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using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using Mono.Linker;
using Mono.Linker.Steps;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using Xamarin.Bundler;
using PlatformException = Xamarin.Bundler.MonoTouchException;
using PlatformLinkContext = MonoTouch.Tuner.MonoTouchLinkContext;
using PlatformException = Xamarin.Bundler.MonoMacException;
using PlatformLinkContext = MonoMac.Tuner.MonoMacLinkContext;
namespace MonoTouch.Tuner {
namespace MonoMac.Tuner {
static partial class Linker {
static void Process (Pipeline pipeline, PlatformLinkContext context)
try {
pipeline.Process (context);
} catch (Exception e) {
var pe = HandlePipelineProcessException (e);
if (pe == e) // Throw original if possible to preserve stack trace
throw pe;
static Exception HandlePipelineProcessException (Exception e)
switch (e) {
case AssemblyResolutionException are:
return new PlatformException (2002, true, are, are.Message);
case AggregateException ae:
return ae;
case PlatformException pe:
return pe;
case MarkException me:
var re = me.InnerException as ResolutionException;
if (re == null) {
if (me.InnerException != null) {
return ErrorHelper.CreateError (2102, me, "Error processing the method '{0}' in the assembly '{1}': {2}", me.Method.FullName, me.Method.Module, me.InnerException.Message);
} else {
return ErrorHelper.CreateError (2102, me, "Error processing the method '{0}' in the assembly '{1}'", me.Method.FullName, me.Method.Module);
} else {
TypeReference tr = (re.Member as TypeReference);
IMetadataScope scope = tr == null ? re.Member.DeclaringType.Scope : tr.Scope;
return ErrorHelper.CreateError (2101, me, "Can't resolve the reference '{0}', referenced from the method '{1}' in '{2}'.", re.Member, me.Method.FullName, scope);
case ResolutionException re:
TypeReference tr = (re.Member as TypeReference);
IMetadataScope scope = tr == null ? re.Member.DeclaringType.Scope : tr.Scope;
return new PlatformException (2002, true, re, "Failed to resolve \"{0}\" reference from \"{1}\"", re.Member, scope);
case XmlResolutionException ex:
return new PlatformException (2017, true, ex, "Could not process XML description: {0}", ex?.InnerException?.Message ?? ex.Message);
if (e.InnerException != null)
return HandlePipelineProcessException (e.InnerException);
var message = new StringBuilder ();
if (e.Data.Count > 0) {
message.AppendLine ();
var m = e.Data ["MethodDefinition"] as string;
if (m != null)
message.AppendLine ($"\tMethod: `{m}`");
var t = e.Data ["TypeReference"] as string;
if (t != null)
message.AppendLine ($"\tType: `{t}`");
var a = e.Data ["AssemblyDefinition"] as string;
if (a != null)
message.AppendLine ($"\tAssembly: `{a}`");
message.Append ($"Reason: {e.Message}");
return new PlatformException (2001, true, e, "Could not link assemblies. {0}", message);