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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Xamarin.Tests;
using Xamarin.Utils;
namespace Xamarin.iOS.Tasks
[TestFixture ("iPhone")]
[TestFixture ("iPhoneSimulator")]
public class NativeReferencesNoEmbedding : ProjectTest {
public NativeReferencesNoEmbedding (string platform) : base (platform)
void BuildProjectNoEmbedding (ProjectPaths project, bool clean = true)
Engine.ProjectCollection.SetGlobalProperty ("Platform", Platform);
if (clean)
RunTarget (project, "Clean");
RunTarget (project, "Build");
string GetMessages () => string.Join ("\n", Engine.Logger.MessageEvents.Select (x => x.Message));
void ClearMessages () => Engine.Logger.MessageEvents.Clear ();
// [TestCase (true)] MISSING_TEST - Tests are framework only
// [TestCase (false)] MISSING_TEST - Also, project reference only
public void LibrariesEmbeddedProperly (bool useProjectReference)
Assert.Fail ();
// [TestCase (false)] MISSING_TEST - Project reference only
[TestCase (true)]
public void FrameworksEmbeddedProperly (bool useProjectReference)
// TODO - Checked in projects are project reference only...
Assert.True (useProjectReference);
var bindingApp = SetupProjectPaths ("MyiOSAppWithBinding");
BuildProjectNoEmbedding (bindingApp);
string libPath = Path.Combine (bindingApp.ProjectBinPath, "MyiOSFrameworkBinding.dll");
Assert.True (File.Exists (libPath), $"Did not find expected library: {libPath}");
int returnValue = ExecutionHelper.Execute ("/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Commands/monodis", new [] { "--presources", libPath }, out string monoDisResults);
Assert.AreEqual (0, returnValue);
Assert.IsFalse (monoDisResults.Contains ("XTest.framework"), $"Binding Library contained embedded resource: {monoDisResults}");
string finalFrameworkPath = Path.Combine (bindingApp.AppBundlePath, "Frameworks/XTest.framework/XTest");
Assert.True (File.Exists (finalFrameworkPath), $"{finalFrameworkPath} file was not part of bundle?");
// [Test] MISSING_TEST - No LinkWith only projects
public void DoesNotSupportLinkWith ()
Assert.Fail ();
[TestCase (true)]
// [TestCase (false)] MISSING_TEST - Framework only tests
public void ShouldNotUnnecessarilyRebuildBindingProject (bool framework)
Assert.True (framework);
var bindingLib = SetupProjectPaths ("MyiOSFrameworkBinding");
const string CreatePackageString = "Creating binding resource package";
// First build should create a package
BuildProjectNoEmbedding (bindingLib);
Assert.True (GetMessages ().Contains (CreatePackageString), "First build did not create package?");
ClearMessages ();
// No change build should not
BuildProjectNoEmbedding (bindingLib, clean : false);
Assert.False (GetMessages ().Contains (CreatePackageString), "Rebuild build did create package?");
ClearMessages ();
// Touching the binding project should
Touch (bindingLib.ProjectCSProjPath);
BuildProjectNoEmbedding (bindingLib, clean: false);
Assert.True (GetMessages ().Contains (CreatePackageString), "Binding project build did not create package?");
ClearMessages ();
// Touching the binding file should
Touch (Path.Combine (Configuration.RootPath, "tests", "bindings-framework-test", "ApiDefinition.cs"));
BuildProjectNoEmbedding (bindingLib, clean: false);
Assert.True (GetMessages ().Contains (CreatePackageString), "Binding file build did not create package?");
ClearMessages ();
// No change build should not
BuildProjectNoEmbedding (bindingLib, clean: false);
Assert.False (GetMessages ().Contains (CreatePackageString), "Second rebuild build did create package?");
ClearMessages ();
// Touching native library should
Touch (Path.Combine (Configuration.RootPath, "tests", "test-libraries", ".libs", "ios-fat", "XTest.framework/XTest"));
BuildProjectNoEmbedding (bindingLib, clean: false);
Assert.True (GetMessages ().Contains (CreatePackageString), "Binding build did not create package?");
[TestCase (true)]
// [TestCase (false)] MISSING_TEST - Project reference only
public void ShouldNotUnnecessarilyRebuildFinalProject (bool useProjectReference)
Assert.True (useProjectReference);
var appProject = SetupProjectPaths ("MyiOSAppWithBinding");
// Look for partial match of the '/path/to/mtouch @responsefile' command
string BuildString = "mtouch @";
// First build should create run mtouch
BuildProjectNoEmbedding (appProject);
Assert.That (GetMessages (), Does.Contain (BuildString), "First build did not run mtouch?");
ClearMessages ();
// But not a rebuild
BuildProjectNoEmbedding (appProject, clean: false);
Assert.That (GetMessages (), Does.Not.Contain (BuildString), "Rebuild build did run mtouch?");
ClearMessages ();
if (!useProjectReference) {
Assert.Fail (); // TODO - Checked in projects are project reference only...
} else {
var libProject = SetupProjectPaths ("MyiOSFrameworkBinding");
Touch (libProject.ProjectCSProjPath);
BuildProjectNoEmbedding (appProject, clean: false);
Assert.True (GetMessages ().Contains (BuildString), "Binding binary build did not run mtouch?");
// [TestCase (true)] - MISSING_TEST - Requires special "chain" project that is not checked in
// [TestCase (false)] - MISSING_TEST - Requires special "chain" project that is not checked in
public void MultipleDependencyChain (bool useProjectReference)
Assert.Fail ();