
2266 строки
66 KiB

// This file describes the API that the generator will produce
// Authors:
// Geoff Norton
// Miguel de Icaza
// Whitney Schmidt
// Copyright 2009, Novell, Inc.
// Copyright 2011-2013 Xamarin Inc.
// Copyright 2019 Microsoft Corp.
using CoreFoundation;
using ObjCRuntime;
using Foundation;
using CoreGraphics;
using CoreLocation;
using AppKit;
using UITraitCollection = System.Int32;
using UIKit;
#if !TVOS
using Contacts;
using System;
using UIImage=AppKit.NSImage;
using UIView=AppKit.NSView;
using UIEdgeInsets=AppKit.NSEdgeInsets;
using UIColor=AppKit.NSColor;
using UIScene=AppKit.NSColor;
// helper for [NoWatch]
using MKMapView=Foundation.NSObject;
using MKAnnotationView=Foundation.NSObject;
using MKShape = Foundation.NSObject;
using MKOverlay = Foundation.NSObjectProtocol;
using MKPolygon = Foundation.NSObject;
using MKPolyline = Foundation.NSObject;
using MKOverlayPathRenderer = Foundation.NSObject;
#if !NET
using NativeHandle = System.IntPtr;
namespace MapKit {
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[Mac (10,9)]
interface MKAnnotation {
[Export ("coordinate")][Abstract]
CLLocationCoordinate2D Coordinate { get; }
[Export ("title", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string Title { get; }
[Export ("subtitle", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string Subtitle { get; }
[Export ("setCoordinate:")]
[Mac (10,9)]
void SetCoordinate (CLLocationCoordinate2D value);
interface IMKAnnotation {}
#if !WATCH
[BaseType (typeof (MKAnnotation))]
[Mac (10,9)]
interface MKOverlay {
[Export ("boundingMapRect")]
MKMapRect BoundingMapRect { get; }
[Export ("intersectsMapRect:")]
bool Intersects (MKMapRect rect);
// optional, not implemented by MKPolygon, MKPolyline and MKCircle
// implemented by MKTileOverlay (and defined there)
[iOS (7,0), Export ("canReplaceMapContent")]
bool CanReplaceMapContent { get; }
interface IMKOverlay {}
[BaseType (typeof (UIView))]
[TV (9,2)]
[Mac (10,9)]
interface MKAnnotationView {
[Export ("initWithAnnotation:reuseIdentifier:")]
[PostGet ("Annotation")]
NativeHandle Constructor ([NullAllowed] IMKAnnotation annotation, [NullAllowed] string reuseIdentifier);
[Export ("initWithFrame:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (CGRect frame);
[Export ("reuseIdentifier")]
string ReuseIdentifier { get; }
[Export ("prepareForReuse")]
void PrepareForReuse ();
[Export ("annotation", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
[ThreadSafe] // Sometimes iOS will request the annotation from a non-UI thread (see https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?27609)
IMKAnnotation Annotation { get; set; }
[Export ("image", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
UIImage Image { get; set; }
[Export ("centerOffset")]
CGPoint CenterOffset { get; set; }
[Export ("calloutOffset")]
CGPoint CalloutOffset { get; set; }
[Export ("enabled")]
bool Enabled { [Bind ("isEnabled")] get; set; }
[Export ("highlighted")]
bool Highlighted { [Bind ("isHighlighted")] get; set; }
[Export ("selected")]
bool Selected { [Bind ("isSelected")] get; set; }
[Export ("setSelected:animated:")]
void SetSelected (bool selected, bool animated);
[Export ("canShowCallout")]
bool CanShowCallout { get; set; }
[Export ("leftCalloutAccessoryView", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
UIView LeftCalloutAccessoryView { get; set; }
[Export ("rightCalloutAccessoryView", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
UIView RightCalloutAccessoryView { get; set; }
[Export ("setDragState:animated:")]
void SetDragState (MKAnnotationViewDragState newDragState, bool animated);
[Export ("dragState")]
MKAnnotationViewDragState DragState { get; set; }
[Export ("draggable")]
bool Draggable { [Bind ("isDraggable")] get; set; }
[iOS (9,0), Mac(10,11)]
[Export ("detailCalloutAccessoryView")]
UIView DetailCalloutAccessoryView { get; set; }
[Export ("leftCalloutOffset")]
CGPoint LeftCalloutOffset { get; set; }
[Export ("rightCalloutOffset")]
CGPoint RightCallpoutOffset { get; set; }
[TV (11,0)][iOS (11,0)][Mac (10,13)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("clusteringIdentifier")]
string ClusteringIdentifier { get; set; }
[TV (11,0)][iOS (11,0)][Mac (10,13)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("clusterAnnotationView", ArgumentSemantic.Weak)]
MKAnnotationView ClusterAnnotationView { get; }
[TV (11,0)][iOS (11,0)][Mac (10,13)]
[Advice ("Pre-defined constants are available from 'MKFeatureDisplayPriority'.")]
[Export ("displayPriority")]
float DisplayPriority { get; set; }
[TV (11,0)][iOS (11,0)][Mac (10,13)]
[Export ("collisionMode", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
MKAnnotationViewCollisionMode CollisionMode { get; set; }
[TV (11,0)][iOS (11,0)][Mac (10,13)]
[Export ("prepareForDisplay")]
void PrepareForDisplay ();
[TV (14, 0), NoWatch, Mac (11, 0), iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14,0)]
[Export ("zPriority")]
float ZPriority { get; set; }
[TV (14, 0), NoWatch, Mac (11, 0), iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14,0)]
[Export ("selectedZPriority")]
float SelectedZPriority { get; set; }
[TV (9,2)]
[Mac (10,9)]
[BaseType (typeof (MKShape))]
interface MKCircle : MKOverlay {
[Export ("radius")]
double Radius { get; }
[Export ("circleWithCenterCoordinate:radius:")]
MKCircle Circle (CLLocationCoordinate2D withcenterCoordinate, double radius);
[Export ("circleWithMapRect:")]
MKCircle CircleWithMapRect (MKMapRect mapRect);
#region MKAnnotation
[Export ("coordinate")]
CLLocationCoordinate2D Coordinate { get; }
// note: setCoordinate: is not mandatory and is not implemented for MKCircle
[BaseType (typeof (MKOverlayPathView))]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 7, 0, message: "Use 'MKCircleRenderer' instead.")]
interface MKCircleView {
[Export ("initWithFrame:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (CGRect frame);
[Export ("circle")]
MKCircle Circle { get; }
[Export ("initWithCircle:")]
[PostGet ("Circle")]
NativeHandle Constructor (MKCircle circle);
[TV (9,2)]
[Mac (10,9)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface MKDirectionsRequest {
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("destination")]
MKMapItem Destination { get; [iOS (7,0)] set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("source")]
MKMapItem Source { get; [iOS (7,0)] set; }
[Export ("initWithContentsOfURL:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (NSUrl url);
[Export ("isDirectionsRequestURL:")]
bool IsDirectionsRequestUrl (NSUrl url);
[iOS (7,0), Export ("transportType")]
MKDirectionsTransportType TransportType { get; set; }
[iOS (7,0), Export ("requestsAlternateRoutes")]
bool RequestsAlternateRoutes { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[iOS (7,0), Export ("departureDate", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDate DepartureDate { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[iOS (7,0), Export ("arrivalDate", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDate ArrivalDate { get; set; }
#endif // !WATCH
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[TV (9,2)]
[Mac (10,9)]
interface MKMapItem : NSSecureCoding
#if IOS // #if TARGET_OS_IOS
, NSItemProviderReading, NSItemProviderWriting
[Export ("placemark", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
MKPlacemark Placemark { get; }
[Export ("isCurrentLocation")]
bool IsCurrentLocation { get; }
[NullAllowed] // it's null by default on iOS 6.1
[Export ("name", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string Name { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("phoneNumber", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string PhoneNumber { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("url", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
NSUrl Url { get; set; }
[Export ("mapItemForCurrentLocation")]
MKMapItem MapItemForCurrentLocation ();
[Export ("initWithPlacemark:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (MKPlacemark placemark);
[Export ("openInMapsWithLaunchOptions:"), Internal]
bool _OpenInMaps ([NullAllowed] NSDictionary launchOptions);
[Export ("openMapsWithItems:launchOptions:"), Internal]
bool _OpenMaps (MKMapItem [] mapItems, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary launchOptions);
[iOS (13, 2), NoMac, NoTV, NoWatch]
[Introduced (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 2)]
[Export ("openInMapsWithLaunchOptions:fromScene:completionHandler:")]
void OpenInMaps ([NullAllowed] NSDictionary launchOptions, [NullAllowed] UIScene fromScene, [NullAllowed] Action<NSError> completionHandler);
[iOS (13, 2), NoMac, NoTV, NoWatch]
[Introduced (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 13, 2)]
[Export ("openMapsWithItems:launchOptions:fromScene:completionHandler:")]
void OpenMaps (MKMapItem [] mapItems, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary launchOptions, [NullAllowed] UIScene fromScene, [NullAllowed] Action<NSError> completionHandler);
[Field ("MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeKey"), Internal]
NSString MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeKey { get; }
[Field ("MKLaunchOptionsMapTypeKey"), Internal]
NSString MKLaunchOptionsMapTypeKey { get; }
[Field ("MKLaunchOptionsMapCenterKey"), Internal]
NSString MKLaunchOptionsMapCenterKey { get; }
[Field ("MKLaunchOptionsMapSpanKey"), Internal]
NSString MKLaunchOptionsMapSpanKey { get; }
[Field ("MKLaunchOptionsShowsTrafficKey"), Internal]
NSString MKLaunchOptionsShowsTrafficKey { get; }
[iOS (7,1)] // latest documentation says 7.1 and the field is not present in the simulator (7.0.3)
[Mac (10,10)]
[Field ("MKLaunchOptionsCameraKey"), Internal]
NSString MKLaunchOptionsCameraKey { get; }
[Field ("MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeDriving"), Internal]
NSString MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeDriving { get; }
[Field ("MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeWalking"), Internal]
NSString MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeWalking { get; }
[iOS (9,0)][Mac (10,11)]
[Field ("MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeTransit"), Internal]
NSString MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeTransit { get; }
[iOS (10,0)][Mac (10,12)][Watch (3,0)]
[Field ("MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeDefault"), Internal]
NSString MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeDefault { get; }
[Export ("timeZone")]
[iOS (9,0), Mac(10,11)]
NSTimeZone TimeZone { get; set; }
[iOS (11,0), Mac (10,13), Watch (4,0), TV (11,0)]
[Field ("MKMapItemTypeIdentifier")]
NSString TypeIdentifier { get; }
[TV (13, 0), NoWatch, Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("pointOfInterestCategory")]
string PointOfInterestCategory { get; set; }
#if !WATCH
[TV (9,2)]
[BaseType (typeof (UIView), Delegates=new string [] { "WeakDelegate" }, Events=new Type [] {typeof (MKMapViewDelegate)})]
[Mac (10,9)]
interface MKMapView {
[Export ("initWithFrame:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (CGRect frame);
[Export ("delegate", ArgumentSemantic.Weak)][NullAllowed]
NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
[Wrap ("WeakDelegate")]
MKMapViewDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
[Export ("mapType")]
MKMapType MapType { get; set; }
[Export ("region")]
MKCoordinateRegion Region { get; set; }
[Export ("setRegion:animated:")]
void SetRegion (MKCoordinateRegion region, bool animated);
[Export ("centerCoordinate")]
CLLocationCoordinate2D CenterCoordinate { get; set; }
[Export ("setCenterCoordinate:animated:")]
void SetCenterCoordinate (CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate, bool animated);
[Export ("regionThatFits:")]
MKCoordinateRegion RegionThatFits (MKCoordinateRegion region);
[Export ("convertCoordinate:toPointToView:")]
CGPoint ConvertCoordinate (CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate, [NullAllowed] UIView toPointToView);
[Export ("convertPoint:toCoordinateFromView:")]
CLLocationCoordinate2D ConvertPoint (CGPoint point, [NullAllowed] UIView toCoordinateFromView);
[Export ("convertRegion:toRectToView:")]
CGRect ConvertRegion (MKCoordinateRegion region, [NullAllowed] UIView toRectToView);
[Export ("convertRect:toRegionFromView:")]
MKCoordinateRegion ConvertRect (CGRect rect, [NullAllowed] UIView toRegionFromView);
[Export ("zoomEnabled")]
bool ZoomEnabled { [Bind ("isZoomEnabled")] get; set; }
[Export ("scrollEnabled")]
bool ScrollEnabled { [Bind ("isScrollEnabled")] get; set; }
[Export ("showsUserLocation")]
bool ShowsUserLocation { get; set; }
[Export ("userLocation")]
MKUserLocation UserLocation { get; }
[Export ("userLocationVisible")]
bool UserLocationVisible { [Bind ("isUserLocationVisible")] get; }
[Export ("addAnnotation:")]
[PostGet ("Annotations")]
void AddAnnotation (IMKAnnotation annotation);
[Export ("addAnnotations:")]
[PostGet ("Annotations")]
void AddAnnotations ([Params] IMKAnnotation [] annotations);
[Export ("removeAnnotation:")]
[PostGet ("Annotations")]
void RemoveAnnotation (IMKAnnotation annotation);
[Export ("removeAnnotations:")]
[PostGet ("Annotations")]
void RemoveAnnotations ([Params] IMKAnnotation [] annotations);
[Export ("annotations")]
IMKAnnotation [] Annotations { get; }
[Export ("viewForAnnotation:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
MKAnnotationView ViewForAnnotation (IMKAnnotation annotation);
[Export ("dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
MKAnnotationView DequeueReusableAnnotation (string withViewIdentifier);
[TV (11,0)][iOS (11,0)][Mac (10,13)]
[Export ("dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier:forAnnotation:")]
MKAnnotationView DequeueReusableAnnotation (string identifier, IMKAnnotation annotation);
[TV (11,0)][iOS (11,0)][Mac (10,13)]
[Export ("registerClass:forAnnotationViewWithReuseIdentifier:")]
void Register ([NullAllowed] Class viewClass, string identifier);
[TV (11,0)][iOS (11,0)][Mac (10,13)]
[Wrap ("Register (viewType is null ? null : new Class (viewType), identifier)")]
void Register ([NullAllowed] Type viewType, string identifier);
[Export ("selectAnnotation:animated:")]
[PostGet ("SelectedAnnotations")]
void SelectAnnotation (IMKAnnotation annotation, bool animated);
[Export ("deselectAnnotation:animated:")]
[PostGet ("SelectedAnnotations")]
void DeselectAnnotation ([NullAllowed] IMKAnnotation annotation, bool animated);
[Export ("selectedAnnotations", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
IMKAnnotation [] SelectedAnnotations { get; set; }
[Export ("annotationVisibleRect")]
CGRect AnnotationVisibleRect { get; }
[Export ("addOverlay:")][PostGet ("Overlays")]
void AddOverlay (IMKOverlay overlay);
[Export ("addOverlays:")][PostGet ("Overlays")]
void AddOverlays (IMKOverlay [] overlays);
[Export ("removeOverlay:")][PostGet ("Overlays")]
void RemoveOverlay (IMKOverlay overlay);
[Export ("removeOverlays:")][PostGet ("Overlays")]
void RemoveOverlays ([Params] IMKOverlay [] overlays);
[Export ("overlays")]
IMKOverlay [] Overlays { get; }
[Export ("insertOverlay:atIndex:")][PostGet ("Overlays")]
void InsertOverlay (IMKOverlay overlay, nint index);
[Export ("insertOverlay:aboveOverlay:")][PostGet ("Overlays")]
void InsertOverlayAbove (IMKOverlay overlay, IMKOverlay sibling);
[Export ("insertOverlay:belowOverlay:")][PostGet ("Overlays")]
void InsertOverlayBelow (IMKOverlay overlay, IMKOverlay sibling);
[Export ("exchangeOverlayAtIndex:withOverlayAtIndex:")]
void ExchangeOverlays (nint index1, nint index2);
[Export ("mapRectThatFits:")]
MKMapRect MapRectThatFits (MKMapRect mapRect);
[Export ("setVisibleMapRect:edgePadding:animated:")]
void SetVisibleMapRect (MKMapRect mapRect, UIEdgeInsets edgePadding, bool animate);
[Export ("setVisibleMapRect:animated:")]
void SetVisibleMapRect (MKMapRect mapRect, bool animate);
[Export ("mapRectThatFits:edgePadding:")]
MKMapRect MapRectThatFits (MKMapRect mapRect, UIEdgeInsets edgePadding);
[Export ("viewForOverlay:")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 7, 0, message: "Use 'MKOverlayRenderer.RendererForOverlay' instead.")]
MKOverlayView ViewForOverlay (IMKOverlay overlay);
#endif // !MONOMAC && !TVOS
[Export ("visibleMapRect")]
MKMapRect VisibleMapRect { get; set; }
[Export ("annotationsInMapRect:")]
NSSet GetAnnotations (MKMapRect mapRect);
[Mac (11, 0)]
[Export ("userTrackingMode")]
MKUserTrackingMode UserTrackingMode { get; set; }
[Mac (11, 0)]
[Export ("setUserTrackingMode:animated:")]
void SetUserTrackingMode (MKUserTrackingMode trackingMode, bool animated);
[iOS (7,0), Export ("camera", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
MKMapCamera Camera { get; set; }
[iOS (7,0), Export ("setCamera:animated:")]
void SetCamera (MKMapCamera camera, bool animated);
[iOS (7,0), Export ("rotateEnabled")]
bool RotateEnabled { [Bind ("isRotateEnabled")] get; set; }
[iOS (7,0), Export ("pitchEnabled")]
bool PitchEnabled { [Bind ("isPitchEnabled")] get; set; }
[iOS (7,0), Export ("showAnnotations:animated:")]
void ShowAnnotations (IMKAnnotation [] annotations, bool animated);
[iOS (7,0), Export ("addOverlay:level:")]
[PostGet ("Overlays")]
void AddOverlay (IMKOverlay overlay, MKOverlayLevel level);
[iOS (7,0), Export ("addOverlays:level:")]
[PostGet ("Overlays")]
void AddOverlays (IMKOverlay [] overlays, MKOverlayLevel level);
[iOS (7,0), Export ("exchangeOverlay:withOverlay:")]
[PostGet ("Overlays")]
void ExchangeOverlay (IMKOverlay overlay1, IMKOverlay overlay2);
[iOS (7,0), Export ("insertOverlay:atIndex:level:")]
[PostGet ("Overlays")]
void InsertOverlay (IMKOverlay overlay, nuint index, MKOverlayLevel level);
[iOS (7,0), Export ("overlaysInLevel:")]
IMKOverlay [] OverlaysInLevel (MKOverlayLevel level);
[iOS (7,0), Export ("rendererForOverlay:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
MKOverlayRenderer RendererForOverlay (IMKOverlay overlay);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "Use 'PointOfInterestFilter' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'PointOfInterestFilter' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'PointOfInterestFilter' instead.")]
[iOS (7,0)]
[Export ("showsPointsOfInterest")]
bool ShowsPointsOfInterest { get; set; }
[iOS (7,0)]
[Export ("showsBuildings")]
bool ShowsBuildings { get; set; }
// MKMapView.h headers says "To be used in testing only" which means it's likely won't be accepted in the appstore
// [iOS (9,0), Mac(10,11)]
// [Export ("_handleSelectionAtPoint:")]
// void _HandleSelectionAtPoint (CGPoint locationInView);
[Export ("showsCompass")]
bool ShowsCompass { get; set; }
[Export ("showsScale")]
[Mac (10,10), iOS(9,0)]
bool ShowsScale { get; set; }
[Export ("showsTraffic")]
[Mac (10,11), iOS(9,0)]
bool ShowsTraffic { get; set; }
[Export ("showsZoomControls")]
bool ShowsZoomControls { get; set; }
[TV (13,0), NoWatch, Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("setCameraZoomRange:animated:")]
void SetCameraZoomRange ([NullAllowed] MKMapCameraZoomRange cameraZoomRange, bool animated);
[TV (13, 0), NoWatch, Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[Export ("cameraZoomRange", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
MKMapCameraZoomRange CameraZoomRange { get; set; }
[TV (13, 0), NoWatch, Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("cameraBoundary", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
MKMapCameraBoundary CameraBoundary { get; set; }
[TV (13,0), NoWatch, Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("setCameraBoundary:animated:")]
void SetCameraBoundary ([NullAllowed] MKMapCameraBoundary cameraBoundary, bool animated);
[TV (13, 0), NoWatch, Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("pointOfInterestFilter", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
MKPointOfInterestFilter PointOfInterestFilter { get; set; }
[Introduced (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 14, 0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (11, 0)]
[Export ("showsPitchControl")]
bool ShowsPitchControl { get; set; }
[TV (11,0)][iOS (11,0)][Mac (10,13)]
interface MKMapViewDefault {
[Field ("MKMapViewDefaultAnnotationViewReuseIdentifier")]
NSString AnnotationViewReuseIdentifier { get; }
[Field ("MKMapViewDefaultClusterAnnotationViewReuseIdentifier")]
NSString ClusterAnnotationViewReuseIdentifier { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[Mac (10,9)]
interface MKMapViewDelegate {
[Export ("mapView:regionWillChangeAnimated:"), EventArgs ("MKMapViewChange")]
void RegionWillChange (MKMapView mapView, bool animated);
[Export ("mapView:regionDidChangeAnimated:"), EventArgs ("MKMapViewChange")]
void RegionChanged (MKMapView mapView, bool animated);
[Export ("mapViewWillStartLoadingMap:")]
void WillStartLoadingMap (MKMapView mapView);
[Export ("mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap:")]
void MapLoaded (MKMapView mapView);
[Export ("mapViewDidFailLoadingMap:withError:"), EventArgs ("NSError", true)]
void LoadingMapFailed (MKMapView mapView, NSError error);
[Export ("mapView:viewForAnnotation:"), DelegateName ("MKMapViewAnnotation"), DefaultValue (null)]
[return: NullAllowed]
MKAnnotationView GetViewForAnnotation (MKMapView mapView, IMKAnnotation annotation);
[Export ("mapView:didAddAnnotationViews:"), EventArgs ("MKMapViewAnnotation")]
void DidAddAnnotationViews (MKMapView mapView, MKAnnotationView [] views);
[Export ("mapView:annotationView:calloutAccessoryControlTapped:"), EventArgs ("MKMapViewAccessoryTapped")]
void CalloutAccessoryControlTapped (MKMapView mapView, MKAnnotationView view, UIControl control);
#endif // !MONOMAC
[Export ("mapView:annotationView:didChangeDragState:fromOldState:"), EventArgs ("MKMapViewDragState")]
void ChangedDragState (MKMapView mapView, MKAnnotationView annotationView, MKAnnotationViewDragState newState, MKAnnotationViewDragState oldState);
[Export ("mapView:viewForOverlay:"), DelegateName ("MKMapViewOverlay"), DefaultValue (null)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 7, 0, message: "Use 'MKOverlayRenderer.RendererForOverlay' instead.")]
MKOverlayView GetViewForOverlay (MKMapView mapView, IMKOverlay overlay);
[Export ("mapView:didAddOverlayViews:"), EventArgs ("MKOverlayViews")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 7, 0, message: "Use 'DidAddOverlayRenderers' instead.")]
void DidAddOverlayViews (MKMapView mapView, MKOverlayView overlayViews);
#endif // !MONOMAC && !TVOS
[Export ("mapView:didSelectAnnotationView:"), EventArgs ("MKAnnotationView")]
void DidSelectAnnotationView (MKMapView mapView, MKAnnotationView view);
[Export ("mapView:didFailToLocateUserWithError:"), EventArgs ("NSError", true)]
void DidFailToLocateUser (MKMapView mapView, NSError error);
[Export ("mapView:didDeselectAnnotationView:"), EventArgs ("MKAnnotationView")]
void DidDeselectAnnotationView (MKMapView mapView, MKAnnotationView view);
[Export ("mapViewWillStartLocatingUser:")]
void WillStartLocatingUser (MKMapView mapView);
[Export ("mapViewDidStopLocatingUser:")]
void DidStopLocatingUser (MKMapView mapView);
[Export ("mapView:didUpdateUserLocation:"), EventArgs ("MKUserLocation")]
void DidUpdateUserLocation (MKMapView mapView, MKUserLocation userLocation);
[Mac (11, 0)]
[Export ("mapView:didChangeUserTrackingMode:animated:"), EventArgs ("MMapViewUserTracking")]
void DidChangeUserTrackingMode (MKMapView mapView, MKUserTrackingMode mode, bool animated);
[iOS (7,0), Export ("mapView:rendererForOverlay:"), DelegateName ("MKRendererForOverlayDelegate"), DefaultValue (null)]
MKOverlayRenderer OverlayRenderer (MKMapView mapView, IMKOverlay overlay);
[iOS (7,0), Export ("mapView:didAddOverlayRenderers:"), EventArgs ("MKDidAddOverlayRenderers")]
void DidAddOverlayRenderers (MKMapView mapView, MKOverlayRenderer [] renderers);
[iOS (7,0), Export ("mapViewWillStartRenderingMap:")]
void WillStartRenderingMap (MKMapView mapView);
[iOS (7,0), Export ("mapViewDidFinishRenderingMap:fullyRendered:"), EventArgs ("MKDidFinishRenderingMap")]
void DidFinishRenderingMap (MKMapView mapView, bool fullyRendered);
[TV (11,0)][NoWatch][iOS (11,0)][Mac (10,13)]
[Export ("mapView:clusterAnnotationForMemberAnnotations:"), DelegateName ("MKCreateClusterAnnotation"), DefaultValue (null)]
MKClusterAnnotation CreateClusterAnnotation (MKMapView mapView, IMKAnnotation[] memberAnnotations);
[TV (11,0)][NoWatch][iOS (11,0)][Mac (10,13)]
[Export ("mapViewDidChangeVisibleRegion:")]
void DidChangeVisibleRegion (MKMapView mapView);
[BaseType (typeof (MKAnnotationView))]
// crash on Dispose when created from 'init'
[TV (9,2)]
[Mac (10,9)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 12, 0)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 15, 0)]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 15, 0)]
interface MKPinAnnotationView {
[Export ("initWithFrame:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (CGRect frame);
[Export ("initWithAnnotation:reuseIdentifier:")]
NativeHandle Constructor ([NullAllowed] IMKAnnotation annotation, [NullAllowed] string reuseIdentifier);
[Export ("pinColor")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 9, 0, message: "Use 'PinTintColor' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 11, message: "Use 'PinTintColor' instead.")]
MKPinAnnotationColor PinColor { get; set; }
[Export ("animatesDrop")]
bool AnimatesDrop { get; set; }
[iOS(9,0), Mac(10,11)]
[Export ("pinTintColor")]
UIColor PinTintColor { get; set; }
[iOS(9,0), Mac(10,11)]
[Static, Export ("redPinColor")]
UIColor RedPinColor { get; }
[iOS(9,0), Mac(10,11)]
[Static, Export ("greenPinColor")]
UIColor GreenPinColor { get; }
[iOS(9,0), Mac(10,11)]
[Static, Export ("purplePinColor")]
UIColor PurplePinColor { get; }
#if IOS
// This requires the AddressBook framework, which afaict isn't bound on Mac, tvOS and watchOS yet
[StrongDictionary ("global::AddressBook.ABPersonAddressKey")]
interface MKPlacemarkAddress {
[Export ("City")]
string City { get; set; }
[Export ("Country")]
string Country { get; set; }
[Export ("CountryCode")]
string CountryCode { get; set; }
[Export ("State")]
string State { get; set; }
[Export ("Street")]
string Street { get; set; }
[Export ("Zip")]
string Zip { get; set; }
#endif // !MONOMAC
#endif // !WATCH
[BaseType (typeof (CLPlacemark))]
// crash (at least) when calling 'description' when instance is created by 'init'
[TV (9,2)]
[Mac (10,9)]
interface MKPlacemark : MKAnnotation, NSCopying {
[Export ("initWithCoordinate:addressDictionary:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate, [NullAllowed] NSDictionary addressDictionary);
#if IOS
// This requires the AddressBook framework, which afaict isn't bound on Mac, tvOS and watchOS yet
[Wrap ("this (coordinate, addressDictionary.GetDictionary ())")]
NativeHandle Constructor (CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate, MKPlacemarkAddress addressDictionary);
#endif // !MONOMAC && !WATCH
[Watch (3,0)][TV (10,0)][iOS (10,0)]
[Mac (10,12)]
[Export ("initWithCoordinate:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate);
#if !TVOS
[Watch (3,0)][iOS (10,0)]
[Mac (10,12)]
[Export ("initWithCoordinate:postalAddress:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate, CNPostalAddress postalAddress);
[Export ("countryCode")]
string CountryCode { get; }
#if IOS
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 5, 0, message: "Use 'CoreLocation.CLGeocoder' instead.")]
// crash (at least) at Dispose time when instance is created by 'init'
interface MKReverseGeocoder {
[Export ("initWithCoordinate:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate);
[Export ("delegate", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)][NullAllowed]
NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
[Wrap ("WeakDelegate")]
MKReverseGeocoderDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
[Export ("coordinate")]
CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate { get; }
[Export ("start")]
void Start ();
[Export ("querying")]
bool Querying { [Bind ("isQuerying")] get; }
[Export ("cancel")]
void Cancel ();
[Export ("placemark")]
MKPlacemark Placemark { get; }
#pragma warning disable 618
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface MKReverseGeocoderDelegate {
[Export ("reverseGeocoder:didFailWithError:")]
void FailedWithError (MKReverseGeocoder geocoder, NSError error);
[Export ("reverseGeocoder:didFindPlacemark:")]
void FoundWithPlacemark (MKReverseGeocoder geocoder, MKPlacemark placemark);
#pragma warning restore 618
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 7, 0, message: "Use 'MKOverlayRenderer' instead.")]
[BaseType (typeof (UIView))]
interface MKOverlayView {
[Export ("overlay")]
IMKOverlay Overlay { get; }
[Export ("initWithFrame:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (CGRect frame);
[Export ("initWithOverlay:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (IMKOverlay overlay);
[Export ("pointForMapPoint:")]
CGPoint PointForMapPoint (MKMapPoint mapPoint);
[Export ("mapPointForPoint:")]
MKMapPoint MapPointForPoint (CGPoint point);
[Export ("rectForMapRect:")]
CGRect RectForMapRect (MKMapRect mapRect);
[Export ("mapRectForRect:")]
MKMapRect MapRectForRect (CGRect rect);
[Export ("canDrawMapRect:zoomScale:")]
bool CanDrawMapRect (MKMapRect mapRect, /* MKZoomScale */ nfloat zoomScale);
[Export ("drawMapRect:zoomScale:inContext:")]
void DrawMapRect (MKMapRect mapRect, /* MKZoomScale */ nfloat zoomScale, CGContext context);
[Export ("setNeedsDisplayInMapRect:")]
void SetNeedsDisplay (MKMapRect mapRect);
[Export ("setNeedsDisplayInMapRect:zoomScale:")]
void SetNeedsDisplay (MKMapRect mapRect, /* MKZoomScale */ nfloat zoomScale);
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 7, 0, message: "Use 'MKOverlayPathRenderer' instead.")]
[BaseType (typeof (MKOverlayView))]
interface MKOverlayPathView {
[Export ("initWithOverlay:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (IMKOverlay overlay);
[Export ("initWithFrame:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (CGRect frame);
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("fillColor", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
UIColor FillColor { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("strokeColor", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
UIColor StrokeColor { get; set; }
[Export ("lineWidth")]
nfloat LineWidth { get; set; }
[Export ("lineJoin")]
CGLineJoin LineJoin { get; set; }
[Export ("lineCap")]
CGLineCap Linecap { get; set; }
[Export ("miterLimit")]
nfloat MiterLimit { get; set; }
[Export ("lineDashPhase")]
nfloat LineDashPhase { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("lineDashPattern", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSNumber [] LineDashPattern { get; set; }
[Export ("path")]
CGPath Path { get; set; }
[Export ("createPath")]
void CreatePath ();
[Export ("invalidatePath")]
void InvalidatePath ();
[Export ("applyStrokePropertiesToContext:atZoomScale:")]
void ApplyStrokeProperties (CGContext context, /* MKZoomScale */ nfloat zoomScale);
[Export ("applyFillPropertiesToContext:atZoomScale:")]
void ApplyFillProperties (CGContext context, /* MKZoomScale */ nfloat zoomScale);
[Export ("strokePath:inContext:")]
void StrokePath (CGPath path, CGContext context);
[Export ("fillPath:inContext:")]
void FillPath (CGPath path, CGContext context);
#endif // IOS
#if !WATCH
[TV (9,2)]
[Mac (10,9)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface MKShape : MKAnnotation {
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("title", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
new string Title { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("subtitle", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
new string Subtitle { get; set; }
[TV (9,2)]
[Mac (10,9)]
[BaseType (typeof (MKShape))]
interface MKPointAnnotation : MKGeoJsonObject {
[TV (13,0), NoWatch, Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("initWithCoordinate:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate);
[TV (13,0), NoWatch, Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("initWithCoordinate:title:subtitle:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate, [NullAllowed] string title, [NullAllowed] string subtitle);
[Export ("coordinate")]
CLLocationCoordinate2D Coordinate { get; set; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 7, 0, message: "Use 'MKPolygonRenderer' instead.")]
[BaseType (typeof (MKOverlayPathView))]
interface MKPolygonView {
[Export ("initWithFrame:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (CGRect frame);
[Export ("initWithPolygon:")]
[PostGet ("Polygon")]
NativeHandle Constructor (MKPolygon polygon);
[Export ("polygon")]
MKPolygon Polygon { get; }
#endif // !MONOMAC && !TVOS
[TV (9,2)]
[Mac (10,9)]
[BaseType (typeof (MKMultiPoint))]
interface MKPolygon : MKOverlay, MKGeoJsonObject {
[Export ("interiorPolygons")]
MKPolygon [] InteriorPolygons { get; }
[Export ("polygonWithPoints:count:")]
MKPolygon _FromPoints (IntPtr points, nint count);
[Export ("polygonWithPoints:count:interiorPolygons:")]
MKPolygon _FromPoints (IntPtr points, nint count, [NullAllowed] MKPolygon [] interiorPolygons);
[Export ("polygonWithCoordinates:count:"), Internal]
MKPolygon _FromCoordinates (IntPtr coords, nint count);
[Export ("polygonWithCoordinates:count:interiorPolygons:")]
MKPolygon _FromCoordinates (IntPtr coords, nint count, [NullAllowed] MKPolygon [] interiorPolygons);
#region MKAnnotation
[Export ("coordinate")]
CLLocationCoordinate2D Coordinate { get; }
// note: setCoordinate: is not mandatory and is not implemented for MKPolygon (see unit tests)
[TV (9,2)]
[Mac (10,9)]
[BaseType (typeof (MKMultiPoint))]
interface MKPolyline : MKOverlay, MKGeoJsonObject {
[Export ("polylineWithCoordinates:count:")]
MKPolyline _FromCoordinates (IntPtr coords, nint count);
[Export ("polylineWithPoints:count:")]
MKPolyline _FromPoints (IntPtr points, nint count);
#region MKAnnotation
[Export ("coordinate")]
CLLocationCoordinate2D Coordinate { get; }
// note: setCoordinate: is not mandatory and is not implemented for MKPolygon (see unit tests)
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 7, 0, message: "Use 'MKPolylineRenderer' instead.")]
[BaseType (typeof (MKOverlayPathView))]
interface MKPolylineView {
[Export ("initWithFrame:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (CGRect frame);
[Export ("initWithPolyline:")]
[PostGet ("Polyline")]
NativeHandle Constructor (MKPolyline polyline);
[Export ("polyline")]
MKPolyline Polyline { get; }
#endif // !MONOMAC && !TVOS
[BaseType (typeof (MKShape))]
[TV (9,2)]
[Mac (10,9)]
interface MKMultiPoint : MKGeoJsonObject {
[Export ("points"), Internal]
IntPtr _Points { get; }
[Export ("pointCount")]
nint PointCount { get; }
[Export ("getCoordinates:range:"), Internal]
void GetCoords (IntPtr dest, NSRange range);
[TV (14,0), NoWatch, Mac (11,0), iOS (14,0)]
[MacCatalyst (14,0)]
[Export ("locationAtPointIndex:")]
nfloat GetLocation (nuint pointIndex);
[TV (14,0), NoWatch, Mac (11,0), iOS (14,0)]
[MacCatalyst (14,0)]
[return: BindAs (typeof (nfloat []))]
[Export ("locationsAtPointIndexes:")]
NSNumber[] GetLocations (NSIndexSet indexes);
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[TV (9,2)]
[Mac (10,9)]
interface MKUserLocation : IMKAnnotation { // This is wrong. It should be MKAnnotation but we can't due to API compat. When you fix this remove hack in generator.cs to enable warning again
[Export ("updating")]
bool Updating { [Bind ("isUpdating")] get; }
[Export ("coordinate")]
CLLocationCoordinate2D Coordinate { get; set; }
[Export ("location", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
CLLocation Location { get; }
[Export ("title", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string Title { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("subtitle", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string Subtitle { get; set; }
[Export ("heading", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
CLHeading Heading { get; }
[BaseType (typeof (UIBarButtonItem))]
interface MKUserTrackingBarButtonItem {
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("mapView", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
MKMapView MapView { get; set; }
[Export ("initWithMapView:")]
[PostGet ("MapView")]
NativeHandle Constructor ([NullAllowed] MKMapView mapView);
#endif // !MONOMAC
delegate void MKLocalSearchCompletionHandler (MKLocalSearchResponse response, NSError error);
[TV (9,2)]
[Mac (10,9)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // crash on iOS8 beta
interface MKLocalSearch {
[Export ("initWithRequest:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (MKLocalSearchRequest request);
[TV (14,0), NoWatch, Mac (11,0), iOS (14,0)]
[MacCatalyst (14,0)]
[Export ("initWithPointsOfInterestRequest:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (MKLocalPointsOfInterestRequest request);
[Export ("startWithCompletionHandler:")]
void Start (MKLocalSearchCompletionHandler completionHandler);
[Export ("cancel")]
void Cancel ();
[Export ("searching")]
bool IsSearching { [Bind ("isSearching")] get; }
[TV (9,2)]
[Mac (10,9)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface MKLocalSearchRequest : NSCopying {
[NoWatch][iOS (9,3)][Mac (10,11,4)]
[Export ("initWithCompletion:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (MKLocalSearchCompletion completion);
[TV (13,0), NoWatch, Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("initWithNaturalLanguageQuery:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string naturalLanguageQuery);
[TV (13,0), NoWatch, Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[Export ("initWithNaturalLanguageQuery:region:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (string naturalLanguageQuery, MKCoordinateRegion region);
[Export ("naturalLanguageQuery", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string NaturalLanguageQuery { get; set; }
[Export ("region", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
MKCoordinateRegion Region { get; set; }
[TV (13, 0), NoWatch, Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[Export ("resultTypes", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
MKLocalSearchResultType ResultTypes { get; set; }
[TV (13, 0), NoWatch, Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("pointOfInterestFilter", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
MKPointOfInterestFilter PointOfInterestFilter { get; set; }
[TV (9,2)]
[Mac (10,9)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
// Objective-C exception thrown. Name: NSInvalidArgumentException Reason: *** setObjectForKey: object cannot be nil (key: mapItems)
interface MKLocalSearchResponse {
[Export ("boundingRegion")]
MKCoordinateRegion Region { get; }
[Export ("mapItems")]
MKMapItem[] MapItems { get; }
[TV (9,2)]
[iOS (7,0), BaseType (typeof (MKOverlayPathRenderer))]
[Mac (10,9)]
partial interface MKCircleRenderer {
[Export ("initWithCircle:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (MKCircle circle);
[Export ("circle")]
MKCircle Circle { get; }
[TV (14, 0), NoWatch, Mac (11, 0), iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14,0)]
[Export ("strokeStart")]
nfloat StrokeStart { get; set; }
[TV (14, 0), NoWatch, Mac (11, 0), iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14,0)]
[Export ("strokeEnd")]
nfloat StrokeEnd { get; set; }
[TV (9,2)]
[iOS (7,0), BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[Mac (10,9)]
[DisableDefaultCtor] // NSInvalidArgumentException Reason: Cannot initialize MKDirections with nil request
partial interface MKDirections {
[Export ("initWithRequest:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (MKDirectionsRequest request);
[Export ("calculateDirectionsWithCompletionHandler:")]
void CalculateDirections (MKDirectionsHandler completionHandler);
[Export ("cancel")]
void Cancel ();
[Export ("calculating")]
bool Calculating { [Bind ("isCalculating")] get; }
[Export ("calculateETAWithCompletionHandler:")]
void CalculateETA (MKETAHandler completionHandler);
delegate void MKDirectionsHandler (MKDirectionsResponse response, NSError error);
delegate void MKETAHandler (MKETAResponse response, NSError error);
[TV (9,2)]
[iOS (7,0), BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[Mac (10,9)]
partial interface MKETAResponse {
[Export ("source")]
MKMapItem Source { get; }
[Export ("destination")]
MKMapItem Destination { get; }
[Export ("expectedTravelTime")]
double ExpectedTravelTime { get; }
[iOS (9,0)][Mac (10,11)]
[Export ("distance")]
double /* CLLocationDistance */ Distance { get; }
[Export ("transportType")]
[iOS (9,0), Mac(10,11)]
MKDirectionsTransportType TransportType { get; }
[Export ("expectedArrivalDate")]
[iOS (9,0), Mac(10,11)]
NSDate ExpectedArrivalDate { get; }
[Export ("expectedDepartureDate")]
[iOS (9,0), Mac(10,11)]
NSDate ExpectedDepartureDate { get; }
[TV (9,2)]
[iOS (7,0), BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[Mac (10,9)]
partial interface MKDirectionsResponse {
[Export ("source")]
MKMapItem Source { get; }
[Export ("destination")]
MKMapItem Destination { get; }
[Export ("routes")]
MKRoute [] Routes { get; }
[TV (9,2)]
[iOS (7,0), BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[Mac (10,9)]
partial interface MKRoute {
[Export ("name")]
string Name { get; }
[Export ("advisoryNotices")]
string [] AdvisoryNotices { get; }
[Export ("distance")]
double Distance { get; }
[Export ("expectedTravelTime")]
double ExpectedTravelTime { get; }
[Export ("transportType")]
MKDirectionsTransportType TransportType { get; }
[Export ("polyline")]
MKPolyline Polyline { get; }
[Export ("steps")]
MKRouteStep [] Steps { get; }
[TV (9,2)]
[iOS (7,0), BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[Mac (10,9)]
partial interface MKRouteStep {
[Export ("instructions")]
string Instructions { get; }
[Export ("notice")]
string Notice { get; }
[Export ("polyline")]
MKPolyline Polyline { get; }
[Export ("distance")]
double Distance { get; }
[Export ("transportType")]
MKDirectionsTransportType TransportType { get; }
#endif // !WATCH
[TV (9,2)]
[iOS (7,0), BaseType (typeof (NSFormatter))]
[Mac (10,9)]
partial interface MKDistanceFormatter {
[Export ("stringFromDistance:")]
string StringFromDistance (double distance);
[Export ("distanceFromString:")]
double DistanceFromString (string distance);
[Export ("locale", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSLocale Locale { get; set; }
[Export ("units", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
MKDistanceFormatterUnits Units { get; set; }
[Export ("unitStyle", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
MKDistanceFormatterUnitStyle UnitStyle { get; set; }
#if !WATCH
[TV (9,2)]
[iOS (7,0), BaseType (typeof (MKPolyline))]
[Mac (10,9)]
partial interface MKGeodesicPolyline {
[Static, Export ("polylineWithPoints:count:")]
MKGeodesicPolyline PolylineWithPoints (IntPtr points, nint count);
[Static, Export ("polylineWithCoordinates:count:")]
MKGeodesicPolyline PolylineWithCoordinates (IntPtr coords, nint count);
[TV (9,2)]
[iOS (7,0), BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[Mac (10,9)]
partial interface MKMapCamera : NSCopying, NSSecureCoding {
[Export ("centerCoordinate")]
CLLocationCoordinate2D CenterCoordinate { get; set; }
[Export ("heading")]
double Heading { get; set; }
[Export ("pitch")]
nfloat Pitch { get; set; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'CenterCoordinateDistance' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "Use 'CenterCoordinateDistance' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'CenterCoordinateDistance' instead.")]
[Export ("altitude")]
double Altitude { get; set; }
[Static, Export ("camera")]
MKMapCamera Camera { get; }
[Static, Export ("cameraLookingAtCenterCoordinate:fromEyeCoordinate:eyeAltitude:")]
MKMapCamera CameraLookingAtCenterCoordinate (CLLocationCoordinate2D centerCoordinate, CLLocationCoordinate2D eyeCoordinate, double eyeAltitude);
[Export ("cameraLookingAtCenterCoordinate:fromDistance:pitch:heading:")]
MKMapCamera CameraLookingAtCenterCoordinate (CLLocationCoordinate2D centerCoordinate, double locationDistance, nfloat pitch, double locationDirectionHeading);
[TV (13, 0), NoWatch, Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[Export ("centerCoordinateDistance")]
double CenterCoordinateDistance { get; set; }
[TV (9,2)]
[iOS (7,0), BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[Mac (10,9)]
partial interface MKMapSnapshot {
[Export ("image")]
UIImage Image { get; }
[Export ("pointForCoordinate:")]
CGPoint PointForCoordinate (CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate);
[Mac (10,14)]
[Export ("appearance")]
NSAppearance Appearance { get; }
[TV (13, 0), NoWatch, NoMac, iOS (13, 0)]
[Export ("traitCollection")]
UITraitCollection TraitCollection { get; }
[TV (9,2)]
[iOS (7,0), BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[Mac (10,9)]
partial interface MKMapSnapshotOptions : NSCopying {
[Export ("camera", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
MKMapCamera Camera { get; set; }
[Export ("mapRect", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
MKMapRect MapRect { get; set; }
[Export ("region", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
MKCoordinateRegion Region { get; set; }
[Export ("mapType", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
MKMapType MapType { get; set; }
[Export ("size", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
CGSize Size { get; set; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'TraitCollection.DisplayScale' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'TraitCollection.DisplayScale' instead.")]
[Export ("scale", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
nfloat Scale { get; set; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "Use 'PointOfInterestFilter' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'PointOfInterestFilter' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'PointOfInterestFilter' instead.")]
[Export ("showsPointsOfInterest")]
bool ShowsPointsOfInterest { get; set; }
[Export ("showsBuildings")]
bool ShowsBuildings { get; set; }
[Mac (10,14)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("appearance", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSAppearance Appearance { get; set; }
[TV (13, 0), NoWatch, Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("pointOfInterestFilter", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
MKPointOfInterestFilter PointOfInterestFilter { get; set; }
[TV (13, 0), NoWatch, NoMac, iOS (13, 0)]
[Export ("traitCollection", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
UITraitCollection TraitCollection { get; set; }
[TV (9,2)]
[iOS (7,0), BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[Mac (10,9)]
partial interface MKMapSnapshotter {
[Export ("initWithOptions:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (MKMapSnapshotOptions options);
[Export ("startWithCompletionHandler:")]
void Start (MKMapSnapshotCompletionHandler completionHandler);
[Export ("startWithQueue:completionHandler:")]
void Start (DispatchQueue queue, MKMapSnapshotCompletionHandler completionHandler);
[Export ("cancel")]
void Cancel ();
[Export ("loading")]
bool Loading { [Bind ("isLoading")] get; }
delegate void MKMapSnapshotCompletionHandler (MKMapSnapshot snapshot, NSError error);
[TV (9,2)]
[iOS (7,0), BaseType (typeof (MKOverlayRenderer))]
[Mac (10,9)]
partial interface MKOverlayPathRenderer {
[Export ("initWithOverlay:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (IMKOverlay overlay);
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("fillColor", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
UIColor FillColor { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("strokeColor", ArgumentSemantic.Retain)]
UIColor StrokeColor { get; set; }
[Export ("lineWidth")]
nfloat LineWidth { get; set; }
[Export ("lineJoin")]
CGLineJoin LineJoin { get; set; }
[Export ("lineCap")]
CGLineCap LineCap { get; set; }
[Export ("miterLimit")]
nfloat MiterLimit { get; set; }
[Export ("lineDashPhase")]
nfloat LineDashPhase { get; set; }
[NullAllowed] // by default this property is null
[Export ("lineDashPattern", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSNumber [] LineDashPattern { get; set; }
[Export ("createPath")]
void CreatePath ();
[Export ("path")]
CGPath Path { get; set; }
[Export ("invalidatePath")]
void InvalidatePath ();
[Export ("applyStrokePropertiesToContext:atZoomScale:")]
void ApplyStrokePropertiesToContext (CGContext context, /* MKZoomScale */ nfloat zoomScale);
[Export ("applyFillPropertiesToContext:atZoomScale:")]
void ApplyFillPropertiesToContext (CGContext context, /* MKZoomScale */ nfloat zoomScale);
[Export ("strokePath:inContext:")]
void StrokePath (CGPath path, CGContext context);
[Export ("fillPath:inContext:")]
void FillPath (CGPath path, CGContext context);
[TV (13, 0), NoWatch, Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[Export ("shouldRasterize")]
bool ShouldRasterize { get; set; }
[TV (9,2)]
[iOS (7,0), BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
[Mac (10,9)]
partial interface MKOverlayRenderer {
[Export ("initWithOverlay:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (IMKOverlay overlay);
[Export ("overlay")]
IMKOverlay Overlay { get; }
[Export ("pointForMapPoint:")]
CGPoint PointForMapPoint (MKMapPoint mapPoint);
[Export ("mapPointForPoint:")]
MKMapPoint MapPointForPoint (CGPoint point);
[Export ("rectForMapRect:")]
CGRect RectForMapRect (MKMapRect mapRect);
[Export ("mapRectForRect:")]
MKMapRect MapRectForRect (CGRect rect);
[Export ("canDrawMapRect:zoomScale:")]
bool CanDrawMapRect (MKMapRect mapRect, /* MKZoomScale */ nfloat zoomScale);
[Export ("drawMapRect:zoomScale:inContext:")]
void DrawMapRect (MKMapRect mapRect, /* MKZoomScale */ nfloat zoomScale, CGContext context);
[Export ("setNeedsDisplay")]
void SetNeedsDisplay ();
[Export ("setNeedsDisplayInMapRect:")]
void SetNeedsDisplay (MKMapRect mapRect);
[Export ("setNeedsDisplayInMapRect:zoomScale:")]
void SetNeedsDisplay (MKMapRect mapRect, /* MKZoomScale */ nfloat zoomScale);
[Export ("alpha")]
nfloat Alpha { get; set; }
[Export ("contentScaleFactor")]
nfloat ContentScaleFactor { get; }
[TV (9,2)]
[iOS (7,0), BaseType (typeof (MKOverlayPathRenderer))]
[Mac (10,9)]
partial interface MKPolygonRenderer {
[Export ("initWithPolygon:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (MKPolygon polygon);
[Export ("polygon")]
MKPolygon Polygon { get; }
[TV (14, 0), NoWatch, Mac (11, 0), iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14,0)]
[Export ("strokeStart")]
nfloat StrokeStart { get; set; }
[TV (14, 0), NoWatch, Mac (11, 0), iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14,0)]
[Export ("strokeEnd")]
nfloat StrokeEnd { get; set; }
[TV (9,2)]
[iOS (7,0), BaseType (typeof (MKOverlayPathRenderer))]
[Mac (10,9)]
partial interface MKPolylineRenderer {
[Export ("initWithPolyline:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (MKPolyline polyline);
[Export ("polyline")]
MKPolyline Polyline { get; }
[TV (14, 0), NoWatch, Mac (11, 0), iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14,0)]
[Export ("strokeStart")]
nfloat StrokeStart { get; set; }
[TV (14, 0), NoWatch, Mac (11, 0), iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14,0)]
[Export ("strokeEnd")]
nfloat StrokeEnd { get; set; }
[TV (14, 0), NoWatch, Mac (11, 0), iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14,0)]
[BaseType (typeof (MKPolylineRenderer))]
partial interface MKGradientPolylineRenderer
[Export ("locations", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
[BindAs (typeof (nfloat[]))]
NSNumber[] Locations { get; }
[Export ("colors", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
UIColor[] Colors { get; }
[Export ("setColors:atLocations:")]
void SetColors (UIColor[] colors, [BindAs (typeof (nfloat[]))]NSNumber[] locations);
[TV (9,2)]
[Mac (10,9)]
[iOS (7,0), BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
partial interface MKTileOverlay : MKOverlay {
[Export ("initWithURLTemplate:")]
NativeHandle Constructor ([NullAllowed] string URLTemplate);
[Export ("tileSize")]
CGSize TileSize { get; set; }
[Export ("geometryFlipped")]
bool GeometryFlipped { [Bind ("isGeometryFlipped")] get; set; }
[Export ("minimumZ")]
nint MinimumZ { get; set; }
[Export ("maximumZ")]
nint MaximumZ { get; set; }
[Export ("URLTemplate")]
string URLTemplate { get; }
[Export ("canReplaceMapContent")]
new bool CanReplaceMapContent { get; set; }
[Export ("URLForTilePath:")]
NSUrl URLForTilePath (MKTileOverlayPath path);
[Export ("loadTileAtPath:result:")]
void LoadTileAtPath (MKTileOverlayPath path, MKTileOverlayLoadTileCompletionHandler result);
[Export ("coordinate")]
CLLocationCoordinate2D Coordinate { get; }
delegate void MKTileOverlayLoadTileCompletionHandler (NSData tileData, NSError error);
[TV (9,2)]
[iOS (7,0), BaseType (typeof (MKOverlayRenderer))]
// Objective-C exception thrown. Name: NSInvalidArgumentException Reason: Expected a MKTileOverlay but got (null)
[DisableDefaultCtor] // throw in iOS8 beta 1 ^
[Mac (10,9)]
partial interface MKTileOverlayRenderer {
// This ctor is not allowed: NSInvalidArgumentEception Expected a MKTileOverlay
// [Export ("initWithOverlay:")]
// NativeHandle Constructor (IMKOverlay toverlay);
[Export ("initWithTileOverlay:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (MKTileOverlay overlay);
[Export ("reloadData")]
void ReloadData ();
[TV (9,2)][NoWatch][iOS (9,3)][Mac(10,11,4)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface MKLocalSearchCompleter {
[Export ("queryFragment")]
string QueryFragment { get; set; }
[Export ("region", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
MKCoordinateRegion Region { get; set; }
[Deprecated (PlatformName.iOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'ResultTypes' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.MacOSX, 10, 15, message: "Use 'ResultTypes' instead.")]
[Deprecated (PlatformName.TvOS, 13, 0, message: "Use 'ResultTypes' instead.")]
[Export ("filterType", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
MKSearchCompletionFilterType FilterType { get; set; }
[Wrap ("WeakDelegate")]
MKLocalSearchCompleterDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("delegate", ArgumentSemantic.Weak)]
NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
[Export ("results", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
MKLocalSearchCompletion[] Results { get; }
[Export ("searching")]
bool Searching { [Bind ("isSearching")] get; }
[Export ("cancel")]
void Cancel ();
[TV (13, 0), NoWatch, Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[Export ("resultTypes", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
MKLocalSearchCompleterResultType ResultTypes { get; set; }
[TV (13, 0), NoWatch, Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[NullAllowed, Export ("pointOfInterestFilter", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
MKPointOfInterestFilter PointOfInterestFilter { get; set; }
[TV (9,2)][NoWatch][iOS (9,3)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface MKLocalSearchCompleterDelegate {
[Export ("completerDidUpdateResults:")]
void DidUpdateResults (MKLocalSearchCompleter completer);
[Export ("completer:didFailWithError:")]
void DidFail (MKLocalSearchCompleter completer, NSError error);
[TV (9,2)][NoWatch][iOS (9,3)]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
#if MONOMAC || XAMCORE_3_0 // "You do not create instances of this class directly"
interface MKLocalSearchCompletion {
[Export ("title", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
string Title { get; }
// NSValue-wrapped NSRanges
[Export ("titleHighlightRanges", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSValue[] TitleHighlightRanges { get; }
[Export ("subtitle", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
string Subtitle { get; }
// NSValue-wrapped NSRanges
[Export ("subtitleHighlightRanges", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSValue[] SubtitleHighlightRanges { get; }
#endif // !WATCH
[BaseType (typeof (NSUserActivity))]
interface NSUserActivity_MKMapItem {
[Watch (3,0)][TV (10,0)][iOS (10,0)][Mac (10,12)]
[Export ("mapItem")]
MKMapItem GetMapItem ();
[Watch (3,0)][TV (10,0)][iOS (10,0)][Mac (10,12)]
[Export ("setMapItem:")]
void SetMapItem (MKMapItem item);
[TV (11,0)][NoWatch][iOS (11,0)][Mac (10,13)]
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface MKClusterAnnotation : MKAnnotation {
[NullAllowed, Export ("title")]
new string Title { get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("subtitle")]
new string Subtitle { get; set; }
[Export ("memberAnnotations")]
IMKAnnotation[] MemberAnnotations { get; }
[Export ("initWithMemberAnnotations:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (IMKAnnotation[] memberAnnotations);
[NoTV][iOS (11,0)][Mac (11, 0)][NoWatch]
[BaseType (typeof (UIView))]
interface MKCompassButton {
[Export ("compassButtonWithMapView:")]
MKCompassButton FromMapView ([NullAllowed] MKMapView mapView);
[NullAllowed, Export ("mapView", ArgumentSemantic.Weak)]
MKMapView MapView { get; set; }
[Export ("compassVisibility", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
MKFeatureVisibility CompassVisibility { get; set; }
[TV (11,0)][NoWatch][iOS (11,0)][Mac (11, 0)]
[BaseType (typeof (MKAnnotationView))]
interface MKMarkerAnnotationView {
// inlined from base type
[Export ("initWithAnnotation:reuseIdentifier:")]
[PostGet ("Annotation")]
NativeHandle Constructor ([NullAllowed] IMKAnnotation annotation, [NullAllowed] string reuseIdentifier);
[Export ("titleVisibility", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
MKFeatureVisibility TitleVisibility { get; set; }
[Export ("subtitleVisibility", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
MKFeatureVisibility SubtitleVisibility { get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("markerTintColor", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
UIColor MarkerTintColor { get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("glyphTintColor", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
UIColor GlyphTintColor { get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("glyphText")]
string GlyphText { get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("glyphImage", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
UIImage GlyphImage { get; set; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("selectedGlyphImage", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
UIImage SelectedGlyphImage { get; set; }
[Export ("animatesWhenAdded")]
bool AnimatesWhenAdded { get; set; }
[TV (11,0)][NoWatch][iOS (11,0)][NoMac]
[BaseType (typeof (UIView))]
interface MKScaleView {
[Export ("scaleViewWithMapView:")]
MKScaleView FromMapView ([NullAllowed] MKMapView mapView);
[NullAllowed, Export ("mapView", ArgumentSemantic.Weak)]
MKMapView MapView { get; set; }
[Export ("scaleVisibility", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
MKFeatureVisibility ScaleVisibility { get; set; }
[Export ("legendAlignment", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
MKScaleViewAlignment LegendAlignment { get; set; }
[NoTV][iOS (11,0)][NoWatch][NoMac]
[BaseType (typeof (UIView))]
interface MKUserTrackingButton {
[Export ("userTrackingButtonWithMapView:")]
MKUserTrackingButton FromMapView ([NullAllowed] MKMapView mapView);
[NullAllowed, Export ("mapView", ArgumentSemantic.Weak)]
MKMapView MapView { get; set; }
interface MKPointOfInterestCategory {}
[TV (13,0), NoWatch, Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface MKPointOfInterestFilter : NSSecureCoding, NSCopying
[Export ("filterIncludingAllCategories")]
MKPointOfInterestFilter FilterIncludingAllCategories { get; }
[Export ("filterExcludingAllCategories")]
MKPointOfInterestFilter FilterExcludingAllCategories { get; }
[Export ("initIncludingCategories:")]
IntPtr InitIncludingCategories ([BindAs (typeof (MKPointOfInterestCategory[]))] NSString [] categories);
[Export ("initExcludingCategories:")]
IntPtr InitExcludingCategories ([BindAs (typeof (MKPointOfInterestCategory[]))] NSString [] categories);
[Export ("includesCategory:")]
bool IncludesCategory ([BindAs (typeof (MKPointOfInterestCategory))] NSString category);
[Export ("excludesCategory:")]
bool ExcludesCategory ([BindAs (typeof (MKPointOfInterestCategory))] NSString category);
[TV (13, 0), NoWatch, Mac (10, 15), iOS (13, 0)]
[Protocol (Name = "MKGeoJSONObject")]
interface MKGeoJsonObject {}
interface IMKGeoJsonObject {}
[TV (13,0), NoWatch, Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject), Name = "MKGeoJSONDecoder")]
interface MKGeoJsonDecoder
[Export ("geoJSONObjectsWithData:error:")]
[return: NullAllowed]
IMKGeoJsonObject[] GeoJsonObjects (NSData data, [NullAllowed] out NSError error);
[TV (13,0), NoWatch, Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject), Name = "MKGeoJSONFeature")]
interface MKGeoJsonFeature : MKGeoJsonObject
[NullAllowed, Export ("identifier")]
string Identifier { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("properties")]
NSData Properties { get; }
[Export ("geometry")]
IMKGeoJsonObject[] Geometry { get; }
[TV (13,0), NoWatch, Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface MKMapCameraZoomRange : NSSecureCoding, NSCopying
[Export ("initWithMinCenterCoordinateDistance:maxCenterCoordinateDistance:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (double minDistance, double maxDistance);
[Export ("initWithMinCenterCoordinateDistance:")]
IntPtr InitWithMinCenterCoordinateDistance (double minDistance);
[Export ("initWithMaxCenterCoordinateDistance:")]
IntPtr InitWithMaxCenterCoordinateDistance (double maxDistance);
[Export ("minCenterCoordinateDistance")]
double MinCenterCoordinateDistance { get; }
[Export ("maxCenterCoordinateDistance")]
double MaxCenterCoordinateDistance { get; }
[Field ("MKMapCameraZoomDefault")]
double ZoomDefault { get; }
[TV (13,0), NoWatch, Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface MKMapCameraBoundary : NSSecureCoding, NSCopying
[Export ("initWithMapRect:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (MKMapRect mapRect);
[Export ("initWithCoordinateRegion:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (MKCoordinateRegion region);
[Export ("mapRect")]
MKMapRect MapRect { get; }
[Export ("region")]
MKCoordinateRegion Region { get; }
[TV (13,0), NoWatch, Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[BaseType (typeof(MKShape))]
interface MKMultiPolygon : MKOverlay, MKGeoJsonObject
[Export ("initWithPolygons:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (MKPolygon[] polygons);
[Export ("polygons", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
MKPolygon[] Polygons { get; }
[TV (13,0), NoWatch, Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[BaseType (typeof(MKOverlayPathRenderer))]
interface MKMultiPolygonRenderer
[Export ("initWithMultiPolygon:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (MKMultiPolygon multiPolygon);
[Export ("multiPolygon")]
MKMultiPolygon MultiPolygon { get; }
[TV (13,0), NoWatch, Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[BaseType (typeof(MKShape))]
interface MKMultiPolyline : MKOverlay, MKGeoJsonObject
[Export ("initWithPolylines:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (MKPolyline[] polylines);
[Export ("polylines", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
MKPolyline[] Polylines { get; }
[TV (13,0), NoWatch, Mac (10,15), iOS (13,0)]
[BaseType (typeof(MKOverlayPathRenderer))]
interface MKMultiPolylineRenderer
[Export ("initWithMultiPolyline:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (MKMultiPolyline multiPolyline);
[Export ("multiPolyline")]
MKMultiPolyline MultiPolyline { get; }
[TV (14, 0), NoWatch, Mac (11, 0), iOS (14, 0)]
[BaseType (typeof (MKAnnotationView))]
interface MKUserLocationView {
[Export ("initWithAnnotation:reuseIdentifier:")]
NativeHandle Constructor ([NullAllowed] IMKAnnotation annotation, [NullAllowed] string reuseIdentifier);
[Export ("initWithFrame:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (CGRect frame);
[TV (14, 0), NoWatch, Mac (11, 0), iOS (14, 0)]
[MacCatalyst (14,0)]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface MKLocalPointsOfInterestRequest : NSCopying
[Field ("MKPointsOfInterestRequestMaxRadius")]
double RequestMaxRadius { get; }
[Export ("initWithCenterCoordinate:radius:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (CLLocationCoordinate2D centerCoordinate, double radius);
[Export ("initWithCoordinateRegion:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (MKCoordinateRegion region);
[Export ("coordinate")]
CLLocationCoordinate2D Coordinate { get; }
[Export ("radius")]
double Radius { get; }
[Export ("region")]
MKCoordinateRegion Region { get; }
[NullAllowed, Export ("pointOfInterestFilter", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
MKPointOfInterestFilter PointOfInterestFilter { get; set; }
[Introduced (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 14, 0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (11, 0)]
[BaseType (typeof (UIView))]
interface MKPitchControl
[Export ("initWithFrame:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (CGRect frameRect);
[Export ("pitchControlWithMapView:")]
MKPitchControl Create ([NullAllowed] MKMapView mapView);
[NullAllowed, Export ("mapView", ArgumentSemantic.Weak)]
MKMapView MapView { get; set; }
[Introduced (PlatformName.MacCatalyst, 14, 0)]
[NoWatch, NoTV, NoiOS, Mac (11, 0)]
[BaseType (typeof (UIView))]
interface MKZoomControl
[Export ("initWithFrame:")]
NativeHandle Constructor (CGRect frameRect);
[Export ("zoomControlWithMapView:")]
MKZoomControl Create ([NullAllowed] MKMapView mapView);
[NullAllowed, Export ("mapView", ArgumentSemantic.Weak)]
MKMapView MapView { get; set; }