
112 строки
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// Copyright 2012-2013 Xamarin Inc. All rights reserved.
//#define DEBUG
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using Mono.Linker;
using Mono.Linker.Steps;
using Mono.Tuner;
using Xamarin.Linker;
using Xamarin.Tuner;
namespace MonoMac.Tuner {
public class MonoMacNamespaces : IStep {
public void Process (LinkContext context)
var profile = (Profile.Current as BaseProfile);
AssemblyDefinition assembly;
if (!context.TryGetLinkedAssembly (profile.ProductAssembly, out assembly))
HashSet<string> namespaces = new HashSet<string> ();
foreach (TypeDefinition type in assembly.MainModule.Types) {
namespaces.Add (type.Namespace);
// Compute our map
// there can be multiple namespaces for the same library
var frameworks = Frameworks.GetFrameworks (((DerivedLinkContext) context).App.Platform, false);
var map = new Dictionary<string, List<string>> ();
foreach (var fw in frameworks.Values) {
if (!map.TryGetValue (fw.LibraryPath, out var list))
map [fw.LibraryPath] = list = new List<string> ();
list.Add (fw.Namespace);
// clean NSObject from loading them
var nsobject = assembly.MainModule.GetType (Namespaces.Foundation + ".NSObject");
var nsobject_cctor = nsobject.GetTypeConstructor ();
var instructions = nsobject_cctor.Body.Instructions;
for (int i = 0; i < instructions.Count; i++) {
Instruction ins = instructions [i];
if (ins.OpCode.Code != Code.Ldstr)
// To be safe we only remove the ones we know about *and*
// only when we know the namespace is not being used by the app
// Based on the list from xamcore/src/Foundation/NSObjectMac.cs
bool remove_dlopen = false;
if (map.TryGetValue (ins.Operand as string, out var targetNamespaces)) {
remove_dlopen = !targetNamespaces.Any (v => namespaces.Contains (v));
else {
string libname = ins.Operand as string;
if (libname.StartsWith ("/", StringComparison.Ordinal))
Console.WriteLine ("Unprocessed library / namespace {0}", libname);
if (remove_dlopen) {
FieldDefinition f = Nop (ins);
if (f != null) {
i += 3;
nsobject.Fields.Remove (f);
FieldDefinition Nop (Instruction ins)
if (ins.OpCode.Code != Code.Ldstr)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Expected Ldstr");
// ldstr
ins.OpCode = OpCodes.Nop;
ins = ins.Next;
if (ins.OpCode.Code != Code.Ldc_I4_1)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Expected Ldc_I4_1");
// ldc.i4.1
ins.OpCode = OpCodes.Nop;
ins = ins.Next;
if (ins.OpCode.Code != Code.Call)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Expected Call");
// call Dlfcn::dlopen (string, int)
ins.OpCode = OpCodes.Nop;
ins = ins.Next;
if (ins.OpCode.Code != Code.Stsfld)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Expected Stsfld");
// sfsfld
ins.OpCode = OpCodes.Nop;
return ins.Operand as FieldDefinition;