
297 строки
9.3 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter;
using Mono.Options;
using Mono.Unix;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using Mono.Cecil.Pdb;
using InstallSources;
public class ListSourceFiles {
static bool ParseBool (string value)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (value))
return false;
switch (value.ToLowerInvariant ()) {
case "1":
case "true":
case "yes":
return true;
case "0":
case "false":
case "no":
return false;
return bool.Parse (value);
public static string FixPathEnding(string path)
if (!path.EndsWith (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString (), StringComparison.Ordinal))
return path + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
return path;
// returns a tuple with the pdb files as the first value and the mdb files as the second
public static Tuple <HashSet<String>, HashSet<String>> GetSplittedPaths (List<string> paths)
var splittedPaths = new Tuple<HashSet<String>, HashSet<String>> (new HashSet<string> (), new HashSet<string> ());
foreach (var p in paths) {
if (p.EndsWith (".pdb", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
splittedPaths.Item1.Add (p);
if (p.EndsWith (".mdb", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
splittedPaths.Item2.Add (p);
return splittedPaths;
// returns the source paths used to create an assembly that has an mdb file
public static HashSet<String> GetFilePathsFromMdb (string mdb_file)
var srcs = new HashSet<String> ();
MonoSymbolFile symfile;
try {
symfile = MonoSymbolFile.ReadSymbolFile(mdb_file);
srcs.UnionWith (from src in symfile.Sources select src.FileName);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
Console.WriteLine("IO error while reading msb file '{0}': {1}", mdb_file, ioe.Message);
return srcs;
// returns the source paths used to create an assembly that has a pdb file
public static HashSet<String> GetFilePathsFromPdb (string pdbFile)
var pdb = Path.ChangeExtension (pdbFile, ".dll");
var result = new HashSet<String> (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
if (!File.Exists (pdbFile))
return result;
var assemblyResolver = new DefaultAssemblyResolver ();
var assemblyLocation = Path.GetDirectoryName (pdb);
assemblyResolver.AddSearchDirectory (assemblyLocation);
var readerParameters = new ReaderParameters { AssemblyResolver = assemblyResolver };
var writerParameters = new WriterParameters ();
var symbolReaderProvider = new PortablePdbReaderProvider ();
readerParameters.SymbolReaderProvider = symbolReaderProvider;
readerParameters.ReadSymbols = true;
var assemblyDefinition = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly (pdb, readerParameters);
var mainModule = assemblyDefinition.MainModule;
foreach (var type in mainModule.Types) {
foreach (var method in type.Methods) {
if (method.DebugInformation.SequencePoints.Any ()) {
var sequence_point = method.DebugInformation.SequencePoints[0];
var document = sequence_point.Document;
result.Add (document.Url);
return result;
public static int Main (string[] arguments)
bool link = false;
string monopath = null;
string opentkpath = null;
string xamarinpath = null;
string installDir = null;
string destinationDir = null;
bool verbose = false;
var os = new OptionSet () {
{ "link:", "If source files should be linked instead of copied. Makes the install process faster, and if you edit files when stopped in a debugger, you'll edit the right file (and not a copy).", v => link = ParseBool (v) },
{ "mono-path=", "The path of the mono checkout.", v => monopath = v },
{ "opentk-path=", "The path of the opentk checkout.", v => opentkpath = v},
{ "xamarin-path=", "The path of the xamarin source.", v => xamarinpath = v },
{ "install-dir=", "The directory to install into. The files will be put into a src subdirectory of this directory.", v => installDir = v },
{ "destination-dir=", "The path to the directory used for the -pathmap at build time.", v => destinationDir = v},
{ "v|verbose", "Enable verbose output", v => verbose = true },
var paths = os.Parse (arguments);
var files = GetSplittedPaths (paths);
var srcs = new HashSet<string> (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
monopath = FixPathEnding (monopath);
xamarinpath = FixPathEnding (xamarinpath);
opentkpath = FixPathEnding (opentkpath);
var manglerFactory = new PathManglerFactory {
Verbose = verbose,
InstallDir = installDir,
DestinationDir = destinationDir,
MonoSourcePath = monopath,
XamarinSourcePath = xamarinpath,
FrameworkPath = (installDir.Contains ("Xamarin.iOS.framework")) ? "Xamarin.iOS.framework" : "Xamarin.Mac.framework",
OpenTKSourcePath = opentkpath,
// add the paths from the pdb files
foreach (string pdbFile in files.Item1) {
if (!File.Exists (pdbFile)) {
Console.WriteLine ("File does not exist: {0}", pdbFile);
try {
var assemblySrcs = GetFilePathsFromPdb(pdbFile);
if (verbose) {
Console.WriteLine("Pdb file sources are:");
foreach (var p in srcs)
} catch (Exception) {
Console.WriteLine ("Error processing: {0}", pdbFile);
// add the paths from the mdb files
foreach (string mdbFile in files.Item2) {
if (!File.Exists (mdbFile)) {
Console.WriteLine ("File does not exist: {0}", mdbFile);
try {
var assemblySrcs = GetFilePathsFromMdb (mdbFile);
if (verbose) {
Console.WriteLine("Mdb file sources are:");
foreach (var p in srcs)
srcs.UnionWith (assemblySrcs);
} catch (Exception) {
Console.WriteLine ("Error processing: {0}", mdbFile);
if (verbose) {
Console.WriteLine ("Build paths are:");
Console.WriteLine ($"\tMono path:{monopath}");
Console.WriteLine ($"\tXamarin path:{xamarinpath}");
Console.WriteLine ($"\tOpenTk path:{opentkpath}");
Console.WriteLine ($"\tDestination path:{destinationDir}");
var alreadyLinked = new List<string> ();
foreach (var src in srcs) {
var mangler = manglerFactory.GetMangler (src);
if (mangler == null) { // we are ignoring this file
if (verbose)
Console.WriteLine ($"Ignoring path {src}");
if (verbose)
Console.WriteLine ($"Original source is {src}");
var fixedSource = mangler.GetSourcePath (src);
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (fixedSource)) {
Console.WriteLine ($"Skip path {src}");
var target = mangler.GetTargetPath (fixedSource);
if (verbose) {
Console.WriteLine ($"Fixed source {fixedSource}");
Console.WriteLine ($"Target path {target}");
var targetDir = Path.GetDirectoryName (target);
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (targetDir)) {
if (verbose)
Console.WriteLine ($"Got empty dir for {target}");
if (verbose)
Console.WriteLine ($"Target direcotry is {targetDir}");
if (!Directory.Exists (targetDir)) {
try {
if (verbose)
Console.WriteLine ($"Creating dir {targetDir}");
} catch (PathTooLongException e) {
Console.WriteLine("Could not create directory {0} because the path is too long: {1}", targetDir, e);
return 1;
} else if (File.Exists (target)) {
try {
} catch (PathTooLongException e) {
Console.WriteLine("Could not delete file {0} because the path is too long: {1}", target, e);
return 1;
} // else
if (link) {
if (verbose)
Console.WriteLine ("ln -s {0} {1}", fixedSource, target);
try {
if (!alreadyLinked.Contains (fixedSource)) {
new UnixFileInfo (fixedSource).CreateSymbolicLink (target);
} else {
Console.WriteLine ("Src {0} was already linked.", src);
} catch (PathTooLongException e) {
Console.WriteLine("Could not link {0} to {1} because the path is too long: {2}", fixedSource, target, e);
return 1;
} catch (UnixIOException e) {
Console.WriteLine("Could not link {0} to {1}: {2}", src, target, e);
return 1;
} // try/catch
} else {
if (verbose) {
Console.WriteLine ("cp {0} {1}", fixedSource, target);
try {
File.Copy (fixedSource, target);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
Console.WriteLine ("The file {0} could not be copied to {1} because the file does not exists: {2}", fixedSource, target, e);
Console.WriteLine ("Debugging info:");
Console.WriteLine ("\tSource is {0}", src);
Console.WriteLine ("\tFixed source is {0}", fixedSource);
Console.WriteLine ("\tPath mangler type is {0}", mangler.GetType ().Name);
} catch (DirectoryNotFoundException e) {
Console.WriteLine ("The file {0} could not be copied to {1} because the dir does not exists: {2}", fixedSource, target, e);
Console.WriteLine ("Debugging info:");
Console.WriteLine ("\tSource is {0}", src);
Console.WriteLine ("\tFixed source is {0}", fixedSource);
Console.WriteLine ("\tPath mangler type is {0}", mangler.GetType ().Name);
} catch (PathTooLongException e) {
Console.WriteLine ("The file {0} could not be copied to {1} because the file path is too long: {2}", fixedSource, target, e);
return 1;
} // else
} // foreach
return 0;