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// UIStringAttributes Unit Tests
// Authors:
// Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien@xamarin.com>
// Copyright 2013 Xamarin Inc.
using System;
using Foundation;
using UIKit;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace MonoTouchFixtures.UIKit {
// we want the test to be availble if we use the linker
[Preserve (AllMembers = true)]
public class StringAttributesTest {
public void RetainCount ()
TestRuntime.AssertXcodeVersion (4, 5);
var sa = new UIStringAttributes ();
var bc = UIColor.FromRGBA (0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f, 0.4f);
Assert.That (bc.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo ((nuint) 2), "BackgroundColor-new"); // bug
sa.BackgroundColor = bc;
Assert.That (bc.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo ((nuint) 3), "BackgroundColor-set");
sa.BaselineOffset = 0.0f;
var fc = UIColor.FromRGBA (0.5f, 0.6f, 0.7f, 0.8f);
Assert.That (fc.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo ((nuint) 2), "ForegroundColor-new"); // bug
sa.ForegroundColor = fc;
Assert.That (fc.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo ((nuint) 3), "ForegroundColor-set");
var f = UIFont.FromName ("Helvetica", 12);
var f_count = f.RetainCount; // lots of owner
sa.Font = f;
Assert.That (f.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo (++f_count), "Font-set");
var ps = new NSParagraphStyle ();
Assert.That (ps.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo ((nuint) 1), "ParagraphStyle-new");
sa.ParagraphStyle = ps;
Assert.That (ps.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo ((nuint) 2), "ParagraphStyle-set");
for (int i=0; i < 16; i++) {
Assert.NotNull (sa.BackgroundColor, "BackgroundColor-get");
Assert.NotNull (sa.ForegroundColor, "ForegroundColor-get");
Assert.NotNull (sa.Font, "Font-get");
Assert.NotNull (sa.ParagraphStyle, "ParagraphStyle-get");
Assert.That (sa.BackgroundColor.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo ((nuint) 3), "BackgroundColor");
Assert.That (sa.ForegroundColor.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo ((nuint) 3), "ForegroundColor");
Assert.That (sa.Font.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo (f_count), "Font");
Assert.That (sa.ParagraphStyle.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo ((nuint) 2), "ParagraphStyle");
GC.KeepAlive (bc);
GC.KeepAlive (fc);
GC.KeepAlive (f);
GC.KeepAlive (ps);
public void RetainCount_7 ()
TestRuntime.AssertXcodeVersion (5, 0);
var sa = new UIStringAttributes ();
sa.Expansion = 0.0f;
var uc = UIColor.FromRGBA (0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f, 0.4f);
Assert.That (uc.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo ((nuint) 2), "UnderlineColor-new");
sa.UnderlineColor = uc;
Assert.That (uc.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo ((nuint) 3), "UnderlineColor-set");
var sc = UIColor.FromRGBA (0.5f, 0.6f, 0.7f, 0.8f);
Assert.That (sc.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo ((nuint) 2), "StrikethroughColor-new");
sa.StrikethroughColor = sc;
Assert.That (sc.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo ((nuint) 3), "StrikethroughColor-set");
var u = new NSUrl ("http://xamarin.com");
Assert.That (u.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo ((nuint) 1), "Link-new");
sa.Link = u;
Assert.That (u.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo ((nuint) 2), "Link-set");
#if !__WATCHOS__
var ta = new NSTextAttachment ();
Assert.That (ta.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo ((nuint) 1), "TextAttachment-new");
sa.TextAttachment = ta;
Assert.That (ta.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo ((nuint) 2), "TextAttachment-set");
#endif // !__WATCHOS__
for (int i=0; i < 16; i++) {
Assert.NotNull (sa.UnderlineColor, "UnderlineColor-get");
Assert.NotNull (sa.StrikethroughColor, "StrikethroughColor-get");
Assert.NotNull (sa.Link, "Link-get");
#if !__WATCHOS__
Assert.NotNull (sa.TextAttachment, "TextAttachment-get");
Assert.That (sa.UnderlineColor.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo ((nuint) 3), "UnderlineColor");
Assert.That (sa.StrikethroughColor.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo ((nuint) 3), "StrikethroughColor");
Assert.That (sa.Link.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo ((nuint) 2), "Link");
#if !__WATCHOS__
Assert.That (sa.TextAttachment.RetainCount, Is.EqualTo ((nuint) 2), "TextAttachment");
GC.KeepAlive (uc);
GC.KeepAlive (sc);
GC.KeepAlive (u);
#if !__WATCHOS__
GC.KeepAlive (ta);
#if !__WATCHOS__
public void MutableStringAttributesTest ()
// ref: https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=28158
// issue: Properties of type UIStringAttributes produce immutable objects that crash when you try to modify them
// This test proves that the bug is fixed
using (var nb = new UINavigationBar ()) {
Assert.Null (nb.TitleTextAttributes, "TitleTextAttributes should be null");
nb.TitleTextAttributes = new UIStringAttributes { ForegroundColor = UIColor.Green };
Assert.AreSame (UIColor.Green, nb.TitleTextAttributes.ForegroundColor, "TitleTextAttributes.ForegroundColor should match");
var titleAttribtues = nb.TitleTextAttributes; // we now get a mutable dictionary for this DictionaryContainer
titleAttribtues.ForegroundColor = UIColor.Red; // this used to throw unrecognized selector before fixing bug 28158
nb.TitleTextAttributes = titleAttribtues;
Assert.AreSame (UIColor.Red, nb.TitleTextAttributes.ForegroundColor, "TitleTextAttributes.ForegroundColor should match");
#endif // !__WATCHOS__