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#if __MACOS__
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Foundation;
using AppKit;
using ObjCRuntime;
namespace Xamarin.Mac.Tests
static class TypeExtension {
public static PropertyInfo GetMostDerivedProperty (this Type t, string name)
while (t != null && t != t.BaseType) {
var rv = t.GetProperty (name, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
if (rv != null)
return rv;
t = t.BaseType;
return null;
[Preserve (AllMembers = true)]
public class DelegateAndDataSourceTest
public void DelegateAndDataSourceAllowsNull ()
var failingTypes = new Dictionary<Type, string> ();
// Get our binding assembly
var xamMac = typeof (NSObject).Assembly;
// Walk all non abstract types, looking for things with zero param constructors
foreach (Type t in xamMac.GetTypes ().Where (t => !t.IsAbstract)) {
// Check availability attributes.
if (Asserts.SkipDueToAvailabilityAttribute (t) || Skip (t))
var ctor = t.GetConstructor (BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public, null, new Type[0], null);
if (Asserts.SkipDueToAvailabilityAttribute (ctor))
// If they have one of the properites we are testing
if (ctor != null) {
PropertyInfo weakDelegate = t.GetMostDerivedProperty("WeakDelegate");
PropertyInfo del = t.GetMostDerivedProperty("Delegate");
PropertyInfo weakDataSource = t.GetMostDerivedProperty("WeakDataSource");
PropertyInfo dataSource = t.GetMostDerivedProperty("DataSource");
if (isValidToTest (weakDelegate) || isValidToTest (del) ||
isValidToTest (weakDataSource) || isValidToTest (dataSource) ) {
try {
// Create an instance and try to set null
using (var instance = (IDisposable) ctor.Invoke (null)) {
if (isValidToTest (weakDelegate)) {
weakDelegate.SetValue (instance, null, null);
if (isValidToTest (del)) {
del.SetValue (instance, null, null);
if (isValidToTest (weakDataSource)) {
weakDataSource.SetValue (instance, null, null);
if (isValidToTest (dataSource)) {
dataSource.SetValue (instance, null, null);
catch (TargetInvocationException e) {
failingTypes.Add (t, e.InnerException.Message);
catch (Exception e) {
Assert.Fail ("Unexpected exception {0} while testing {1}", e, t);
GC.Collect (2); // Flush out random failures. Some classes only act badly when disposed
if (failingTypes.Count > 0) {
Console.WriteLine ("{0} failing types:", failingTypes.Count);
foreach (var kvp in failingTypes)
Console.WriteLine ("{0}: {1}", kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
Assert.Fail ("{0} failing types", failingTypes.Count);
bool Skip (Type t)
switch (t.Name) {
case "IKPictureTaker": // radar://29311598
case "AVAssetResourceLoader":
case "AVAssetResourceLoadingRequest":
case "AVAssetResourceLoadingContentInformationRequest":
case "SCNRenderer":
case "NSStream":
case "NSSharingServicePicker":
case "NSCache":
case "NSToolbar":
case "NSComboBox":
case "NSComboBoxCell":
case "IKScannerDeviceView":
case "NSUserActivity":
case "NSFontPanel":
case "AVAudioRecorder":
case "MKMapView":
case "SKScene":
case "NSSpeechRecognizer":
case "NSClickGestureRecognizer":
case "NSPopover":
// These classes don't do well when you instance them without support
return true;
case "SCNLayer":
case "SCNProgram":
if (Asserts.IsAtLeastElCapitan && IntPtr.Size == 4)
return true;
case "AVCaptureView":
// Deallocating a AVCaptureView makes it trigger a permission dialog, which we don't want, so just skip this type.
return true;
case "GKGameCenterViewController": // the native 'init' method returned nil.
if (TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion (12, 0))
return true;
case "SKView":
// on vms results on a crash
return TestRuntime.IsVM;
#if !NET
case "PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController":
// The default constructor doesn't work (it's also obsolete)
return true;
switch (t.Namespace) {
case "QTKit":
return true; // QTKit has been removed from macos.
return false;
// Based on bug 28505 - NSTabView wasn't holding a reference to the Delegate property under new ref count.
// An ArgumentSemantic (Strong, Retain, etc) is required to keep the reference around so the app doesn't crash after a GC.
// This test scans all bindings looking for instances where bindings don't have the correct ArgumentSemantic
public void DelegateAndDataSourceHaveArgumentSemanticAttribute ()
var failingTypes = new Dictionary<Type, string> ();
// Get our binding assembly
var xamMac = typeof (NSObject).Assembly;
foreach (Type t in xamMac.GetTypes ().Where (t => !t.IsAbstract)) {
// Check availability attributes.
if (Asserts.SkipDueToAvailabilityAttribute (t))
PropertyInfo weakDelegate = t.GetMostDerivedProperty ("WeakDelegate");
PropertyInfo del = t.GetMostDerivedProperty ("Delegate");
MethodInfo[] accessors = null;
if (del != null) {
if (weakDelegate != null) {
if (!weakDelegate.CanWrite)
accessors = weakDelegate.GetAccessors ();
} else {
if (!del.CanWrite)
accessors = del.GetAccessors ();
foreach (var accessor in accessors) {
var attr = accessor.GetCustomAttributes <ExportAttribute> ().FirstOrDefault (a => a.Selector == "delegate");
if (attr == null)
if (attr.ArgumentSemantic == ArgumentSemantic.None) {
failingTypes.Add (t, "Delegate has no ArgumentSemantic set");
PropertyInfo weakDataSource = t.GetMostDerivedProperty ("WeakDataSource");
PropertyInfo dataSource = t.GetMostDerivedProperty ("DataSource");
if (dataSource != null) {
accessors = null;
if (weakDataSource != null) {
if (!weakDataSource.CanWrite)
accessors = weakDataSource.GetAccessors ();
} else {
if (!dataSource.CanWrite)
accessors = dataSource.GetAccessors ();
foreach (var accessor in accessors) {
var attr = accessor.GetCustomAttributes <ExportAttribute> ().FirstOrDefault (a => a.Selector == "dataSource");
if (attr == null)
if (attr.ArgumentSemantic == ArgumentSemantic.None) {
failingTypes.Add (t, "Data Source has no ArgumentSemantic set");
if (failingTypes.Count > 0) {
Console.WriteLine ("{0} failing types:", failingTypes.Count);
foreach (var kvp in failingTypes)
Console.WriteLine ("{0}: {1}", kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
Assert.Fail ("{0} failing types", failingTypes.Count);
public void TargetArgumentSemanticAttribute ()
var failingTypes = new Dictionary<Type, string> ();
// Get our binding assembly
var xamMac = typeof (NSObject).Assembly;
foreach (Type t in xamMac.GetTypes ().Where (t => !t.IsAbstract)) {
// Check availability attributes.
if (Asserts.SkipDueToAvailabilityAttribute (t))
PropertyInfo target = t.GetMostDerivedProperty ("Target");
if (target != null && target.PropertyType == typeof (NSObject)) {
MethodInfo[] accessors = target.GetAccessors ();
foreach (var accessor in accessors) {
var attr = accessor.GetCustomAttributes <ExportAttribute> ().FirstOrDefault (a => a.Selector == "target");
if (attr == null)
if (attr.ArgumentSemantic == ArgumentSemantic.None) {
failingTypes.Add (t, "Target has no ArgumentSemantic set");
if (failingTypes.Count > 0) {
Console.WriteLine ("{0} failing types:", failingTypes.Count);
foreach (var kvp in failingTypes)
Console.WriteLine ("{0}: {1}", kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
Assert.Fail ("{0} failing types", failingTypes.Count);
bool isValidToTest (PropertyInfo p)
return p != null && p.CanWrite && !Asserts.SkipDueToAvailabilityAttribute (p);
#endif // __MACOS__