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// Copyright 2011 Xamarin Inc. All rights reserved
#if !__WATCHOS__ && !MONOMAC
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using CoreGraphics;
using Foundation;
using UIKit;
using ObjCRuntime;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace MonoTouchFixtures.UIKit {
[Preserve (AllMembers = true)]
public class ViewTest {
public void InitWithFrame ()
var frame = new CGRect (10, 10, 100, 100);
using (UIView v = new UIView (frame)) {
Assert.That (v.Frame, Is.EqualTo (frame), "Frame");
public void HitTest_Null ()
var frame = new CGRect (10, 10, 100, 100);
using (UIView v = new UIView (frame)) {
UIView result = v.HitTest (new CGPoint (-10, -10), null);
Assert.Null (result, "outside");
result = v.HitTest (new CGPoint (50, 50), null);
Assert.That (result.Handle, Is.EqualTo (v.Handle), "inside");
public void PointInside_Null ()
var frame = new CGRect (10, 10, 100, 100);
using (UIView v = new UIView (frame)) {
Assert.False (v.PointInside (new CGPoint (-10, -10), null), "outside");
Assert.True (v.PointInside (new CGPoint (50, 50), null), "inside");
public void SizeThatFits ()
// same as LinkerTest in 'linksdk' project - but won't be linked here (for simulator)
var empty = CGSize.Empty;
using (UIView v = new UIView ()) {
Assert.True (v.SizeThatFits (empty).IsEmpty, "Empty");
public void Convert_Null ()
using (UIView v = new UIView ()) {
Assert.That (v.ConvertPointFromView (CGPoint.Empty, null), Is.EqualTo (CGPoint.Empty), "ConvertPointFromView");
Assert.That (v.ConvertPointToView (CGPoint.Empty, null), Is.EqualTo (CGPoint.Empty), "ConvertPointToView");
Assert.That (v.ConvertRectFromView (CGRect.Empty, null), Is.EqualTo (CGRect.Empty), "ConvertRectFromView");
Assert.That (v.ConvertRectToView (CGRect.Empty, null), Is.EqualTo (CGRect.Empty), "ConvertRectToView");
// Apple does not allow NULL on 'animations' parameters used in animate* and transition* selectors
void Completion ()
void CompletionHandler (bool finished)
public void Animate_Null_a1 ()
Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => UIView.Animate (1.0, null));
public void Animate_Null_a2 ()
Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => UIView.Animate (1.0, null, Completion));
public void Animate_Null_a3 ()
Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => UIView.Animate (1.0, 2.0, UIViewAnimationOptions.Autoreverse, null, Completion));
public void AnimateNotify_Null_a1 ()
Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => UIView.AnimateNotify (1.0, null, CompletionHandler));
public void AnimateNotify_Null_a2 ()
Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException> (() => UIView.AnimateNotify (1.0, 2.0, UIViewAnimationOptions.Autoreverse, null, CompletionHandler));
public void Transition_Null_a1 ()
using (UIView v = new UIView ()) {
UIView.Transition (v, 1.0, UIViewAnimationOptions.AllowAnimatedContent, null, Completion);
public void TransitionNotify_Null_a1 ()
using (UIView v = new UIView ()) {
UIView.TransitionNotify (v, 1.0, UIViewAnimationOptions.AllowAnimatedContent, null, CompletionHandler);
// Apple allows NULL on 'completion' parameters used in animate* and transition* selectors
void Animations ()
public void Animate_Null_c1 ()
UIView.Animate (1.0, Animations, null);
public void Animate_Null_c2 ()
UIView.Animate (1.0, 2.0, UIViewAnimationOptions.Autoreverse, Animations, null);
public void AnimateNotify_Null_c1 ()
UIView.AnimateNotify (1.0, Animations, null);
public void AnimateNotify_Null_c2 ()
UIView.AnimateNotify (1.0, 2.0, UIViewAnimationOptions.Autoreverse, Animations, null);
public void Transition_Null_c1 ()
using (UIView v = new UIView ()) {
UIView.Transition (v, 1.0, UIViewAnimationOptions.AllowAnimatedContent, Animations, null);
public void Transition_Null_c2 ()
using (UIView v = new UIView ()) {
UIView.Transition (v, v, 1.0, UIViewAnimationOptions.AllowAnimatedContent, null);
public void TransitionNotify_Null_c1 ()
using (UIView v = new UIView ()) {
UIView.TransitionNotify (v, 1.0, UIViewAnimationOptions.AllowAnimatedContent, Animations, null);
public void TransitionNotify_Null_c2 ()
using (UIView v = new UIView ()) {
UIView.TransitionNotify (v, v, 1.0, UIViewAnimationOptions.AllowAnimatedContent, null);
public void BackgroundColorTest ()
using (var color = UIColor.FromRGB (5, 6, 7)) {
using (var view = new ViewWithCustomBackgroundColor ()) {
Messaging.void_objc_msgSend_IntPtr (view.Handle, new Selector ("setBackgroundColor:").Handle, color.Handle);
[Register ("ViewWithCustomBackgroundColor")]
public class ViewWithCustomBackgroundColor : UIView
public override UIColor BackgroundColor {
get { return base.BackgroundColor; }
set { base.BackgroundColor = value; }
public void TraitTest ()
using (var view = new UIView ()) {
Assert.AreEqual (UIAccessibilityTrait.None, view.AccessibilityTraits, "a");
view.AccessibilityTraits = UIAccessibilityTrait.None;
Assert.AreEqual (UIAccessibilityTrait.None, view.AccessibilityTraits, "b");
view.AccessibilityTraits = UIAccessibilityTrait.Adjustable;
Assert.AreEqual (UIAccessibilityTrait.Adjustable, view.AccessibilityTraits, "c");
view.AccessibilityTraits = UIAccessibilityTrait.Adjustable | UIAccessibilityTrait.Button;
Assert.AreEqual (UIAccessibilityTrait.Adjustable | UIAccessibilityTrait.Button, view.AccessibilityTraits, "e");
public void TraitMatch ()
Assert.AreEqual ((int) UIAccessibilityTrait.Adjustable, UIView.TraitAdjustable, "Adjustable");
Assert.AreEqual ((int) UIAccessibilityTrait.AllowsDirectInteraction, UIView.TraitAllowsDirectInteraction, "AllowsDirectInteraction");
Assert.AreEqual ((int) UIAccessibilityTrait.Button, UIView.TraitButton, "Button");
Assert.AreEqual ((int) UIAccessibilityTrait.CausesPageTurn, UIView.TraitCausesPageTurn, "CausesPageTurn");
Assert.AreEqual ((int) UIAccessibilityTrait.Image, UIView.TraitImage, "Image");
Assert.AreEqual ((int) UIAccessibilityTrait.KeyboardKey, UIView.TraitKeyboardKey, "KeyboardKey");
Assert.AreEqual ((int) UIAccessibilityTrait.Link, UIView.TraitLink, "Link");
Assert.AreEqual ((int) UIAccessibilityTrait.None, UIView.TraitNone, "None");
Assert.AreEqual ((int) UIAccessibilityTrait.NotEnabled, UIView.TraitNotEnabled, "NotEnabled");
Assert.AreEqual ((int) UIAccessibilityTrait.PlaysSound, UIView.TraitPlaysSound, "PlaysSound");
Assert.AreEqual ((int) UIAccessibilityTrait.SearchField, UIView.TraitSearchField, "SearchField");
Assert.AreEqual ((int) UIAccessibilityTrait.Selected, UIView.TraitSelected, "Selected");
Assert.AreEqual ((int) UIAccessibilityTrait.StartsMediaSession, UIView.TraitStartsMediaSession, "StartsMediaSession");
Assert.AreEqual ((int) UIAccessibilityTrait.StaticText, UIView.TraitStaticText, "StaticText");
Assert.AreEqual ((int) UIAccessibilityTrait.SummaryElement, UIView.TraitSummaryElement, "SummaryElement");
Assert.AreEqual ((int) UIAccessibilityTrait.UpdatesFrequently, UIView.TraitUpdatesFrequently, "UpdatesFrequently");
Assert.AreEqual ((int) UIAccessibilityTrait.Header, UIView.TraitHeader, "Header");
public void Subviews ()
using (var v = new UIView ()) {
Assert.That (v.Subviews, Is.Not.Null);
// even if null we want to ensure we can use UIView.GetEnumarator to iterate subviews
int n = 0;
foreach (var sv in v)
Assert.NotNull (sv, n++.ToString ());
public void TintColor ()
TestRuntime.AssertSystemVersion (PlatformName.iOS, 7, 0, throwIfOtherPlatform: false);
using (var v = new UIView ()) {
var tc = v.TintColor;
Assert.NotNull (tc, "TintColor-1");
v.TintColor = UIColor.Red;
v.TintColor = null;
// setting to null returns to default (i.e. not the last non-null value)
Assert.NotNull (v.TintColor, "TintColor-2");
public void Equality ()
using (var v1 = new UIView ())
using (var v2 = new UIView ()) {
// two basic/init'ed instances differ only by their handles
Assert.That (v1.Handle, Is.Not.EqualTo (v2.Handle), "Handle");
// and that's enough to make them totally different (natively in objc for both `hash` and `isEqual:`)
Assert.That (v1.GetHashCode (), Is.Not.EqualTo (v2.GetHashCode ()), "GetHashCode");
Assert.False (v1.Equals (v2.Handle), "Equals");
#endif // !__WATCHOS__