersion} ({t})");
public void Introduced ()
//LogProgress = true;
Errors = 0;
foreach (Type t in Assembly.GetTypes ()) {
if (LogProgress)
Console.WriteLine ($"T: {t}");
var ta = CheckAvailability (t);
foreach (var p in t.GetProperties (BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)) {
if (LogProgress)
Console.WriteLine ($"P: {p}");
CheckIntroduced (t, ta, p);
// this checks getter and setters which have copies of availability attributes (in legacy)
foreach (var m in t.GetMembers (BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)) {
if (LogProgress)
Console.WriteLine ($"M: {m}");
CheckIntroduced (t, ta, m);
AssertIfErrors ("{0} API with unneeded or incorrect version information", Errors);
#if XAMCORE_4_0
public void Deprecated ()
// Warn about any API deprecated before the minimum (e.g. < iOS 6).
// Those should not be exposed in future profiles.
Assert.Fail ("TODO");
string ToString (ICustomAttributeProvider cap)
var s = cap.ToString ();
if (cap is MemberInfo mi) {
var i = s.IndexOf (' ');
if (i != -1) {
// a method/property without the declaring type is hard to track down
s = s.Insert (i + 1, mi.DeclaringType + "::");
return s;
protected AvailabilityBaseAttribute CheckAvailability (ICustomAttributeProvider cap)
var attrs = cap.GetCustomAttributes (false);
foreach (var ca in attrs) {
if (!(ca is AvailabilityBaseAttribute aa))
if (Filter (aa))
// FIXME should be `<=` but that another large change best done in a different PR
bool isAvailableBeforeMinimum = false;
var aaVersion = aa.Version;
if ((aa.AvailabilityKind == AvailabilityKind.Introduced) && (aaVersion < Minimum)) {
switch (aa.Architecture) {
case PlatformArchitecture.All:
case PlatformArchitecture.None:
isAvailableBeforeMinimum = true;
// An old API still needs the annotations when not available on all architectures
// e.g. NSMenuView is macOS 10.0 but only 32 bits
if (isAvailableBeforeMinimum)
AddErrorLine ($"[FAIL] {aaVersion} <= {Minimum} (Min) on '{ToString (cap)}'.");
if (aaVersion > Maximum)
AddErrorLine ($"[FAIL] {aaVersion} > {Maximum} (Max) on '{ToString (cap)}'.");
return aa;
return null;
bool IsUnavailable (ICustomAttributeProvider cap, out Version? version)
version = null;
foreach (var a in cap.GetCustomAttributes (false)) {
var ca = a;
if (ca is UnavailableAttribute ua) {
if (ua.Platform == Platform)
return true;
return false;
AvailabilityBaseAttribute GetAvailable (ICustomAttributeProvider cap, out Version? version)
version = null;
foreach (var a in cap.GetCustomAttributes (false)) {
var ca = a;
if (ca is AvailabilityBaseAttribute aa) {
if ((aa.AvailabilityKind != AvailabilityKind.Unavailable) && (aa.Platform == Platform))
return aa;
return null;
void CheckUnavailable (Type t, bool typeUnavailable, Version? typeUnavailableVersion, MemberInfo m)
// Turns out Version (13, 1, 0) > Version (13, 1) since undefined fields are -1
// However, we consider them equal, so force a 0 Build if set to -1
if (typeUnavailableVersion is not null && typeUnavailableVersion.Build == -1) {
typeUnavailableVersion = new Version (typeUnavailableVersion.Major, typeUnavailableVersion.Minor, 0);
var ma = GetAvailable (m, out var availableVersion);
if (typeUnavailable && (ma is not null)) {
if (typeUnavailableVersion is not null && availableVersion is not null) {
if (availableVersion >= typeUnavailableVersion)
AddErrorLine ($"[FAIL] {m} in {m.DeclaringType.FullName} is marked with {ma} in {availableVersion} but the type {t.FullName} is [Unavailable ({Platform})] in {typeUnavailableVersion}");
} else {
AddErrorLine ($"[FAIL] {m} in {m.DeclaringType.FullName} is marked with {ma} but the type {t.FullName} is [Unavailable ({Platform})]");
var mu = IsUnavailable (m, out var unavailableVersion);
if (mu && (ma is not null)) {
if (availableVersion is not null && unavailableVersion is not null) {
// Apple is introducing and deprecating numerous APIs in the same Mac Catalyst version,
// so specifically for Mac Catalyst, we do a simple 'greater than' version check,
// instead of a 'greater than or equal' version like we do for the other platforms.
if (Platform == ApplePlatform.MacCatalyst) {
if (availableVersion > unavailableVersion)
AddErrorLine ($"[FAIL] {m} is marked both [Unavailable ({Platform})] and {ma}, and it's available in version {availableVersion} which is > than the unavailable version {unavailableVersion}");
} else {
if (availableVersion >= unavailableVersion)
AddErrorLine ($"[FAIL] {m} is marked both [Unavailable ({Platform})] and {ma}, and it's available in version {availableVersion} which is >= than the unavailable version {unavailableVersion}");
} else {
// As documented in https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/analyzers/platform-compat-analyzer#advanced-scenarios-for-attribute-combinations
// it is valid, and required in places to declare a type both availabile and unavailable on a given platform.
// Example:
// [SupportedOSPlatform ("macos")]
// [UnsupportedOSPlatform ("macos10.13")]
// This API was introduced on macOS but became unavailable on 10.13
// The legacy attributes described this with Deprecated, and did not need to double declare
AddErrorLine ($"[FAIL] {m} in {m.DeclaringType.FullName} is marked both [Unavailable ({Platform})] and {ma}.");
public void Unavailable ()
//LogProgress = true;
Errors = 0;
foreach (Type t in Assembly.GetTypes ()) {
if (SkipUnavailable (t))
if (LogProgress)
Console.WriteLine ($"T: {t}");
var tu = IsUnavailable (t, out var unavailableVersion);
var ta = GetAvailable (t, out var availableVersion);
if (tu && (ta is not null)) {
if (availableVersion is not null && unavailableVersion is not null) {
// Apple is introducing and deprecating numerous APIs in the same Mac Catalyst version,
// so specifically for Mac Catalyst, we do a simple 'greater than' version check,
// instead of a 'greater than or equal' version like we do for the other platforms.
if (Platform == ApplePlatform.MacCatalyst) {
if (availableVersion > unavailableVersion)
AddErrorLine ($"[FAIL] {t.FullName} is marked both [Unavailable ({Platform})] and {ta}, and it's available in version {availableVersion} which is > than the unavailable version {unavailableVersion}");
} else {
if (availableVersion >= unavailableVersion)
AddErrorLine ($"[FAIL] {t.FullName} is marked both [Unavailable ({Platform})] and {ta}, and it's available in version {availableVersion} which is >= than the unavailable version {unavailableVersion}");
} else {
// As documented in https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/analyzers/platform-compat-analyzer#advanced-scenarios-for-attribute-combinations
// it is valid, and required in places to declare a type both availabile and unavailable on a given platform.
// Example:
// [SupportedOSPlatform ("macos")]
// [UnsupportedOSPlatform ("macos10.13")]
// This API was introduced on macOS but became unavailable on 10.13
// The legacy attributes described this with Deprecated, and did not need to double declare
AddErrorLine ($"[FAIL] {t.FullName} is marked both [Unavailable ({Platform})] and {ta}. Available: {availableVersion} Unavailable: {unavailableVersion}");
foreach (var p in t.GetProperties (BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)) {
if (SkipUnavailable (t, p.Name))
if (LogProgress)
Console.WriteLine ($"P: {p.Name}");
CheckUnavailable (t, tu, unavailableVersion, p);
foreach (var m in t.GetMembers (BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)) {
if (SkipUnavailable (t, m.Name))
if (LogProgress)
Console.WriteLine ($"M: {m.Name}");
CheckUnavailable (t, tu, unavailableVersion, m);
AssertIfErrors ("{0} API with mixed [Unavailable] and availability attributes", Errors);
protected virtual bool SkipUnavailable (Type type)
switch (type.Namespace) {
case "AddressBook": {
// The entire framework was introduced and deprecated in the same Mac Catalyst version
return true;
switch (type.FullName) {
case "SafariServices.SFContentBlockerErrorCode":
case "SafariServices.SFContentBlockerErrorCodeExtensions":
// introduced and deprecated in the same Mac Catalyst version
return true;
return false;
protected virtual bool SkipUnavailable (Type type, string memberName)
switch (type.FullName) {
#if __MACOS__
case "AppKit.NSDrawer":
switch (memberName) {
case "AccessibilityChildrenInNavigationOrder":
case "get_AccessibilityChildrenInNavigationOrder":
case "set_AccessibilityChildrenInNavigationOrder":
case "AccessibilityCustomActions":
case "get_AccessibilityCustomActions":
case "set_AccessibilityCustomActions":
case "AccessibilityCustomRotors":
case "get_AccessibilityCustomRotors":
case "set_AccessibilityCustomRotors":
// NSDrawer was deprecated in macOS 10.13, but implements (and inlines) NSAccessibility, which added several new members in macOS 10.13, so ignore those members here.
return true;
case "GLKit.GLKTextureLoader":
switch (memberName) {
case "GrayscaleAsAlpha":
case "get_GrayscaleAsAlpha":
// GLKTextureLoader is deprecated, but the GLKTextureLoaderGrayscaleAsAlpha value, which we've put inside the GLKTextureLoader class, isn't.
return true;
case "AudioUnit.AudioComponent":
switch (memberName) {
case "LastActiveTime":
// introduced and deprecated in the same Mac Catalyst version
return true;
// Apple itself is inconsistent in the availability of the type compared to these selectors
case "AVFoundation.AVCaptureStillImageOutput":
switch (memberName) {
case "AutomaticallyEnablesStillImageStabilizationWhenAvailable":
case "CapturingStillImage":
case "HighResolutionStillImageOutputEnabled":
case "IsStillImageStabilizationActive":
case "IsStillImageStabilizationSupported":
return true;
case "CarPlay.CPApplicationDelegate":
switch (memberName) {
case "DidDiscardSceneSessions":
case "GetConfiguration":
case "GetHandlerForIntent":
case "ShouldAutomaticallyLocalizeKeyCommands":
case "ShouldRestoreSecureApplicationState":
case "ShouldSaveSecureApplicationState":
// CPApplicationDelegate is deprecated in macOS 10.15, but these members are pulled in from the UIApplicationDelegate protocol (which is not deprecated)
return true;
case "CoreMedia.CMTimebase": {
switch (memberName) {
case "SetMasterTimebase":
case "SetMasterClock":
// These APIs were introduced and deprecated in the same version
return true;
case "GameKit.GKScore": {
switch (memberName) {
case "ReportLeaderboardScores":
case "ReportLeaderboardScoresAsync":
// Apple introduced and deprecated this method in the same OS version.
return true;
case "Intents.INNoteContentTypeResolutionResult": {
switch (memberName) {
case "GetConfirmationRequired":
case "GetUnsupported":
// These are static members that have been re-implemented from the base class - the base class isn't deprecated, while INNoteContentTypeResolutionResult is.
return true;
case "MobileCoreServices.UTType": {
switch (memberName) {
case "UniversalSceneDescriptionMobile":
case "get_UniversalSceneDescriptionMobile":
// Apple added new members to a deprecated enum
return true;
case "SceneKit.SCNLayer": {
switch (memberName) {
case "CurrentViewport":
case "TemporalAntialiasingEnabled":
case "get_CurrentViewport":
case "get_TemporalAntialiasingEnabled":
case "set_TemporalAntialiasingEnabled":
case "get_UsesReverseZ":
case "set_UsesReverseZ":
case "UsesReverseZ":
// SCNLayer is deprecated in macOS 10.15, but these members are pulled in from the SCNSceneRenderer protocol (which is not deprecated)
return true;
return false;
static HashSet<string> member_level = new HashSet<string> ();
void CheckDupes (MemberInfo m, Type t, ISet<string> type_level)
member_level.Clear ();
foreach (var a in m.GetCustomAttributes (false)) {
var s = String.Empty;
if (a is AvailabilityBaseAttribute aa)
s = aa.ToString ();
if (s.Length > 0) {
if (type_level.Contains (s))
AddErrorLine ($"[FAIL] Both '{t}' and '{m}' are marked with `{s}`.");
if (member_level.Contains (s))
AddErrorLine ($"[FAIL] '{m}' is decorated more than once with `{s}`.");
member_level.Add (s);
public void Duplicates ()
HashSet<string> type_level = new HashSet<string> ();
//LogProgress = true;
Errors = 0;
foreach (Type t in Assembly.GetTypes ()) {
if (LogProgress)
Console.WriteLine ($"T: {t}");
type_level.Clear ();
foreach (var a in t.GetCustomAttributes (false)) {
if (a is AvailabilityBaseAttribute aa)
type_level.Add (aa.ToString ());
foreach (var p in t.GetProperties (BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)) {
if (LogProgress)
Console.WriteLine ($"P: {p}");
CheckDupes (p, t, type_level);
foreach (var m in t.GetMembers (BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)) {
if (LogProgress)
Console.WriteLine ($"M: {m}");
CheckDupes (m, t, type_level);
AssertIfErrors ("{0} API with members duplicating type-level attributes", Errors);
#endif // !NET